Arvin Kit M. Gallego

Are you looking for a web developer that is faster, organized, and efficient? That’s me and let me help you! Hi! I am Arvin Kit M.

Gallego, I am a Wordpress Developer, I provide efficient Responsive Design, Clean Typography, and balance color palette for your brand. Ensuring the client for a well delivered detailed information and overall functionality when it comes to your line is my utmost priority. The quality of being precise and flexible in working with different programming languages is what I embody. Moreover, utilizin

Timeline photos 03/07/2022

When looking for the perfect web developer, there are certain dominant qualities that are just irrevocable. Such as having a comprehensive understanding of client’s preferences, excellent programming skills, creative traits, consistent performance, a meticulous eye, and a diligent attitude. So if you hire me as your web developer, I will deliver all of these and more to help you achieve the website you need and want.

Websites play an important role in representing a business or organization. They help welcome the web audience by providing informative information that would encourage visitors to come back, make a purchase, and learn more behind its purpose. A website serves multiple purposes but when you need information or want help you need a reputable source.

This is where the quality of content on a website comes into play. Nowadays, more people are paying attention to what a website looks like, memorable content with a purpose, and remembering content that makes a poor website.😀


Timeline photos 03/07/2022

The web design is an integral part of any website as it cultivates amazing user experience for clients. Aside from functionality, designing a website also focuses in making every function and navigation a fun encounter.

Web Design is the process of creating, making, and developing websites. It includes many different features such as webpage layout, webpage content, and also graphic designs. In general web design and web development work together, but the term web design is an actual category of web development. The main way of creating websites is building it from scratch using HTML language; which stands for Hypertext markup language. Web designers build websites using HTML tags that define the content of each page. The layout of the webpage and the appearance of all the elements will be built by using CSS; which stands for Cascading Style sheets.

Therefore, all of the websites are being of combination of HTML and CSS files to define of how the page going to appear to the client or user. Many web designers prefer to build a web page starting from scratch by typing HTML and CSS codes, and others they prefer using a software for building and designing these webpages.😀

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Timeline photos 22/06/2022

There are a lot of content management systems available on the market that can help you grow in your chosen field. But why choose WordPress? It possess numerous benefits and advantages that absolutely penetrates the market. Being user-friendly, cost effective, and functional are one of the best qualities that WordPress has. It also comes with website security to avoid any mishaps, variety of designs to choose from, and it is structured with search engines and SEO to widen your connections. WordPress is the ideal all-in-one platform for nearly any website, thanks to its ease of use and intuitive interface, as well as its scalability and performance.

In many cases, people choose WordPress because it's an easy platform to use if you're new to web development. However, WordPress also has a lot to offer if you have experience building websites. It's entirely customizable, and its plugin and theme systems can enable you to build almost any type of site you'd like.😀


Timeline photos 21/06/2022

Managing web traffic and analyzing customer preferences and demographics is indeed a handful task. That’s why ensuring a user-friendly website is a massive factor to be considered. At WordPress, the user experience of clients is highly valued for it creates a ripple of customer retention and increases productivity.

Increasing user confidence online is a constant challenge of website owners and entrepreneurs. With the widespread scams and frauds online, creating an environment where users feel comfortable interacting, using, and buying from a website is essential. User Experience (UX) design is essential to building user confidence. Make it Easy Website owners have less time than ever to impress and entice potential customers to learn more about their site.

Using UX to build user confidence doesn't just encourage users to become frequent visitors and customers of the interface but also gives them the confidence to recommend the system to others. Regardless of the features, a difficult to use site will never be the go to recommendation for anyone other than hardcore users.😀


Timeline photos 19/06/2022

In a world run by technology, being in line with trends is a must. As a web developer, incorporating a modern yet traditional approach in the UI has never run out of style. It fully serves all the functions and also keeps up with current drift in the industry.

Visual Design
Just because we are discussing it first doesn’t mean it is more important than the other two. In fact, when we talk about functionality, its role is only that of a mediator between the product and the user. However, in terms of the ease, familiarity, and satisfaction it provides to the consumer, it deserves the top spot.
Visual design improves a site’s ornamental value by strategically implementing elements such as fonts, colours, and images among other things. When professionally done, visual design makes a page elegant without compromising on its function or content.

Interactive design
When we click a button on a website, it performs a certain action for us. When we check a box on an online form, it responds to us. When we miss an important field in the same form, it becomes highlighted. All this is taken care of by the interactive side of UI design. It presents the user-interface in such a way to us that we know or can learn how to interact with it.
Excellent interactive design not only anticipates how a person interacts with a system but also antedates and fixes problems in good time. It may also invent new ways through which a system interacts and responds to users.😀


Timeline photos 18/06/2022

In order to keep track with digital traffic and trends, website maintenance is truly important. It allows your website to achieve maximum productivity through
checking and resolving various issues it may have piled up. With consistent maintenance, it allows your website to run efficiently and encourage more customer traffic.Through my services, I can develop your dream website without hassle.

WordPress’s setup is very straight forward with its famous five minute install. Though now a days it is even faster with most hosting providers offering a one-click install solution for WordPress. This feature makes it very easy for a new users to get their websites up and running. WordPress was the first of its counterparts to implement rolling releases which helps to reduce the knowhow barrier to entry of web development in providing a more streamlined administration experience.



Timeline photos 17/06/2022

Every great website starts with profound programming. Building a competitive and functional website is not a walk in the park, but with hiring the right programmer it will surely be easier. Whether it's in database management or web development, I can make your vision turn to reality.

Budding entrepreneurs consider WordPress to be an excellent platform for creating websites for small business and even startups. As a highly recognized Content Management Service (CMS), WordPress is currently employed by more than 100 million users all over the world. May business owners who have decided to take their businesses online are doing so on a WordPress platform.

WordPress has dramatically evolved from a platform that was initially used for blogging to a CMS platform. Today, many online business websites prefer to employ WordPress as their preferred choice of hosting platform while many people who are not aware of the numerous benefits to which WordPress is attached with still opt for static pages. (.html websites). Here are some benefits of considering WordPress web development. 😀

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Timeline photos 15/06/2022

Do you know that visibility of system status is one of Jakob Nielsen’s 10 heuristics for user interface design? According to the most famous and respected web usability consultant and human-computer interaction researcher, who holds 79 patents on making the Internet easier to use, system status should be presented in every web platform regardless of its niche, scale, age, and market.

A decade ago, this recommendation was met with a particular cold and only big names followed this advice. Today, it is a well-established standard for businesses in the digital expanses. Recent studies show that transparency is a top factor in creating a great user experience. It ensures the brand’s strong reputation, reinforces healthy relationships with the clientele, generates leads, and prolongs the life of the product and organization.😀

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Timeline photos 14/06/2022

With modern technologies getting more powerful and widely supported by current browsers, the website has become a designer’s canvas. It is here where artists show off their skills and vivid imagination. We contemplate website designs of all shapes and sizes that sport their gorgeous aesthetics and magnifying vibes in the digital expanses.

Effective website design is not only a beautiful face; it is also an outstanding user experience and excellent performance. Whatever gorgeous design you have, if it is difficult to navigate and retrieve important information, then it is a failure. Website design is a complex organism where all elements, even those that are hidden from the eye, work together to provide a perfect place.

Let’s dive into website design basics and consider such essential aspects as key UI elements, usability, and accessibility.😀

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Timeline photos 13/06/2022

Web design companies get a lot of business from people just like you. However, what those people don't know is that they can design an attractive website themselves. Don't allow yourself to be a victim; be in charge by learning some simple web design tips. The excellent tips presented below will get you started.

If you're designing a website, make sure the code you write has a valid HTML+CSS. Although most browsers can make sense of code that isn't valid, it could be rendered correctly or incorrectly. Valid code will render the same way most of the time in modern browsers. You can check the validity of your HTML code with an HTML validator.

Use JavaScript to include a custom font on your webpages. Libraries like Typekit and Google Web Fonts make it easy to include esoteric fonts on webpages, even if most visitors don't have those fonts on their computers. It works by embedding the font itself into JavaScript so that it can be decoded by the client on the fly.😀

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Timeline photos 12/06/2022

If you're looking for affordable web design, the best option you have is to do the designing yourself. Yeah, it might sound like a difficult task, but it really isn't. As long as you're willing to read the tips below and follow them to the letter, you will be able to design a website like you've been doing it for years.

A fast website is a good website. Realize that visitors to your site have many options and will just go somewhere else if your site does not load right away.

It is essential to test the pages in your website to be certain they look as they should on every different browser; a successful site needs to display correctly in all browsers. A site that works on Internet Explorer might not display right in Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. Therefore, check to see that all pages display correctly in all the large browsers prior to your site going live.😀

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Timeline photos 11/06/2022

If you're looking for affordable web design, the best option you have is to do the designing yourself. Yeah, it might sound like a difficult task, but it really isn't. As long as you're willing to read the tips below and follow them to the letter, you will be able to design a website like you've been doing it for years.

Don't disable the visitor's right-click functionality. Some sites do this in order to prevent people from copying and pasting text or saving images from the site. The thing is, it doesn't work and disables other useful functions. OCR can be used to capture text from such sites, and grabbing images is as simple as taking a screenshot.

Test your site to see if the major translation services work properly when translating your site. Some sites receive many international visitors, and these visitors sometimes use services like BabelFish and Google Translate to translate the text to their language. Certain web design problems, especially poor server side code, can break these services.😀

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Timeline photos 10/06/2022

There are many important things to consider when you are getting into social media marketing. Social media marketing is the newest trend in the young internet marketing industry. Figuring out how you fit in may not be easy. The article below discusses some tips that will help you to effectively market your business.

Learn to utilize YouTube. You can post videos related to your business on this site. This allows you to create a greater personalization with your customers as they hear your voice and see your face. If you have a Twitter account, you can send links to your new content, increasing your YouTube traffic.

Take advantage of YouTube by adding it to your marketing plans that use social media. YouTube is effective in drawing in newer visitors, since watching your video content should familiarize them with your products and services. The more you inform visitors before they visit your site, the more your sales will increase.😀

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Timeline photos 07/06/2022

Our mission has always been to democratize publishing, one website at a time. Now we’re making all the benefits of WordPress available to more people, with one simple pricing thing we heard over the years was how hard it can be to choose the right upgrade plan when you’re ready to scale up from Free.

Plugins are powerful add-ons that make it simple to add limitless functionality to your website in just a few clicks. No coding necessary. With WordPress Pro we’re opening the doors to this unlimited array of extra features at half the price of our previous Business plan.😀

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Timeline photos 06/06/2022

We’re excited to introduce a set of prompts for creators of all types! Meet WordPrompt, a single-word monthly exercise that aims to inspire you to create new posts, regardless of what or how you publish.

We want to keep that momentum going, so we’re excited to introduce a new set of prompts for creators of all types — whether they participated in Bloganuary or not. Meet WordPrompt, a single-word monthly exercise that aims to inspire you to create new posts, regardless of what or how you publish. 😀

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Timeline photos 05/06/2022

For much of Black history in the US, a lot of stories have gone untold. As we wrap up Black History Month, our team at Automattic — the company behind — wanted to share how we celebrated with our fellow colleagues. Throughout February, our Black/African Descent employee resource group, Cocoamattic, shined a light on some of these untold stories.

Each week this month, we shared infographics highlighting notable Black/African Descent people from around the world, from inventors and pioneers to Black-first and culture influencers. 😀


Timeline photos 04/06/2022

In the thirty-first episode of the WordPress Briefing, GAAD Co-Founder Joe Devon joins WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy to discuss Global Accessibility Awareness Day and the role of open source in accessibility.

Where you can catch quick explanations of the ideas behind the WordPress open source project, some insight into the community that supports it, and get a small list of big things. 😀


Timeline photos 03/06/2022

As of today, WordPress powers more than 42% of websites worldwide.With nearly 1,000 enhancements and bug fixes, the second major release of 2022 is here.

Site owners and administrators should upgrade to take full advantage of the many stability, performance, and usability enhancements today. WordPress content creators will enjoy a suite of new features geared toward improving the writing and designing experiences.😀


Timeline photos 02/06/2022

With WordPress’ updates, you will always keep in style. Need not to worry of keeping up with trends because WordPress always ensures that maximum efficiency, productivity, and design are always on point.

In this fast pacing world, being on track with the market drift and competitiveness may be a struggle. But in WordPress, it enables users to take a smooth course while managing their websites. 😀


Timeline photos 01/06/2022

Building a community locally around WordPress got off to a slow start in Sydney. From an inauspicious early WordPress Sydney meetup in the function room of a pub, her connection and involvement took off. Before long she was helping organize that meetup, and by the time she moved away from that great city it had branched into two meetups, and soon after, into three.

She was so inspired by the community that at the end of that first year and her second Word Camp, she raised her hand to help organize a Word Camp Sydney in 2012, and after moving interstate, Word Camp Melbourne in 2013.😀



SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In simple terms, it means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in Google, Bing, and other search engines. The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.


WordPress comes with a built-in search feature, which is quite limited and not very good in finding the relevant content.
If you are making a new WordPress website or blog, then you may not need a better search feature right away.
However, as you add more content, you would want to help users easily find articles or products. A lot of folks rely mainly on SEO best practices, hoping that users will find things through search engines.

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