Trained By Ash

Trained By Ash

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Team Red Bougs
Team Red Bougs

Welcome to TBA! I offer fitness & wellness coaching online and in my private PT studio.

I help clients to transform their bodies, mindsets and lifestyles in a way that uniquely works for them and is sustainable long term.

Photos from Trained By Ash's post 13/08/2023

Schedule updates! Feel free to message me here or through insta if you have any questions ☺️💪🏽


I’ve been slackkkk posting on the old FB page so thought I better add this one here 🤗😅

Our TBA small group classes are amping up! 👯‍♀️

These are a fun, cost-effective way to get personalised help from me while being around other supportive, like minded people.

Classes vary and cater to each individual booked in, ensuring the workout aligns with each persons goals and needs.

Due to the way these are run (not a one size fits all) an initial consultation is a must before jumping in. Book in a time with me through the TBA website and check out pricing options there ☺️

Check out our current usual schedule (subject to change from time to time as reflected on booking page).

Hope to have you join us soon! 👊🏽💃🏼


Starting a training routine can feel hard but moving your body regularly and progressively makes other areas in life so much easier and more enjoyable 🙌🏽

30-60 minutes of your day having moments of being a little uncomfortable or challenged is totally worth it for the mental and physical transformation that comes with it.

Prioritise getting your movement in, whatever it may be, and watch the ripple effect for your overall wellbeing 🤸🏼‍♀️🌞


Some thoughts on our approach to body composition goals (aka weight loss, muscle gain, etc) as someone who has worked in the fitness industry for a good few years and been through my own struggles with it... strap yourselves in 🙇🏼‍♀️📖😬

I think it’s great to be clear on what we want and to map out a plan on how to get there. But I think too often we focus purely on hitting that target number or look without thinking about what comes afterwards.

You might be willing to sacrifice your favourite foods and drinks for a few weeks or months, to train at a high intensity daily, but are you willing to do that for the next few years?

What normally happens once we reach our target (if we do at all)? We let ourselves slip back into our old/ usual habits which led to our previous body comp and the whole process has to start again.

So in order to achieve results that are sustainable we need to implement habits that become a lifestyle for us, ones that are realistic and enjoyable!

If we focus more on aligned training goals I.e moving our body for 30 minutes a day, weightlifting 2x per week, committing to a social sport, hitting daily step targets etc. and choose a goal/ habit that we can see ourselves sticking with for years to come, then the body comp shift should become a natural side effect.

We’ll also have way more wins and self confidence if we’re smashing out these weekly goals rather than beating ourselves up/ thinking negatively for not instantly being where we want physically.

Since actually enjoying my training, allowing myself rest when I need it and not restricting foods, I find my body comp stays pretty consistently around where I feel good without having to give it much thought. It’s no longer a chore or punishment to train or eat healthy meals and there’s no restrict/ obsess/ give in cycle.

So basically what I’m trying to encourage is shifting our focus onto developing healthy habits which make us feel good and which we can see ourselves doing long term. Don’t put yourself under an unnecessary time pressure, find a way to enjoy the process and see the ongoing transformation both inside and out 🤗💪🏽


Keen to come train with me in the TBA studio? 🏋🏼‍♀️

Now you have the option to join in on a small group session 🤗

These will be on Saturday mornings at 9.15am with more times to come 🌞

These sessions are a great, cost-effective way to get personalised help from me while training in a super fun and supportive environment 👯‍♀️

For those who have never been in you will also be eligible for a free consultation so I can best help you based on your individual goals and needs ✨

All levels welcome!

Book your spot via 💃🏼💃🏼

Photos from Trained By Ash's post 20/12/2021

Few little tips as we head into the holidays! 🎅🏼🍹🎉💪🏽


Awesome lil group sesh with these girls this morning! More to come in the new year keep your eyes peeeled 🤗👯‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️


On this day last year I left my job and made a start on TBA!

It has definitely been the best decision for me and I‘m continuing to learn so much as I go.

I‘m so lucky to have such amazing clients who I love working with. I’ve recently hit my first big goal of being near max capacity for one on ones (30 sessions scheduled this week woo 🤸🏼‍♀️) and hopefully we just continue to grow in more ways from here!

It’s so fulfilling getting to help and celebrate with people as they reach their goals and to see their confidence and enthusiasm grow over time.

I could go on and on but to summarise for now, just feeling super grateful 🥰

Big thank you to everyone who has shown me love and support as I’ve been building this lil biz and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next year! 🤍💪🏽🏋🏼‍♀️


Bench press tips! 💪🏽

As mentioned on the vid, there are multiple ways to bench press safely and effectively so what that looks like for me may differ for you. However these foundational techniques will set most people up for a successful lift!

1- Dig your feet into the ground engaging your glutes. I dig my heels down although some people use the balls of their feet. Either is fine but you want to be able to drive through your legs! This will help drastically with power and stability.

2- Tuck your shoulder blades under and puff up your chest. This may look uncomfortable but it actually puts your shoulders in a much safer position as they won’t roll forward. Puffing the chest also lessens the range of motion allowing you to lift more weight.

3- Take a big, sharp breath into the belly to brace. This will help keep everything tight and controlled as the weight comes down.

4- Hold your breath on the way down or continue your inhale if doing faster reps, keeping the chest puffed up, bringing the bar to the middle of the chest. This will maintain your stable shoulder position and keep the muscles engaged.

5- Dig through the feet and squeeze the glutes as you punch the weight up, expelling your breath and keeping your wrists strong. Don’t underestimate the power of your leg drive in bringing the weight up! Thinking of “punching” the bar up just helps me with momentum and not letting the wrists relax.

Always make sure you start light, progress gradually, warm up well and have a spotter until you feel super confident! Dumbbells are a great way to go if learning on your own too.

Hope this helps, happy lifting! 🏋🏼‍♀️

Photos from Trained By Ash's post 03/11/2021

As excited as I am to have clients back in the studio (we miss you squat rack), training out the back has been nice! Even with a bit of rain 😅

Doubling the benefits of training and fresh air along with the much needed face to face interactions 🙃

If you’re feeling a bit low, especially if you’ve been in lockdown, don’t underestimate the power of some movement and time outside to boost your endorphins and leave you feeling refreshed 👌🏽

Might make this a thing going forward... Backyard bootcamps? 👀👯‍♀️


⭐️⭐️Special offer for L3.2 restrictions! ⭐️⭐️

So excited to be able to train people in person again, even if it’s outside for now 🍃🌞

- Offer valid for as long as restrictions remain

- Sessions held in private outdoor area, Queenwood

- Sanitised equipment provided

- Social distancing between trainer & client

- 60 minute sessions

- Complimentary Zoom consultation prior to first session

- No lock in, pay as you go

- Save $20 per session from usual casual rates!

Simply head to my website to book in your free initial consultation (if you haven’t trained with me before) or just shoot me a message 😊

Nearly back to some normalcy woo 🤪🤞🏽


Throwback to when we wore something other than pyjamas or training clothes 🙃 can’t wait to be getting out and about again soon! 🙏🏽🍝🍹

I know some people worry about how going out socially for food/drinks will interfere with their health and fitness goals but I truly think overall quality of life is more important and helps in sustainability.

If you eat well majority of the time and train consistently, there’s plenty of room for some ”treat” foods. And if you allow yourself small treats regularly (80/20 nutritious/treats) you’re less likely to go crazy with it because it’s no longer such a big deal in your mind.

If you’re still averaging at or below maintenance calories across the week you’re not going to “blow out” and even the times where you do go above, you can just get back into things the next week and continue chipping away. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Allow yourself to enjoy life while still implementing action steps towards your goals. I know I’m going to appreciate these luxuries a whole lot more post-lockdown! 💙


One of my current programs 🏋🏼‍♀️

My training at the moment looks like 3x 60ish min full body sessions, 1-2x group TBA classes plus pole when possible (thnx lockdown).

I stick with the same training plan (for the 3x resistance sessions) for 4 weeks at a time to allow for progressive overload before changing it up, keeping my body continuously adapting and preventing burnout.

This has been the most effective and satisfying way to train that I’ve found as you see little bits of progress each week without having to smash yourself every session.

Train smarter not harder 💁🏼‍♀️

If you’d like your own personalised program to follow, I currently offer 4 weeks with an online consultation and weekly check in forms for 99 NZD. Simply head to my website (link in bio) or shoot me a message if you’re interested 💪🏽

This session-

Hip thrusts 8x3
Push press 8x3
Step ups 10x3 (each leg)
Inverted rows 12x3
Forward raise 12x3
Reverse fly 12x3
Banded clams 25x3 (each leg)


How often do we feel like giving up because our long-term goals seem so out of reach?

Sometimes we get impatient and think it’s not worthwhile if it’s going to take so many months or so many years.

But that time is going to pass regardless, so wouldn’t we rather set ourselves up to chip away at these goals in a way that’s realistic and sustainable for us?

By focussing on each little achievement we can build the confidence to keep going while gaining a sense of fulfilment (and enjoyment!) in the process.

As long as we continue to head in the right direction, even with some detours along the way, we can trust we’ll get there eventually.

What is one way you can inch closer towards your long term goals this week?


Seeing as we’re still in and out of lockdowns for now 🤷🏼‍♀️

Mix up your home sessions with some slider training🔥 cardboard works surprisingly well!

Awesome for building stability and providing variety 👌🏽

For a little 15 minute circuit try 30s on 15s off for 3 rounds 💪🏽

1. Lateral lunges
2. Mountain climbers
3. Half hamstring curls (one leg at a time)
4. Plank jacks
5. Hand circles
6. Ab slide outs


Hanging 👀 out for this lockdown to end so I can see my studio clients again annnnd to start instructing some beginner pole and fitness classes at Altitude Pole🤭🤞🏽💃🏼🙃


Another day, another lockdown 🙁

I know how frustrating this can be when you’re building up a training routine and suddenly you can’t get to your sessions, have your coach there, have the atmosphere and the equipment that you’re used to.

It’s super easy to just write it off and wait until things are back to normal but there is plenty you can do to keep your momentum going so that you’re not having to go back and rebuild each time.

1. Bodyweight/ minimal equipment training 🤸🏼‍♀️
You’d be amazed at how much strength and fitness you can retain from this, just pick a program that suits your needs and follow along (I’ll be posting a new home routine soon!)

2. Jump onto online training sessions 👯‍♀️
This is especially great if you’re missing the accountability to push yourself. You can book in to trial my Saturday morning zoom class through my website or contact me for virtual PT

3. Walk!🚶🏼‍♀️
I posted about this last lockdown, so simple yet so effective

4. Stretch 🧘🏼‍♀️
Our bodies stiffen up when we’re spending more time sedentary so adding in little stretch sessions in your day will help you feel better now and when you get back into your usual training.

5. Write down your goals/ tasks 📝
This will help in preventing decision fatigue later and provide a sense of accomplishment. Eg daily goal- walk 2km, stretch for 10 mins, do a 20 minute bodyweight circuit

Lastly, remember to be super kind to yourself! If you do slip off track you can get straight back on when you’re ready and you can do that as many times as you need. 💪🏽


Feel like you’re doing everything right towards your fat loss goals and still not seeing the scales budge?

Weight loss is never linear and there are many potential factors that come into play. These are some of the most common in the early stages of someone’s journey.

Bear in mind that while tracking weight can be a useful tool if it aligns with your goals, it’s not the be all end all and there are many other ways to observe your progress. Most importantly being how you feel!

Check out the full blog I’ve written regarding this with Every Day You 💙


🌟 Client Spotlight! 🌟

This girl continues to impress and inspire me week by week with her efforts and persistence.

We’ve been working together online for 6 months now with Em being all the way over in the US!

We have a Zoom PT session and check in each week and she follows programming from me outside of these (which we change up every 4 weeks). Her programs range from 20-50 mins, fitting nicely into her lifestyle and she does all of them from home with a small but growing list of equipment!

She was already fit when starting but wanted to challenge herself further, master her technique, increase muscle definition and restrengthen areas that had been injured which included her lower back and knee.

It’s safe to say she has made (and continues to make) huge progress in all of these areas which has been an absolute joy to witness!

Can’t wait to see what crazy advanced exercises I can challenge her to next 👀

Amazing work Em 👏🏽💞


Exercise doesn’t always have to be brutal 🥵

In fact, if we’re pushing to max effort multiple times a week we’re probably going to burn out quite quickly.

When we set those expectations every session we can also start getting into that all or nothing mentality where if we’re not feeling up to a huge workout we end up doing nothing at all.

You’ll be able to stick to your plan much better if allow some days to be lighter training and doing things you enjoy!

Exercise doesn’t always have to be in a gym or on a machine, you can get out and have fun with it. Use your fitness to increase your quality of life 🌞


Very lucky to be heading out of lockdown tomorrow but this period has made me amp up the creativity with some of my clients home training sessions!

So whether you’re still unable to get to the gym or just enjoy the convenience of home training, here are some exercises you could consider adding to your routine 💪🏽

1. Kneel to squat < kneeling squat
2. Nordic lowers < prone flutter kicks
3. Bulgarian pulses < static lunges
4. Push ups < incline push ups
5. Inverted shoulder press < down dog to high plank
6. Chair inverted row < superman pull backs
7. Can/bottle bat wings < can/bottle arcs
8. Plank drops < plank on knees

For a 30 min fully body workout try doing 3 sets of each (choosing either advanced or regressed versions) with 40s on 30s off 🔥


Spring is hereeee! 🌱🌼

Too excited for the warmer, longer days ahead 🌞

I know this is a popular time of year for people to start up a health kick/ training routine, so here are some top tips if that’s you 💪🏽

1. Set a realistic goal with a time frame.
Don’t set yourself up for failure by overestimating what you can do in the short term or underestimating what you can do in the long term. Build the foundations and habits to start with.

2. Plan out what you’re going to do.
Eliminate as much decision fatigue as you can by knowing exactly what you’ll be doing each week.

3. Track your results as you go.
Take note of what you’re lifting, how far you’re walking, how quick you’re bike riding, whatever it is you’re doing! Then aim to progress over time, celebrating each little achievement (bearing in mind that results won’t always be perfectly linear)!

4. Schedule rest days.
Sometimes we feel super motivated at the start of a new routine and go overboard causing fatigue and potentially giving up all together when it becomes unsustainable. Allow yourself recovery time both physically and mentally.

5. Try the 80/20 rule when it comes to your nutrition.
If the bulk of your meals (80%) are nutritious and you’re getting plenty of veggies and protein in, you can leave room for little treats each day (20%) while staying within an appropriate calorie range for your goals. This approach can make the process more enjoyable, flexible and sustainable.

Hope this helps some of you on your way!
If you’re after more specific, individual help feel free to book in a free consultation through my website ☺️


Thank you lockdown for allowing me the time to get this done 😅

Suss out all the ways you can work with me either online or in studio and keep your bookings in one place! ☺️


Walking is one of the most simple, effective and accessible tools you can utilise when it comes to your fitness and wellness (both in lockdown and everyday life!)🚶🏼‍♀️🌞

It’s sometimes underrated due to not feeling like you’ve worked super hard but the benefits are huge while the impact on the body/joints stays small.

Getting more steps in your day creates a bigger caloric deficit without having to drop your food as low. This can aid in losing body fat while still keeping energy levels up.

A few benefits also include building your cardio endurance, helping muscle recovery in between workouts, getting more fresh air/ vitamin D and having time out to clear your mind 🧘🏼‍♀️

If you don’t know where to start with your training I would highly recommend setting a step goal and building from there. 😌🌳


Join us tomorrow morning to start your weekend off strong and ready to conquer the day! (or to completely chill since you’ve got your exercise in, very fair too 💁🏼‍♀️)🌞💪🏽

Follow this link to book or please DM me with any questions you may have!

Would love to see you there 💃🏼🤍


< 30 Minute Full Body Resistance 💪🏽

I love efficient workouts that you can squeeze into your day while still making progress and finishing feeling great.

This has honestly been a good chunk of my training lately as my schedule is filling up, so I totally understand when people feel they can’t prioritise 60+ minutes each day!

When doing shorter weights sessions it’s generally a good idea to focus on exercises where you can load up a bit and work multiple muscle groups (aka compound movements- think deadlifts, squats, bench press, etc).

In saying that, these sessions wouldn’t be where you go close to max strength as you also want to keep rests fairly short. Super-setting, where you alternate between two exercises, can help with minimising rest and getting more in too.

Here’s an example of my session today!

1a Kettlebell RDLs 10x2
1b Bulgarian lunges 10 (each side) x2
2a Kettlebell goblet squats 10x2
2b Touch & go step ups 10 (each side) x2
3a Dumbbell bench press 10x2
3b Single arm rows 10 (each side) x2
4a Man makers (drop to knees as needed) 60s x2
4b Plank (drop to knees as needed) 60s x2

Would love to hear if you give this a go or if you have any questions ☺️ Also feel free to head to my insta for an easy to follow swipe across format 👌🏽


The longer it takes you to start taking action the more chances you’ll have to talk yourself out of it...

Be decisive and realistic with what you’ll get done for your training this week.

Know when you’ll be training and what you’ll be doing in that time. Then commit to showing up 💪🏽

Even when you don’t completely feel like it... try putting on your workout clothes, doing your warm up, completing your first set.

Most of the time our energy picks up as we get going and suddenly we’re sweet to do the whole thing. And if not then we know maybe our body just genuinely needs to take it easy that day.

Focus on conquering the first bit of action you need to take and the rest should be a whole lot easier 🙌🏽

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Videos (show all)

Bench press tips! 💪🏽As mentioned on the vid, there are multiple ways to bench press safely and effectively so what that ...
Exercise demonstrations



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