Sun & Moon Wellbeing Centre

We're a small purpose built yoga studio and Wellbeing Centre based in the rural town of Leeston.


Hi folks, I'm cancelling yoga this week as I have a bit of a cold. It's not too bad but I don't want to share it. I'll add an extra class to the end of term to make up. See you next week :~)


Warm mid winter greetings to you !

I hope you are keeping cosy and well…..We are in the thick of it and we are past the shortest day of the year….
Yoga classes will be starting up next Monday 22nd

It will be a 10 week term with no public holidays !

Times, fees etc all remain the same but there is one change….

My bank account:

Here is my new bank account no: 38-9025-0780710-01

Cash of course is also fine

So, $150 term fee or $18/ casual class.

Class times:

Monday evening 5.30-6.45
Tuesday evening 5.10=6.15 & 6.30- 7.45
Wednesday morning 9.15=10.30


Greetings !

Autumn is here and so is Term 2.

I hope this finds you well and able to enjoy this mellow autumn.

We will be starting back with classes on Monday 29th

It will be a 10 week term
[ 9 weeks for Monday classes due to public holiday on 5th June ]

Class Fees:

$150 / term = $15/ class $135 / term for Monday classes
$18 / casual class fee

Payment online or cash

R Donaghy
06 0851 0120 182 05

Class Timetable:

Monday evening 5.30-6.45
Tuesday evening 5.10-6.15 & 6.30-7.45
Wednesday morning 9.15-10.30

I’ll send out another email soon with details about this term’s Yoga Nidra.

In the mean time, I look forward to share yoga with you.

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Best wishes, Rose
027 6673904


This Sunday at Sun and Moon we have an opportunity to experience the deeply relaxing and restorative Yin Yoga and Reiki with Joanne and Lisa. I have experienced one of these sessions and thoroughly recommend it....true self care....Perhaps a lovely Mother's day gift?

✡️️LEESTON This Sunday 14th April✡️
Yin Yoga with Reiki Energy Balancing
Sun & Moon Wellbeing Centre 3-5pm

🥰 2 hours of deeply restorative gentle yoga combined with Reiki to help you release physical and emotional tension 🥰

Registrations close 12/04

Please reach out if you would like a place reserved for this event 😊

For full details please email
[email protected]

Reconnect womens workshop — Raise with Rachel 01/03/2024

We have a special new event coming up at Sun and Moon. Rachel Small is offering an holistic women's mind body and heart event to reconnect and recharge

"These days people recharge their phones more than they do themselves
and as women it can leave us feeling depleted, agitated, in a state of fatigue
LADIES: This is for you
I have created a local event coming up for women to:
- reconnect to their body and calm their minds
- soften into their emotions and heart so they are more in control of their actions and words - hello, less regret for snapping and yelling
- slow right down and finally find that exhale they have been searching for, the one that has the entire body sink into the floor and feeling of peace
RECONNECT - a ladies mind-body-heart event for women to fill their cup on a holistic level
We have EVIDENCE BASED practices to support you, alongside other tools you can take away to continue to utilise and it will be a nourishing 2.5 hours together
Ticket link with the intro offer is:
So go and check it out if you have been looking for more local goodness that you don't have to go to the city for, and share it with anyone you think will benefit from being in the room"

Reconnect womens workshop — Raise with Rachel RECONNECT mind-body-heart workshop A local holistic woman workshop in Leeston, Canterbury, NZ for women to take 2.5 hours to slow your mind, connect to your body and feel your heart.Life is BUSY. I get it. The to do lists, the have to, the should and the basic survival needs that can feel overwhelmi...


After a longer than intended break over summer, yoga will be starting back this week !!!
We will be getting back into things gently and going over basics.

Looking forward to share the yoga journey 😊😊😊


Hello friends,

here is some information about the upcoming Deep Relaxation with Yoga Nidra event....

Give yourself the gift of DEEP Relaxation. Whether you've hit the ground running this year or you re still finding your way, giving yourself a restorative treat with a Yoga Nidra session is a wholesome, enjoyable form of self care.
Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation technique that works deeply on the body, mind and emotions.
All you have to do is lie down, make yourself comfortable and listen. No experience is necessary.
Thursday 29th Feb 8-9 pm
Cost $20
Spaces are limited, bookings essential
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions


We’re back from a family wedding in Adelaide which was wonderful…….
Unfortunately we brought a lurgy back with us……

We are doing fine but no need to share these things…

We will postpone the start of our yoga year until the following week, Monday, 19th Feb

For those who have paid for the term already, I will reimburse you for the missed class.

Looking forward to see you soon



Greetings, Here we are in 2024…..

I hope this email finds you well and feeling restored after the summer holiday season and revitalised for the year. Sometimes the summer can be a hectic time with family and activities and you can feel you need a holiday to recover from the holidays !

However it is, yoga has a place for you.

Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced yogi, whether you are full of energy or whether you are exhausted, whether you are bubbling with happiness or feeling low, yoga has a place for you.

Come as you are…

We will be starting back on Monday 12th February. It is a later start than usual as I have a family wedding to go to in Adelaide…

Term 1 will be a 9 week term. The timetable and prices are the same as last year

Monday evenings 5.30-6.45

Tuesday evenings 5.10-6.15 & 6.30-7.45

Wednesday mornings 9.15-10.30

One on one classes by appointment

$135 term fee = $15/ class

Or $18 casual class fee

Payment by cash or internet banking

RA Donaghy 06-0851-0120182-05

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to sharing yoga with you

027 6673904


We have a new and fun event happening at sun and Moon this Thursday evening. It is a movement class incorporating dance, yoga and mindfullness. It will be led by Lotta who is visiting New Zealand from Germany. Lotte is passionate about dance and body movement and connecting with somatic body experiences. This is a great opportunity to try something different while Lotta is in town.......


We are very happy to welcome Sabine to Sun and Moon. Sabine is a registered nurse who has specialised in ear health. She will be working from Sun and Moon on Tuesdays from 9.00-7.00. Sabine offers ear wax removal by microsuction, help with ear infections and other ear conditions. You can contact her by phone on 0221883755 or by email [email protected]


Happy Spring !!!!!

Are you feeling like you want to stretch, strengthen, relax and maybe even laugh and chat?

Yoga classes will start back with the school term on Monday October 9th.

It will be a 9 week term.

There will be no classes the week of Labour Day [ 23rd October ] as I will be in Adelaide catching up with my sisters and sorting out the last of my parents things.

Here is the class timetable:

Monday evenings 5.30~6.45

Tuesday evenings 5.10~6.15 & 6.30~7.45

Wednesday mornings 9.15~10.30

$135 / term or $18 / casual class

Payment by cash or internet banking

RA Donaghy

06 0851 0120182 05

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions



Yoga Nidra at sun and Sun & Moon

This term I will be offering a Yoga Nidra session at Sun and Moon. The last time we held a Yoga Nidra session was about 3 years ago….

If you enjoy relaxation at the end of yoga, the chances are you will love Yoga Nidra !

Yoga Nidra is a systematic method for inducing deep physical, mental and emotional relaxation that is deeply restoring and nurturing.
It can be practiced at different times, as an aid to a good long sleep and as an alternative to sleep. It has been said that 1 hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep !
We can also use Yoga Nidra to help us achieve our goals in life.

When we practice Yoga Nidra, all we have to do is lie down and make ourselves as comfortable as possible.
No previous experience is necessary.

Spaces are limited and booking is essential

Date and time: Wednesday 23rd August 7-8 pm
Cost: $20


Hello there !

I hope you are well and keeping toasty warm...

Yoga classes will start back with the school term on Monday July 17th.

It will be a 10 week term.

Here is the class timetable:

Monday evenings 5.30~6.45
Tuesday evenings 5.10~6.15 & 6.30~7.45
Wednesday mornings 9.15~10.30

Please note there is currently no Thursday morning class

$150 / term or $18 / casual class

Payment by cash or internet banking

RA Donaghy
06 0851 0120182 05

Look forward to share yoga with you. 😊

Keep an eye out for a post on the Yoga Nidra evening....

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Rose 027 6673904


Hello there,

Autumn is here….. or is it? Some days it has seemed like we skipped autumn and went straight to winter !!!!! I hope we get a few more mellow days yet……

Yoga will start back a week later than anticipated as I am booked in for a family holiday in the Marlborough Sounds.

But first things first...... Introducing...... Elsie Rose Fowler born 16/02/23

Now onto yoga…….

Term 2 will start on Monday 1st of May [ 1 week later than school term ]

It will be a 9 week term

[ 8 weeks for Monday classes due to public holiday on 5th June ]

Class Fees:

$135/ term = $15/ class $120/ term for Monday classes

$18/ casual class fee

Payment online or cash

R Donaghy
06 0851 0120 182 05

Class Timetable:

Monday evening 5.30-6.45
Tuesday evening 5.10-6.15 & 6.30-7.45
Wednesday morning 9.15-10.30
Thursday morning 9.15-10.30

That’s it for the moment.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Looking forward to share yoga with you,


Photos from Sun & Moon Wellbeing Centre's post 17/04/2023

A few photos of our precious Elsie


Proposed Legislation

I have recently found out that the government is proposing new legislation called the Therapeutic Products Bill. It was introduced just before Christmas and “public consultation” closes on 15th Feb.

While I believe we all have the right to our own political beliefs, we all have a right to be informed and if we are not aware of what is happening we may not have much choice as to the outcome. I believe this is not so much a political issue as it is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue.

This bill concerns me very much and I feel compelled to share a bit about it so that as many people as possible are aware of it. What people do with the information is their choice.

The proposed bill would incorporate Medicines. Medical Devices and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients as well as Natural Health Products.

It is the Natural Health Products part that is of serious concern.

A regulator would be appointed and given sweeping powers to decide which products you would be able to buy. The wording of the bill is very general and would cover healthy foods, herbs and spices. It would also cover vitamins an minerals. There are many clauses of concern. One clause would allow the regulator tp take the decision of an overseas entity and use this for New Zealand.

If successfully passed into law, the bill will drastically restrict availability of truly natural health products As a result there will be serious consequences for health conscious individuals, families, business and practitioners. The cost of natural health products will rise dramatically.

There is a lot more that could be said but if you would like to delve a bit deeper you may like to read this report by Dr. Guy Hatchard an independent public health analyst

I encourage everyone to look into this and make their own informed decision. If you feel strongly against it, you could make a submission [closes on 15th Feb]. I am happy to forward an easy to follow template.


Happy New Year !!!!

2023 is well underway……. I hope you have had a relaxing summer and send you best wishes for a wonderful year.

The start of a new year brings opportunities for new beginnings, a fresh start. The truth of it is that every day, every breath, every moment is an opportunity for a new beginning. And yet…. there is something about new years. Perhaps it is the ritual of it or the collective energy, that we all are starting a new year together.

Whatever… Here we are !

I think most people ultimately want the same things in life, good health, happiness, connection, meaning, purpose. Sometimes we get caught up in the details of how and forget the bigger why. It can be helpful to keep in mind our bigger “why” and let that inform our choices.

Yoga will be starting up for the new year too…. along with other offerings.

For those new to Sun and Moon, all our classes are general / mixed level so suitable for beginners as well as more experienced practitioners

Classes will resume on 7th February ….it seems like ages since we’ve been together……….

It will be a 10 week term. [ Except for Monday which will be a 9 week term ]

Class times:

Monday evenings 5.30~6.45
Tuesday evenings 5.10~6.15
Wednesday mornings 9.15~10.30
Thursday mornings 9.15~10.30

There will be a small price increase in class fees….

Casual classes will be $18 and if you pay for a term, classes will be $15.
This term being a 10 week term will be $150 [ $135 for Monday ]

I hope this isn’t too much of a bother. I never want money to be a reason for people to not come along to yoga so please let me know if it is.

For those who prefer to pay cash I will have coins to provide change if needed.
For those who prefer online banking, here are my bank account details:

RA Donaghy

That’s it for now.

As usual, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Looking forward to see you if that works.

Best Wishes, Rose
027 6673904


OOPS !!!!!!!
I have just realised that I made a mistake with the class timetable in the last email.

Here is the correct timetable:

Monday evenings 5.30~6.45
Tuesday evenings 5.10~6.15 &
Wednesday mornings 9.15~10.30
Thursday mornings 9.15~10.30

Note, there are 2 classes on Tuesday evenings…..

Big thanks to Deidre for noticing :~)

Best Wishes, Rose


I am back from Adelaide and feel as complete as I can be at this time. Everything went smoothly, we did all the things that needed to be done and it was good to be there with my sister and be part of the process. It is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another….. And yoga is always there.....

Yoga will start back up again next week 31st October…

It will be a 7 week term.

Class times:

Monday evenings 5.30-6.45

Tuesday evenings 5.10-6.15 & 6.30-7.45

Wednesday mornings 9.15-10.30

Thursday mornings 9.15-10.30


$15/casual class or $12/class if you pay for a term ie $84

Bank account details:


Looking forward to see you for this final yoga term of the year !!!!!!

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions

Best Wishes, Rose


Spring is here, a time of renewal and new life and inspiration…..

The seasons remind us that life is constantly changing.

“Everything changes, nothing remains the same.”

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”

I feel like my life has had a lot of seasons this year……..

And now I am on my way back to Adelaide again, both parents gone within 5 months.

My dear dad passed away on Monday morning. Even though he was frail and had been declining for some time, it was still a shock and it hasn’t quite sunk in that he is no longer here in physical form, that I can’t just pick up the phone and have a chat.

I feel a lot of gratitude, for the unconditional love that my parents provided, for the many good times we have had, for the opportunity to spend time with them, for the support and care that my sisters gave our parents, for the excellent care my dad received while in a nursing home. So many things….

And life moves on to the next season…..
Term 4 will start a little later than planned. I am not sure how long I will be away but I am not anticipating it will be much more than a week.

I will send out another email when I am know about the dates.
In the mean time….. we have other things happening at Sun and Moon:

We are now offering pregnancy yoga classes

Classes will be tailored to pregnant bodies for a relaxing and inclusive experience. This is a chance to take time out of busy schedules to be with yourself and bubba.

Sundays 10.30 - 11.30 with optional tea and chats after class

$15 / class

Bookings essential

Classes will be lead by Suzie who is pregnant as well!

Contact her on: 027 2789009

As well as yoga, we have pilates classes led by Steph. Contact Leeston Physio for details and to book: 3244150

And we have some pretty amazing practitioners…

Mehdi is a highly qualified and experienced chiropractor

You can contact him here: 021 1054639

Christine Blandford is a wonderful reflexologist as well as a qualified naturopath and medical herbalist.

You can contact her here to book an appointment: 022 0495509

Also Hillary is back at Sun and Moon too.... Hillary is a highly skilled and intuitive massage therapist.

You can contact her at 022 4095962
Until next time,

Best Wishes and Happy Spring

Rose 027 6673904


Pregnancy yoga classes starting up soon!

This will be a 6 week course lead by Suzie.

Classes will be tailored to pregnant bodies for a relaxing and inclusive experience. A chance to take time out of our busy schedules to be with yourself and bubba.

Sundays 10.30 - 11.30 with optional tea and chats after class

9th October until 13th November. $65 per person.

Bookings essential

Ps Suzie Will be 24 weeks pregnant as well!

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