Korean Community Wellness Society Inc

뉴질랜드 한인사회의 웰빙을 위해 함께합니다!

KCWS is a registered incorporated society, which promotes the wellbeing of the Korean people in Aotearoa New Zealand, and acts in a bridging role between the Korean and NZ communities.

Video: Serving on Public Sector Boards and Committees | Ministry for Ethnic Communities 03/08/2023



한인을 포함한 아시안들이 정부와 공공기관 이사진에 들어가는 것이 쉽지만은 않지만 이 나라를 위해서 또 한인사회와 같은 소수민족 사회들을 위해서도 참 중요한 일이기도 합니다. 관련 되어 좋은 자료들이 있어 나눕니다. 바라기로는 많은 한인들이 이런 이사직에 임명 되어서 많은 정부와 공공기관에서 정책 수립과 운영에 선한 영향력을 미칠 수 있기를 기대합니다.

Video: Serving on Public Sector Boards and Committees | Ministry for Ethnic Communities Watch the Serving on Public Sector Boards and Committees session from the Ministry for Ethnic Communities Ethnic Advantage Conference in Auckland. The Ministry’s Talent & Governance Lead Liz Chin, Institute of Directors Chartered Director Ming-chun Wu and Tiaki Capital Director Kenneth Leong discu...

정신 건강 01/08/2023


정신 건강 Find out what mental health services are available in Aotearoa New Zealand.

어린이 건강 01/08/2023


어린이 건강 Find out what health services and immunisations are available for children in Aotearoa New Zealand.

예방 접종 01/08/2023


예방 접종 Find out what immunisations are available for you and your family.

항바이러스제 01/08/2023


항바이러스제 Watch to learn if you're eligible for COVID-19 anti-viral medicines in Aotearoa New Zealand.

청소년 건강 01/08/2023


청소년 건강 Find out what health services are available for our Youth in Aotearoa New Zealand.

여성 건강 01/08/2023


여성 건강 Learn about health services that are available for women in Aotearoa New Zealand.

남성 건강 01/08/2023


남성 건강 Learn about the health services that are available for men in Aotearoa New Zealand.

지금까지의 Covid-19 대응 조치와 교훈 01/08/2023


지금까지의 Covid-19 대응 조치와 교훈 Watch to learn about how the Ministry for Ethnic Communities and Ministry of Health partnered together during Covid-19 to protect our communities. This is th...

Photos from Ministry for Ethnic Communities's post 12/04/2023
State of National Emergency Declared 13/02/2023

State of National Emergency Declared The New Zealand Government has this morning declared a National State of Emergency, to assist in the response to Cyclone Gabrielle.

In a disaster will you be ready? Have a prep talk. 11/02/2023

태풍 가브리엘이 내일 뉴질랜드에 상륙할 것으로 예측 되고 있습니다. 태풍이 지나갈 경로에 대한 예측은 계속 조금씩 바뀌고 있지만 노스랜드 지역은 내일, 오클랜드 지역은 월요일과 화요일이 태풍의 직접적인 영향권에 들어갈 예정이라 오늘 내일 단단히 대비를 해야 할 것 같습니다.

이번에는 강우량 만큼이나 강한 바람으로 인한 피해가 예상 되는 만큼 집 주위에 날아갈 물건은 없는지 잘 살펴보셔야 할 것 같습니다. 그리고 만약에 대비해 가족간에 그리고 이웃간에 서로 어떻게 챙기고 돌볼 것인지 대화를 나누어야 하겠네요.

뉴질랜드다운 유머러스한 이 영상을 보며 아이들과 또 이웃들과 대화하며 잘 대비해서 한인 사회를 포함한 뉴질랜드 전체에 큰 인명이나 재산 피해 없이 이 시간이 잘 지나가기를 기대해 봅니다!

In a disaster will you be ready? Have a prep talk. Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and often without warning. It is important to make emergency plans so you know what to do when an emergency happens...

Photos from Korean Community Wellness Society Inc's post 11/02/2023

지난 폭우와 홍수로 피해를 입은 분들이 많이 계시죠? 😭

수해 복구가 아직 한참인데 이번에는 태풍 소식이네요. 😢

더 큰 피해가 없기를 바라면서 오클랜드 민방위 비상관리본부에서 발간한 자료를 공유합니다.

그리고 지역 및 중앙 정부 뿐만 아니라 수해 관련 불편함 그리고 복구 대책 등에 있어서 정부에 바라시는 것들이 있으시다면 저희가 해결해 드릴 수는 없어도 (죄송합니다. 😓 ) 열심히 한인 사회의 목소리를 전달하려 합니다. 관련 내용은 댓글로 남겨 주시기를 부탁 드립니다.

Photos from Korean Community Wellness Society Inc's post 25/01/2023

TANI (The Asian Network Incorporated) 발간하는 커뮤니티 건강정보지를 나눕니다! 모두 건강하고 행복한 2023년 한해 되세요!


[구인 광고]
*Age Concern에서 보내온 구인 광고를 나눕니다*

Age Concern Korean Community Connector

(20H or 30Hweekly negotiable)

We're looking for someone who is passionate about helping others and knows the Korean community in NZ well.

You'll be coordinating our Age Concern Auckland work including:

+Our well-established Visiting Service

+Our Health Promotion Workshop Service (Tech for Seniors)

+Connection Service includes social media, mobility card, and relevant services

We're looking for someone with:

+experience in working with older people and an understanding of their concerns+honesty, reliability, and resilience

+excellent communication and relationship-building skills

+experience of working with volunteers+experience organizing group activities

+an ability to work independently and as part of a team

+a full clean driver's license

If that sounds like you please send your CV to [email protected]


백신 맞으시고 바우처 받아가세요~


알코올로 인해 생기는 많은 사회, 경제, 보건적 악영향을 줄이기 위해 주류 판매 및 공급법 개정안이 발의 되어 있습니다. 이 법안의 통과를 위한 청원을 진행중입니다.

참여를 원하시는 분들은 이 링크를 참고해 주세요~


We support higher standards on alcohol to help our communities thrive, be healthier, and live in safer environments, which is why we support the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Amendment Bill.

Have you signed the petition yet to show your support? If not, check it out here https://our.actionstation.org.nz/petitions/reduce-alcohol-harm-pass-the-bill before it closes on Tuesday.

If enough MPs vote for it, we get the chance to have our say through submissions. But it needs to get there first – please consider signing to show our MPs we are supporting them to be brave in considering stronger protections for communities.


이번 주 토요일 (7월30일) 성폭력 예방 워크샵 등록이 아직 진행 중입니다. 보건복지 분야 종사자 혹은 관력학과 학생들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

KCWS 회원분들과 같은 한인 프로페셔널들을 위해 따로 마련된 무료 워크샵으로 영어로 진행됩니다.

등록은 [email protected] 으로 해 주세요!


[구인 광고] - Age Concern (0.5FTE Korean Community Connector)

자세한 내용은 아래를 참고해 주시고 관심있으신 분은 [email protected] 이나 [email protected] 로 CV를 보내시면 됩니다! :)


Fix term Part time, 20 hours/week, Korean community connector

Age concern Auckland Asian service team

Reports To

Asian Services Manager

Service Team

Asian Services Team

Direct Reports

Asian Services Manager

Primary Location

57 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland and/or Cambria Park Homestead, 250 Puhinui Road, Papatoetoe

Indirect Reports


Key Purpose of Role / Primary Objectives

Communicate and work towards Age Concern Auckland’s vision of “Older people live a valued life in an inclusive society”.
Further the aims and objectives of Age Concern Auckland in promoting wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people.
Promote the awareness of Age Concern Auckland’s services with the principle objectives of mitigating the detrimental impacts of loneliness and isolation, reducing the incidence of abuse and neglect, and promoting positive ageing.
Support the effective development and implementation of culturally appropriate services, whilst monitoring standards and service delivery.
Take a key role in the planning, development and implementation of service delivery improvements to meet changing needs.
Provide professional advice and support to staff, volunteers and external stakeholders.

• Provide educational and promotional material to supplement service delivery and community development

• Maintain the Asian (Korean) Accredited Visiting Service or other volunteer support services to prevent social isolation and enhance community support network.

• Work collegially with the other staff to receive, assess and refer cases of need to ensure appropriate support is provided.

• Acting as a facilitator between clients in need and community services

• Work within applicable contract practice guidelines and policies.

• Gain, record and file formal client consent.

• Provide information and resources for health, welfare, recreation, housing, employment and other community services.

• Complete a pre- and post- evaluation tool to measure the difference our service makes to the client.

• Work with the Steering Group to ensure support is provided in a multi-disciplinary team manner when appropriate.

• Plan and deliver, in conjunction with relevant colleagues, awareness raising activities throughout Auckland.

• Plan and implement research projects to address the needs of Asian communities and to give advice to organisation goals and social policy in order to improve services and develop new services.

• Working with the other ACAK staff, and other community organisations, to ensure relevant information is available to share with clients to enhance their safety and quality of life.

• Liaising with others in the community to ensure there is a multi-disciplinary collaborative approach to providing needed support and services to older people in regard to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect

• Establishing, developing and maintaining links with businesses such as banks, financial services, and budget agencies to provide information and training around the prevention of financial abuse in particular.

• Establish and maintain working relationships and networks with local and culturally specific services and specialists in the health, social services, financial and legal sectors relevant to the Asian Community.

The Asian (Korean) Services Community Connector will have a working relationship with:

Age Concern Auckland Asian Services staffs
A network of professionals and community-based service providers who work directly with the clients and community groups to provide appropriate services and support.
A wide variety of representatives from community and consumer organizations who have an interest in the well-being of older Asian (Korean) people and can provide advice from time to time.
Community organisations and the general public throughout Auckland.
The broader staff of the organization and peers within the wider Age Concern family


· At least 2 years work experience in relevant work in community or health sector.

· Experience in running support groups and deliver health talks.

· Good experience of working with older people and people with cognitive impairment.

· Experience of working with the Asian Community.

· Experience of leading a team and/or undertaking caseload and workload reviews.

· Experience working in a not-for-profit or community sector

· Experience working with people from different backgrounds in a community setting.

· At least 3 years report writing experience – plans, reports, narratives, statistics.

Computer Skills

Experienced user of Microsoft office suite (excel, word, outlook, powerpoint)
Able to use different form of social media, such as Kakao Talk, Whatsapp, Facebook, Zoom and YouTube to post information or deliver talks to wider communities.

Photos from Korean Community Wellness Society Inc's post 21/07/2022

18세 이상의 영주권 혹은 시민권자 소지자 중 요양원이나 병원을 포함한 뉴질랜드 보건 시스템 안에서 자원봉사나 일을 하고 계신분들을 위한 무료 코스들이 있어 (Level 2 Health & Wellbeing, Level 3 Healthcare Assistance, Level 4 Mental Health & Addiction Support) 여기 소개합니다.

615 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Age Concern Auckland - Korean #WEAAD 21/06/2022

6월15일 세계 노인학대 인식의 날을 맞아 제작된 영상을 공유합니다.

615 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Age Concern Auckland - Korean #WEAAD World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Age Concern Auckland - Korean

Photos from Korean Community Wellness Society Inc's post 08/06/2022
Photos from Korean Community Wellness Society Inc's post 26/05/2022

WDHB에서 제작한 임신과 산후기간의 정서적 건강 관리에 대한 한국어 브로셔를 나눕니다. ^.^


Shama라는 단체에서 주최하는 온라인 미팅 광고를 나눕니다. 코로나19가 뉴질랜드내 소수민족에게 미친 영향에 대해 나누는 자리입니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고해 주세요~ ^^

2022 FOCUS ON COVID EFFECTS - New normal and ongoing long-term effects of Covid In ethnic communities

9:30 - 9:40: Opening
9:40 - 10:10: Covid for me is .... by Ingrid Wang
10:10 - 10:30: Group Discussion
10:30 - 10:45: Feedback session
10:45 - 10:50: Make yourself a cup of tea
10:50 - 11:20: Covid and anxious moment in life - by Rachana Rizal
11:20 - 11:40: Group Discussion
11:40 - 11:55: Feedback session
11:55 - 12: Closing

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 7851 8568
Passcode: 046012

Photos from Korean Community Wellness Society Inc's post 12/05/2022

오클랜드 대학 산하 기관인 Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research and Evaluation (CAHRE) 에서 2022년9월2일 아시안 및 소수 민족 건강을 주제로 하는 Beyond the Healthy Migrant Effect: Asian and Ethnic Minority Health in Aotearoa 심포지움을 개최한다고 합니다.

이에 심포지엄 관련 초록접수 안내 포스터를 공유합니다!

바라기로는 뉴질랜드에 있는 많은 한인 보건복지 종사자, 연구자, 그리고 학생분들이 이끌어온 활발한 연구들이 이 자리를 통해 널리 나누어지기를 바랍니다. 많은 참여 기대합니다!

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대략 7시간 후면 오클랜드의 방역 레벨이 3으로 하향 조정됩니다. 방역 레벨이 3으로 낮춰져도 예외적인 경우를 제외하고는 최대한 지금의 버블을 지키는게 델타 변이의 지역 감염을 막는데 매우 중요합니다. 오랜 락다운에...
레벨4 락다운 기간~!델타 변이의 지역 감염 전파를 억제하기 위해 집에서 머물며 방역에 동참하고 있는 우리 한인분들 모두를 응원합니다! 👏👏👏코로나19가 만들어낸 새로운 '일상'이 되어버린 락다운 기간 동안에 정주행...
레벨4 락다운 기간~!델타 변이의 지역 감염 전파를 억제하기 위해 집에서 머물며 방역에 동참하고 있는 우리 한인분들 모두를 응원합니다! 👏👏👏이번 주말 가족과 함께... 혹은 나만을 위한... 맛난 요리 시간 어떠세...





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