Nutrition Goals

Nutrition Goals

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Dr. Vita Hub
Dr. Vita Hub

Let thy food be thy medicine
Which means our food should be our medicine and vice versa”


Adverse effects of overuse of white sugar 🌟


Medical experts have different opinions regarding drinking water after meals is harmful or beneficial.

Water is essential for good health as water and other liquids help break down food so that body can absorb the nutrients. Water also softens stool, which helps prevent constipation.

Some medical experts say that water immediately after a meal affects the digestive system and if the digestive system is affected it produces more gas in the stomach which makes the stomach feel bloated.

Greek medicine says that drinking water after a meal weakens the beneficial bacteria that digest food and when these bacterias become weak, the stomach begins to become acidic.

Other experts say that drinking cold water after eating should also be avoided as icy water delays the ingestion of food.

On the other hand, medical experts say that drinking water before, during or after meals is not harmful at all.

It is also worth mentioning here that in addition to water if lemon water is taken along food which includes some mint leaves proves to be beneficial for the health.

Drinking lemon water has not only negative but also positive health effects and proves beneficial while digesting food.


Low histamine diet✨


Depression is so common disease which is present in every second person now-a-days. We can take the meaning of depression as over as well as negative thinking, all those thinkings having no any solution in-front of depressed person, who are suffering from depression.

Firstly, it effects badly on humans' health and destroy the person completely from emotionally, mentally, physically, internally and externally . It basically spoil each and every part which is directly and indirectly connected with depressed person.
⭕ Sometimes, it touch badly and make them addicted.
⭕ Sometimes, depression force to take heavy pills even for sleeping. Because, they cannot close their eyes to get rid from this even for a single minute.
⭕ Sometimes, It becomes really very serious and insist them to do su***de and this one is the hardest phase of depression.
Results of this depression is always very painful and tough .
It only gives pain, tears, anger, unhealthy body and burns their blood.

If any one is suffering from this and really want to leave depressed life so, first they have to move their thoughts from negative to positive side. Because negative thoughts is the base of every hard disease.

Secondly, leave all those places where they only face ignorace, disheartening, cruelty and all other things which only gives guilt.

"life is so much beautiful"

Do not destroy it by your lame behaviour.
⭕ Try to be mature day by day.
⭕ Try to not feel little negative things.
⭕ Try to smile and enjoy everything.
⭕ Try to be easy, don't become disturb from useless things.
⭕ Try to join good and positive company.
⭕ Try to set goals and hit your targets.
⭕ Try to make yourself busy.
⭕ Try to spend much of your time with your parents.


Daily water intake according to body weight..


Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation.


5 hacks to reduce excess salt from food.

Salt is an essential ingredient in our cooking. Fruits, cooked meats or vegetables and even sweets, it improves the taste of almost everything we add it to. Some times while cooking we all tend to get carried away and add much more salt than needed. If you end up with a salty dish, don’t worry. There are ways to turn this situation over its head and regain the balance of flavours in the dish. But first, let’s deal with a popular myth.

‘Potatoes Soak Up Salt’ is a MYTH

There is a popular theory which dictates that if you put three of four pieces of potatoes to your dish, it will soak up the salt. You can remove them later and your dish will be free of extra salt.
The potatoes only cook in the water and acquire saltiness due to the presence of salt in the water. There is no discernable difference in the salt content of the water. This trick just doesn’t work!

How to Fix Salty Food Then? ?

Have you tried adding water?
If you have added extra salt in your stew, soup or curry, simply adding more water can help. If you want to add the stock, make sure its a saltless one. Your dish might turn watery and lose the consistency you were aiming for, but that can be easily corrected. Just mix cornflour and water to make a slurry and mix it with your dish to bring the consistency back to normal.

Cream to the rescue!

Creamy ingredients have the capability to cut the saltiness of a dish. When added to a curry-based dish in liquid form, it can also dilute it to an extent. If your sauce has excess salt you can try adding cream or milk to dilute the taste. In tomato-based recipes and chilli’s, it is a better option to add non-fat plain yoghurt or sour cream. You can even use cheese with a creamy texture such as Monterrey Jack, Swiss or Ricotta cheese to combat the saltiness of a dish.

Bulk it up

If you were making a small quantity of food that turned salty, it can be a good idea to bulk up the dish with more veggies. You can also add low-sodium beans, potatoes and even unsalted rice. Adding noodles can also reduce the saltiness as it soaks up some of the water. You might have extra food that you can use later but at least you won’t be throwing it away!

Fighting spice with sugar!

A little bit of honey, molasses or sugar (either white or brown) can help counteract the salty flavour of a dish and balance the flavours. Brown sugar is better suited for correcting darker sauces.

Acid Correction

An acidic agent like lemon juice, white vinegar or apple cider vinegar can be a great way to adjust the salt concentration of a dish. Sometimes people think that the dish needs salt when it actually just needs some acid. Being mindful of the flavours can help avoid overconsumption of salt.


Oats@Healthy food snack Breakfast post in comments

Oats is made with barley. It is rich in antioxidants and minerals also rich in fibers which is good for our health.

Benefits of oats

Helps to control blood sugar level
Helps to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)
Helps to maintain hypertension
Prevent us with constipation
Reduce cancer risk
Rich in antioxidants which is good for skin
Rich source of magnesium which is helps to prevent diabetes risk.


Risk of Type 2 diabetes is closely linked to diet, exercise and weight but the good news is that healthy lifestyle choices can go a long way in preventing this condition.
# Studies suggest that having enough fiber in your diet can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
studies suggest that individuals with the highest amount of fiber intake had 18% lower risk of Type 2 diabetes than those with the lowest fiber intake. Researchers found that cereal fiber has greatest impact on diabetes risk.For each 10g/ day increase in fiber intake from cereal and oatmeal , the risk of diabetes decreased by 25% .In comparison, an overall 10g/ day increase of fiber from all sources like cereal , fruits and vagetables reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes by 9%.
# It is because these foods are filling and most are lower in glycemic index which can help to control your appetite and have less effect on blood glucose level.
• Dietary fiber not only directly reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes but also promotes a healthy body weight, which also reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes. • Dietary fiber is found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, which are key
to heart-healthy diet.
• Getting enough fiber through these nutrient-rich foods go a long way in improving health condition..


Chickpeas contain a variety of nutrients, including protein, which is necessary for bone, muscle, and skin health. Also, is loaded with fiber. Studies suggest that fiber aids .


Bananas are respectable sources of vitamin C.
Manganese in bananas is good for your skin.
Potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure.
Bananas can aid digestion and help beat gastrointestinal issues.
Bananas give you energy – minus the fats and cholesterol.


1- Vitamin “A”: Night blindness
2- Vitamin “B1”: Beriberi
3- Vitamin “B2”: Ariboflavinosis
4- Vitamin “B3”: Pellagra
5- Vitamin “B5”: Parestheia
6- Vitamin “B6”: Anemia
7- Vitamin “B7”: Dermititis and enteritis
8- Vitamin “B9” - “B12”: Megaloblastic anemia
9- Vitamin “B17”: Cancer
10- Vitamin “C”: Scurvy and swelling of gums
11- Vitamin “D”: Rickets and Osteomalacia
12- Vitamin “E”: less fertility
13- Vitamin “K”: Non-Clotting of blood...


Vitamin D Boost Immune System

While more study is needed on the link between vitamin D and immune health, some promising research suggests that checking your vitamin D level and taking a vitamin D supplement could help your body fight off respiratory illness. In one study of 107 older patients, some patients took high doses of vitamin D while others were given standard doses. After a year, the researchers found that people in the high dose group had 40 percent fewer respiratory infections over the course of the year compared to those on the standard dose. Why would vitamin D lower risk for respiratory illness? Our bodies need adequate vitamin D to produce the antimicrobial proteins that kill viruses and bacteria. If you don’t have adequate vitamin D circulating, you are less effective at producing these proteins and more susceptible to infection. These proteins are particularly active in the respiratory tract. Vitamin D can be found in milk or foods fortified with vitamin D. In general, our vitamin D levels tend to be influenced by sun exposure, skin tone and latitude. A blood test is required to check vitamin D levels. Less than 20 nanograms per milliliter is considered deficient. Above 30 is optimal.


Symptoms of corona virus....


Avoid cold drinks etc..


Black pepper...


Nutritional Facts...


Bitter Truth✌️💯.


Corona virus,,,,
Precautionary measures✌️


Health benefits of sweet potatoes (kachaaloo).


Go healthy and young this winter with CARROT.

Carrots are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. They are good source of antioxidants. Carrots are beneficial for vision, digestive health and for immune functioning.
Carrots can be used in;
▪Salads or wraps
▪Baked goods
▪Carrots juices and smoothies


Vitamin A is available to the body in two forms Retinol and Carotene. Animal sources like butter, cheese, fish etc provide Retinol form. Carotene form is provided by number of fruits and vegetables like carrots, spinach, papapa etc.


Health benefits of applying to the

Belly button or navel is a magical and a wonderful part of our body. The main reason for applying oil or ghee on the belly button is that, the navel knows which of our blood vessels is drying, so it gushes out the oil in the same artery. A new life is attached to the navel and its get its initial nourishment from the umbilical cord connected to it. When the child is small and his stomach hurts, the mixture of water and hing or asafoetida is applied around the stomach and navel, and his pain would immediately disappear. While applying oil, use cotton balls or medicine dropper, so that it is easy to pour. Listed below are some of the health benefits of applying oil to the belly button.

1-Neem Oil

Neem oil is known for its medicinal properties as it helps in repairing the damaged skin. The germ fighting property of neem oil helps in getting pimples-free and acne-free skin. It makes the skin tone even and gives a clear and fair skin. Neem oil also helps in removing white and dark spots. It also reduces itches and rashes on the skin.

2-Almond Oil

Almond oil works wonder on you face skin and body. It gives a glowing skin. Almond oil helps in reducing dark circles under the eyes. It helps in removing wrinkles and making the skin soft and supple. It heals the cracked and dry lips. To get maximum benefit out of this oil, it’s better to warm up some almond oil and then apply it in and around the belly button.

3-Mustard Oil

Mustard oil helps in getting relief from gastric trouble, stomach pain and irregular bowel movement. It acts as a moisturizer and also reduces the darkness of your lips and makes it smooth and soft. It removes dirt from navel, reduces nasal congestion. and acts an antibacterial agent. Mustard oil also gives shinny nails and removes nail fungus.

4-Coconut Oil

Coconut oil works wonder on your skin and hair. It helps in improving eye sight and also getting rid of dryness of eyes. Coconut oil gives relief from stomach cramps, menstrual pain ans also treats common cold and cough. Coconut oil helps in reducing dandruff. It also helps in improving fertility rate in women.

5-Lemon Oil

Lemon oil helps in reducing the acne, dark spots and scars. It also helps in getting rid of pigmentation on the face and also reduces dark and white patches on the face.

6-Clarified Butter or Pure Ghee

Applying ghee on the navel helps to soften your skin. When warm ghee is applied on baby’s navel it makes the bones stronger. It improves blood flow to the nervous system and alos enhances immunity system. It cures constipation and builds a strong digestive system. It gives relief from joint pain.

7-Castor Oil

Castor oil helps in giving relief from knee pain and stomach pain. It helps in reducing the intestinal swelling in infant. It makes eye lashes long and black. It also helps in growing thick and long hairs.

8-Olive Oil

Olive helps in reducing the joints pain. It also reduces dark circles under the eyes. It promotes proper growth of infant. It aids in building strong memory power and also improves concentration power in children. Olive oil aids in building strong muscles and bones. It keeps a check on the liver problem and treats the lack of appetite in children. It helps in having proper and sound sleep.

Other than these above mentioned benefits, some of the common benefits of applying oil to the belly button is it helps removes dirt from the navel, cures infections, and eases stomach pain. To sum up, the navel is the power house of the body and acts like a doctor in many ways.


Foods that fight against Fatigue...


For Blood pressure patients whose BP level always fluctuates...


Cure the diseases by food not by medicine ✌️..


Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables for Skin:

Fruits and vegetables are one of most widely available sources of energy. When consumed properly they can be of immense help in enhancing individual's beauty. Raw food diet is good for beauty of health as well as beauty of body, mind and soul. With help of these vegetables and fruits, natural face packs, tonics & lotions can be
prepared at home which are good for health.


For the most health benefits from fruits and vegetables, eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables, making sure to consume fruits and vegetables of different colors. Different colors usually indicate different mixes of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, increasing your chances of getting a good mix of these nutrients.

Avocado is packed with properties that naturally help the skin in its own collagen production.

Banana has natural oils that work perfectly as skin softeners while the fruit’s rich vitamins and nutrients are wonderful for improving hair’s elasticity.

Beans of differing varieties can be useful in fighting off the first signs of aging.

Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are packed with antioxidants as well as their own natural anti-inflammatory properties. Used in skin cream, they can help soothe skin while repairing surface cells.

Cantaloupe makes a soothing skin cream that ensures a radiant and glowing complexion.

Oranges are rich source of Vitamin C. It prevents constipation. They work as cleansers and improve the skin and supports the immune system.

Carrots have vitamin A and are very good for the eyes. They are one of the richest source of beta carotene. Carrot juice if taken in the morning on an empty stomach is very beneficial. It develops immunity. Prevents premature aging. It has anti-cancer properties.

Cucumber cools our body and is very good for those who want to lose weight. They work as astringents, cooling and brightening agents of the skin. It can be used in natural face packs also.

Grapes are effective for constipation and gives relief in piles. It prevents dryness of skin and it purifies the blood. Its juice can be applied on wrinkles under the eyes.

Greens are rich in antioxidants that reduce skin inflammation and prevent cell damage.

Lemons act as a natural skin bleach and softener. Used on rough elbows, knees, or foot calluses lemon can help even out skin color and make skin softer and more supple.

Peaches are chock full of antioxidants and nutrients that work to protect skin from damaging UV rays.

Peppers help increase circulation and work well in cosmetics to plump up the lips.

Garlic is a very powerful antiseptic. It helps to delay aging and restores tissue. It reduces high blood pressure and is good for the blood and heart. It has many other medicinal uses also. Include garlic (raw or steamed) in your diet as it has antibacterial properties and helps to improve the health of the skin.

Pineapple contains a powerful enzyme that helps eliminate dead skin while protecting it from free radicals.

Potato helps to alleviate dark circles underneath the eyes.
Sweet potatoes are great for helping to stop the signs of aging.

Tomatoes contain iron and is rich in vitamin A. Recommended for those who want to reduce their weight. It combats cancer as it has a high amount of antioxidants.

Watermelon helps to soothe sunburn and makes minor skin repairs by encouraging tissue regeneration.

Dry Fruits:

Dates are rich in iron and is good for the blood.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E and is very good for the skin.

Dry grapes relieves constipation and is also good for the throat.

Figs are very nutritious. They are easily digestible and they eliminate impurities from blood. They are useful in case of fatigue and weakness.

Dried Apricots are rich source of iron and beta carotene. You can take it everyday for radiant looking skin.


Cure cancer with nutrition...

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