Genuine Black Seed Oil PH

The Black Seed Oil 100% pure, organic farming ISO 9002 Egyptian origin, obtained by cold pressing and implementation in capsule and bottles from France.

The Black Seed Oil 100% pure, organic farming ISO 9002 Egyptian origin, obtained by cold pressing and implementation in capsule and bottles in our laboratories in France. FDA LTO: 3000002168314


Thymoquinone protects stomach health

Studies have indicated that buildup of harmful microbes in the intestine and gut play a role in the flare ups related to rheumatoid arthritis.

Some of these organisms include Prevotellacopri and Bartonella.
Thymoquinone is known for its ability to treat digestive and repair intestinal damage.

This was studied by treating intestinal cells which were damaged by methotrexate with thymoquinone.

Thymoquinone was taken orally for a period of 10 days after which its effects were analysed by measuring oxidative/nitrosative stress, inflammatory and apoptotic markers.

The administration of the compound shown beneficial outcomes in all the required parameters. Therefore, by introducing thymoquinone into our diets we would eliminate the damage and stress caused by harmful gut and intestine microbes.

What does this mean? The intestinal cleansing abilities of thymoquinone are helpful in arthritis treatment as they kill the microbes which cause flare ups in case of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Nigella sativa has been used for years due to its beneficial impacts on human health.

Since it is closely connected to immune cell activity and cell signal regulation, it could be a promising therapeutic agent in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Thymoquinone has shown potent abilities to relieve pain and swelling and are therefore highly recommended by nutritionists in treatment of many degenerative disorders.

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Lazada :

Genuine Black Seed Oil (60 Capsules) | Shopee Philippines 15/05/2024


Indeed, the pressed seed from which this oil of the pharaohs is obtained contains a molecule called “thymoquinone” which has revealed extraordinary medicinal properties for normalizing blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

According to a first study from 2010 involving 94 patients, just 2 g per day of supplementation with this seed would lead to significant reductions:

✔️Measuring fasting blood sugar levels;
✔️Measuring the blood sugar level 2 hours after the start of the
meal (also called postprandial blood sugar);
✔️And the measurement of glycated hemoglobin (evaluation of blood sugar measurement over the last 3 months).
All without significant change in body weight.

Later, in 2019, a scientific review based on the analysis of seven studies confirmed these preliminary results.

This seed would also have 2 additional benefits:
✔️A reduction in insulin resistance;
✔️And an increase in serum insulin, that is to say naturally produced by your pancreas.


Strengthening immunity, type 2 diabetes.

Modern science is rediscovering, through studies on humans, the exceptional properties of the oil of the pharaohs...
Today, I am happy to reveal to you that some of these natural solutions have been found and deciphered.

One study in 99 adults with type 2 diabetes found that both 2capsules morning and 2 capsules evening before meals Or (3 mL) per day of black seed oil for 20 days significantly reduced HbA1c levels


In terms of beauty there are these creams sometimes sold for a hundred euros and full of chemical substances. And then….there is the secret of Queen Cleopatra. This beauty queen knew how to look beautiful while respecting her skin.
She knew the secrets to combating the effects of aging naturally.

It is claimed that this oil allowed Cleopatra to seduce Julius Caesar then Marc Antony... At 40, her face had the appearance of that of a young woman.

Don't miss the wonderful effect of Black Seed oil.
Click Here!
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Lazada :

Genuine Black Seed Oil (60 Capsules) | Shopee Philippines Buy Genuine Black Seed Oil (60 Capsules) online today! Composition: Extract of Nigella sativa seed after organic ISO 9002 origin Egypt, obtained by cold pressing. Encapsulation in our French laboratories. Ingredients for a capsule: Capsule containing 500 mg of Black seed oil 100% pure. Total weight....

GHO Health Products, Online Shop | Shopee Philippines 07/05/2024

Why are food supplements more important than we think in summertime?

Black Seed oil is an edible vegetable oil that can be used to season and diversify its intake of essential fatty acids. It is rich in protein (17g/100g), calcium, iron and fiber. It is also known for its digestive, antidiabetic, antihistamine and anti-infectious properties. It contains natural antibiotics and has even been shown to be anti-carcinogenic. You can consume a teaspoon a day as a real dietary supplement.

1. Dehydration: During the summer, the need for hydration is crucial due to the high temperatures. Dehydration can lead to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals, which can affect the body's ability to function properly. Supplements can be used to replenish these nutrients that are lost due to sweating.

2. Sun Exposure: The summer sun can cause skin damage, leading to a loss of vitamins and antioxidants. Supplements can help protect the skin from damage and aid in the regeneration and repair of the skin.

3. Increased Activity Level: Outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and playing sports, can lead to sore muscles and fatigue. Supplements like protein and amino acids can help support muscle recovery and reduce fatigue.

4. Poor Diet: During the summer, it is easy to indulge in unhealthy foods or skip meals. This can cause a deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function. Supplements can provide the necessary nutrients that are otherwise lacking in the diet.

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👉The Black Seed Oil 100% pure, organic farming ISO 9002 Egyptian origin, obtained by cold pressing and implementation in capsule and bottles in our laboratories in France.👈

GHO Health Products, Online Shop | Shopee Philippines Check out GHO Health Products deals and product reviews online now!


Thymoquinone VS Alzheimer’s disease, neuroinflammation, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy.

Modern Science as not yet found a cure or medicine to treat Alzheimer’s disease, we know that specialist can easily detect symptoms. Alzheimer's disease causes shrinkage (atrophy) of the posterior part of the brain. Amyloid plaques (abnormal deposits of protein) that damage and destroy brain cells.

How to treat Alzheimer?
No cure exists for Alzheimer's, but medication and management strategies may temporarily improve symptoms. Memantine, Donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine can be prescribed for.
One of the studies was positive, meaning that the drug worked to slow down the decline of thinking, memory, and function that is usually impossible to stop in Alzheimer's. The other large study was negative. In my view — and that of the FDA advisory panel — these results mean that we don't know if the drug works or not.

Help to prevent
Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease has been linked with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.

✔️Exercise regularly
✔️Engage in social activities
✔️Have a healthy diet
✔️Get quality sleep
✔️Manage stress effectively
✔️Stop smoking
✔️Maintain a healthy weight-height ratio

Thymoquinone: (TQ) Review of Its Potential in the Treatment of Neurological Diseases
Nigella Sativa (Black seed oil) provide the highest concentration of Thymoquinone molecule.
Thymoquinone (TQ) possesses anticonvulsant, antianxiety, antidepressant, and antipsychotic properties. It could be utilized to treat drug misuse or dependence, and those with memory and cognitive impairment. TQ protects brain cells from oxidative stress, which is especially pronounced in memory-related regions. TQ exhibits antineurotoxin characteristics, implying its role in preventing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. TQ’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties protect brain cells from damage and inflammation.

A cure of black seed oil 2-3 times a year when season change help you to stay healthy physically and mentally.

Recommendation of uses:
Take 2 capsules or half teaspoon (2.5ml) of Nigella Sativa Oil morning and evening during 2 weeks. You can renew or take continuously 2 capsules per day without risk of addiction.

Black Seed Oil, a gentle whisper
in the silence of your journey.
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Let's not forget its Natural and Effective Remedies

Gabon's sacred plant, Iboga, was the world's first scientific news story, following the work of an American group. It has been known since the last century. In the 1930s, it existed in France as a pharmaceutical specialty. However, it has disappeared like all other ancient specialties.

Many new pharmaceutical molecules have their origins in traditional knowledge, and owe their new fame to the simple fact that a scientific team had access to this ancestral knowledge and that the methods of modern pharmacology made it possible to isolate this or that active ingredient.

Only a few doctors know of its existence. Its history is in fact important for many remedies, in which its roots were attached to traditional knowledge, a logic very different from that of today. This traditional alchemy proved effective as it was proven and tested by modern critics. Remedies like Iboga pose risks of disappearing before it is even noticed, because there will not always be a scientific group to popularize it. Haarlem oil hasn't always been around, but it has been used since the 17th century.


Paracelsus, Van Helmont and their successors, Tilly and Boerhave, were convinced that disease was the result of the "tartaring of organisms" and it was necessary to find a solution to "melt the tartar" or to eliminate circulating toxins. We are not surprised to learn that Haarlem oil was used for this solution as it has been called the great remedy of 'Gravelle', commonly known as urolithiasis.

From a chemical point of view, Haarlem oil today is partly deciphered and its action can be explained in part by the presence of unoxidized sulfur and colloidal metalloids, in which the level of its bioavailability is astonishing. It is found in the lungs after half an hour and in the intervertebral joints after an hour. Its role is important, but we end up forgetting about it. Comprising sulfur amino acids (methionine, cysteine, taurine), sulfur has a structural role in proteins in tissues, bones, skin and a plastic role in cartilage and arterial walls.

Apart from bronchitis and rheumatism, Haarlem oil can help eliminate toxins. It can help in the recovery phase; it is also effective for those who want to quit smoking.

Therefore, it is understood that the therapeutic action of this remarkable remedy can be used by adults as an attack treatment in 3 x 2 capsules per day before meals for eight days, then followed by 3 x 1 capsules for fifteen days.

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Experience the Power of Black Seed Oil with Free Shipping on $100 Orders!

Dear Valued Customer,
We're dedicated to empowering your wellness journey with premium natural products. We're excited to announce a special offer on our renowned Black Seed Oil: Enjoy FREE shipping on all orders over $100!
Black Seed Oil has been celebrated for centuries for its numerous health benefits. From supporting immune health to promoting radiant skin and hair, this potent elixir is a must-have addition to your daily wellness routine.
Special Offer: Use code LOV24 at checkout on to redeem your Free Shipping. Valid until 29th of February. Place your order now!
Take advantage of this exclusive offer to stock up on Black Seed Oil and prioritize your health and well-being. With free shipping on orders over $100, now is the perfect time to invest in your wellness journey.
Thank you for choosing Black Seed Oil as your trusted wellness partner. Here's to your health and vitality!
Warm regards,
GHO Team
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Thymoquinone protects stomach health

Studies have indicated that buildup of harmful microbes in the intestine and gut play a role in the flare ups related to rheumatoid arthritis.

Some of these organisms include Prevotellacopri and Bartonella.
Thymoquinone is known for its ability to treat digestive and repair intestinal damage.

This was studied by treating intestinal cells which were damaged by methotrexate with thymoquinone.

Thymoquinone was taken orally for a period of 10 days after which its effects were analysed by measuring oxidative/nitrosative stress, inflammatory and apoptotic markers.

The administration of the compound shown beneficial outcomes in all the required parameters. Therefore, by introducing thymoquinone into our diets we would eliminate the damage and stress caused by harmful gut and intestine microbes.

What does this mean? The intestinal cleansing abilities of thymoquinone are helpful in arthritis treatment as they kill the microbes which cause flare ups in case of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Nigella sativa has been used for years due to its beneficial impacts on human health.

Since it is closely connected to immune cell activity and cell signal regulation, it could be a promising therapeutic agent in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Thymoquinone has shown potent abilities to relieve pain and swelling and are therefore highly recommended by nutritionists in treatment of many degenerative disorders.
Recommendation of uses:
Take 2 capsules or half teaspoon (2.5ml) of Nigella Sativa Oil morning and evening during 2 weeks.

To avail this promo,
Visit our shop.
And select your Black seed oil.
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Dear Valued Customer,

As we usher in the New Year, let's embark on a journey of well-being and vitality together! At BSO, we're thrilled to kickstart 2024 with a promise to elevate your health and happiness. Get ready to embrace the natural power of Black Seed Oil for a healthier, more vibrant you!

Join us in making 2024 a year of optimal health, natural radiance, and well-deserved self-care. Let Black Seed Oil be your companion on this exciting journey towards a healthier and happier you!

Here's to a year filled with health, joy, and the many benefits of Black Seed Oil!

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year,

Greetings from BSO Team

To avail this promo,
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And select your Black seed oil.
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Dear Valued Customer,

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are grateful for your continued support and trust in our products and services. You are the reason we strive to deliver the best quality and value every day.

This is a great opportunity to stock up on our amazing products and enjoy the benefits of Black Seed oil for your health and wellness. So don't miss this chance to treat yourself or your loved ones with our Black Seed Oil.

Thank you for choosing us and we look forward to serving you again soon.

Greetings from BSO Team

To avail this promo,
Visit our shop.
And select your Black seed oil.
Enjoy Shopping!


Photos from Genuine Black Seed Oil PH's post 08/12/2023

Haarlem oil is a Natural way to Improve your Respiratory Health, compared to Modern Medicine.
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Seasonal Health Tips

The long hot summer days feel like a lifetime ago and instead autumn brings fallen leaves, dark mornings, golden sunsets and a chill to the air.

With the cold dark weather creeping in it’s essential that we are mindful about our health, both physically and mentally. We’ve put together a few tips to help you keep healthy this season.

✅ Boost your immune system
With pesky colds lingering around every corner, now is the perfect time to naturally boost your immune system to help fight off any unwanted bugs and illnesses.

✅ Nutrition
Your diet plays an important role in keeping your immune system healthy as it depends on a balanced mix of vitamins and minerals. Foods such as spinach and kale are rich in vitamin C and can help improve the immune system's defense against illnesses. Meanwhile, white foods such as parsnips, radishes, onions and cauliflowers are high in allicin which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties supporting the lungs and intestine, helping boost your immunity.

✅ 3 Black Seed Oil Benefits for Every Seasonal Skin Condition
No matter what the time of year, be sure to have plenty of black seed oil on hand for all of your skin woes. These benefits may surprise you.

The skin, much like the weather (or, more accurately, because of it), has its seasons, too. In the spring and summer, if we’re properly protecting our skin, it should be glowing and well hydrated. Challenges may be sweat-related breakouts, redness, sun damage, etc. In the cooler fall and winter months, however, it can be sapped of color, prone to dryness, itching, and breakouts from too much indoor heat, outdoor chill, and generally less healthy diets. Being indoors also exposes us to more environmental toxins (indoors can be five times more polluted than outdoors), and those stressors can irritate skin as well.

Black seed oil benefits range from the antibacterial to anti-inflammatory abilities. Here’s how it may improve your skin around the year.

✅ Fall / Winter

1. Eczema: Dry winter air can lead to dry, itchy skin, better known as eczema. But with a little bit of black seed oil, redness and inflammation can be reduced and even prevented from returning.

2. Psoriasis: Eczema’s stubborn, painful, and hard to get rid of cousin, psoriasis can strike any time of year. Indoor heat/dryness may exacerbate psoriasis plaque. But black seed oil shows exceptional ability to calm the painful flare-ups and reduce the breakouts from spreading further.

3. Acne: Another condition that can occur in spring/summer, acne can be particularly frustrating in the winter months, too. Black seed’s ability to reduce inflammation and boost antioxidant activity can greatly reduce flare-ups and keep skin smooth and even-toned throughout the year.

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Photos from Genuine Black Seed Oil PH's post 16/11/2023

Already in 2010, independent researchers noticed that this seed could have another action...


Indeed, the pressed seed from which this oil of the pharaohs is obtained contains a molecule called “thymoquinone” which has revealed extraordinary medicinal properties for normalizing blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

According to a first study from 2010 involving 94 patients, just 2 g per day of supplementation with this seed would lead to significant reductions:
Measuring fasting blood sugar levels;
Measuring the blood sugar level 2 hours after the start of the meal (also called postprandial blood sugar);
And the measurement of glycated hemoglobin (evaluation of blood sugar measurement over the last 3 months).
All without significant change in body weight.

Later, in 2019, a scientific review based on the analysis of seven studies confirmed these preliminary results.

This seed would also have 2 additional benefits:
A reduction in insulin resistance;
And an increase in serum insulin, that is to say naturally produced by your pancreas.

Strengthening immunity, type 2 diabetes.

Modern science is rediscovering, through studies on humans, the exceptional properties of the oil of the pharaohs...
Today, I am happy to reveal to you that some of these natural solutions have been found and deciphered.

One study in 99 adults with type 2 diabetes found that both 2capsules morning and 2 capsules evening before meals Or (3 mL) per day of black seed oil for 20 days significantly reduced HbA1c levels


In terms of beauty there are these creams sometimes sold for a hundred euros and full of chemical substances. And then…
..there is the secret of Queen Cleopatra. This beauty queen knew how to look beautiful while respecting her skin.
She knew the secrets to combating the effects of aging naturally.

It is claimed that this oil allowed Cleopatra to seduce Julius Caesar then Marc Antony... At 40, her face had the appearance of that of a young woman.

Don't miss the wonderful effect of Black Seed oil. Click Here!

To know more about our product please visit us at


100 years ago, Howard Carter discovered the very first antimalarial drug in history...
..which also turns out to be a formidable weapon for
wake up your immune defenses
(supporting scientific studies)

Dear reader,
“Flu vaccines have been around for 70 years and have not stopped the flu...the pandemic cannot be expected to end with a vaccine.”

This sentence, which makes sense, I heard from medical doctor Vijaykumar Kamat in January 2021.

In fact, it was the very first antimalarial drug in history.

I want to talk about Thymoquinone.

A molecule obtained from seeds discovered in 1922 by Egyptologist Howard Carter in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

In traditional Egyptian medicine, these pressed seeds form an oil called “the oil of the pharaohs” which has been used for 3,000 years for its antiseptic and pulmonary properties, particularly against asthma.

But recent studies on its ability to awaken the immunity of patients during the pandemic have amazed scientists!

this oil is a formidable weapon to awaken your immune defenses. But before telling you more, I must explain to you why “the oil of the pharaohs” is formidable for awakening your immunity this winter.

Indeed, several studies have highlighted the action of the oil and its seed in the fight against COVID-19.

One of these studies was led by Dr. Sohaib Ashraf of the prestigious Harvard Medical School.
It was carried out during the peak of the epidemic in Pakistan on 313 coronavirus patients.

The study concluded that a mixture of 2 natural active ingredients: pharaoh seed and honey seemed to significantly reduce deaths due to coronavirus.

Concretely: 30-day mortality was approximately 19% for the control group compared to 4% for the honey/pharaohs seed group (also called “HNS formula”). Unfortunately, the study is published as a pre-print, but is never peer-reviewed.

This type of silenced study is not uncommon, as Professor Dr. Esam Dajani of Loyola Biomedical University in Chicago points out:

While teams in Asia have published numerous studies on the possible applications of pharaoh oil… “There is a clear lack of attention from scientists based in Western countries,” says Esam Dajani.

“We have a treasure here… It must be considered and developed!” », he adds in an interview with Discover magazine.

Just like the resounding results of other natural solutions…
… but blacklisted since the start of the pandemic:

• I'm thinking of vitamin D: the conclusions of a study carried out by the Galilee hospital in Israel are clear! In case of vitamin D deficiency, patients are 14 times more likely to find themselves in serious or critical condition;

• I'm thinking about zinc: the conclusions of a retrospective study carried out by Del Mar Hospital in Barcelona on 611 patients, between March and April 2020, point to another deficiency! The study found a 2.3 times higher risk of dying in people with less than 50 micrograms of zinc per dl of blood;

• Or even Artemisia Annua which, according to the results of researchers at the Max-Plank Institute carried out in Switzerland and Germany, would be a weapon of first choice for strengthening the body's immune defenses against the coronavirus;

However, the information surrounding these natural solutions has been mocked, even censored in favor of more profitable patentable pharmaceutical solutions.

Despite these glaring conclusions, in the West, there is radio silence.
The French media (TF1, France Inter, Le Monde) only talk about the vaccine and the next anti-viral pills.…


But let’s return to this little seed capable of producing the oil of the pharaohs.
This one did not even have the honor of having been criticized. It was simply passed over in silence.

This while there are three other human studies highlighting the effectiveness of pharaoh seed in strengthening immunity to the coronavirus.

#1 The first study was carried out by Kirkuk Hospital in Iraq on 410 coronavirus patients (Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology).

#2 The second study was also carried out by the Kirkuk hospital in Iraq on 376 patients judged to be at high risk of infection (Journal of Medical and Health Sciences).

#3 The third study took place at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 183 patients17 (Journal Science Direct).

Note that these studies are published, validated by peers and include a large number of patients (exactly 969) and all reported:

• significantly reduced risks of hospitalization;
• a great help in recovery after infection;
• and a sharp reduction in the risk of death.



These results are so STUNNING that they immediately place this seed as a formidable support for the immune system.

Unfortunately, your doctor will NEVER tell you about this.
Firstly because pharmaceutical laboratories will always prefer to offer you 100% medicinal treatments.
But also because the prowess of this little seed is not new.

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for minimum order $ 79.
Promo code: BSOCT
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The Amazing Benefits of Black Seed Oil for Your Body and Mind

The Black Seed Oil 100% pure, organic farming ISO 9002 Egyptian origin, obtained by cold pressing and implementation in capsule and bottles in our laboratories in France.

Benefits of Genuine Black Seed Oil

✅Calms the articular sphere and allows tissue regeneration.
✅ Its action is very effective against asthma, respiratory, urinary and biliary problems.
✅Its drainage action, participates in the elimination of toxins in the lungs and intestines.
✅Strengthens and protects the respiratory tract against environmental aggressions.
✅Its well-being action: strengthens hair and skin, soothes sunburns, softens dark circles, fights acne, etc.
✅Our Black Seed Oil contains more than 100 natural components widely demonstrated by science for over 40 years.
✅These components in synergy with each other are capable to maintain and boost the immune system.

Utilization of Black

Nigella Sativa Oil is the ideal nutritional supplement to your internal balance. Get an energy boost to face the new seasons! Twice a year, three-week Nigella Sativa Oil cures, at the rate of two capsules morning and evening, will reinforce your immune system and your general wellbeing.

For Internal Use: Respiratory Problems and Allergies, Blood Problems, Heart Problems, Cancer, Digestive and Gastroinstestinal Problems.

For External Use: Skin Problems, Hair Problems, Mouth Problems,and Inflammations.

For your Well-being Joints, Vitality, Beauty, and Women Problems.

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👉👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️Want a Perfect Skin Solutions?

Eczema is also called atopic dermatitis which is a common skin condition marked by itchy and inflamed patches of skin.

It’s often seen in babies and young children, appearing on the faces of infants. But eczema can come in a variety of types in children, teens, and adults.

Eczema is not contagious. It is likely caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Eczema may get better or worse over time, but it is often a long-lasting disease. People who have it may also develop hay fever and asthma.

You can prevent some types of eczema by avoiding the things that irritate your skin, such as certain soaps, fabrics, and lotions. You can also avoid too much stress and things you are allergic to, such as food, pollen, and animals.

You will feel itchy in the affected area. And when you start to scratch, your skin becomes inflamed and even itchier. It can look different, but you may notice:
• Red, scaly areas
• Small, rough bumps
• Thick, leathery patches
• Bumps that leak fluid and crust over
If you have dark skin, the affected area might be lighter or darker.

Genuine Black Seed Oil for Eczema

Black Seed Oil may be used to heal a lot of skin diseases: dry skin, cracks, psoriasis, eczema, spots, etc. Scientific studies on NCBI shows the effectiveness of this perfect press black seed oil, not only as an anti-viral or anti-bacterial but even attacks cancer cells. It relieves from itching and prevents infections.

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Genuine Black Seed Oil

The Black Seed Oil 100% pure, organic farming ISO 9002 Egyptian origin, obtained by cold pressing and implementation in capsule and bottles in our laboratories in France.

Benefits of Genuine Black Seed Oil

  • Its anti-infectious action is very effective on respiratory, urinary and biliary tracts.

  • Soothes rheumatism, reduces inflammation and allows tissue regeneration
  • Category



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