Migrant Dairy worker NZ & Australia

Migrant Dairy worker  NZ & Australia

remembering people come and go. Migrants rights and welfare advocacy..


“FYI: Migrants help & support Local & National industry and it is integral lifeline of the ECONOMY”👈

Photos from Migrante Taiwan 移工國際台灣分會's post 29/08/2024

I agree #
Uphold Migrants rights & welfare #


Please support & uphold the right to hunt🇦🇺

Save Bowhunting in South Australia. The state’s Governor, acting on advice from the government of Premier Peter Malinauskas, has proclaimed a near total ban on all forms of bowhunting in South Australia, effective from 1 December, 2024.

Right now, they’re going after bowhunting. What comes after bowhunting? Is it camping, shooting and fishing next? If you care about preserving a future of hunting and outdoors in Australia, please sign the petition here: https://handsoff.au/


✊ stand up & unite #


OUR PAGE VIEW: Dont regret that you did nothing when you could. If wanting to maintain forest access, then please sign petition.

We also respect our followers who are in favour of this change, yet as a Page we support expressing views, whatever it is. We will also certainly post a petition link if one is published in support of these changes.

MELINDA BATH - MP VIEW: Bush users fight Vic National Park plan with new parliament petition 🌳🚙🦌🐎🥾🚵🏔️🎣 📋

Victoria’s treasured national parks are under resourced by the Labor state government, making more will not improve environmental outcomes.

E-PETITION LINK: The e-petition can be signed online https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/get-involved/petitions/stop-the-creation-of-any-new-national-parks/

Sponsored by Melina Bath MP, Victorian Parliament. Your chance to keep our bush.

It calls on the Allan Labor Government to guarantee:
🥾 no new national parks in Victoria
🥾 keep our state forests open for traditional outdoor recreational activities

Past times such as horse riding, 4WDing, trail bike riding, fishing, dog walking, bush walking, prospecting, and hunting should be encouraged. Bush users are connected with our landscape and respect our environment, being out in the bush is also fabulous for our mental well being.

Victoria’s treasured national parks are under resourced by the Labor state government, making more will not improve environmental outcomes.

The Nationals support active management of public land and our bush user groups. I will be presenting it in state parliament and let bush users have a voice.

Sponsored by Melina Bath MP, Vic Parliament.


In solidarity #

May 1, 2024

Labor Day 2024: Filipino migrant workers, advance the struggle for rights, genuine freedom and democracy! Resist Marcos Jr’s charter change, fascism and US imperialism! Unite with all workers of the world!

On International Workers Day, Filipino Migrant Workers declare their commitment to persevere and advance the struggle for higher and living wages, job security, just, safe and humane working conditions, and the right to organize, strike and protest. OFWs are commemorating International Workers Day by organizing marches, protest actions, speak outs and other activities throughout countries in Asia Pacific, North America, Middle East and Europe to amplify their just demands in solidarity with migrant workers and local workers of diverse nationalities.

This year also marks the 50th anniversary of the institutionalization of the Philippine Labor Export Program (LEP), engineered by the former dictator Marcos Sr. in 1974 and further intensified by his son, Marcos Jr. For 50 years, the LEP has proven to be detrimental to the rights and welfare of our Filipino migrant workers where innumerable labor and human rights violations and abuses have been committed against them.

OFWs across the globe are now faced with multiple economic, political and climate crises and yet the Marcos Jr. regime remains hell-bent on ramping up its marketing and selling of cheap Filipino labor overseas to profit from government extortion schemes and the steady influx of remittances. Their livelihood and jobs are in constant risk as the global economic crisis are causing companies and businesses to implement mass layoffs where migrant workers are often the first to be displaced.

Countless reported cases of labor exploitation and contract violations, dangerous working conditions, low-wages and long working hours with no benefits and protection, unjust treatment and discrimination are the realities confronting our OFWs that the Marcos Jr. regime deliberately downplay. Fom OFWs working as cleaners in the United Arab Emirates experiencing grueling working hours without overtime pay and proper rest, factory workers in Taiwan who are not provided with health and safety equipment, to shipyard workers in Australia being paid slave wages, to seafarers in the U.S. being denied their wages and abandoned by their employers and recruitment agencies, to truck drivers in Europe working long hours for low-wages, sleeping and eating inside their trucks.

After more than 700 OFWs in New Zealand were laid off last year, hundreds remain struggling to make ends meet or find alternative employment, while the escalating US-led wars and conflict in the Middle East where more than 2 million OFWs reside and work are striking fear among our kababayans who are concerned for their safety and livelihood. OFWs and their families in distress are clamoring for access to aid and assistance. Aside from a meager P20,000 livelihood assistance and loan offers for returning OFWs, the Marcos Jr. government offers no other meaningful support and clear plan to stop the cycle of forced migration.

The worsening economic conditions in the Philippines are driving up the numbers of Filipinos who are forced to find work abroad for the survival of their families. In 2023, the recorded number of OFWs deployed abroad on temporary contracts documented by the Dept. of Migrant Workers reached more than 2.3 million, an increase from the 2019 pre-pandemic figures.

The real value of the wages of Filipino workers remains stagnant amid sky-high prices. The daily minimum wage in the National Capital Region is pegged at Php 610 (USD 10.56), not enough for a Filipino family to survive with the inflated prices of basic goods. Meanwhile, Filipino labor remains cheap and insecure. The crisis of unemployment and underemployment in the country is worsening and the Marcos Jr. administration continues to ignore demands from the workers to end the policy of contractualization in the country that threatens job security for millions of Filipino workers.

Transport workers launched a three-day strike to protest against the anti-worker and anti-poort Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) which favors foreign big business over our jeepney drivers and operators and entails the dumping of imported public transport vehicles in the country. The jeepney phaseout threatens the livelihood of our transport workers, and exacerbates the gridlock transport crisis in our country that is affecting millions of people who rely on public transportation.

The prolonged heat waves caused by El Niño pose grave safety and health risks for workers, peasants, farmworkers and urban poor, while aggravating the food, land and livelihood crisis in the country.

Instead of heeding our calls for higher wages, job security, livelihood support, protection and assistance, the US-Marcos regime is peddling its scheme for Charter Change. In his push to open up our resources, labor power, and economy to full foreign control through Cha Cha, Marcos Jr. has revealed his true colors as the country’s chief puppet to US imperialism.

Marcos Jr’s subservience to the US government extends to his expansion of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) to four new sites in the country. The increasing presence of US troops and bases is an attack on our national sovereignty. It is a means to keep the Philippines under the control of foreign monopoly capital. Rather than pursue a peaceful foreign policy, the Marcos regime opened the country’s doors to the biggest war games on our shores with this year’s ongoing multilateral Balikatan exercises involving 11,000 US troops and other foreign militaries. The US escalation of Balikatan is an open threat against Chinese imperialist interests in the Asia-Pacific region. The US is now fomenting war against China, with the Philippines as its battleground.

Migrante International calls on OFWs and Filipino Migrants to boldly assert our democratic rights and struggle for higher wages, job security at home, rights, genuine freedom and democracy in the Philippines. We must resist through collective action amid intensifying state violence and repression of the Marcos Jr. regime and repressive, anti-migrant and neoliberal policies of our host countries. We must tirelessly educate, organize and mobilize Filipino migrant workers especially among the ranks of the most vulnerable and exploited.

The fight against imperialist dominance remains core to the struggle of Filipino workers.
Filipino workers march today not only to protest our worsening conditions, but also to oppose the threat of inter-imperialist war in our homeland.

With renewed vigor and determination, let us unite and stand in solidarity with workers and oppressed peoples of the world in our common struggle to resist the worsening capitalist exploitation of workers and inter-imperialist conflict and wars.

# # #

Photos from Venture Hunting & Outdoors's post 25/04/2024

Just sharing #
Please check guys which work weather gear suits for you #
Thank you #


Just sharing so you may know.

The 2024 Stubble Quail season is fast approaching, opening on Saturday, 6 April and closing on Sunday, 30 June 2024.

Hunting is permitted from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset throughout the season. The bag limit is 20 birds per day.

The use of electronic quail callers will be prohibited during the 2024 Stubble Quail season.

Hunters are reminded to seek permission from the landowner or land manager when hunting on private property. Hunters are also required to immediately recover downed game birds and salvage at least the breast meat.

For more information, see GMA latest news at: https://bitly.ws/3gULG and visit our Stubble Quail hunting page at: https://bitly.ws/3gULv


To all Filipino Resident and Citizen in 🇦🇺, Support & uphold the rights to Hunt #
let’s get it on! #🦌🦊🦆🐰🐷

We uphold the rights to hunt, gather, and nourish 🦌


It is a big SHAME…


An Australian senator pulled out a placard that read “stop the human rights abuses,” during President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ‘s address to the Australian Parliament.

READ MORE: https://inqnews.net/8LJs01


In the Philippines unions are busted, demonized and red-tagged!
In Australia even law enforcers belong to unions with right to strike!✊✊


Just sharing #
So you may know #


Just sharing for everyone knowledge #🇦🇺🇳🇿🇵🇭

Using decoys and duck calls helps to bring ducks within your effective shooting skills distance. Using these tools effectively will reduce the likelihood of wounding and increase your overall success.

The best way to select an effective decoy pattern and site selection is to study waterfowl behaviour, including where they feed, rest and their flight paths.

Set decoys marking your maximum shooting skill distance and don’t shoot at ducks beyond these decoys. For most hunters, this is 30 metres.

Practice calling before going into the field as poor calling will only scare ducks away.

Check out our instructional videos on using calls and decoys and reducing wounding at: https://bit.ly/3hKKcQb


In solidarity #


Just sharing #
Beautiful🇳🇿 #


Migrante International
Press Statement
18 December 2023

Migrants’ day: Pinoy migrants face govt neglect amid labor export

Today, International Migrants’ Day (IMD), Migrante-International joins the migrants and peoples of the Philippines and the world in fighting for migrants’ rights and welfare and for social change that will end forced labor migration.

Migrante-International marks this year’s IMD fresh from its 9th Congress, in which our members and member-organizations deepened our unity in advancing Filipino migrants’ rights, welfare and interests amidst the worsening global and domestic crisis.

We condemn the Bongbong Marcos regime for its neglect of the pressing issues faced by Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and Filipino migrants even as it continues to intensify the implementation of the government’s labor export program.

(1) The Marcos Jr regime continues to turn a blind eye to OFWs’ demands for justice against former Cebu City councilor Prisca Nina Mabatid, CEO of PCVC Opportunities Abroad, Pinoy Care Visa Center, and PCVC-Opportunities Abroad who face human trafficking charges filed by OFWs in Hong Kong and Canada in July 2023.

(2) The Marcos Jr regime has failed to deliver on its promise of giving the more than 10,000 Filipino construction workers who worked in Saudi Arabia and were laid off in 2015-2016 their unpaid wages and benefits despite the Saudi prince’s promise that he will help expedite the payment.

(3) The Marcos Jr regime has failed to attain justice for the 25 Filipino domestic workers who worked in Syria and sought refuge in the Philippine Embassy in 2018 but were detained there for two years instead of being repatriated, and were subjected to harassment, sexual abuse, lack of communication with their families, and an attempt to sell them back to their abusive employers for US$4000 per person.

(4) The Marcos Jr regime has failed to bring drug trafficking victim and OFW Mary Jane Veloso home, and she remains in jail in Yogyakarta, Indonesia after being imprisoned there since 2010 and despite the stay of ex*****on granted to her in 2015.

(5) The Marcos Jr regime refuses to remove the much-hated escrow or bond provision from the proposed Magna Carta for Seafarers, and insists that seafarers who have won cases will not receive their money claims until a higher court affirms the lower court’s decision.

(6) The Marcos Jr regime continues to neglect the rights and welfare of both OFWs who were repatriated from Gaza and Palestinian refugees in the Philippines, as they are denied any government support to restart their lives and find decent jobs in the Philippines.

(7) The Marcos Jr regime continues to target Filipino migrant organizations with disinformation, demonization and repression, and even implements Rodrigo Duterte’s order of creating Philippine National Police attaches in various countries.

(8) The Marcos regime’s Bureau of Immigration deported progressive Filipino youth leader and Swiss passport holder Edna Becher on December 7 on the dictatorial basis that, as a leader of Anakbayan-Europe, she is involved in anti-government activities.

(9) Despite the government neglect of the rights and welfare of OFWs and Filipino migrants, the Marcos Jr regime has sought to intensify the government’s labor export program through the Department of Migrant Workers, which negotiates with various countries in order to increase the number of Filipino migrants that they import.

We mark this year’s IMD amidst a jeepney transport strike in the Philippines. Jeepneys are a symptom of the country’s lack of a mass public transport system and industrialization. People choose to work as jeepney drivers because of the lack of decent jobs. Instead of supporting them, the Marcos Jr government wants to deny them their source of livelihood through its corporatization scheme. We express our solidarity with the jeepney drivers and our opposition to the Marcos Jr regime’s corporatization scheme.

We mark this year’s IMD amidst Israel’s continuing US-backed genocide against the Palestinian people. The mass displacement of the Palestinian people is a stark illustration of US imperialism’s role in the mass migration of peoples around the world. We call for an end to the genocide, liberation for the people of Palestine, and greater international solidarity against US imperialism. # # #


Merry Christmas all #


Just sharing #
Peace not War #
In solidarity🐂🐄 #


Just sharing #
Good day everyone #


Thank you all!
It is all ORGANIC #
Not spending 💸
Like, follow, read & watch #


Just sharing 🇳🇿

Here's why forecasters are picking plenty of "weather wildcards" amid this El Niño summer. 🔗 tinyurl.com/oddballelninonzh


Just sharing #

🐄🤖 Breaking Ground with Automated Dairy! 🚜

Australia's FIRST DairyProQ robotic rotary dairy is underway on Paul and Marsha Smith's farm in Mepunga, Victoria. What's groundbreaking? It's not just the first in Australia but globally to operate on a pasture-based system. 🌱🥛 https://www.dairynewsaustralia.com.au/news/robotic-dairy-is-world-first/

See You Tomorrow Draft1 30/11/2023

Just sharing #
A friend surfing. Please watch, like and subscribe

See You Tomorrow Draft1

Photos from Migrant Dairy worker  NZ & Australia's post 29/11/2023

Melbourne Southern cross station #🇦🇺

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Videos (show all)

“ breathtaking”!
Housing crisis, unemployment, inflation because of migration. We do not need migrants here! ..Are you sure retard?
Night walk#🇦🇺
Filipino Migrants are not commercial goods!#🇵🇭
How long can you stand on one foot?#..❤️🇦🇺





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