Capitol City Baptist Church (CCBC)

We are a church that is: Strategically Engaged in Nations' Discipleship through Christ-Centered Community Transformation, Birthing and Building-up Churches


How do we live by faith? How do we reach the point of full surrender to the promise of God?


Join us in worship tomorrow at 9am. Let us altogether learn the importance of living by faith, and of passing on our faith to the next generation.

Let us spend the rest of this day reflecting on the goodness of God and assessing the condition of our hearts. Let tomorrow's gathering be God-focused and God-purposed and God-glorifying.


Many motorists these days have become very dependent on the Waze app. While the app does bring us to our desired destination, it can also lead us to routes that are either wrong or have long been closed - thus, bringing to waste those minutes and hours.

Fortunately, when we are with God, we are secured that His ways and plans are higher and greater than ours. His Word is perfect - always leading us through paths that are of no waste to our growth, and always leading us to the right destination.

As Pastor Phil says - "Buti nalang God is NOT Waze."

To view the full sermon:


Many times, we get distracted with worldly pleasures, our selfish desires, relationships, programs, traditions, and so much more. In such moments, our Father Almighty expresses His love toward us through discipline and many times, even through pain. (Proverbs 3:11-12)

Just as Joseph was thrown into an empty well, with no other way to seek help but upwards - God can and will bring us to a place where the only view we will have left is heavenward. When we do seek God and find rest and rescue from Him, we will understand His best purpose behind our pain. (Hebrews 12:10-11)


Pastor Philip Tarroja gave a very meaty sermon message on Anticipating the City of God. He talked about Faith as an act of stepping into God's will, stepping out of things that divide our worship, stepping on to greater things, and much more.

Which part of His message struck you the most? Feel free to share them in the comments section so we may also bless one another.

For the full sermon:


Abraham and Sarah shows us the kind of faith that does not focus on the here and now, but fixes its eyes on the city God prepares in heaven.


This Sunday, we will talk more about the faith that anticipates the city of God. We will not only see how Abraham and Sarah lived such faith, but will also be encouraged with the life testimony of our speaker, Pastor Philip Tarroja.

Worship with us, be blessed, and be moved to live a life of genuine faith in Jesus Christ.


Abel's offering was favored because it was offered by faith - meaning, his worship came from a heart that is set to honor and glorify God. Scriptures all say that Abel's righteousness was a result of his worship life.

If our lives today would be assessed, what kind of worship life will it reflect? Will our lives prove that we are worshipping God, or something else?

To view the full sermon, you may click:


"Faith is not just a mental agreement with God or a confident assurance in His promises. Rather, faith is the total surrender of oneself to God's revelation in the quest of knowing Him more for the pursuit of His glory." - Ptr Jorge de Ramos

To view the full sermon, you may click this link:


Abel, Enoch and Noah shows what kind of faith pleases God. Let's be challenged to live the same kind of faith.


Isn't it comforting and assuring to know that our Faith is not based on scattered, random pieces, or an unclear idea? Doesn't it give greater security knowing that our faith is based on Jesus and the whole Scripture?


The entire Bible, from the Old to the New Testament is a progressive story about the promised Messiah and the glory of God.

When we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts and made Him Lord over our lives, we were also given the privilege to be part of God's story.

The question is - Is our Christianity or faith a response to the story revealed to us about Jesus? Do we speak, think, respond, act in such a way that others would know how Jesus and His Word transforms us from the inside out, and is continuously moving us to be world-changers?


Weeks ago, we commissioned our leaders and staff to lead - now we want our congregation to respond in obedience to Jesus = that is to be engaged in praying, giving and doing (or going) for the cause of the gospel. - Senior Pastor Jorge de Ramos


January brought us back to the essence of our Faith. We were reminded to prioritize regular communion with God, to value time with the community of believers, to face life's battles with faith, and to stay confident in God's revealed Word.

As we end the month, we will not just be re-ignited in our call to go forth and make disciples, but we will receive the gift of being prayed upon and commissioned by our Senior Pastor Jorge de Ramos.

So do come and worship with us so we can altogether experience His power anew!

Worship service starts at 9:00AM.

If the Lord calls you to give for the advancement of His kingdom, click this link:

For updates on our weekly programs, just check our CCBC Family page.

Bible Month 2024: Genesis (Promo) 26/01/2024

"I hope you might discover - or rediscover - what the Bible is trying to tell us through Genesis about God's uniqueness; about His creation being 'very good'; about God's grace; about His desire to bless; and about the nature of God's mission in the world." -Debra Reid, director of undergraduate studies at Spurgeon's college in South London
Click the link and see the whole message.

Bible Month 2024: Genesis (Promo) In this short clip, Debra Reid - author of this year's Bible Month study notes, expresses why she think Genesis is such a great book for us to feast upon.

National Bible Day 26/01/2024

National Bible Day is on January 29, 2024. See the History, the Timeline, FAQs, How to Observe National Bible Day & Why It is Important, plus 5 Fun Facts About the Bible.
Discuss it with family members & friends! Let's celebrate the Word of God!
Click the link below:

National Bible Day Celebrate National Bible Day on the last Monday of January and be merry in the word of God as you reaffirm your commitment to your faith.


Hebrews 11:1 says that "faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." The question now is - "How can we persevere in faith?"

Where do we need to plant our faith on? The revealed Truth of God
What do we need to keep us connected with the Truth? Strong Anchor
What should we do about our faith? Make it visible for all to see


"Faith is aligning your thoughts, your will, your attitude and your actions according to what and how God reveals Himself to us. It is making decisions in your life based on the future hope that God promised" - Pastor Jorge de Ramos

It is our prayer that as we face this week, may every decision, action and behavior be a reflection of our faith in Jesus Christ.


Is your faith being tested? Do you feel like your faith only believes that which can be seen?

Join us tomorrow in our 9AM Worship Service, and let us altogether re-learn the Foundation of Faith. In doing so, may we then find renewed confidence in God's revealed Word.

Scripture text: Hebrews 11:1-3

The Worship Service livestream will be aired through these channels:

For your tithes and offerings, you may send them digitally to the accounts in this link:

To stay updated on the week's programs and activities, connect with us through


As the week ends, let us remember these tips on how we can persevere. May these better equip us and give us confidence as we continue to face our battles in life.

To watch the full sermon of Pastor Jorge de Ramos, you may click on this link: (sermon proper starts at 26:00)

Photos from Capitol City Baptist Church (CCBC)'s post 17/01/2024

Hebrews 10 gives us a picture of what a true disciple is. Read and study through the attributes listed below. As you reflect, prayerfully seek for the Holy Spirit to rebuke you in areas needed and to bring you back to the desire of becoming Jesus' true disciples.

Don't forget to share your learnings to your accountability group. This way, we can all battle for and with one another.


Scripture warns us so clearly: DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD OR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD.. for everything in the world comes not from the Father. (1 John 2:15,16)

Let us stay on guard at all times. Be careful of the ideas, values and principles that we give space in our hearts and minds, because these will significantly affect us as Christ's followers.


How do we keep on moving forward in our faith?

Join us at our Worship Service for our topic "Consummate Christians".

Scripture text: Hebrews 10:32-39

đź“Ť ON-SITE: 9AM, Worship Hall, CCBC West Avenue QC
- Capitol City Baptist Church (CCBC)


The final imperative to faith is to KINDLE mutual love and good deeds with other believers.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says: And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Reflect on these:
1. How committed are you to the CCBC community? Do you attend because of the things you gain, or do you attend with the desire of contributing and serving others?2. Are you part of an accountability group? If yes, how have you contributed to your group? If not, are you willing to journey with one?
3. Pray that your heart will see the value of belonging to a community. Pray that your sensitivity and response to the needs of others will also grow this year.


Imperative 3 to Enduring Faith: Kick out doubting

Scripture text: Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Action points:
* List down the moments when your heart is more vulnerable to the enemy's lies.
* Guard your heart.
* Commit to constantly soak in God's Truths and promises.
* Pray for one another.


Imperative 2 to Enduring Faith: Keep an intimate relationship with Christ

Scripture text: Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having bodies washed with pure water.

Questions to reflect on:
* Commit to consecrating your life daily to Jesus.
* Commit to a daily quiet time with God in reading His Word, listening to His voice, and responding to His call.


What do we need to have enduring faith? Let's review the imperatives shared by Pastor Jorge one by one, and prayerfully seek how we can apply them as we face 2024.

Imperative 1 to Enduring Faith: Know your standing before Christ.

Scripture text: Hebrews 10:19-21 Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, [20] by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, [21] and since we have a great priest over the house of God

Questions to reflect on:
* According to the Scriptures, what/who gives us the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place?
* What impact does Jesus' life, death and resurrection have on your life, on your perception about yourself, on your attitude towards your daily circumstances, and on your goals for 2024 and beyond?
* List down atleast 5 Truths God wants you to claim about your new identity in Him.

In spending time with the Lord, we also encourage you to share your insights with a group you are spiritually journeying with. Pray with and for each other as well.


Let us pray for CCBC to be a church where every member lives a life of total surrender to Jesus Christ this 2024.

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In the heart of the nation

In 1958, Rev. James Cook, Rev. Bruce Kerr and Rev. Orman Knight were sent out as missionaries from Chicago by the Conservative Baptists Foreign Missions Society. They settled in Quezon City. They began leading a Bible study group that meets in the home of the Prudencio family at Philamlife Homes. The group grew both in spirit and in numbers until they decided to hold worship services regularly. They rented Storefront no.18 in the commercial block in Philamlife Homes. Rev. Cook was the first Pastor.

On July 2, 1959, the 23 charter members of the church held its first official meeting. They approved four business items: 1) Capitol City Baptist Church (CCBC) as the name of the church; 2) the church by-laws; 3) election of four deacons, church treasurer, and church clerk; 4) appointment of a missionary for Bago Bantay.

In 1964, the Lord led CCBC to purchase a 1,000 sq. meters lot on West Avenue and built a worship hall and ministry facilities on it. It was dedicated to the Lord on April 18, 1965. It was during this period that Rev. Fred Magbanua began to serve as the first Filipino Senior pastor of the church taking over from Rev. Arthur Beals. In 1967, when Rev. Magbanua was called to serve as managing director of Far East Broadcasting Co. (FEBC), his Associate Pastor, Rev. Samuel Lacanienta served as senior pastor up to 1971.

In 1968, the church constructed a row of apartments to serve as facilities for the Conservative Baptist Bible College(CBBC) on weekdays and Sunday school on weekends. The facility also served as the principal offices of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), the Conservative Baptist Mission and the Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP).

Videos (show all)

Total Surrender to God's Promise/ Sunday Worship Service / February 18, 2024
Anticipating the City of God / Sunday Worship Service / February 11, 2024
Faith that Pleased God / Sunday Worship Service / February 4, 2024
Weeks ago, we commissioned our leaders and staff to lead - now we want our congregation to respond in obedience to Jesus...
Who walks on the watersWho speaks to the seaWho stands in the fire beside meHe roars like a lionHe bled as the LambHe ca...
Imperatives to Enduring Faith / Sunday Worship Service / January 7, 2024
Cantata 2023 Snippets
Declaring God's greatness as we end 2023
Hangarin ng Immanuel / Sunday Worship Service / December 24, 2023
Every song, every dance, every movement, every breath - ALL FOR JESUS



111 West Avenue, Brgy. Bungad
Quezon City

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