The Technologian

The official student publication of Cebu Institute of Technology - University


Today, July 7th, marks the 14th University Conferment Day of Cebu Institute of Technology - University.

By virtue of Commission en Banc Resolution No. 165-2010, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) granted CIT the 'University' status. This historic milestone solidified the institution's eminence in providing quality education.

All hail, Maroon and Gold!
Caption by: John Urvie Papelleras
Layout/Graphics by: Karen Angel Monceda


𝗦𝗮𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝘄𝗻

On June 17, the Chinese Coast Guard, armed with sharp blades and batons, rammed a Philippine Navy vessel en route to Ayungin Shoal during a resupply mission for troops stationed on the BRP Sierra Madre, a World War II era batteship grounded on the reef since 1999. Chinese personnel then boarded the vessel and allegedly stole some of the crew’s personal belongings as well as destroyed navigational equipment. One crew lost a finger after it got snagged in the collision.

Quickly denouncing the incident, the Marcos administration said it was just an isolated case of a “misunderstanding.” This latest major confrontation with China comes after Marcos pointed out in public a “gentleman’s agreement” between his predecessor, then-president Rodrigo Duterte, and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The agreement was supposedly intended to maintain the status quo in the disputed waters of the West Philippine Sea (WPS). China agreed to allow basic supplies to be deployed to the Sierra Madre, but not construction materials necessary for repairing the rundown vessel. President Ferdinand Marcos expressed he was “horrified” by the “secret agreement" as he goes on to saying that the deal has “compromised the territory, the sovereignty, and the sovereign rights of the Filipinos.”

However, China’s aggressive actions in the WPS requires a critical analysis of the equal threat that the United States (US) poses to our national sovereignty. We ought to examine the repercussions of a foreign policy oriented towards accommodating the interests of imperialist powers such as the US.

It was in 2012 when the name “West Philippine Sea” began circulating in Philippine media to officially describe the “maritime areas on the western side of the Philippine archipelago” erstwhile called in its entirety the South China Sea. It began during the term of the late former president Benigno Simeon Aquino III whose administration spearheaded the arbitration case brought against China in a maritime dispute tribunal challenging its intrusive “nine-dash line” claim of almost the entire South China Sea.

In 2016, the case was won in favor of the Philippines, upholding the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which saw China's historic rights claims over maritime areas inside the "nine-dash line" to be illegitimate.

China is a party to the UNCLOS, yet it has blatantly disregarded the ruling on account of its ongoing territorial incursions in the exclusive economic zone of not just the Philippines but in other neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Interestingly, if not conveniently, the US is neither a party nor signatory to the UNCLOS but has been vocal in asserting the ruling to counter China.

The US touts itself to be an enforcer of international laws, but only when those said laws are aligned with its political, economic, and military interests. Otherwise, it fails to even respect international bodies as in the case of its ongoing financial and military support of the Israeli government despite an international court’s ruling on the Palestinian genocide.

Moreover, in the Asia-Pacific region, the US itself has exhibited signs of aggression towards China through military encirclement. Dubbed the “island chain strategy,” the island chain stretches from the Kuril Islands, the Japanese archipelago, the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, Borneo, and the Malay Peninsula.

Obviously, this has caused paranoia on the Chinese primarily due to the potential of a blockade on its trade routes in the South China Sea of which one-third of global shipping passes through its waters. Needless to say, this would have a devastating effect on China’s economy which relies heavily on exports of its manufactured goods.

Here in the Philippines, the US has propped up four additional military bases under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) conveniently situated near potential areas for conflict with China such as in Palawan and Northern Luzon, particularly in Cagayan, which is just south of Taiwan.
US military bases have been present in the Philippines since 1898 until the military treaty allowing their presence was revoked in 1991. However, recent military agreements such as EDCA has practically reestablished their military presence. Despite having those said military bases under the EDCA acting as a “strategic deterrent” or even with the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty that would require the US to come to the aid of the Philippines in case of any hostile actions, the country has still been subjected to harassment in the WPS.
Moreover, we have been complaining of military bases being built by China in the WPS but have turned a blind eye to the ones built with the aid of the US right within our territorial grounds. Must we remind ourselves that our military ties with the US during World War II cost us the decimation of our capital and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos.

The presence of US military forces within our sovereign territory places our country in the precarious position of being caught in the middle of the conflict between two imperialist rivals. Existing military agreements with the US did not help us in dealing with China’s expansion in the WPS, it has only exacerbated it.

The recent exposé on how the Pentagon ran a clandestine anti-vaccination psyop campaign reveals how desperate the US can be just to get its claws on China. The US government agency, according to the report, disregarded the collateral impact that such propaganda may have on innocent Filipinos. [Read More: ]

China's aggressive bullying tactics in the WPS, aimed at asserting its preposterous "nine-dash line" claim, have resulted in the country becoming increasingly isolated from its neighboring nations. This tyrannical projection of power, widely publicized through sensationalist media, has undermined China's efforts to exert positive influence in the broader Asia-Pacific region.

Sinophobia is now at an all-time high with the public hysteria of the Chinese infiltrating our government and secret groups of Chinese soldiers hiding in plain sight. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the Marcos administration has spread these speculations in an apparent attempt to lure the public to side with the opposing imperialist—the United States.

This is not to diminish the real and serious threat that China poses to our sovereign rights in the WPS. Our aim must be to counteract the dangerous ploys being devised by instigators such as the US and its lapdogs in their attempt to drag us into a situation that would culminate in an unnecessary war - a catastrophic war that would leave possibly millions dead in a proxy war that the US is too keenly familiar with given its rich experience in wars it has waged in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, under false pretexts.

The Marcos administration leans to the side of the US, unlike his predecessor who prefers closer ties with China. The former has identified China as a “major external threat” to the Philippines over maritime disputes. Conveniently ignoring the glaring internal threat of our lopsided military agreements with the US have wrought within our territory.

While discussions about China's alleged "invasion plan" dominate the media, US military forces maintain their presence over our territory with de facto military bases scattered throughout the country, openly conducting war exercises and preparations on our land, in our skies, and across our seas.

The Filipino people must expose and fight the war mongering instigators on both camps seeking to drag us into the midst of an inter-imperialist conflict. We must refuse to be pawn against the US proxy war against China and at the same time willing to fight and reject Chinese aggression in our waters. By asserting a genuine independent foreign policy, free from external influences, and standing firm against efforts to manufacture consent on our treatment of the conflict, can we truly safeguard our sovereignty.

Caption by: Lance Banico
Layout/Graphics by: Jan Denzel Cuyno


The start of the Midyear Midterms Examination is upon us!

It's time to showcase the breadth of knowledge we've reaped throughout such swift journey. Let's make the best out of our buzzing summer by continuing to pursue integrity and excellence in our academic endeavors.

Stay focused on getting that degree, Teknoys! We wish you the best of luck on your exams.

Caption by: Krishna Gurrea
Layout/Graphics by: Derek Stan Apostol


𝟑𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐒𝐆 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬

As the 39th Supreme Student Government (SSG) officially ends their term, corruption cases concerning certain officials of the student council remain unresolved.

Former SSG Treasurer-General Godfrey Christian Viñalon and former assistant head of the Commission on Internal Affairs (CIA), Julie Jude Escalante, have been the council's subject of concern after allegedly committing serious fiscal violations and grave misconduct.

𝐎𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐧̃𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧

The consistent delayed release of funds has led SSG officials to file a formal complaint, speculating that corruption may have been involved.

In a letter of complaint addressed to the Student Success Office (SSO) on May 21st, former Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Head Jim Kenn Banilad Jr. criticized the SSG’s “inability to promptly hand over the budget” with emphasis on Vinalon’s negligence and deceptive promises.

Banilad revealed in the letter that of their approved P27,517 budget, only P15,065 was released, which was “frequently deficient, causing difficulties faced by the Commission on Elections in carrying out its duties.”

In the attached screenshots of their conversation dated March 17th, Viñalon promised former COMELEC Assistant Finance Commissioner Jenno Aguitong to release the budget on the same day. However, he did not fulfill his promise and no longer responded to Aguitong's messages.

Before the complaint, Viñalon sent a Detailed Statement to 39th SSG President Eva Marie Alcansado on the 8th of May, in which he stated that the COMELEC "has not followed the proper procedures in acquiring the budget for the event" and "directly messaged the Treasurer-General for their budget to be released" which he pinned as a violation of the House Rules of the Committee on Finance and Office of the Treasurer-General. Viñalon also cited physical health reasons as justification for his inability to perform his duty and communicate with his fellow officers.

“[...] I believe everyone should know that I am not avoiding, but rather recovering myself from being in the condition to serve once again to the Technologian Community,” Viñalon writes.

However, Viñalon failed to attach a medical certificate verifying the claims in his Statement or provide any reason for not submitting his resignation, despite acknowledging that his absence compromises his “duties as an SSG officer."

Eventually, Banilad received the unreleased budget on June 6th, roughly a month following the elections.

Moreover, Alcansado assures The Technologian that the delayed release of funds was not due to corruption, but rather from personal negligence of duty by Viñalon. Alcansado confirms that actions were already taken to address such behavior.

According to former Committee on Rules and Regulations (CRAR) Commissioner Nathaniel Cabansay, the CRAR sent a Notice of Investigation to Viñalon on April 15th for his alleged sexual misconduct and negligence of duty.

Cabansay, who spearheaded the investigation, said Viñalon did not respond to the notice. Viñalon also did not acknowledge the Letter of Recommendation for him to resign, prompting them to file a case of impeachment against him.

Regarding Viñalon's case of sexual misconduct, the SSG refused to disclose further details due to their confidentiality. Cabansay said the council has decided to settle the matter with the SSO as it is beyond the scope of the council alone.

The 39th Congress had already reached its verdict on Viñalon’s cases towards the end of their term. However, the SSG did not issue an official statement on the matter nor maintained full transparency with the student body since the start of the investigation, regarding the motions, outcomes, and sanctions imposed. Cabansay said the council is awaiting the approval of their SSG adviser, Engr. Jhon Miguel Cabanit, to publicize the verdict.

The Technologian tried to communicate with Viñalon but he has made no acknowledgement of the request.

𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞

Tracing back to April 2023, Escalante spearheaded the printing of polo shirts for the 2022-2023 batch of Legions Management, a program under the CIA of the SSG established to train aspiring officers of the student council, in which she was a member.

Former CIA Head Christie Amaryllis Neis, who was then the headmaster of Legions, said Escalante deceived the organization of fulfilling the role and had misappropriated the money.

“Siya akong gisaligan sa polo kay naa daw siyay kaila. When I did the follow-up, she was giving reasons […] Then, I already found out about the certain issue kay I already asked my officers nga i-chat ang FB page sa supplier and wala man diay gyud,” Neis said.

[I entrusted her because she said she knows someone. When I did the follow-up, she was giving reasons [...] Then, I already found out about the certain issue because I asked my officers to message the FB page of the supplier, and (no printing) was made.]

Neis assured that the money did not come from SSG funds, but rather from the individual P600 contribution of the Legionnaires who wished to avail of the polo shirt, amounting to approximately P12,000. Neis reported that Escalante refunded about half of the money, while those who have not received refunds are still attempting to get a response.

Unfortunately, Escalante was appointed as CIA assistant head of the 39th SSG administration. Neis and Alcansado claimed that during her application in June 2023, they were not fully aware of the scheme and fell into a lapse of judgment. In light of this, Alcansado assures that Escalante did not have the opportunity to continue any corrupt practices during the 39th administration, as the role of CIA assistant head did not involve direct responsibilities concerning funds or financial matters in general.

However, 39th SSG CIA Commissioner John Laurence Sison suggests otherwise and told The Technologian that Escalante embezzled an amount of P3,500 from the SSG funds which were intended for Org Day 2024 and P2,500 from his personal funds during the Org Fair 2023.

"Ang kanang P3,500 kay mao na sa Org Day 2024, second semester. Siyay nag-gunit sa money [...] Gi-confront na nako siya during the day of the event para magamit namo ang funds nya ingon siya wala pa daw siya na tagai. After that, wa na gyud nagpakita balik," he wrote.

[That P3,500 was during the Org Day 2024, second semester. She held the money. I confronted her during the day of the event so we could use the funds and she said she was not given any yet. After that, she didn't show up.]

Sison added that during the Org Fair 2023, when he was compelled to cover an amount of P2,500 due to the delay in the Treasurer-General's budget release, Escalante refused to hand over the funds upon receiving it.

Escalante did not enroll in the second semester of the school year. The SSG did not receive a formal letter of resignation or any form of notice from her. Moreover, the severity of the sanctions and whether it was carried out remains uncertain.

Escalante acknowledged the Technologian's request for an interview but did not respond to the questions raised.

Caption by: Thomas Danjo Manulat and John Urvie Papelleras
Layout/ Graphics By: Tristan James Tolentino

Photos from The Technologian's post 26/06/2024

𝗜𝗖𝗬𝗠𝗜: 𝗖𝗜𝗧-𝗨 𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗱𝘀 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝗹𝘆 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝟰𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗦𝗦𝗚 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘀

The Cebu Institute of Technology- University (CIT-U) Commission on Elections (COMELEC) held the induction ceremony for the 40th Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers on the 22nd of June 2024, at the University Elementary Activity Center.

Commencing the ceremony was the opening remarks of COMELEC Chairman Jim Gamboa Banilad Jr., who emphasized the importance of leadership and the legacy it leaves behind. Banilad Jr. also recognized the tireless efforts of the COMELEC in ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process.

Moreover, Vice President for Academic Affairs Atty. Evangelista Valencia delivered a keynote speech, stressing the importance of character building in leadership development, drawing a parallel between student government and a learning laboratory. Consequently, Valencia led the newly elected legislators in a solemn oath, solidifying their vow to serve the student body with fairness and responsibility.

Inaugurating the newly elected executive officers, Vice President for Administration John Gregory Escario led the formal oath, cementing the officers’ commitment to lead with integrity and dedication.

Newly inducted 40th SSG President Richard Molina then delivered his inaugural address. Molina outlined his vision for the future, emphasizing collaboration, inclusivity, and innovation as the core principles of his administration.

“Together, we will move forward towards a future that is inclusive, innovative, and inspiring,” Molina declared. Moreover, Molina expressed his commitment to working alongside his fellow officers, legislators, and the entire CIT-U community to create a thriving learning environment for all students.

The COMELEC also awarded its exemplary volunteers towards the end of the ceremony. Outgoing COMELEC Chairman Banilad delivered his farewell speech before introducing Lee Lhouine Kaidz M. Lirazan II as the incoming Chair. Lirazan concluded the event with his closing remarks.

Words by: Ana Jhalrem Paunil
Photos by: Joacquine Antonio Aratea
Layout and Edit by: Dominic Jude Nemenzo and Mary Iazah Faye Alburo


Pursuits in learning continue to strive amidst the summer season as the 18th of June opens the midyear classes. Start strong and seize every moment to hone your competence in your respective fields, Teknoys. May perseverance persist throughout your academic endeavors this time of the academic year.

Caption by: Karl Vynz G. Atazan
Layout/ Graphics By: Angela Tolentino


𝙀𝙞𝙙 𝙖𝙡-𝘼𝙙𝙝𝙖 𝙈𝙪𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙠!

Today is officially marked as a regular holiday in observation of one of the most important festivals in the Islamic faith, Eid al-Adha, otherwise known as the Festival of Sacrifice.

The festival, which typically lasts for three to four days, began yesterday in accordance to this year's lunar calendar. It is commemorated by our Muslim brothers and sisters worldwide in ode to Prophet Abraham's unconditional obedience to Allah.

It is a joyous time for the Muslim community as they come together in steadfast faith to celebrate the spirit of charity, devotion, and sacrifice.


Caption by: Krishna Gurrea
Layout/Graphics by: Derek Stan Apostol


On the third Sunday of June every year, father’s day is marked as a special occasion to honor every father and father-figure around the world. This year, it is celebrated today, June 16th.

Fathers play a significant role in the lives of children. They have always been the pillars of strength within them. Moreover, they are also the unsung heroes of the family—the first heroes that every child looks up to. They taught us a lot of things, from being our playmates to riding a bike, taking different responsibilities, and being our number one supporter in life. This father’s day, may we express our sincerest appreciation for the things that they do, as every action and effort has never been left unseen.

To all the amazing dads out there, happy father’s day! Your unwavering love and support will be truly cherished in your family’s hearts forever.

Caption by: Alliah Janelle Y. Rivas
Layout/ Graphics By: Deen Vheilca Lapu-lapu


Mabuhay, Philippines! Today, the sun shines a little brighter as the country commemorates our independence from the three-century Spanish regime.

Rewinding the clock back to the 12th of June, 1898, the air crackled with anticipation as our revolutionary leader, Emilio Aguinaldo, stood before a jubilant crowd in Kawit, Cavite. His voice boomed, declaring an end to Spanish rule and the birth of a free Philippines!

For centuries, the Filipino spirit yearned for independence. We fought with courage and resilience, with the echoes of battles for freedom still resonating in our history.

Today, we raise our flags high, a symbol of the sacrifices made and the dreams we achieved. We feast on traditional dishes, the rich flavors reminding us of our diverse heritage. We dance to lively tunes, with rhythms echoing the joy of self-determination.

However, it’s worth noting that the commemoration of our independence isn’t just about parades and festivities - it’s a responsibility. It’s also about using our voices, safeguarding our democracy, and building a nation that reflects the heroes who bled for it.

With renewed commitment, let’s raise a toast to honor the past, celebrate the present, and work tirelessly for a future where every Filipino thrives.

Maligayang Araw ng Kalayaan, mga kababayan!

Caption by: Ana Jhalrem Paunil
Layout/Graphics By: Allayna Cate Carbungco

Photos from The Technologian's post 09/06/2024

Congratulations to the Technologian Student Press Batch 2024 Graduates! 🎓

We are incredibly proud to celebrate the achievements of our dedicated members who have made significant contributions to our publication and have now reached this monumental milestone during CIT University's 115th Commencement Rites.

Your hard work, dedication, and excellence have not only enriched The Technologian Student Press but also the Technologians and have set a high standard for future members. We are excited to see the incredible futures you will build and the positive impacts you will make in your respective fields.

Stella Mariz Lumontad
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Cum Laude

Senior Editor
E.Y. 2023-2024

E.Y. 2022-2023

Managing Editor - Finance
E.Y. 2021-2022

E.Y. 2020-2021

John Dinfel Pasaol
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Cum Laude

Managing Editor - Finance
E.Y. 2022-2023

Layout Artist
E.Y. 2021-2022

Rowel Gallego
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Feature Writer
E.Y. 2023-2024

Feature Writer
E.Y. 2022-2023

Interim Features Editor
E.Y. 2021-2022

Caption by: Loui Jay Codera
Layout by: Dominic Jude Nemenzo

Photos from The Technologian's post 08/06/2024

LOOK: Donning their maroon and golden hood, the graduates from the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) — Electronics, Civil, Industrial, Mining, and Mechanical Engineering — officially made their final march during the 115th Commencement Rites at the University Gymnasium today, June 8.

Caption by: John Urvie Papelleras
Photos by: Kevin Eds Luzano

Photos from The Technologian's post 08/06/2024

LOOK: The graduating class from the College of Computer Science (CCS) and College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) — Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering — finally turned their tassels during the 115th Commencement Rites at the University Gymnasium today, June 8.

Among the graduates is Jolly Babe Siago, summa cm laude and overall top student of this year's graduating batch, who was crowned as the Queen of Engineers during the Parangal 2024.

Caption by: John Urvie Papelleras
Photos by: Stephien Perez

Photos from The Technologian's post 07/06/2024

LOOK: The Cebu Institute of Technology - University (CIT-U) held the 115th Commencement Rites for the graduating class from the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education (CASE), College of Criminal Justice (CCJ), College of Management, Business and Accountancy (CMBA), and College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences (CNAHS) yesterday, June 7, at the University Gymnasium.

Caption by: John Urvie Papelleras
Photos by: Jake Hoker Aves

Photos from The Technologian's post 07/06/2024

HAPPENED EARLIER: The College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences (CNAHS) commenced its 17th Pinning Ceremony today, June 7, at the University Gymnasium.

Eight midwifery and 86 nursing students were officially pinned during the ceremony.

Caption by: John Urvie Papelleras
Photos by: Mary Iazah Faye Alburo

Photos from The Technologian's post 07/06/2024

HAPPENED EARLIER: Graduates from the different colleges of the university attend the Baccalaureate Mass of the 115th Commencement Rites today, June 7, at the University Gymnasium.

Donning their symbolic gowns, the 2024 graduating class pays tribute to their spiritual roots ahead of the graduation rites.

Succeeding the mass will be the 17th CNAHS Pinning Ceremony.

Caption by: John Urvie Papelleras
Photos by: Mary Iazah Faye Alburo

Photos from The Technologian's post 06/06/2024

CIT-U Crowns Queen of Engineers, Recognizes Student Success in Parangal 2024

Honoring the academic and co-curricular achievements of the Technologian body, the Cebu Institute of Technology-University (CIT-U) held its annual Parangal Awards last June 4, at the University Gymnasium.

Crowned as the 2024 Queen of Engineers and Class Valedictorian was Jolly Babe M. Siago, an electrical engineering student, earning the distinction of Summa Cum Laude.

“As we stand at the threshold of this new chapter, let us promise ourselves to never lose sight of our dreams, to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to carry forward the spirit of resilience that defines us. So, here’s to the future, to the chance to conquer, to the impact to make. Let’s go forth and create a world - a universe rather - that reflects our highest aspirations and deepest values, ” Siago stated in her valedictory address.

Moreover, Siago jested, “Sauna sige rami’g ‘sum’bagay, but now Summa Cum Laude na,” referring to her twin sister, Jelly Ann M. Siago a civil engineering student who will graduate with her as salutatorian.

Siago’s coronation as the Queen of Engineers was assisted by last year’s King of Engineers, Engr. Vijay M. de Guma. This year marks the second-year streak of the Department of Electrical Engineering attaining the King or Queen of Engineers title.

The event also awarded the presidential, college scholars and special awardees, along with this year’s Queen’s Court, students who will graduate this June 7-8 with latin honors.

The Parangal is an annual event that recognizes and acknowledges outstanding achievements of the CIT-U student body.

Caption by: Malt John Vianney Solon
Photos by: Tara Ysbel Datan
Layout and Edit by: Dominic Jude Nemenzo and Mary Iazah Faye Alburo

Photos from The Technologian's post 04/06/2024

CIT-U honors student leaders, clubs in Gear Awards 2024

Cebu Institute of Technology - University (CIT-U) awarded the most exemplary Technologian leaders and organizations during The Gear Awards 2024 held at the University Gymnasium on Saturday, June 1, recognizing student excellence in leadership and the academe.

In his welcome remarks, University President Engr. Bernard Nicolas E. Villamor underscored the value of sustainability in the curriculum and student-led initiatives, stating, “We are actually doing the vision we can be for 2030 — to be ahead in teaching the students about sustainability. We have started with the Student Success Office where the key performance indicators of the student organizations should have something to do with SDGs.”

Matt Daniel C. Antig, a fourth-year Mining Engineering student, was hailed as The 2024 Ultimate Technologian Exemplar, besting eight other finalists with his achievements and advocacy on Youth Development for Community Progress and Sustainability. The Gear was turned over by the 2023 titleholder, Jan Dale Carlo T. Catalonia.

Antig expressed the significance of the title to him as an advocate for education about the mining industry which is often misconstrued as an adversary of environmental sustainability.

“This award is a testament of the efforts, dedication, and time we have given to our advocacies in spreading awareness about responsible and sustainable mining," said Antig in response to how social media, according to the exemplar, always sees them as negative when it comes to the environment.

Trailing Antig, the Top 2 to 9 Exemplary Technologian awardees were Joann E. Alfante, Gabriel E. Empasis, Aubrey Gaile P. Binoya, Joben Patrick B. Mabala, Van Woodroe L. Perpetua, Lee Lhouine Kaidz Lirazan II, Jasmine Rose N. Apelanio, and Hannah Mae M. Habel, respectively.

Special awards were also given to Antig as the “Exemplary Technologian of the College of Engineering and Architecture,” Alfante as the “Exemplary Technologian of the College of Computer Studies,” Empasis as the “Exemplary Pre-senior Technologian,” Mabala as the “Exemplary Technologian for Social Responsibility,” and Perpetua as the “Exemplary Sophomore Technologian.”

For the organizational category, Psychology Society bagged the “2024 Outstanding Technologian Club for Social Responsibility” award for their project “PADAYON: Padulong sa Kinabuhing Malambuon." Contenders for the distinction are the Creative Alliance of Multimedia and Visual Arts Students (CAMVAS), Philippine Society of Mining Engineers (PSEM) - Visayas Student Chapter, and Junior Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (JPSME) - CIT-U Chapter.

Meanwhile, the United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary (UAPSA) - CIT-U Chapter won the “2024 Outstanding Technologian Club for Service Innovation” award against JPSME - CIT-U Chapter for their project “ARCORE: Fostering Arki-bilities through Resources.”

In its 4th year, The Gear Awards, led by the Student Success Office, continues to celebrate the momentous achievements and advocacies of student leaders and organizations aligned with the institutional mission and values of the university, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Caption by: John Urvie B. Papelleras
Photos by: Dindo Pumar Jr.
Layout and Edit by: Dominic Jude Nemenzo and Mary Iazah Faye Alburo

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Our Story

When the Cebu Institute of Technology opened its portals to the public in 1946, 512 pioneering students found a need of a student publication, which will serve as a medium of communication as well as mass dissemination and source of news within the murals of the school.

Practicing their freedom of the press and expression gave birth to an unfettered publication known by the early of alumni as The Technician and was renamed later as The Technocrats. The paper did not only act as a dissemination medium but also as a training ground for aspiring journalists. It catered to the professional needs of the young journalists thereby improving their skills not only on where they excel most but also on almost all aspects of writing.

The Technologian Student Press stands singularly in its unique pedestal of political neutrality.

We dream to succeed and dare to fail – Ad Astra Per Aspera!

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FAST TALK WITH THE STANDARD BEARERS | Dive into the latest stances of the running executive candidates for the 40th SSG ...
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Leadership, in its countless forms, has long been a topic of debate. One might say someone older and responsible. One mi...
Leadership, in its countless forms, has long been a topic of debate. One might say someone older and responsible. One mi...
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Leadership, in its countless forms, has long been a topic of debate. One might say someone older and responsible. One mi...
Leadership, in its countless forms, has long been a topic of debate. One might say someone older and responsible. One mi...
What's up, Teknoys?As the upcoming preliminary exams draw near, it's a great time to infuse a dose of positivity into ou...
As the sun sets on the day of ending another academic year, the graduation season marks an important turning point that ...




Natalio B. Bacalso Avenue
Cebu City

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RMN Broadcast Center, G/F Capitol Central Hotel And Suites, N. Escario Street , Cor. F. Ramos Ext. , Capitol Site
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Cebu City, 6000

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Cebu City, 6000


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Dap Dap, Cajel
Cebu City, 6008


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Cebu Correspondent - ONE News Online Editor - The Freeman

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Bgry. Dampigan Sta. Rita Samar
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