
Workplace Wellbeing Workshops, 1:1 coaching, Professional Supervision


This week is Women's Health week!

Let's be honest, we are often really great at putting our kids health first, our partners, our friends, but not so great at focusing on ourselves.

I really believe it's time to turn the tide on this - time to value ourselves, be proactive, put ourselves first occasionally and be much better citizens because of it!

As someone who has experienced PND I am really interested in the role of hormones on our mental health. I offer support to women with PND/anxiety and perimenopause/menopause. Get in touch to find out more!


Get your team together and secure one of the final spots for our Wellbeing Breakfast on 21st August!

No cost, fantastic food, fantastic venue.

A fantastic way to set your team up prior to the end of year rush.

I love hearing the amazing behavioural changes that teams implement after facilitation of wellbeing workshops. This is a great example from the Wilsons team:

"Really good refresher! It was suggested we get out for a walk during breaks. Now, we walk 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes, which is great for fresh air and clearing the head!"

Email [email protected] today for more info!


So excited to have Paula onboard, this is her first week but already I can see how it is going to be life changing ;)!

Looking forward to being able to reduce my admin load and do more of what I love - connecting with people!


"Relationships are Key"

*This week I have been reflecting on the importance of building and maintaining good relationships.

*Research shows that clients are more likely to take their meds when they have a positive relationship with the prescribing doctor.

*Students have better academic outcomes when they perceive a positive relationship with their teachers.

*Therapeutic alliance is one of the biggest factors determining successful therapy outcomes.

What builds a good relationship? The basics. Care, compassion, kindness, rapport, a genuine interest, listening, warmth, boundaries.

What are you doing to look after yourself so that you can deliver these basics in your relationships?

Photos from Workitwell's post 25/06/2024

Loved my mahi last week with the fantastic Year 11 cohort at Cromwell College. Business Sponsorship very kindly funded x3 workshops for all Year 11 students supporting coping strategies for assessment/study stress.

* We covered some neuroscience basics - being stuck in a heightened stress response makes it hard for us to think, learn and remember! Our rangatahi are so curious and love to hear about serotonin, dopamine and melatonin and how they impact function.

* We chatted about our own warning signs of stress and how these present differently for everyone.

* Te Whare Tapa Wha is well embedded currently in the health curriculum. This was a great framework to use as a refresher outlining the importance of holistic wellbeing, making sure we are taking time for ourselves, restoring and recharging, connecting with others and nourishing our souls.

* I loved talking more about "healthy thinking" - there is a huge amount of rhetoric in the world about "thinking positive" - it was great to remind everyone about our negativity bias as humans and that negative/sad/frustrated thoughts are normal too.

* We also had a korero about effort and intelligence. "Your best is always good enough" is my mantra. Perfection is impossible.

* We also pulled out some old school Occupational Therapy - The Three P's - prioritising, planning and pacing and pulled this into a visual weekly schedule. The College are now adapting this and using it weekly within their study skills sessions - such amazing transference of workshop skills - love it!

* Lastly - a bit of fun with some chicken dog toys for a quiz! Apologies to any classrooms next door ;)


I often get asked " Do you do one on one sessions as well as groups?"

Yes! I love supporting individuals of all ages with life's challenges. My focus is always practical, compassionate and based on the latest evidence available.

Please PM me using the tab below if you need support with any of these things!


Workitwell and Cromwell Community House are seeking registrations for our next awesome Highlands Tradie breakfast!

At our last breakfast ALL participants stated they would recommend it to other tradies 😀

Fully sponsored by ITM - thank you!

We are targeting sole traders and small businesses operating in Trades in Cromwell.

12th June 7:30-9:00 at Highlands.

Registrations essential - [email protected] or [email protected]

Come and be part of this fantastic opportunity to learn how to look after yourself and your mates.

Please share!


Lots of things in this article made me proud. Proud of my own wee family of farmers who battle away amongst bloody tough times. Proud of myself for battling through PND. Proud for stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something different, paving a new way with OT private practice.

But what made me most proud?

Seeing the words "Occupational Therapist". We can sometimes feel less visible as a profession, particularly in the wellbeing/mental health space that is largely dominated by counselling and psychology in NZ.

But, as Occupational Therapists we can offer so much.

👍We know how to build empathy and compassion quickly, enhancing connection
👍We are trained to understand group processes, we know what good facilitation looks like
👍We are occupational/ "doing" therapists - we help develop practical, relatable skills for living, leaving out all the 'fluff'. We do real.
👍We are trained to look at all areas of a persons life - what is important, people in your life, sense of community, your soul food, your physical, emotional and cognitive life

It was an honour to use skills from my own journey and my solid professional grounding to bring these events to our local community :)

Health and Wellness Expo 28/04/2024

Workitwell will be at this community expo in Cromwell next Friday night!
Come along, have a chat and take home some great resources to manage your wellbeing into the Winter!

Health and Wellness Expo Fri May 10 2024 at 06:00 pm, An evening for you to get to know your local health and wellness providers in a relaxed setting. The perfect chance to ask questions, learn tips and tricks, as well as having a go at the demonstrations on offer. Prepare yourself for the winter months ah

Photos from Otago Rural Support Trust's post 21/04/2024

It was a privilege to be part of this event facilitated by the Otago Rural Support Trust.

It can be challenging to share your own story, it requires vulnerability, courage and sitting with the idea that you have no control over how the message may be received. It also means you need to be brave enough to step back into a time that was deeply painful.

Although receiving this PM afterwards made it all completely worth it.

"I was at the rural tour last night, and just wanted to say what an amazing night and you are a great inspiration. Thank you for being there and sharing your knowledge".

As with any event, I also love the words of wisdom that others share.
These were my gems from the night:

"We are only visitors on this Earth"
"Are you living a life that enables you to cultivate regular memorable moments?"

Such great reminders, to live our lives with purpose and intent.

Workitwell would love your feedback 12/04/2024

If you, or anyone you know has had a positive experience with Workitwell,
I would love you to post a review on Google My Business! Thanks :)

Workitwell would love your feedback Post a review to our profile on Google

Photos from Cromwell Community House's post 10/04/2024

It was a bit of a mission bringing this workshop together yesterday to be honest!! We still have some work to do, in our rural communities, reducing stigma and starting more open conversations.

But, our crew yesterday that showed up were fantastic.
*Sharing knowledge about the fight/flight/freeze response
*Young guys discussing how they talk to their mates at the pub about stress and check in on them
* Great ideas such as using a check list at the end of the day to record worries AND identify what is within your control/what isn't
*Starting the week with a "Toolbox" meeting and sharing wins
*Recognising seasonal stress and how "being on the treadmill" contributes to burnout

Thanks so much to everyone that showed up! You can now be the agents for change in your workplaces :)

Huge thank you again to Karen and the team at Community House. Your ongoing support is so appreciated.
Elle Perriam, Anesha and the team at Rural Change for your very generous sponsorship and marketing support.
And as always, Highlands, where nothing is EVER a problem!

Back to our Tradie teams in May and sole traders/smaller teams in June!


Farmers, partners and your team - Register now for the last of the spots for our wellbeing breakfast at Highlands next week!!


Not long now until this great event in Omakau! :)
Rural Support Trust have done a fantastic job acknowledging the challenges in our local rural sector, bringing this event together to support, educate and inspire. Grab your tickets now!

It is our pleasure to introduce our guest panelists for the Timeout Tour Wellbeing Panel! Learn all about them below 👇

Jack C***s is an Otago high country sheep and beef farmer and a Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme alumni who will be talking about how ‘Resilient Farmers Thrive in the Face of Adversity’.

Tyler Langford is married to Wayne Langford of YOLO Farmer. In 2017 their family went through a dark time with Wayne suffering from depression. They started their YOLO journey which led them down a life philosophy that they could never have envisioned. Tyler is now honoured to be able to share the lessons they learned, in the hope that it will help others.

Lana Van Lierop is an Occupational Therapist and has provided mental health support and coaching for the past five years. She is passionate about seeing people thrive and teaching practical tools to manage stress and support wellbeing. Lana is excited to be part of this event sharing wisdom from her personal and professional experiences.

TV presenter turned local sheep and beef farmer Matt Chisholm will be hosting his NEW Time Out Tour at Matakanui Rugby Clubrooms, Omakau on Tuesday April 9, in his role as Ambassador and Event MC for the Rural Support Trust. Matt signed on as the Trust’s inaugural Ambassador in 2022 and has been on a nationwide tour talking
about mental wellness and resilience. So far, he has visited 30 rural communities and connected with more than 4,500 people, openly sharing his own mental health struggles and personal experiences and how he found a way through.

Nibbles on arrival and supper will be provided, and a cash bar will be available. It's the perfect opportunity to connect with friends, family and neighbours.

Learn more about our speakers and secure your FREE ticket now!

Thanks to our amazing sponsors - ANZ Aotearoa Bayleys Real Estate BDO Datamars Livestock, Fonterra Ministry for Primary Industries OCC - Otago Catchment Community Inc Superior NZ, Almond court Motel, Beef + Lamb New Zealand Central South Island, On Farm Support Otago


Courage "The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery". Thank you to all my constantly courageous clients.

Rural Wellbeing Breakfast 10/03/2024

Local Farmers - Come and Join us at Highlands on April 10th for this fantastic event!!
👍 Take some time off farm to re-set
👍 Fuel up to start your day with a hearty breakfast
👍Catch up with the locals
👍Learn practical ways to manage stress and reduce burn out - you are your farm's biggest asset!

Click the link below to secure your spot - and please share :)

Rural Wellbeing Breakfast Join us for a morning of delicious food, good company, and discussions on how to improve wellbeing in rural communities.


👍Tradies Breakfasts are back in Cromwell in 2024!

A huge thank you to all of the organisations bringing this together, Highlands for your exceptional venue, food, flexibility and service. Te Hau Toka, ITM, Lot 45 and Will to Live - our sponsors.🤩Karen at Community House for your ongoing enthusiasm, dedication and de-briefing, you are fantastic to work with.

I love raising awareness of stress warning signs and helping people develop a toolkit to cope.

Thank you Beggs and B&M joinery for sharing the breakfast with us today!

Next up in April - Rural wellbeing, calling all farmers!
May - Sole traders in construction and smaller businesses. Watch this space for registration info.😃


What a fantastic morning yesterday, re-connecting with the local DOC team and facilitating a "Managing Workplace Stress" Workshop.

The room was full of laughter, fun, discussion and super ideas.

Groups brainstormed workplace improvements using the "5 Ways to wellbeing" as a framework. Love these ideas!

+ Setting boundaries between work and home life - having x2 cell phones
+ Giving more authentic feedback
+ Sharing baking at smoko
+Supplying alternative milks and non-caffeinated options
+Bike challenges
+Increase buddying/mentoring options

Thanks team for being so engaged - look forward to future events!

Wellbeing Wisdom - Summer 2023/24 12/02/2024

Check out Workitwell's Summer Quarterly Newsletter - chocker filled with top tips to get you focused for 2024!

Wellbeing Wisdom - Summer 2023/24 Find your Focus for 2024!


Workitwell is super excited to kick off 2024 by being part of some fantastic community wellbeing initiatives!

As a therapy provider for the Rural Support Trust, I am speaking at this event with Matt Chisholm in April. My brief discussion will include:

*Years of professional and personal experience managing wellbeing
* Practical tips to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm
*Recognising your own warning signs when things are getting tough

As well as an informal panel discussion with Matt later!


Thank you! To all the businesses, groups and individuals I have worked with in 2023, Stratco, DOC, Hunter and Craig, Infinite Energy, Cohesive Construction, Adams Pluming, Cromwell Kahui Ako, Cromwell College to name a few.

Thank you for prioritising your own, and your team's wellbeing.

I am on leave from Friday 22nd December until the 17th Jan.
Please use these contacts if you need more support in the interim. Have a wonderful festive season.

1737 - free counselling 24/7
Mental health foundation website
See your GP
Su***de crisis helpline 0800 543 354
Youthline 0800 376 633

Photos from Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand's post 04/12/2023

So much of the work I do with people is validating their experience as understandable, normal, human.

Absolutely love the innovation with this project lead by The Mental Health Foundation of NZ normalising the experience of mental health struggles in our nation.

* This is the future of change in our mental health sector in NZ.
*Reducing shame, reducing stigma, reducing su***de.
*Stories of hope, truth, support and love.
* We all have "mental health". It's always OK to talk about it.

Get behind this fantastic foundation, choose your price, and share the film far and wide!


Workplace Wellbeing Tip #4
Challenge and Learning!

Insufficient access to learning, challenge and growth keeps us in our comfort zone and can lead to apathy. Ideally we all need an optimum level of challenge that matches our skills and experience. Do you seek out opportunities to challenge yourself? Learn something new? Complete a course and then try out the new learning? Does your Employer know you are bored or seeking a challenge? What steps are you taking to stay current in your chosen field? Boredom is also a risk factor for burnout. Tackle it before it drags you down!


Workplace Wellbeing Tip #3

Stay connected!
When we are stressed and overwhelmed its easy to distance ourselves from others, spend more time scrolling in breaks, avoiding people or shut off our social activities outside of work. Humans are wired for connection. Who could you re-connect with? Do you need to get back to actually chatting to people during breaks? Or planning a lunch date? Consider how a sense of connection across your whole life might improve work satisfaction. Comment below with how you get on!


Lovely feedback from a wee legend Health Improvement Practitioner that I support with professional supervision and clinical guidance:

"Thanks so much for today Lana, you helped me to feel so much better about things. love having supervision with you! "😊
Occupational Therapist/Health Improvement Practitioner


Workplace Wellbeing Tip #2
Give positive feedback!

Research shows that we need 4x as much positive feedback to every piece of negative feedback. Giving feedback rewards everyone with a boost of oxytocin and enhances team culture. What has your colleague done well? Do you celebrate your workplace wins or just give feedback on all the mistakes and things that need to be better? Or do you think it is only a leadership function to give feedback? Feedback on strengths and skills in the workplace is really powerful - at all levels. If this isn't the culture of your workplace - be the person to change it around. Think of one positive comment you can make to anyone this week and do it!


For the month of November, Workitwell is bringing you some simple tips to improve your work satisfaction leading into Christmas! As the year draws to a close, it's not always easy to stay focused, present and productive. It's often a time where people start to experience burn out and are literally hanging out for the Christmas break. Have a go at some of these tips and see if you can make your 2023 ending different :)

Top Tip Number One: "What we focus on Expands"
Where do you want to put your focus and energy? Do you want to stay focused and entangled in the conflict with your colleague or Employer? Do you want to keep focusing on all the boring parts of your job or how busy everything is? What would happen if you shifted your lens and focus just a little bit? What about the good stuff? Sometimes when we focus so much on the negative, we lost sight of what is good. Have a go at moving your lens just a little bit and see if it shifts your perspective.
Comment below with your ideas!


Reflecting on Occupational Therapy Week 2023 - Over 20 years practicing as an OT and I am always proud of what we stand for.
*Working alongside our clients to identify what is important to them - not us
*Providing a practical toolkit to cope with life, not just talking
*Encouraging people to take action towards change, after all its the DOING that matters.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Cromwell?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Tradies - we need you!
Workitwell and Cromwell Community House are seeking registrations for our next awesome Highlands Tradie breakfast!At our...
Farmers, partners and your team - Register now for the last of the spots for our wellbeing breakfast at Highlands next w...
Thank you! To all the businesses, groups and individuals I have worked with in 2023, Stratco, DOC, Hunter and Craig, Inf...
Thank you Connect Cromwell for funding this collaboration with Vanessa at Digitech supporting digital and emotional safe...



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