Unsearchable Riches

...was this GRACE given to announce to the Gentiles the UNSEARCHABLE RICHES of Christ as the gospel.

youtube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC5Di0J76yaZNifRPK-Nfetw
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unsearchablerichess/


The Lord Jesus today is in our spirit. Hallelujah! Christ today is in our spirit. Never forget that Christ is the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45) in our spirit.


The Lord do not matter if we have a thousand or a million weaknesses and failures. It also does not worry Him if we are a hundred times weaker than we were before, and it does not worry Him if we commit more sins. Today God does not want us to do good. We have already had enough failure to chill our heart. He just wants us to give everything to Him.


There is a great difference between the way the Bible is used among most Christians today and the way it is used among us in the Lord’s recovery. The majority of believers use the Word in the way of letters, but we use it in the way of life, light, and spirit. This is the reason we constantly humble ourselves before the Lord, open to Him and look to Him for light, vision, wisdom, and revelation. May we all learn to come to the Word of God in this way.
(Life-study of 2 Timothy 2nd ed., pp. 53-54)


Lord, supply me for today's measure of grace.
You know what will happen.
You know whatever will take place.
May your grace be sufficient to me today.


Our Lord Jesus as the King of the heavenly kingdom ministered as a Physician - healing us according to His mercy and His grace.


In 2 Timothy 2:1 Paul says to Timothy, “Be empowered in the grace which is in Christ Jesus.” This verse indicates that Christ is the sphere and element of grace. While the church was degrading, Timothy was empowered to stand against that degradation. He could do this by the grace which is in Christ Jesus. God’s grace is powerful, enabling us to bear anything. This empowering grace will make us living and strong. We should be strong in the power of the Lord’s grace for God’s economy. Whereas 2 Timothy 1:1 reveals that the promised life constituted Paul an apostle, 2:1 unveils that grace empowered Timothy. These two verses show that we may serve God not only by the constituting of the promised life but also by the empowering of grace.

Today we need to be empowered in the grace, which is the processed Triune God dispensed into us for our enjoyment, so that we may commit the healthy words that we have experienced to faithful men, who will be competent to teach the same healthy words to others also (v. 2). We are to be empowered in this grace not to do miracles but to commit the healthy words that we have enjoyed to faithful men to produce many competent teachers, whose speaking will inoculate the church against the decline. Being empowered in the grace will issue in our becoming a teacher (v. 2), a soldier (v. 3), a contender (v. 5), a farmer (v. 6), a workman to cut straight the word of God (v. 15), and a vessel unto honor (v. 21).



Thank You Lord, for saving me from living a meaningless life to living a life for Your purpose.


Nothing can frustrate someone who enjoys the Lord. 
- ICTA 2024 Message 5


We have a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, with a companion. This companion is the Triune God. The Triune God becomes our companion in our spirit. What an enriched spirit we have! (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 180-181)


Maybe this message is also for you. 🥰

Have you been feeling so heavy lately? Feels like you're in the middle of the storm, hopeless, and restless? Well, every day of our life is a storm. Often in our journey with the Lord we shall encounter a storm or a whirlwind. We may become distracted and forget the Lord’s word and the fact that He is with us and is at rest.

Believe in the Lord and not look at our environment or circumstances. Instead of looking at the storm, let us look at the resting Lord. The Lord is resting in the boat, and we should learn to rest with Him. We need Him as our refuge. To take refuge in the Lord is to get into Him and stay in Him to enjoy Him.

Every "storm" will surely come to an end. Do not worry that much. No storm can last forever. Whenever we are caught in this kind of situation, remember the Lord's word in Matthew 14:27 - ...It is I. Do not be afraid. May this word strengthen us. 🙏


Where I am, there You are.
In the darkness, my Morning Star.
When in sickness, You are my health.
When I’m poor, Lord, You’re my wealth.

Looking at You Lord, You’re all I need.
As You flow life to me so free,
Jesus fill me, with grace each day.
How to go on, You are the way.



We need to be impressed with the fact that Ruth’s reward was for God’s economy. Man was created by God with a purpose according to His eternal economy. This economy is not a common plan or merely a small arrangement. In the universe the divine and eternal economy is second only to God Himself. According to His economy God created the heavens, the earth, and man. But God’s enemy came in to attempt to break the line that joins man to God and God to man. In Genesis 3 Satan cut this line, but eventually Christ as the promised seed of the woman (v. 15) came to repair the line by redeeming man back to God.

The crucial point here is that, as part of her reward for God’s economy, Ruth gained a redeeming husband, who typifies Christ as the redeeming Husband to the believers. Only Christ can be both our Husband and our Redeemer. Before we were saved, we were in trouble and could not get out of trouble. Now as believers in Christ, we have a Husband who is our eternal, present, and daily Redeemer, rescuing us, saving us, delivering us, from all our troubles. What a gain this is!

Photos from Unsearchable Riches's post 10/07/2024

Takeaways from Lesson 2 🤎


Our responsibility is simply to offer our love to Him. The interior decoration of the palanquin was inlaid with love from the daughters of Jerusalem. We must offer our love to the Lord. He does not want anythingfrom us other than our love. “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more thanthese?” (John 21:15). He is always seeking our love, and only our loveaffords something for the interior decoration of the palanquin. The LordJesus made it, but it is decorated with our love. The basic structure is ofwood, silver, and gold, but our love is the only thing with which the interioris decorated. The more we love Him, the more we will lose our character andpersonality. The more we love Him, the more we will lose our will, but theinterior of the palanquin will be fully decorated. (CWWL, 1972, vol. 1, “Lifeand Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,” pp. 270-271)


Everyone of us has been placed by God in different situations and environments that strip us of our strength and all that we depend on, causing us to place our lives into His hand and hang on by “a thread of faith”. At such times there seems to be no way except to cry, “Lord, keep me by Your mercy.”

If my pathway seems not clear,
Then be my sight that leads to life.
If, Lord, I have Your presence dear,
Then Lord my future will be bright.
I long to stay, Lord, earnestly!
But mercy’s all that’s keeping me.


To run and finish the RACE, we need GRACE.


"Whom having not seen, you love; into whom though not seeing Him at present, yet believing, you exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory," (1 Peter 1:8)

We love the Lord and believe in Him even though we have not seen Him. This is because He transfuses Himself as faith into us. He made us a believing being. And once Christ has originated this faith within us, HE WILL NEVER LET IT GO. Rather, He will complete, finish, and perfect it. Do not think that you can be a giant of faith on your own. No, we do not have the slightest amount of faith. All the faith we have is just Christ Himself believing in us and for us. We live by His faith, by Him as our faith (Gal. 2:20).


The wonderful Jesus, who is enthroned in heaven and crowned with glory and honor (v. 9), is the greatest attraction in the universe. He is like an immense magnet drawing all His seekers to Him. It is by being attracted by His charming beauty that we look away from all things other than Him.Without such a charming object, how could we look away from so many distracting things on this earth? (Life-study of Hebrews, 2nd ed., pp. 550-552)


When we remain in the Body, we have protection. 
When we remain in the Body, we have restriction. 
When we remain in the Body, we have supply. 

It is all right for us to live as individuals, but it is not all right for us to be individualistic. God allows us to be individuals, but He does not allow us to be individualistic. Before we enter the Body of Christ, we are saturated with individualism; even our spiritual pursuit is based on our individualism. 

Why do we want to be holy? 
We want to be holy for ourselves. 
Why do we want power? 
We want power for ourselves. 
Why do we want fruit for our work? 
We want fruit for ourselves. 
Why do we pursue the kingdom? 
We pursue it because we ourselves want to gain it. 
Why are we seeking? We are seeking for ourselves. 

Everything is centered around "ourselves." 
But this is not the Body. This is individualism. On the day of Pentecost, three thousand people were saved. We may think that it would be wonderful if we could save three thousand in one day and bear so much fruit, but we have to remember that eleven apostles also stood up together with Peter. Did the other apostles say, "Peter can save men, and so can we. Is Peter the only one who can have a platform and who can save men?" We know, of course, that no such words were spoken. God is not after individual vessels; He is after a corporate vessel. Those who have genuinely seen the Body of Christ are not jealous of others. It does not matter who is doing the work. Everything is in the Body and has nothing to do with individuals. Oh, may the Lord save us from being individualistic. 

- General Messages (2)


Hebrews 12:2 speaks of “looking away unto Jesus.” The Greek word translated “looking away unto” denotes “looking with undivided attention by turning away from every other object.”

Christ is the unique Author and Perfecter of our faith. Therefore, for this faith by which we walk the narrow way, we need to look away unto Jesus. This living faith is not something originating from us, but it is from Him. We must look away from ourselves, from all our circumstances, surroundings, environment, and all things, unto Him and take Him as the Author and Perfecter of our faith. In ourselves we do not have the faith by which we can walk the narrow way of the cross, but we can look away from all things other than Christ unto Him. Then He will be the Author and Perfecter of this faith. If we look away unto Him, we will have His living faith for us to walk the narrow way of the cross.

The wonderful Jesus, who is enthroned in heaven and crowned with glory and honor (2:9), is the greatest attraction in the universe. He is like an immense magnet, drawing all His seekers to Him. It is by being attracted by His charming beauty that we look away from all things other than Him. Without such a charming object, how could we look away from so many distracting things on this earth? When we look away unto Jesus, we see Him, and He is infused into us.


The name of Jesus is a saving name, a wonderful name.
When we call on His name, we will be healed from any kind of sickness.
Moreover, He is whatever we need.
Everything we need is found in the name of Jesus. How high and how rich is this wonderful name!


I believe that although my words are not so perfect, they can give you a good inoculation. You should be able to apprehend and receive them. I hope that this light will establish the goal in your way and will shine brighter as the days go by. Hence, you should pray more and go onward positively. Paul urged Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:12 to fight the good fight of the faith. Even up to the time of his death, he still charged Timothy—one he had raised up—by the Lord’s appearing and kingdom to be faithful to fulfill his ministry of the word (2 Tim. 4:1-2, 5). The Lord’s appearing is for judgment, to reward every one of us (Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12). The Lord’s kingdom is for Him to rule with all His overcomers (Rev. 20:4, 6). These two should be our warning, our encouragement, and the aim of our living and work.

Later Paul declared, “For I am already being poured out, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:6, 7). And again, “The Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me unto His heavenly kingdom” (v. 18). This was the reward that Paul gained. It was also the testimony and encouragement he gave to Timothy. I would likewise encourage and equip you with these words. May you be one spirit and one soul, striving together in this way of warfare.

(A message given by Brother Witness Lee in Taipei, Taiwan on May 24, 1988)


To live the Christian life is to walk worthily of the calling with which we were called—Eph. 4:1-4:

The first item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is for us to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit as the reality of the Body of Christ, with the transformed human virtues strengthened by and with the divine attributes—Eph.4:1-4:

The second item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is for us to grow up into Christ the Head in all things—vv. 15-16:

The third item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is for us to learn Christ as the reality that is in Jesus—Eph. 4:20-24:

The fourth item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is for us to live in love and light—Eph.5:2, 8:

The fifth item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is for us to live by being filled in spirit to overflow with Christ—Eph. 5:18


Christ is rich beyond measure, but the church today is groveling in poverty. Why? It is because the Lord’s children today are indolent. We have to work; we cannot be lazy… Most Christians today…are too busy with their worldly industries, and they are too lazy in working upon Christ. 

You who are students must realize and experience even while studying that you are working upon Christ…

You who are truck drivers must realize that truck driving is not your real occupation; your real business is Christ; you must be working on Him continually. 

You who are housewives must know that your real work is not caring for your home and your family, but Christ! 

Are you working on Christ all the time? Are you seeking to enjoy Him and experience Him in every situation?

We must till our spiritual ground; we must sow the spiritual seed; we must water the spiritual plants—all the time.


Lord Jesus, oh how much I need You!
Thank You, Lord, that You are here. 🤎


A grace that is All-Sufficient. 🤎


Thank You Lord. 😇


but knowing that God is God and that He has His perfect plans and ways and that He will accomplish His work no matter what we are.


In all circumstances, we can labor on Christ.
We can labor because we have the spirit mingled with God the Spirit.

When we labor, we have surplus.
When we have surplus, we can exhibit.
When we exhibit, we have a corporate worship.
A worship in spirit and truthfulness.

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