Jessica Scull - Rising Essence

I’m Jess, a soul alignment coach and healer who is here to support you in discovering the true you, healing through layers and shining your light ✨


Our soul’s journey is not an easy one, the experiences, challenges and memorable moments are there to help us learn, grow and gain a deeper understanding of all that life has to offer. 💜💚


Connecting in with nature is magical as many of you know. I took some time out from the hustle and bustle of life to ground myself, connect and listen to the whispers nature has to offer. One of my favourite walks is Yardley’s bush on the outskirts of Te Awamutu, it doesn’t take long to get around but it has the most magnificent feeling. As I walked, I came across this beautiful tree and felt drawn to connect. Placing my hands on his trunk the guidance flowed “I do not worry about what I cannot control for I will find a way to thrive”.
This beautiful tree is growing close to the broad walk, yet he is not worried about needing more space to flourish.
He is not worried about how tall he is in comparison to the other trees or how far he has to go. He shines his light ever so bright and has a deep sense of contentment.

Your light is magnificent, honour who you are and the journey you are walking. ✨💚🌳




Discovering who I am is a wonderful journey. I love delving into the light and the shadows. The light shows me amazing gifts, traits, skills and knowledge I hold on a soul level and the shadows show me what I need to work through, heal and gain lessons and knowledge from in order to grow and be a better version of me.

It can be hard at times but the feeling of being more aligned with who I am is incredible and so worth the journey 💜✨

Credit for the picture: apeaceofwerk

Photos from Jessica Scull - Rising Essence's post 10/03/2024

Being in nature is really therapeutic for me! Spending time grounding/earthing my energy and connecting with all the beauty Mother Earth has to offer fills my bucket!

Our days can be busy so I make a conscious effort to slow down and connect where I can. At home I do this by this standing with bare feet in the garden and admiring all that is there. On the weekends we try venture to other areas of nature within our community (we are very lucky to have so many amazing spaces).

Grounding/earthing is about our body connecting with the earth’s electric field, this helps our bodies to find balance, improves blood flow and can reduce stress levels.

Today I visited Yardleys bush, normally I have the kids in tow and Jack from time to time but today it was an opportunity for me to explore and connect on my own. I took my time and appeciated all the wonderful things crossing my path as I walked. The tall trees very magnificent and shared a little wisdom!🌳

✨ Stand tall for what you stand for.

✨ Be you and you will rise up

The beautiful thing about slowing down and being still in the moment is that you are not only feeling your own heart beat but that of mother natures too!✨💚


I have started reading this book Your Journey Your Power by the beautiful Zee Dol and what an incredible read it has been so far, I’m struggling to put it down. I love growing on a personal/spiritual level and this book is very empowering and so relatable on a soul level. I love that it’s reflective not only for my own journey but also for how I can best support my own children through their journey. Super grateful to Zee for sharing her wisdom✨🥰!

Photos from Jessica Scull - Rising Essence's post 23/10/2023

Apologies for being MIA for so long. It’s been wonderful stepping back into my healing space and supporting clients. Saturday night was the first session I have had in a long time.

When I had my accident in April it meant I had to hit the pause button, slow down and take time for me to heal. As I started getting back to normal I stepped into a new job which was an amazing opportunity for me to grow in a leadership role. I ended up finding the work life balance not quite right for our family and Jack had also been assigned work in Wellington for a fortnight at a time and coming back for a weekend before heading back down. Thankfully he is home after a month and I have learnt a lot about myself through this experience.

I realised that I really miss providing a space for others to heal and supporting them along their journey. I am so grateful to be stepping back into a more balanced lifestyle for all of us at home and feel so ready to expand not only for myself but for others too.

If you are looking for a reiki healing, reducing stress, aches and pains, balancing emotions and gaining more energy send me a message 😊

I also work on other aspects of one’s healing journey.
- Supporting client’s to process and heal from trauma they have encountered in this life (physical and emotional)
- Past lives affecting the client in their current life
- Supporting clients to discover their soul calling
- Connecting with loved ones that have passed for the clients highest good.
- Bring through the clients spirit guides, angels and animal guides as they need them in the present moment.
- Ancestral healing guided by their spiritual team
- And so much more depending on what the client intends to achieve during the healing and what their spiritual team feel is for their highest good.

My availability has changed due to family life, and work but I will be available Monday evenings, some Thursday evenings and in the weekends. Touch base through message and I can arrange a time and day that suits.

Thank you all for supporting my business and my page, I truely appreciate it! 💜


Life has been pretty busy lately and this weekend we had an impromptu trip up north. It was just what I needed to fill my bucket and ground in nature. The family enjoyed taking time out of the daily hustle and bustle too☀️🏖️🐚🏞️

Make sure you take time to fill your bucket and take a moment to just be. 💜


It’s been a long time since I have posted on here but I am close to being fully recovered and I’m finding my groove again which is a wonderful feeling.
I saw this and had to share.

Don’t be afraid to be you and shine your light ✨❤️


Gratitude for the small things in life
Over the last 7 weeks recovering post op has been a time of rest and listening to my body. The first couple of weeks was frustrating as I was restricted to the couch or bed majority of my day. My mindset was struggling and I got to the point where I realised I didn’t want to be in that space and to embrace this recovery process. I would look for the joys in my life and one of those being my daily shower as it enabled me to feel ready to take on the day. I also had to learn to let others help me which took a little getting used to.

I’m now almost 8 weeks post op and started physio last week. I’m working on gaining flexibility and strength in my ankle and leg and can walk in the moon boot assisted with crutches. This has really brought joy to my days and I am appreciating the small things now more now than I ever have.

We can sometimes take life for granted and forget to slow down and appreciate things around us. This journey has definitely taught me this and I am lovingly embracing the ability to do more with my family and in life. 🌻☀️

Photos from Jessica Scull - Rising Essence's post 19/04/2023

I’ve been a worrier my whole life what if this happens what if that happens. I had surgery yesterday for an ankle injury and leading up to it a few days before I could feel myself worrying about all sorts of things. I stopped and reminded myself to lovingly trust the process. I had to be nil by mouth every morning and would receive a call from the hospital if that day was the day. The 19th I got the confirmation surgery was happening. I moved into a real sense of calm.

Many of you won’t know this but the 19th has always been a special number in our family house hold, my Mum and Dad were married on this day, when my brother Matt had many of his surgeries for his broken ankles it was either fell on the 19th or Room 19. There have also been many other significant things since my Dad’s passing that have had this number and his favourite number 7 present in some way. I know it’s my Dad showing us he’s there lovingly supporting us through the journey.

The fear rose again right as I was being transported down to surgery and I was placed in booth 7. It was a reminder that all will be ok and I could feel his love and support with me. I also asked the Angels to please lovingly wrap me in protection and support my journey through surgery. I totally surrendered and I had the most amazing sleep/dream while in surgery.

I was so fortunate to have an amazing surgical team and a post op team that was able to get my pain sorted. I am beyond grateful for my Mum and my amazing family who have supported me and our little family along the way and continue to as the recovery process unfolds. My darling husband thank you for being with me every step of the way and for being my rock 🥰❤️

My biggest lesson from this all is trust in the process and completely surrender in love and light✨


When the sun rises in the morning and it lights up land, many living beings feel the power that radiates from the light rays. When we embrace who we are and shine our light brightly, we not only light up our world but we are the beacon for so many. ☀️✨💛

Photos from Jessica Scull - Rising Essence's post 07/04/2023

Good morning all,

The ocean is looking beautiful this morning and how magical are these fairy houses and church✨

I hope you all have a wonderful day today ❤️


Something I have learned through my own healing journey and guiding others through theirs is that the body stores emotions and trauma in all sorts of places. Sometimes the pain and discomfort of emotions and trauma we have received from this life or a past life will rise in a particular part of the body. The problem comes when we ignore the ni**le and it grows until we can no longer bear it. It’s your soul calling you to step into healing and releasing it and when you do, the most amazing growth and transformation occurs. It’s about honouring you and acknowledging your light and shadow make you the most incredible soulful human being ✨


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! I am now open for Reiki healings on Wednesday’s between 9.15am and 2.30pm. They can be in person or via distance. If you are feeling tired, lacking energy, ache’s around the body or feeing stuck and need some guidance, feel free to message or email me at [email protected] and I can arrange a time that suits.

Jess 💜✨


A beautiful journey of discovery and growth💜✨

How I became a warrior~~

Once, I ran from fear
so fear controlled me.
Until I learned to hold fear like a newborn.
Listen to it, but not give in.
Honour it, but not worship it.
Fear could not stop me anymore.
I walked with courage into the storm.
I still have fear,
but it does not have me.

Once, I was ashamed of who I was.
I invited shame into my heart.
I let it burn.
It told me, "I am only trying
to protect your vulnerability".
I thanked shame dearly,
and stepped into life anyway,
unashamed, with shame as a lover.

Once, I had great sadness
buried deep inside.
I invited it to come out and play.
I wept oceans. My tear ducts ran dry.
And I found joy right there.
Right at the core of my sorrow.
It was heartbreak that taught me how to love.

Once, I had anxiety.
A mind that wouldn't stop.
Thoughts that wouldn't be silent.
So I stopped trying to silence them.
And I dropped out of the mind,
and into the Earth.
Into the mud.
Where I was held strong
like a tree, unshakeable, safe.

Once, anger burned in the depths.
I called anger into the light of myself.
I felt its shocking power.
I let my heart pound and my blood boil.
Listened to it, finally.
And it screamed, "Respect yourself fiercely now!".
"Speak your truth with passion!".
"Say no when you mean no!".
"Walk your path with courage!".
"Let no one speak for you!"
Anger became an honest friend.
A truthful guide.
A beautiful wild child.

Once, loneliness cut deep.
I tried to distract and numb myself.
Ran to people and places and things.
Even pretended I was "happy".
But soon I could not run anymore.
And I tumbled into the heart of loneliness.
And I died and was reborn
into an exquisite solitude and stillness.
That connected me to all things.
So I was not lonely, but alone with All Life.
My heart One with all other hearts.

Once, I ran from difficult feelings.
Now, they are my advisors, confidants, friends,
and they all have a home in me,
and they all belong and have dignity.
I am sensitive, soft, fragile,
my arms wrapped around all my inner children.
And in my sensitivity, power.
In my fragility, an unshakeable Presence.

In the depths of my wounds,
in what I had named “darkness”,
I found a blazing Light
that guides me now in battle.

I became a warrior
when I turned towards myself.

And started listening.~

~Jeff Foster

art: Autumn Skye Morrison


For many years, especially my teen years I felt lost, knowing I had this purpose but not being able to figure out what it was. Along the way I discovered things that resonated with my soul and ignited the light within me. At times the frustration of not knowing this purpose was really hard but I took part in one on one coaching and discovered a big part of my soul calling was to learn and grow spiritually, healing through light and shadow work which I love (crazy I know 😊). This year I wanted to dig deeper and discover more.

Teaching has always been a passion of mine and I’m discovering ways this passion aligns with my soul calling. Through healings with client’s recently, guidance has been coming through that has enabled them to form a deep connection with their soul and gain an understanding of what resonates on a soul level as well as developing an understanding of their purpose while on earth.

I am adding soul calling to my services. If it is something you are interested in, you can have it as a reading on it’s own ($60) or combine it with a Reiki healing ($110) which brings through a magnitude of healing such as:
- Clearing and rebalancing your chakra’s
- Healing through colour frequencies reducing stress, inflammation, creating flow through the body and calming the mind and body where needed
- As past lives rise, understanding the learning from that life and its role it plays in your current life then healing accordingly.
- Healing physical injuries and emotional trauma
- Inner child healing if it rises for your highest good.

If a soul calling reading interests you and/or you would like a reiki healing. PM me or email at [email protected]

Love and light
Jess 💜✨


Photos from Jessica Scull - Rising Essence's post 11/02/2023

We look at nature in awe of how beautiful it is. It calls for us to look within and love ourselves just as we love flowers 🌸 the ocean 🌊 and the mountains ⛰️The more we love ourselves the more our light shines✨💜

HEALING ENERGY TOOLS on Instagram: "Be YOU! 🦄⚡️🤍💫💞👸🏼💞 Drop a ❤️if you feel this. #1111 #goodvibes #newbeginnings #abundance #happiness #newera #trust #intuition #universe #newearth #5dconsciousness #newbeginnings #blessin 27/01/2023

💜 Love this! It’s important to be you and love you for you. Shine that light of yours 💜

Credit: Healing Energy Tools

HEALING ENERGY TOOLS on Instagram: "Be YOU! 🦄⚡️🤍💫💞👸🏼💞 Drop a ❤️if you feel this. #1111 #goodvibes #newbeginnings #abundance #happiness #newera #trust #intuition #universe #newearth #5dconsciousness #newbeginnings #blessin 788 Likes, 25 Comments - HEALING ENERGY TOOLS () on Instagram: "Be YOU! 🦄⚡️🤍💫💞👸🏼💞 Drop a ❤️if you feel this. #1111 ...


I went to Raglan over the weekend with my sister Kim and my children for a fun day out. It was overcast and a few drizzles here and there but a great day for a swim and play. My sister took this photo of Hayley and what a beautiful one it is. The first words that came to mind were

“The world is your oyster my darling”



🌸💜🌸 bring on 2023 ✨

Bye 2022 👋 2023, I'm ready 😘



What a year 2022 had been and a beautiful sunset to finish it off. This year has seen huge spiritual healing and growth, stepping into my Reiki Masters, meeting some amazing people along the way and finally being ready to create and launch Rising Essence.

This year has also had some real challenges, dealing with sick children for the majority of the second half of this year and losing a very dear family friend ❤️

I sit in reflection and I am very grateful for the learnings and opportunities I have encountered and really appreciate all that I have in my life big and small. Thank you to my husband Jack and my beautiful children as well as family and friends for all the support you have given me this year.

Wishing you a happy New Year filled with love.


Photos from Jessica Scull - Rising Essence's post 29/12/2022

Holiday time is a wonderful time for relaxing and connecting and one thing I have loved doing while away is connecting deeply with nature. I have always had a deep connection with the ocean, during my teenage years it was one of my go to places to feel a sense of calm and help regulate my emotions when things felt overwhelming.

The desire to connect deeper with nature has risen and I have felt I can do this through honouring my gift of sensing the energy of my environment, big and small. I have been able to really appreciate and develop a deeper understanding of the power and beauty the ocean has, as well as how I can give back to such a magnificent part of our world.

A major highlight of our trip has been Dylan stepping into an understanding of how nature can bring love, healing and connection into our lives. He connected so deeply with flowers, even gathered some and told me “mum these will be great for your healing room”.

My cup is overflowing and so grateful to get the time to slow down and have some quality family time.



Hey team sorry for not posting in a little while, life has been very busy the last few weeks. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends 🎄.

I received this book as a gift from Jack for Christmas and it’s an amazing read, I am struggling to put it down. If you are looking for a book to delve into for your own healing journey I highly recommend this one.



This is a great post about some of the healing you recieve when having a reiki session just to name a few. If you would love a healing session for yourself or would like to gift one for someone special, you can private message me or book through this page.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Jess 💜✨

The Benefits of Reiki 💚✨Reiki is one of the simplest and safest self-healing techniques today and is becoming an increasingly popular way to naturally heal, relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety and provide extraordinary relaxation.

💚While many cultures have developed techniques and disciplines that stimulate the flow of energy in and around the body, Reiki is one of the easiest to receive. The techniques used in Reiki are simple yet powerful, and the results can be remarkable. It doesn’t interfere with any medical treatments, has no adverse side effects and is suitable for everyone.

💚Deep Relaxation - Reiki provides deep relaxation and stress-relief, to help you find calm whenever you need it

💚Mind, Body & Soul - Reiki is a Holistic therapy – it seeks out the root of the problem for profound healing on all levels

💚Re-Energise - Feeling frazzled, overwhelmed and burnt-out? Reiki naturally boosts energy and vitality

💚 Immunity - Reiki stimulates your own natural healing abilities.

💚Clarity & Peace - Quiet all that mind clutter with Reiki. Reiki helps you reset and re-centre ✨


This year has been an enormous year of healing and growth for me. I decided to step into healing myself and being prepared to be completely open and vulnerable to the deep healing and shadow work that has risen to the surface. At times it has been challenging and very emotional but I have loved gaining a deep understanding of what makes me tick and discovering who I am at a soul level. I have been so fortunate to have amazing guides supporting me in this journey and to step into my own so that I can help others in their healing journey.




We are such super powers!
We can heal ourselves with the powers of nature and our own energy.
We are all psychic, medium and clairvoyant- if we choose/ dare to start the unravelling.
We can open ourselves to anything we choose if we have the right intention.
We are incredible beings- and how powerful we are depends on who we listen too and what we choose to believe.
It starts in our mind. Who are you? And how do you want to live your life?


This is a little reminder to take time to reflect on the journey you have walked so far

The highs are wonderful and the lows can really challenge us but both types of experiences provide incredible insight that can help us, heal and grow.

💜 ✨


I took part in an incredible healing course today, learning and expanding my tool kit to support others to heal themselves. Really looking forward to seeing the journey unfold.

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