Merlyn and Craig

Facebook Setup & Strategies Consultant: Results-Oriented Marketing Success! We will set up or tweak


When there is a woman.
There is miracle.


What is the cost of Facebook Ads?

The good thing about Facebook ads is you can set your own budget, so you're not forced to spend ten times what you originally planned.

Facebook Ads appear as an auction and your bids are important when determining which ads would appear. The cost can vary depending on factors like industry, time of year, your ad objective, and other things, but what you decide to spend is really up to you. If your goal is to get a purchase on your sites from your ad rather than just some brand awareness, it's likely you'll be paying more because of the value of your goal.

When creating your ads you also choose a bidding strategy. This depends on your goals and budget, for example:

- Lowest cost bidding, Facebook makes the bids for you based on what they see as the lowest cost opportunities for your ads;

- Bid cap: you choose your bid cap, meaning you set a limit for the max bid;

- Target cost: If you choose target cost bidding, you try to keep your bids at the same level.

Each bidding strategy has pros and cons, so you have to decide what works best for your business!

Merlyn & Craig


What are the different types of Facebook ads?

1. Photo Ads: These ads can look like a typical Facebook post, and actually if you make a regular post with an image and a status, you can choose to turn them into an ad.

2. Video Ads: You have some different options when creating a Facebook Ads video for your business. These ads can appear within a video someone is watching in their news feed, or even as a story.

3. Carousel ads: let users scroll through up to 10 photos or videos from your company and click through if they're interested what they see.

4. Slideshow ads: like a slideshow, this ad format lets you stitch together different photos or videos to get your message across to people and direct them to whatever landing page you may have. If you want to play around and see what ad types you like and which you don't, you can pop into Facebook Creative Hub and make some mockups. There you'll have the option to design a bunch of different ads and formats you can try.


This is the big advantage of advertising on Facebook compared to other platforms.

Facebook is a big player when it comes to helping consumers decide what to buy.

Over 50% of consumers are likely to buy from a company they follow on Facebook over a bunch of other platforms.

So if you want Facebook users to become customers, you should definitely consider advertising on the platform.


Do Facebook Ads work? Facebook works but how much depends on your industry and goals. On average, Facebook Ads do convert at a rate 9-10%.


Benefits of Facebook Ads

This list of Facebook benefits made you think how powerful is it. You are probably missing a huge portion of your audience if you are not leveraging all of the benefits of Facebook advertising.

1. Facebook advertising has a wealth of information about it's user.

- You can target specific users.

2. Your customers spend much of their time on Facebook:

- 37% of all the people on Earth use Facebook today;

- 65% of adults over the age of 65 use Facebook;

- There are billions of users and most of them check their page multiple times per day;

- Regardless of who your customers are, they are likely using Facebook every day.

3. Facebook advertising is the most targeted form of advertising:

- A major benefit of Facebook advertising is it's ability to reach your exact audience;

- You can advertise to people by location, demographic, age, interests, behavior, and base on their profile information;

- If you know your customers, you can use Facebook advertising to fully engage them.

4. Facebook advertising is fast:

- You can start reaching thousands of people today;

- If you are looking for a fast way to drive traffic and conversions, Facebook advertising is the best solution.

5. Facebook advertising boosts your website traffic:

- You can run a website click campaign to target your audience and send them to your website.

6. Facebook advertising is measurable:

- You will be able to see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions you are receiving;

- In order to track conversions, you only need to install a conversion or Facebook ads pixel on your website to track the activity.

7. Facebook advertising can help you break into new markets:

- If you are bringing a new product or service to market, you can use Facebook advertising to increase its exposure;

- Facebook advertising will help you test the market at your own pace.

8. Facebook advertising is real-time:

- You see your campaign in real time;

- Facebook advertising helps you immediately cut your losses and make adjustments to gain more conversions.

9. Your competitors are using Facebook advertising:

- If you are not using online advertising to grow your business, you will not have a business soon;

- Your customers are spending a lot of their time on social media, so you need to make sure you are using it to reach them.

10. Facebook advertising is mobile:

- Mobile is the future of online;

- 50% of all Internet users are mobile;

- Over 84% of Facebook users access Facebook from a mobile device;

- In fact, Facebook is one of the largest mobile applications that exist today.

11. Facebook advertising is budget-friendly (set your own budget):

- If you overspend on the wrong ad campaign, you can waste thousands of dollars.

-If you underspend, you may not get enough exposure;

Ads Manager isn’t intuitive and you can’t expect results overnight. Truly, you can never expect results overnight when it comes to business.

However, if you use the platform correctly and test your ads, you’ll eventually find success spending (less) money on Facebook.


Merlyn and Craig | Facebook Ads Consultant | Editor | Content Writer


Content builds relationships. Relationship are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.


Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.


The three objectives for content marketing:
● Reach


"Content builds relationships. Relationship are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”


Facebook offers four options for creating ads on their platform for your Health and Wellness Products:

1. Videos - Adding movement to your ads can make them more eye-catching in Feed;

2. Use single Images - We recommend using images of your product or brand;

3. Carousel - Carousel ads showcase up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link;

4. Instant Experience - a fullscreen experience that opens after someone taps your ad on a mobile device. Create an Instant Experience to visually highlight your brand, products or services.

5. Collection - The collection format features multiple products and opens as an Instant Experience when someone interacts with it. Your customers can discover, browse and purchase products from their phones in a visual and immersive way.


How can you get more customers for your Health and Wellness Products and high (ROI) Return on Investment?


Are You Experiencing Problems in Facebook Ads? Frustrated of how ads work. Our combined talents (Filipina certified Facebook consultant & American editor/blog/content writer) help companies to profitably scale Facebook ads and increase revenue while decreasing CPA (i.e reduce ad costs).

Send us a message on how it might help you!


How to market your Health and Wellness Products on Facebook?

● Create Consistent Content to attract and retain your target audience (building brand loyalty);

● Videos are a popular way to boost the "know, like and trust" factors (People won't buy your products if they don't know, like and trust you) ☺


Facebook Ads do work with proven results for companies of all sizes, and the majority of businesses use them for content marketing. The problem is not with Facebook - it’s with how you’re approaching Facebook.


Are you struggling to get great ROAS (Return on Ad Spending) from your Facebook Ads?

Not investing enough time and resources to manage the page well?

Don't have good ideas for how to create engaging content?

No strategy, plan, or measurement system?

Not targeting the right audience?

Have a great product yet not able to sell it online?

Socializing is the new way of selling, not cold sales. Understand that Facebook is a business and almost two-thirds of small businesses are failing with Facebook Ads. You don’t have to be one of them!

Facebook Ads do work with proven results for companies of all sizes, and the majority of businesses use them for content marketing. The problem is not with Facebook - it’s with how you’re approaching Facebook.

Treat it like a business partnership. Make a strategy, determine what you want out of it, and how you’re going to measure your return. Be prepared to invest some time and money into it if you want results.

But... invest wisely, targeting the right audiences with the right messages, then you will see a positive ROI without having to keep spending more and more.

Facebook wasn’t designed as a place to cold-sell customers. It is social media. So, be social, build relationships, connect with influencers and your audience. Those relationships will turn a profit!

Let's be honest! The real reason we are all in business is to make money. And nowadays, Facebook marketing will help you do that at a much faster pace. Yet if done incorrectly, you could be penalized by Facebook, lose rankings or worse, get blocked! Facebook has tightened its rules and if you don’t know the ropes you will only be wasting your money for low returns.


Do something every day that brings you closer to your goals.


Are you struggling to get great ROAS (Return on Ad Spending) from your Facebook Ads?

Not investing enough time and resources to manage the page well?

Don't have good ideas for how to create engaging content?

No strategy, plan, or measurement system?

Not targeting the right audience?

Have a great product yet not able to sell it online?

Socializing is the new way of selling, not cold sales. Understand that Facebook is a business and almost two-thirds of small businesses are failing with Facebook Ads. You don’t have to be one of them!

Facebook Ads do work with proven results for companies of all sizes, and the majority of businesses use them for content marketing. The problem is not with Facebook - it’s with how you’re approaching Facebook.

Treat it like a business partnership. Make a strategy, determine what you want out of it, and how you’re going to measure your return. Be prepared to invest some time and money into it if you want results.

But... invest wisely, targeting the right audiences with the right messages, then you will see a positive ROI without having to keep spending more and more.

Facebook wasn’t designed as a place to cold-sell customers. It is social media. So, be social, build relationships, connect with influencers and your audience. Those relationships will turn a profit!

Let's be honest! The real reason we are all in business is to make money. And nowadays, Facebook marketing will help you do that at a much faster pace. Yet if done incorrectly, you could be penalized by Facebook, lose rankings or worse, get blocked! Facebook has tightened its rules and if you don’t know the ropes you will only be wasting your money for low returns.


"Quote of the day" If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.


Happy Weekend!


Are You Experiencing Problems in Facebook Ads?


How Does Facebook Ads Work? Socializing is the new way of selling, not cold sales. Understand that Facebook is a business and almost two-thirds of small businesses are failing with Facebook Ads. You don’t have to be one of them!

Facebook Ads do work with proven results for companies of all sizes, and the majority of businesses use them for content marketing. The problem is not with Facebook - it’s with how you’re approaching Facebook.

Treat it like a business partnership. Make a strategy, determine what you want out of it, and how you’re going to measure your return. Be prepared to invest some time and money into it if you want results.

But... invest wisely, targeting the right audiences with the right messages, then you will see a positive ROI without having to keep spending more and more.

Facebook wasn’t designed as a place to cold-sell customers. It is social media. So, be social, build relationships, connect with influencers and your audience. Those relationships will turn a profit!

Let's be honest! The real reason we are all in business is to make money. And nowadays, Facebook marketing will help you do that at a much faster pace. Yet if done incorrectly, you could be penalized by Facebook, lose rankings or worse, get blocked! Facebook has tightened its rules and if you don’t know the ropes you will only be wasting your money for low returns.


Facebook Setup & Strategies Consultant: Results-Oriented Marketing Success!

We will set up or tweak your page to attract more customers, drive sales, plus assist in maintaining environmental sustainability.

Photos from Merlyn and Craig's post 05/07/2022

Did you know? Why Does a Facebook Ads Consultant Exist? Facebook Ads experts are responsible for building and monitoring marketing campaigns on the Facebook Advertising platform.

A Facebook marketing consultant can help you maximize your business potential on the social platform, generating leads, ROI and more.

If you want to explore Facebook as a means to advertise your products and services for maximizing sales and generating leads, you'll need an expert.

Developing a winning Facebook ads strategy comes from experience and expertise – something that a Facebook ad consultant can offer.

Here are a few ways in which a Facebook ads consultant can help grow your business:

- Extremely Advanced Audience Targeting

- Will know targeting options that you may not have even heard of!

- Easy Adherence to Strict Facebook Protocols

Facebook is like the strict teacher from school who likes to maintain discipline and decorum.

But guess who knows all these rules and regulations? An experienced Facebook ads consultant.

Basically, creating a Facebook ad that gets approved isn’t easy – you have to remember a lot of rules.

You can end up wasting a lot of time, with a serious threat of getting your account flagged if you aren’t careful.

Help Boost ROI Through Remarketing

Trust us, remarketing on Facebook can be very useful for increasing your revenue without breaking the bank. Facebook ad experts set up the whole system, so you can continue to build your business around the clock.

Help Maximize Your Facebook Ads Budget

A Facebook ads consultant knows the ins and outs of the platform, thus the possibility of errors is considerably less when compared to an amateur. They use intelligent tactics to maximize budgets and conversions on ad sets.

Most consultants increase ad set budgets by 20% every 2 to 4 days.

Efficient Scaling of Facebook Ads

Scaling Facebook ad campaigns is very challenging, mainly due to the dynamism of the platform.

You need to constantly update your strategies and tactics when making changes in Facebook’s Ad Manager, and manage ad creatively. In short, it’s a continuous cycle of developing winning campaigns and fighting ad fatigue.

Any reputable consultant is well-versed in tactics that can make the process more streamlined and effective. Some of these tactics include:

• Using automated rules for scaling

• Duplicating successful ad sets

• Securing the lowest manual bid

• Adjusting your ad set budget according to performance

In short, they take care of everything related to boosting your Facebook ads, so you can focus solely on your product!


You are ready. Start making stuff.

Austen Kleon


Are you struggling to get great ROAS (Return on Ad Spending) from your Facebook Ads?

Not investing enough time and resources to manage the page well?

Don't have good ideas for how to create engaging content?

No strategy, plan, or measurement system?

Not targeting the right audience?

Have a great product yet not able to sell it online?

Socializing is the new way of selling, not cold sales. Understand that Facebook is a business and almost two-thirds of small businesses are failing with Facebook Ads. You don’t have to be one of them!

Facebook Ads do work with proven results for companies of all sizes, and the majority of businesses use them for content marketing. The problem is not with Facebook - it’s with how you’re approaching Facebook.

Treat it like a business partnership. Make a strategy, determine what you want out of it, and how you’re going to measure your return. Be prepared to invest some time and money into it if you want results.

But... invest wisely, targeting the right audiences with the right messages, then you will see a positive ROI without having to keep spending more and more.

Facebook wasn’t designed as a place to cold-sell customers. It is social media. So, be social, build relationships, connect with influencers and your audience. Those relationships will turn a profit!

Let's be honest! The real reason we are all in business is to make money. And nowadays, Facebook marketing will help you do that at a much faster pace. Yet if done incorrectly, you could be penalized by Facebook, lose rankings or worse, get blocked! Facebook has tightened its rules and if you don’t know the ropes you will only be wasting your money for low returns.

Here's how we deal with your Facebook advertising and content writing:

•Facebook set up;
•Defining marketing goals;
•Find your right target audience and content marketing;
•Campaign set up;
•Creation and design of ads;
•Creating effective copy for ads, websites, and products;
•Campaign A/B split testing;
•Audience management and research; core, custom and lookalike customers;
•Facebook re-targeting;
•Campaign and ads optimization;
•Creating Facebook shop and product catalogue;
•Weekly/Monthly performance reporting.

We are expert Facebook digital marketing consultants managing projects for small- and medium-sized companies. Our combined talents (Filipina certified Facebook consultant & American editor/blog/content writer) help companies to profitably scale Facebook ads and increase revenue while decreasing CPA (i.e. reduce ad costs).

We start with mapping out a marketing strategy to give us a clear picture of the current situation of your business: where you currently stand on the digital market, who is your ideal customer avatar, what the conditions of your market look like, and who your top direct / indirect competitors are. We do this by taking a strategic, data-driven approach toward Facebook advertising.

We are communicative, direct and take working on your business with you very seriously. We treat our clients like partners and become deeply invested in their success. There's no better feeling than working as a team and being a part of the growth of a successful business!

Just send us a message to find out how we can help you to create an effective Facebook strategy for promoting your products/services online. After this, we can jump on a free call to discuss.

Best to your success!

Merlyn and Craig


Facebook Setup and Strategies Consultant:
Results-Oriented Marketing Success!

We will set up or tweak your page to attract more customers, drive sales, plus assist in maintaining environmental sustainability.

(TWEAK: to improve a system by making fine adjustments to it.)


"A Father's struggle is a struggle that no one else has"



Facebook is one of the most popular marketing platforms and also the best social media site. With more than 2.9 billion users, Facebook is a good place to start if you want to advertise to B2B and B2C businesses.

Facebook ads can help your business get more visibility, boost traffic, build brand awareness, and engage your audience more effectively.

When using paid advertising, you should understand exactly how Facebook’s ad network is built and what the platform offers (and expects) for different businesses.

The more familiar people are with your brand, the more likely they will purchase your products/services in the future.


Have a great product and want to promote it online? We know where to start!
We are expert Facebook digital marketing consultants managing projects for small- and medium-sized companies. Our combined talents (Filipina certified Facebook consultant & American editor/blog/content writer) help eCommerce profitably scale Facebook ads to increase revenue while decreasing CPA (i.e. spend less on ads):

• Facebook set up;
• Campaign set up;
• Creation and design of ads;
• Creating effective copy for ads, websites, and products;
• Campaign A/B split testing;
• Audience management and research; core, custom and lookalike customers;
• Facebook re-targeting;
• Campaign and ads optimization;
• Creating Facebook shop and product catalogue;
• Weekly/Monthly performance reporting.

Find out how we can help you create an effective Facebook strategy for promoting your products/services online.

Merlyn and Craig

Photos from Merlyn and Craig's post 07/06/2022

The greatest experience in life, are one's you didn't expect.




If you want more success to your online business, ask help to an expert.

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