Dance Subject Association of New Zealand

DSANZ is the representative, advocacy, communication and support body for teachers of dance in EC, primary and secondary settings in Aotearoa.

DSANZ is the representative, advocacy and communication body, committed to supporting teachers of dance and dance education, through the New Zealand Curriculum, in primary and secondary schools throughout Aotearoa. The Dance Subject Association New Zealand (DSANZ) was formed in 2007 to support primary and secondary school dance. Our aim is to provide advocacy, communication, professional learning


FREE Nelson Primary Workshop: Friday 2nd August 9.30am-3pm. Details below!

Year 11-13 23/07/2024

For secondary teachers, this would be a good time of the year to ensure you have the Choose Dance posters displayed on your classroom wall.

We hope you all have a great term full of engaging dance activities.

Ngā mihi

Patrice & Chloe
DSANZ Kaiārahi

Year 11-13 Words for Dance This is a glossary of key dance terms used in Dance education, including words such as motif, sequence, transition, contrast, complementary, counterpoint and more.


Online Scholarship Dance Workshop for teachers and students
Wednesday 3 July from 4.00 - 5.30pm
Please register your interest by contacting [email protected] and let her know how many teachers and students will be attending.


AUCKLAND: Workshop and PL opportunity

Fact finder for arts advocates 05/05/2024

Have you tried the Creative New Zealand Arts fact finder tool? 🧡

Fact finder for arts advocates The evidence tells us that art and creativity are good for us, our whānau and our communities. Use this Fact Finder to discover data and insights about the value of art, culture, creativity and ngā toi Māori. This tool spotlights insights and research from Aotearoa New Zealand and around the wor....

Photos from Dance Subject Association of New Zealand's post 15/04/2024

He aha te mea nui o te Ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata!

Ngā mihi atu e Te Ao, e rōpū whānui a DSANZ for bringing our people together in the mighty Te Arawa, to wānanga, to share, to exchange and to grow in our inspiration for action regarding the development of Mātauranga Māori in our Dance programmes.

To our rangatira, Tiaki Kerei, Taiaroa Royal and local mana whenua Matua Tihini Grant and Waata Cribb - e mihi atu ki a koutou mō tō kōrero me tō awhi o tēnei kaupapa.

To all those who took part this weekend and shared in our growing, we wish you well for your travels home and in applying your new learning in your classrooms with our ākonga.

Grant to attend Subject Association conferences 08/04/2024

With ON THE MOVE just under a week away in the beautiful Rotorua, we are pleased to to confirm just today that the PPTA PLD grant has reopened!

DSANZ members who are PPTA members can now once again access a Subject Association Grants of up to $750 (incl GST). These grants are available to secondary sector kaiako attending this conference/event, to assist with the cost of registration, travel, accommodation, meals and childcare.

Visit the PPTA Learning and Development Centre website for information on the application process:

If you have any queries that are not answered in the website FAQs or the requirements outlined on the claim form, please contact [email protected].

Grant to attend Subject Association conferences The Learning and Development Centre, thanks to the funding support of the Ministry of Education, is pleased to restart the Subject Association Grant of up to $750 (inc GST) to attend a Subject Association run event.

Vale Stephen Bradshaw - Māori Dance Pioneer 26/03/2024

Moe mai rā e te Rangatira… 🧡

Vale Stephen Bradshaw - Māori Dance Pioneer "A gentle, humble and selfless soul" - Tiaki Kerei pays tribute to a man who paved the way for contemporary Māori dance on both the national and global stage.


Kei te tuku o DSANZ ki a koutou i tenei wānanga whakahirahira. Ko tenei kaupapa mō te neke nekehia! Ka timata tātou i tenei wānanga ngā rā 13th ki 15th i te marama o Paengawhāwhā o tenei tau ki Rotorua, ngā pūmanawa e waru o Te Arawa!

DSANZ are delighted to open registrations for our April workshop weekend, ON THE MOVE, to be held in Rotorua over 13th - 15th of April 2024 at the end of Term 1. We are excited to be hosting in Te Arawa where it is considered to be the heart of Māori culture.

ON THE MOVE this year will focus on Mātauranga Māori with our learning enabling all participants to immerse themselves in learning in, about and through tikanga (customs/protocols), mātauranga (Māori knowledge), connections with te taiao (the natural environment), and applications of these in our dance programmes at all levels; with an open call for our colleagues in Te Ao Haka to join us on our journey.

ON THE MOVE will provide space for kaiako across the schooling age range / school pathway and will support and help kaiako navigate contexts within Te Ao Māori and te Mana Ōrite mō te Mātauranga Māori NCEA change area as a whole.

Registrations to ON THE MOVE are FREE for all participants.
Please share this pānui with all the primary, intermediate/middle & secondary school teachers you know from both Dance and Te Ao Haka spaces! Whether you are a specialist dance teacher, kaiako in kura kaupapa Māori or a general classroom teacher, we have workshops and experiences for everyone at ON THE MOVE.

Please find attached all the information you need to know, including the link to the registration form:

We look forward to making the first of our workshop/presenter line-up announcements soon.

Ngā mihi nui,
Te Ao, Cadyne, Kate, and Ryan
ON THE MOVE Sub-committee 2024
(on behalf of DSANZ National Committee)


Ka rite! Get ready…ON THE MOVE is coming with thanks to our host rohe, the mighty Te Arawa, Rotorua! Still completely FREE - FULLY SUBSIDISED professional learning weekend in the most beautiful of settings. All details coming soon on DanceNet! 🧡

Photos from Dance Subject Association of New Zealand's post 21/02/2024

The Discontinuation of DanceNet & ArtsOnline:

Like many teachers across the motu, we were disappointed (among a range of other responses) last week to hear that at a time when forums for support and discussion matter most, the Ministry of Education has decided to discontinue ArtOnline and the vital discussion forum DanceNet. See their communication attached.

Dance is one of many subjects including all Arts subjects and other popular listserves such as SecondaryLiteracy Online losing these channels.

In the six days since many of the executive committee have been in talks with key bodies and our affiliates to find a way forward. It is vital at this time, that your voices are heard! What value do you place on a forum service like DanceNet? How will its loss impact you? Of course we can form hunches about these questions but your voice helps.

Send any and all reflections, comments and responses to the ministry email provided in the letter below AND copy these to either [email protected] or simply comment below. We, of course, are responding too on all members’ behalf and in solidarity with our fellow arts associations at Drama NZ MENZA and Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators.

Your comments and support will help us find the way forward needed at such a crucial time.

Kia kaha!


A series of “just in time” workshops coving all you need to know about the new Level 1 Dance standards….

Dance | NCEA 31/01/2024

Kia ora koutou,
At the end of last year, the Minister of Education requested that the Ministry begin development on a suite of additional resources to support the implementation of NCEA Level 1. This included producing Subject Learning Outcomes for all NCEA Level 1 subjects. DSANZ was contacted on 19th December and was able to assemble a team of dance teachers from our membership to contribute to this important mahi in giving clear direction on the incoming Level 1 standards.

The goal of the new material is to make sure that all kaiako have the support they need to feel confident and prepared to implement the new NCEA Level 1. The resources are now complete, and they will continue to be enhanced as needed, with your feedback. The MOE also intend to expand these resources to cover Levels 2 and 3 in due course.

You can use the SLOs, along with the rest of the Significant Learning Matrix and the assessment-specific material already available on the NCEA website to support you in preparing students for Level 1.
You can find them on the landing page for each subject, along with the learning matrix, a link to the subject association, and the new teacher guides.

For Dance, see links here:

We are also in dialogue with the MOE and NZQA to seek information asap on the shape and format of the Dance 1.4 assessment in 2024 and expect updated information on the NZQA website very soon.

I hope this helps you immediately as the work ahead with our learners begins!

Ngā mihi nui,

Dance | NCEA Skip to main content On this page What is Dance about? Big Ideas and Significant Learning Key Competencies in Dance Connections Pathways [ Previous Learning Matrices ] [ File Resource ] Title: Dance Learning Matrix File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.a...


External Assessment Specifications
Level 1 Dance 2024


External Assessment Specifications
Level 2 Dance 2024


External Assessment Specifications
Level 3 Dance 2034


DSANZ Waikato/BoP Dance Teachers
NCEA Change Workshop
Date: Tuesday 21st November
Time: 9.00am-12.30pm
Where: Cambridge High School
RSVP: Alana Wells at [email protected]

Come and connect with the Waikato Dance Teachers as we nut out the new standards and their possibilities together. We will also be joined by Anna Richardson from the MOE to understand, discuss, and clarify any questions on the standards.


papers go up on our website around 48 hours after each exam under the applicable subject section > Examination papers and exemplars.


Get ready for a conference retreat like no other as we prepare for ON THE MOVE 2024, this time in Rotorua! Details coming soon…but keep the first week of the Term 1 holidays clear!

Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance performance | NCEA 06/10/2023

A further revision of Draft NCEA Level 1 Dance achievement standard 1.4 has now been released following pilot schools and sector wide feedback on the 2023 pilot assessment specifications.

Changes include:
• a revised standard title
• clarifications to achievement step ups
• a revised unpacking

Assessment specifications for 2024 implementation are expected to be published in December 2023.

Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance performance | NCEA Purpose Students are able to demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance performance. Achievement Criteria Explanatory Note 1 Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance performance involves: describing the elements of dance within a dance performance describing t...


Join us at Hawke's Bay Secondary School Polyfest - a celebration of Pacific culture through traditional song, dance and costume!

This year's theme is the Fijian saying, "Noqu kawa na noqu vakarau", which translates to “My culture is my identity”.

Come along - This Saturday 7 October, 5pm at Toitoi. Entry is free! 🌺🌺


Thanks for having us Dunedin, we’ve had a blast! And a special thank you to St. Hilda’s Collegiate’s Cadyne Geary our amazing national secretary and her local team for being such amazing hosts for this year’s “On The Move” conference!


The schedules are printed and up on the windows, the DSANZ team have arrived and now we can’t wait to get started!


As planning continues in departments for the implementation of the new Level 1 Dance standards in 2024. It is vital to remember the current standards, even those being piloted in 2023 remain draft until they are registered for use. This page below outlines how that planning could occur.

When you scroll down to the list of standards still requiring significant work, please note that Draft Dance 1.4 is listed there - pictured below. Further changes should be expected for this standard and that should factor into teachers planning.

Will that standard still focus on the elements of dance? Yes. Will the way this standard is assessed likely change further? Also yes.

We look forward to sharing more updates as these become available and offering special workshops for these standards across Term 4 and early in 2024. 🧡

Creative New Zealand launches next five-year navigation map for Pacific arts 20/07/2023

Creative New Zealand launches next five-year navigation map for Pacific arts Following significant fono, talanoa, and engagement with the Pacific Arts community, we are proud to share our Pacific Arts Strategy 2023-2028. 


Information regarding ākonga transitioning from Level One NCEA (new) in 2024 to the existing Level Two in 2025 has been released on the NCEA website.

The Ministry of Education have canvassed a number teachers who participated in the Level 1 mini-pilot last year, whose ākonga are now in the existing Level 2 matrix, to gather their insights.

A communication has been developed to summarise this and can be viewed below. Teachers can access the information via this link: -the-new-ncea-level-1-materials-followed-by-existing-level-2-standards


PL opportunity for our Waikato DSANZ whānau!
Free of charge!

Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum | Curriculum Refresh 17/05/2023

“The Ministry is two years into a six-year programme to refresh the national curriculum. All eight learning areas within The New Zealand Curriculum are being refreshed to incorporate a new Understand, Know, Do learning model. Te ao tangata | social sciences learning area was the first to be released in 2022.

Today we have published the refreshed English and mathematics and statistics learning areas, and supporting material for te ao tangata | social sciences learning area. You will be able to see them on the Curriculum Refresh website:

A self-guided module on the Progressions Model in Te Mātaiaho is also now available as of today.

I want to acknowledge and thank those of you who have provided us with your time and advice. Your ongoing commitment in sharing your feedback has been instrumental in the development of our mahi.”

~ Ministry of Education, National Curriculum Refresh Team

Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum | Curriculum Refresh Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar The Ministry is two years into a six-year programme to refresh The New Zealand Curriculum. The refreshed curriculum will support every ākonga (learner) to experience success in their le...


Kia ora tātou!
Following our AGM yesterday evening we wanted to introduce our DSANZ National Committee for the 2023-2024 year, including:

• Kate Hamilton, Chairperson, Christchurch
• Cadyne Geary, National Secretary, Dunedin
• Ryan Timoko-Benjamin, Treasurer, Auckland
• Te Ao Tahana-Prangnell, Rotorua
• Alana Wells, Waikato
• Brie Jessen-Vaughan, Primary/Intermediate Sector
• Bronya Davies, Levin
• Linda Parker-Wendt, Inclusive & Special Educational Needs Sector
• Tamzin Monnington, Palmerston North
• Caroline Rhodes, Whanganui
• Kate Hamilton, Christchurch
• Simone Kallil, Auckland

Our thanks and appreciation were shared with Ryan who steps down from the role of Chairperson after seven significant years of growth for our association. He remains on the committee as treasurer to support our new chair, Kate Hamilton who was elected in his place. We are thrilled that she will bring the energy and continuity of the recent committee into the role having been on the committee of DSANZ for many years.

We also want to sincerely acknowledge and thank Melanie Klaassen who steps off committee as she takes up her role as National Assessment Advisor with NZQA. Melanie has been on the committee as an Auckland representative since 2017 and has contributed significantly to this period of growth and gain for the association! 🙏🏽🧡💐

We are also so excited to share that DSANZ Dunedin will be hosting our dance education conference/workshop weekend “On The Move" for Primary, Intermediate and Secondary teachers during the weekend of 22nd September at the end of term 3.🧡

Keep your eyes peeled for registration information in coming days. DSANZ members and primary teachers across the country will have access to register before it is opened up to others.

See you there!

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Not long now! Looking forward to getting started this time next week! 🧡
DSANZ members! Check those inboxes! Examination support materials for 2021 have been released today!



C//DSANZ Secretary CMB 133

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