
re have yourself ��


Pagbuligayay para sa aton mga abyan nga Aeta; Para sa ikaayong lawas, Pagtapna kag Emerhensiya.

Ang aton handum para sa isa ka mas maayo nga komunidad nga nagapahamtang sa husto nga medikal nga kaalam kag kasayuran. Edukasyon ang aton aksyon para sa kinamayo sang lawas kag bwas nga paalabuton. Kita mag tipon tanan bwas, Mayo 22 sa Brgy. Lampaya, Calinog para ma mati kag mag bulig sa aton mga abyan nga Aeta.


Did the first episode of The GAITKEEPERS’ PhysiTalks get you wanting more? We gotchu! You can now enjoy watching the second episode only here on TherAbout!🤩


Listen and learn from another podcast of Theratalks or we say "Chismis ng mga PT" 🫣

Here, they talked about their experiences and learnings as a physical therapy students.

Enjoy watching 🧑‍🦽


Are your headphones on? Great! Because here is the long awaited first episode of PhysiTalks— a podcast by SPUI’s very own GAITKEEPERS ♿️💅🏼

Photos from TherAbout's post 18/02/2023

Marketing PT Profession, Brochure edition 2.2 ✨

In one of our PT core subjects, PIN 2 (Innovations in PT Service Delivery in Clinical and Non-Clinical Setting), as one of our requirements in Finals on this subject, each group were tasked to market PT as a profession on different social media platforms and one of which is a Brochure ℹ️...

Let's get to know and learn what is PT — as a profession, who they are, what they do, and the different PT innovations through this 2nd innovative brochure ♿💖

Mga future KaPT's, always remember and/or keep on mind that we are the "MASTERS OF MOTION" ♿💚🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️

Photos from TherAbout's post 18/02/2023

Marketing PT Profession, Brochure edition 2.1 ✨

In one of our PT core subjects, PIN 2 (Innovations in PT Service Delivery in Clinical and Non-Clinical Setting), as one of our requirements in Finals on this subject, each group were tasked to market PT as a profession on different social media platforms and one of which is a Brochure ℹ️...

Let's get to know and learn what is PT — as a profession, what they do, and the different PT innovations through this 1st visionary brochure ♿💚

Mga future KaPT's, "Take a peek beyond is what you may seek" 👀💖


Are you ready to listen? 🙈

Stay tuned for the CHISMIS NG MGA PT as they are about to tell you all about their knowledge on physical therapy and talk about the ups and downs of the life of PT students.


Are you ready to listen? 🙈

Stay tuned for the GAITKEEPERS as they are about to tell you all about their knowledge on physical therapy and talk about the ups and downs of the life of PT students.


Dreams do come true ✨

Thelma Barnes, from her book "Practice Persistence: Applying Perseverance & Discipline to Achieve your Goals: Don't Quit & Success" once said: "Your dreams can come true through the power of persistence."

PERSISTENCE. Inspite of difficulties, you persist to succeed in any challenges you encounter and through these experiences, you become strong and a prolific person on the society through bringing that intellect in pursuing the fruits of your labor.

Heads up everyone! and let's meet another inspiring PT graduate who was fascinated with her father's profession and led her to take this profession bringing utmost love and dedication 💖


My decision to become a physical therapist and my love for the profession are two very different things. My fascination with my father's profession, being inclined to sports, and helping people led me to this course. Being a physical therapist gives me the opportunity to bring immense happiness and self-fulfillment knowing that I played a part in my patients' function and quality of life. Physical therapy is a hell of a ride, but as President Sirleaf has said, "If your dreams do not scare you, they're not big enough"

- Reneè Francene Latade


Great things start from small beginnings 👌

A great chinese philosopher named Lao Tzu once said: "A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️👣👣

Taking small steps at a time would lead you to greater opportunities in life. As you take these steps, you grow and know yourself better and know also what really are your plans in mind that you know it could be beneficial to you by persevering and taking too much effort on what you do with the help of God almighty 🙏

As what the quote says, let us get to know more on this PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant) who came from small beginnings and choose this profession to have a greater role in the society — To serve, help, and empower people of all ages ♿✨

Currently, I am a PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant) at San Jose Pain Clinic in Antique and I love what I do! Physical therapy is a profession that gives me the expertise and capability to educate, influence, rehabilitate, help and empower people about their bodies and overall health thus, improve their quality of life.

Choosing this profession is my way of having to have a future and path in life to help and have a part in this society. This profession made me witness the level of power and perseverance that is rarely seen in everyday life. For me, there is a great reward, satisfaction and joy doing this profession knowing that I have a role and responsibility in my patients’ and clients’ quality of life and able to witness them functionally restored.

My advice to the younger generation is that Physical therapy is not for the weak, and the process of becoming a PT takes dedication, passion and hard work as this profession provides a variety of opportunities in healthcare to help people recover. Having to put your heart and efforts into this profession can put a huge impact in society.

- Danica Rose Macavinta, PTA


Into the Future 🚀

Innovation makes various things that might have seem impossible in the past—possible. It has been making jobs undeniably easier and brings convenience and accessibility in our daily lives. Healthcare is the best example of this. In physical therapy, there have been numerous innovations and it has positively affected services given and received. Here are some of them:

VR is an effective and trustworthy technique for joint and function in rehabilitation. It is a less expensive option that allows for treatment personalization, patient motivation, increased compliance, and functional recovery. VR can be utilized for at-home therapy and is often commercially available. Professionals may have less job to do because this requires little monitoring. With the use of various aspects, dynamics, and mechanics, entertaining themes are being added to a growing number of VR technologies. For instance, it is possible for simultaneous auditory presentations to be added to virtual surroundings presented on screens or in VR glasses, precisely simulating the intricacy of the real world.


Robotic rehabilitation technology may improve the effectiveness and accessibility of therapy by helping therapists deliver consistent training over a longer period of time and gather data to monitor progress. Automatization of therapy may make it possible for many patients to get care concurrently and maybe even remotely through telerehabilitation, in the convenience of their own homes. Example of which is Exoskeleton devices and Foot orthoses.


The term "wearable technology" most often relates to electrical technologies, but it can also apply to items like sophisticated or smart fabrics used in clothes or safety gear. This review focuses primarily on technologies and examples for physical rehabilitation, though this is frequently only part of an integrated rehabilitation approach that may also include cognitive and psycho-social rehabilitation. There are three general use-cases for wearable devices: prediction of future events, detection of anomalous, critical events, and diagnostic monitoring to improve decision-making.



Hardships to PTRP 💖

Philip Emeagwali, a nigerian computer scientist, once said: "The hardships that I encountered in the past will help me succeed in the future."

Hardships has a significant role in our lives. Through this, we may be able to surpass many difficult challenges that we may encounter and it could mold us to become better persons. WE ARE UNIQUE YET FUNDAMENTALLY EQUAL. Hardship is one of the unique traits of a person in order to be fundamentally successful someday...

Let us know more about this licensed PT who, inspite of hardships, he conquered it all 💪☝

The one that pushed me to take this path is my mother. She encouraged me to be a healthcare professional just like my siblings. First reason is because of there are a lot of opportunities here and overseas. Also I took this course because I want to help people especially persons who went or undergo neurological problems. I want to at least alleviate their sufferings or restore their physical and mental capabilities.

To sum it up being a PT student is not easy but those hardships mold me to become a better person. There are fun days, disappointing days, boring days, and exciting days as a PT student but I have no regrets.

I don’t know really how but I would like to enlighten them and show them how great and fulfilling helping people.

- Lian Marion Belarmino, PTRP


Tiring and Back-breaking Passion 👊

Education is really important to become productive citizens of the society.

Being on this profession, you need to be confident within yourself. Accept mistakes and/or failures, managing your time wisely (amidst those tiring and sleepless nights), and most importantly, enjoy learning.

Let us know more about an inspiring experience of a PT graduate who didn't lose her hope in aspiring towards this profession...

"At first, the physical therapy course was introduced by my mother, who’s abroad. Whether we admit it or not, our profession here in our country is not that fully informative compared to some countries. Then I did some research about it, like how this profession works and the duty schedules. In time, I found out how amazing the ways of physical therapists are in helping individuals maximize their abilities and adding years to their lives.

I just want to share a funny story from way back in my freshman year, specifically with the first two weeks of anatomy and physiology block. I cried a lot and told my mom that I’d fail and couldn’t deal with this course anymore. I even checked out other schools to transfer 😂.

Being a PT student was indeed tough. You have to give up a lot, like your time with friends, family, and gatherings, for an exchange to study a 10-item prequiz and still get a low score, and that is totally fine. At the end, you will surely appreciate all the sleepless nights you have spent on your PT journey. Lastly, all I can say is “kape-he lang ah, ma okay ka lang na 👌🏻”.

The physical therapy profession is quite uncommon here in the Philippines, so just like what I did before, I want them to do some research about it, like, for example, how it is relevant to the healthcare society. I may not guarantee them a trouble-free journey, but I am 100% confident that this profession will not just help your future patients but also benefit you as an individual in managing your own physical, emotional, and other aspects of life."

- Madilen Kaye Saglayan


Challenges, the best motivator. 💯

Michael Jordan once said “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Challenges can be a huge distraction in achieving our goal but this PT graduate shows dedication and courage to finish strongly what he had started…

The course of Physical Therapy was challenging. It challenges you physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intelectually. It sounds pretty scary but not all the time.
Sometimes in order to be the best version of ourselves, we have to face those kinds of stuff along the way. Imagine it like how a swordsmith makes a strong sword wherein the blade needs to go through a numerous process of forging, molding, and hammering.
It's quite similar to PT students, because the PT journey tests our physical strength and endurance, emotion control, fighting spirit, and sharp intellect. This course pushed me to give my best in everything I do and it really helped me 'til this day. One saying that made me finish my journey was that " Never give up. Do not be afraid to fail nor be afraid to try. It is better to fall forward than backward. A lil' progress is still progress, just a few more steps. "

I can encourage the younger generation, those who are passionate with this course, through emphasizing the importance of Physical Therapy such as conservative treatments, exercises to improve the human physique, management for proper biomechanics, and other things related to PT. Aside from that, it is one of the courses that teaches on how to establish rapport with the patients, on how to be culturally competent, and the protocols on how to be a great PT. In addition, I can also provide them ideas that PTs cannot only be seen in hospital rehabs but in different settings such as in sports.

- Ron Sirach Tambanillo


Dreams to Reality 🏆

Gail Devers once said "Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."

This course indeed is very challenging and difficult to take but believing on one's self is the number 1 key point in achieveing/reaching your personal goals in life through putting all your time, effort, hard work, determination, and dedication to make it happen into reality✨...

This post showcases an interview on an aspiring PT student who turns her dream into reality — Being a Licensed PTRP 💚♿

When I was in highschool, I wanted to become either two things: an architect, or a doctor. Ultimately, I chose PT as my course because it is a good pre-med course, covers the greatest deal of Anatomy, and has a high-paying salary abroad.

Another reason is that the subject Mathematics was my weak point. Therefore I didn’t want to pursue the first course I had in mind which was Architecture.

After having finished college and passing the boards, I have to say that physical therapy is not for the weak. It is academically rigorous and physically demanding as around 80% of my college life, I was studying the thickest textbooks and pulling all-nighters after all-nighters. But like they always quote, “The climb will be tough, but the view will be worth it”. And indeed, the success you reap in the end is worth every blood, sweat, and tear during the journey.

Now that I’m practicing the profession and also volunteering at a CBR center, I encourage the younger generation to pick this course if they have the passion to help others to move and achieve a better quality of life again. There is a magical feeling of satisfaction after having to see your patients progress and move their weak muscles again after just a few sessions.

I also think that for more people to be encouraged, the PT profession should be stood up for by the PPTA by making better efforts to promote and improve the profession, and its members to be waged adequately in terms of our skill and practice. I believe the PTRPs salaries should not be lowballed because PTs deserve more. We rehabilitate, heal with our hands, and improve function, mobility, and well-being."

- Keana Alexa Olvido, PTRP


Now vs. Then ✨

Throughout the years, changes have been made for the better.

Improvements in the field of physical therapy exist due to continuous innovations that are beneficial in several ways to patients and physical therapists alike. These innovative methods and technological advancements are necessary to maintain the quality of physical therapy services in this ever-changing world; in other words, to keep up with the trends.

This post showcases an interview done with a Filipino PT working abroad about the innovations in the field.


"I have been a Physical Therapist for almost a decade now and I believe the innovation that differed from when I started working in out-patient in the Philippines versus home health here are the following:

(1) Telehealth visits. Most of the patients enrolled in a home health agency were discharged from a hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility. Most often than not, these patients have a taxing effort of leaving their homes and are homebound. Due to the nature of their condition, they are not able to go outside and visit their doctors for their follow-up check-up. This is where telehealth consultations come in. Doctors call up their patients and have a zoom meeting to check on them. This is very convenient as most of our patients are elderlies who have been deconditioned.

(2) Electronic Visit Verification. Another innovation in the home health setting are EVVs wherein the clinician has been provided with their very own laptop or tablet by the company and we use this to do our assessments and clinical notes when we visit our patients. To secure that the visit will be billed, we are able to use this to get the digital signature of our patients to confirm our visit for that day. It is very convenient as all the data, including the patient's signature, goes directly to the system and is saved. There is no risk of losing it or having to give out documents for the patient to sign.

(3) Electronic Medical Records. I believe this is also one of the most efficient innovations I've encountered not only in the home health setting but in various PT environments as well. ALL MEDICAL RECORDS ARE ELECTRONIC. No backlogs. No delays. An organization chooses a company that they like and utilizes their program to use for keeping medical records of all the patients that are enrolled within their care. In my case, our agency uses Netsmart wherein you can access all the records of the patients that are previously and currently enrolled in the agency, from their basic and personal information, discharge summaries from the SNF or hospital, diagnosis, schedule, communication notes from different disciplines in their care team such as PT, OT, RN and Social Worker. Everything is mostly up to date and there is no need to go look for records written in paper from years back.

Overall, these are the top 3 innovations that I know have made my work a lot easier and bearable."

- Raven Sullivan, PTRP, RPT


Let’s clear some things up‼️

Physical therapy is different from “hilot” or one of the traditional healing practices in the Philippines. In our country, physical therapists are widely mistaken as “mga manghihilot”. This misconception leads to the invalidation and belittlement of the profession. Don’t get us wrong — both physical therapists and manghihilots are amazing at what they do but there definitely is a difference between the two. Hilot is the art and science of the ancient Filipino healing traditions that are grounded on the concept of balance among the physical elements along with the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person. This practice includes the use of manipulations and massages that help in the prevention of disease and the restoration and maintenance of one’s health and well-being. Hilot also makes use of medicinal plants and bulong/orasyon (whispered or written prayers). While there might be similarities, physical therapists have a different objective and aren’t inclined in the expertise of manghihilots and vice versa.

Physical Therapy, as a profession, is directed towards having the basic knowledge and skills in treatment and rehabilitation therapy practices on an individual with disabilities. This profession is a 4-year in demand course that teaches students on how to restore physical function of an individual through training on different kinds/methods of efficient therapeutic modalities (e.g. hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, ultrasound, radiant and superficial heating, and etc.). We differ from the so-called "Manghihilots" in a manner that we are using different kinds of therapeutic rehab methods



Here's a short description of what physical therapy is all about 💚♿


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Videos (show all)

Did the first episode of The GAITKEEPERS’ PhysiTalks get you wanting more? We gotchu! You can now enjoy watching the sec...
Listen and learn from another podcast of Theratalks or we say "Chismis ng mga PT" 🫣 Here, they talked about their experi...
Are your headphones on? Great! Because here is the long awaited first episode of PhysiTalks— a podcast by SPUI’s very ow...


Iloilo City

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