Creative management in new media

Official page of new studies in Kieslowski Film School in Katowice, Poland.


Study creative management in new media at Kieślowski Film School!


Nowy kierunek na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UŚ! | Biuro Karier Biuro Karier ul. Bankowa 12 40-007 Katowice (parter Rektoratu) tel: 32 359 19 82 / 32 359 20 32 email: [email protected] / [email protected]


On February 24-25, 2020, special effects workshops took place in our school.

(Photo: Krzysztof Szlapa).


Carefully prepared program of classes allows to gain knowledge about the film workshop to the extent enabling the implementation of their own independent film, promotional and advertising or production projects, and also allows the student to acquire team management skills and creative abilities. During the course, systematic theoretical and practical knowledge about all stages and aspects of the creation of film, television and advertising works will be conveyed. Students learn technology and techniques used in the production of films and multimedia.


Studies can be undertaken by graduates of journalism, theatre and film, marketing, PR, film and television production, photography, people creating creative network messages and operating in the field of communication in virtual space using a film image, people who intend to run or already run their own business in the film industry, television or social media.


On 17-19 February 2020, our school hosted the laureate of the festivals in Cannes, Karlovy Vary, Krakow Film Festival, the Ukrainian director & screenwriter Sergei Loznitsa. As part of the classes, students watched his three famous films "My joy" (2010), "Maidan" (2014)," Donbass" (2018), followed by a discussion.

(Photo: Krzysztof Szlapa)


The studies are an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to develop their competences in the field of communication, new tools and techniques in social media. Areas of studies: artistic and creative techniques in cinematography, social media tools and projects, business area of multimedia production, copyright and intellectual property protection, film, TV and new media workshops aimed at individual multimedia projects in social media.


I hope you guys are feeling well & you stay at home. Academic classes at our University are cancelled until further notice, but we don't stop working & we will bring you the details, which Creative management in new media studies is hiding. Use wise this couple of days/weeks for improving yourselfs & stay safe out there.


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Hello everyone!
We are happy to announce, that Kieslowski Film School is launching a new program of studies. Creative management in new media is an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to develop their competences in the field of communication, new tools and techniques in social media.
For more information, please leave a like & stay tuned.

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