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Photos from Pak Physio Association-PPA's post 02/04/2022

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Islamic Wet Cupping Therapy - also known as Wet Cupping Therapy (WCT), Bloodletting Cupping (BLC) Therapy, Hijama, Al-hijamah, and Hejamat - is an old therapeutic and medical technique to improve the natural immune system and cure several disorders, which differs from Chinese Cupping Therapies.

Authentic Narrations About Hijama - Cupping Therapy
Cupping is the Best of Remedies

“If there is something excellent to be used as a remedy, then it is Hijama Cupping”.
Reported by Abu Huraira.[Sunan Ibn Maajah]

Best Days for Hijama

Abu Hurairah(r.a) reported that the Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease.” [Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith No: 3861].

Photos from Move Again Clinic's post 10/01/2022

The low back, also called the lumbar region, is the area of the back that starts below the ribcage. Almost everyone has low back pain at some point in life. It’s one of the top causes of missed work in the U.S. Fortunately, it often gets better on its own. When it doesn't, your doctor may be able to help with several effective treatments.
Symptoms of Low Back Pain
These might range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. The pain may make it hard to move or stand up straight. Pain that comes on suddenly is “acute.” It might happen during sports or heavy lifting. Pain that lasts more than 3 months is considered “chronic.” If your pain is not better within 72 hours, you should consult a doctor.
If your job involves lifting, pulling, or anything that twists the spine, it may contribute to back pain.
Overdoing it at the gym or golf course is one of the most common causes of overextended muscles leading to low back pain.
Back Pain Culprit: Chronic Conditions
Several chronic conditions can lead to low back pain.

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, which can put pressure on the spinal nerves.
Ankylosing spondylitis inflames the joints of the spine, and sometimes the shoulders, hips, ribs, and other areas too. It causes chronic back pain and stiffness. In serious cases, spinal vertebrae start to fuse (grow together).
Fibromyalgia causes widespread muscle aches, including back pain.
Who's at Risk for Low Back Pain?

Most people experience back pain first when they're in their 30s. The odds of additional attacks increase with age. Other reasons your low back may hurt include:

Being overweight
Being sedentary
Lifting heavy stuff on the job

Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractors and some osteopathic doctors may try to move the joints of your spine to treat low back pain. They apply pressure with their hands to bones and surrounding tissues
Massage Therapy
Massage may relieve chronic low back pain, especially when combined with exercise and stretching. Researchers noted patients who did all three were able to move around easier and had less short-term and long-term pain.
Can acupuncture treat back pain? The evidence is mixed for people with short-term back pain. Research showed that these people benefited from sham acupuncture as much as from real acupuncture. However in other studies, people with chronic or long-lasting backpain did show improvement after receiving acupuncture treatments.
Mild back pain often feels better with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. Pain-relieving creams may be helpful for muscle aches.

Photos from Move Again Clinic's post 08/01/2022

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Neck pain is a common ailment for most folks, but when it's accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands with shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm, it's important to seek medical care.
Common Neck Pain Signs and Symptoms
Neck pain usually involves one or more of the following symptoms and signs:
• Neck pain
• Radiating or shooting pain down to the Arms
• Numbness or tingling or weakness in arms or in hands.
• Increased pain when using arms, reaching over head, or turning the neck
• Stiff neck. Loss of neck movement, Soreness and difficulty moving the neck, especially when trying to turn the head from side to side.
• Muscle spasms
• Trouble with gripping or lifting objects. This problem can happen if numbness or weakness goes into the arm or fingers.
• Headaches. Sometimes an irritation in the neck can affect muscles and nerves connected to the head. Some examples include tension headache, cervicogenic headache, and occipital neuralgia.
• What causes cervical radiculopathy?
• Aging, injury, poor posture, and other issues can lead to problems in the neck. These problems may then irritate nerve roots. These include:
• Damage to a disk in the cervical spine. The damaged disk may then press on nearby nerve roots.
• Degeneration from wear and tear, and aging. This can lead to narrowing (stenosis) of the openings between the vertebrae. The narrowed openings press on nerve roots as they leave the spinal canal.
• An unstable spine. This is when a vertebra slips forward. It can then press on a nerve root.
• There are other, less common causes of pressure on nerves in the neck. These include infection, cysts, and tumors.
Treatment for cervical radiculopathy
In most cases, your healthcare provider will first try treatments that help relieve symptoms. These may include:
• Pain medicines. These help relieve pain and swelling.
• Cold packs/hot packs, These help reduce pain.
• Resting. This involves avoiding positions and activities that increase pain.
• Neck brace (cervical collar). This can help relieve inflammation and pain.
• Physical therapy, including exercises and stretches. This can help decrease pain and increase movement and function.
• includes
Chin Tucks
Upper trapezius stretch
Shoulder retraction
Active neck side bend
Active neck rotation
Neck forward and backward bending
Shoulder shrugging



The rotator cuff forms a group of muscles and tendons that keep our shoulder joint stable.

The rotator cuff muscles are four strong muscles usually known commonly as SITS muscles, where each of the letters in the “SITS” represents single muscle. S-Supraspinatus, I-Infraspinatus,T-Teres minor and S-Subscapularis.

Injury to any of the tendons and muscles of these causes deep dull aching pain, sometimes with weakness and reduced shoulder range of motion.
This injury is referred to us rotator cuff injury.

Generally, the injury to the tendon must heal by two to four weeks but most stubborn cases can last several months. Normally, the cause of this injury can be of one of three reasons;

📍Substantial injury to the shoulder
📍Wear and tear of the tendon tissue
📍Repetitive overhead activity or lifting of heavy loads over prolonged period may also irritate or cause damage to the tendon.

There are other risk factors that can also pose one’s risk higher for rotator cuff injury. These involve;

1. Age: As one ages, the tendon undergoes wear and tear and this can go a long way to trigger the symptoms of rotator cuff injury. Data available reveals that people who are 60 years and older are diagnosed of this injury.

2. Construction Jobs: Most construction jobs involves carrying activities and liftings. These activities are done overhead and the tendons can easily get irritated.

3. Family History: It is also established that, rotator cuff injury can also have familial traces. Often when a relative in the family has the injury, you also stands a higher risk.

of the injury can give us an impression about having a rotator cuff injury. Often,the injury comes with severe pains in the shoulder that often feels dull and deep. This pain often disturbs sleeping at night and can go along way to affect some common routine activity such as combing aid hair and others that require lifting of the arm.

When rotator cuff injury is not treated, there can be weakness in the shoulder and shoulder range of motion will become drastically reduced which will affect our daily activities.

The treatment of rotator cuff injury can be medical or physiotherapy. In instances where the injury is so severe that, there is total tear or rupture of a tendon, then surgery can be opted for the repair of the tendon. Most of the cases however occurs in a mild form where surgery will not be an option then.

Physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff injury are geared towards preventing subsequent injuries and also reduces pain and facilitate shoulder Rom for functional activities. The protocols can be that which help in strengthening the shoulder muscle, improve shoulder range of motion as well as reduces the discomfort symptom which is pain.

There are exercises specially prescribed to promote strength, Rom, of the muscles and the shoulder joint respectively. Pain management can be done through application of certain modalities which pose no side effect. In common cases, acute cases can be managed with cold therapy whilst chronic and subacute cases can be managed via hot therapy. Always strengthening exercises commence as soon as pain is contained. Until the healing totally occurs, activity limitation is advised.

The activities that pose higher risk to the development of rotator cuff injury, must be ceased.
This will help provide a healing grounds for the tendon to heal faster. It is important to consult your doctor for thorough assessment to ascertain whether your injury is rotator cuff injury.

Photos from Move Again Clinic's post 22/12/2021


The bobath neuro-developmental technique was revolutionized by Dr. Bobath to be more essential in motor learning and postural control for an independent functional activities.

The techniques are known and used worldwide for patients suffering from neurological conditions where movement and normal postures are threatened and become dysfunctional.

It is now an adapted treatment protocol for most cp children for normal movement and postures.

The method gathers numerous principles that aimed at achieving this primary goal when used.Most of these principles are not only applied in vain but provides so much benefits which help in restoring normal motor postural control skills in most neurological cases.

These principles have been addressed in the attached images below with the corresponding benefits also highlighted.


Free and Camp
19 Dec 2021



Deep Reflex:

Deep reflexes are muscle stretch reflexes mediated by lower motor neuron (LMN) pathways, typically monosynaptic.


Free Physiotherapy and Nutrition Camp on
November 14, 2021

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Organized by Pak Physio Association MULTAN CHAPTER ❤️

Sponsored By: Pak Physio Equipments

For registration contact 0333-3330388


Referred pain pattern

Photos from Move Again Clinic's post 24/10/2021

Free Physiotherapy and Nutrition camp At BY PPA Society ✨

Photos from Move Again Clinic's post 15/10/2021

Cervical spondylosis is a term that encompasses a wide range of progressive degenerative changes that affect all the components of the cervical spine (i.e., intervertebral discs, facet joints, joints of Luschka, ligamenta flava, and laminae)
In the cervical spine this chronic degenerative process affects the intervertebral discs and facet joints, and may progress to disk herniation, osteophyte formation, vertebral body degeneration, compression of the spinal cord, or cervical spondylotic Myelopathy.
Spondylosis manifest as neck pain and neck stiffness and can be accompanied by radicular symptoms when there is compression of neural structures.
The primary risk factor and contributor to the incidence of cervical spondylosis is age-related degeneration of the intervertebral disc and cervical spinal elements.
Degenerative changes in surrounding structures, including the uncovertebral joints, facet joints, posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL), and ligamentum flavum all combine to cause narrowing of the spinal canal and intervertebral foramina. Consequently, the spinal cord, spinal vasculature, and nerve roots can be compressed, resulting in the three clinical syndromes in which cervical spondylosis presents: axial neck pain, cervical myelopathy, and cervical radiculopathy.
Factors that can contribute to an accelerated disease process and early-onset cervical spondylosis include exposure to significant spinal trauma, a congenitally narrow vertebral canal, dystonic cerebral palsy affecting cervical musculature, and specific athletic activities such as rugby, soccer, and horse riding.
Cervical spondylosis is often diagnosed on clinical signs and symptoms alone

Poorly localised tenderness
Limited range of motion
Minor neurological changes (unless complicated by myelopathy or radiculopathy

Cervical pain aggravated by movement
Referred pain (occiput, between the shoulder blades, upper limbs)
Retro-orbital or temporal pain
Cervical stiffness
Vague numbness, tingling or weakness in upper limbs
Dizziness or vertigo
Poor balance
Rarely, syncope, triggers migraine
Patient history should focus on the timeline of the pain, radiation of pain, aggravating factors, and inciting events. Classically, symptomatic cervical spondylosis presents as one or more of the following three primary clinical syndromes:

Axial neck pain
Commonly complain of stiffness and pain in the cervical spine that is most severe in the upright position and relieved with bed rest when removing the load from the neck
Neck motion, especially in hyperextension and side-bending, typically increases the pain
In upper and lower cervical spine disease, patients may report radiating pain into the back of the ear or occiput versus radiating pain into the superior trapezius or periscapular musculature, respectively
Occasionally, patients can present with atypical symptoms cervical angina such as jaw pain or chest pain
Cervical radiculopathy
Radicular symptoms usually follow a myotomal distribution depending on the nerve root(s) involved and can present as unilateral or bilateral neck pain, arm pain, scapular pain, paraesthesia, and arm or hand weakness
Pain is exacerbated by head tilt toward the affected side or by hyperextension and side-bending toward the affected side
Cervical myelopathy
Typically has an insidious onset with or without neck pain (frequently absent)
Can initially present with hand weakness and clumsiness, resulting in the inability to complete tasks requiring fine motor coordination (e.g., buttoning a shirt, tying shoelaces, picking up small objects)
Frequent reports of gait instability and unexplained falls
Urinary symptoms (i.e., incontinence) are rare and typically appear late in disease progression
Mobilisation and/or manipulations in combination with exercises are effective for pain reduction and improvement in daily functioning in sub-acute or chronic mechanical neck pain with or without headache
various exercise regimens, like proprioceptive, strengthening, endurance, or coordination exercises are more effective than usual pharmaceutical care[
Treatment should individualised, but generally includes rehabilitation exercises, proprioceptive re-education, manual therapy and postural educationPhysical modalities such as cervical traction, heat, cold, therapeutic ultrasound, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) lacked sufficient evidence regarding their efficacy in the treatment of acute or chronic neck pain.
In patients experiencing radicular pain, cervical traction may be incorporated to alleviate the nerve root compression that occurs with foraminal stenosis
Trigger point injections can be employed to treat myofascial trigger points, which can clinically manifest as neck, shoulder, and upper arm pain.
Manual therapy is defined as high-velocity; low-amplitude thrust manipulation or non-thrust manipulation. Manual therapy of the thoracic spine can be used for reduction of pain, improving function, to increase the range of motion and to address the thoracic hypomobility

Thrust manipulation of the thoracic spine could include techniques in a prone, supine, or sitting position based on therapist preference. Also cervical traction can be used as physical therapy to enlarge the neural foramen and reduce the neck stress

Non-thrust manipulation included posterior-anterior (PA) glides in the prone position. The cervical spine techniques could include retractions, rotations, lateral glides in the ULTT1 position, and PA glides. The techniques are chosen based on patient response and centralisation or reduction of symptoms

Postural education includes the alignment of the spine during sitting and standing activities.

Thermal therapy provides symptomatic relief only and ultrasound appears to be ineffective

Soft tissue mobilisation was performed on the muscles of the upper quarter with the involved upper extremity positioned in abduction and external rotation to pre-load the neural structures of the upper limb.

Home Exercises include cervical retraction, cervical extension, deep cervical flexor strengthening, scapular strengthening, stretching of the chest muscles via isometric contraction of flexor of extensor muscles to encourage the mobility of the neural structures of the upper extremity.

Education. The natural history of cervical spondylosis is highly variable, as well as challenging to prevent, given that it is part of the normal aging process. The client should receive training on ways to deter early onset of cervical spondylosis, including maintaining good neck strength and flexibility, leading an active and healthy lifestyle, and preventing neck injuries (e.g., good ergonomics, avoiding prolonged neck extension, proper equipment for contact sports, safe tackling technique, and seatbelt use in automobiles)




Photos from Move Again Clinic's post 03/10/2021

2nd free Camp at Move Again Clinic Organized by PPA ✨Alhumdulillah ..


Free Camp on 3rd Oct ..

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Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 16:00 - 21:00
Thursday 16:00 - 21:00
Friday 16:00 - 21:00
Saturday 16:00 - 21:00

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