Spectre Solutions

Spectre Solutions develops drones to answer your problems with logistics and monitoring Spectre Solutions provides drones that do more than just flying around.

We are a team of engineers with experience in the area of aviation and aeronautics. We produce UAVs that provide a full set of inspection and monitoring services, and delivery to hardly accessible locations. We protect businesses by increasing safety of people and property. Spectre Solutions was founded and keeps working and improving because:
- We believe that knowledge is power hence we help ou

Photos from Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii's post 31/01/2024

W dniu wczorajszym nasza firma Spectre Solutions miała okazję zaprezentować swoje osiągnięcia na zakończeniu pierwszego w Polsce programu - programu rozwoju technologii podwójnego zastosowania.

W wydarzeniu otworzonym przez wiceministra Waldemara Sługockiego wzięli udział przedstawiciele wojska, spółek z sektora zbrojeniowego, administracji publicznej, firm rozwijających innowacyjne rozwiązania oraz zespołów naukowych zajmujących się technologiami podwójnego zastosowania.

Chcielibyśmy wyrazić swoją głęboką wdzięczność za to, że nasza firma została ponownie doceniona przez Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej , Polski Fundusz Rozwoju czy Polską Grupę Zbrojeniową (PGZ) i otrzymała zaproszenie do udziału w tym prestiżowym wydarzeniu.

Prezentację naszej firmy wykonaną przez Franciszek Milczarski można obejrzeć pod linkiem (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jrBvgL1Xvk) od 1:58:23.

Photos from Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza's post 22/11/2023

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że w dniu wczorajszym Franciszek Milczarski, Head Of International Business w Spectre Solutions , był jednym z panelistów na wydarzeniu “Prowadzenie biznesu w Afryce – jak odnieść sukces?”

Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza i Bank Pekao S.A. połączyły siły, aby wspierać eksport polskich firm na kontynent afrykański, korzystając ze swojej obszernej wiedzy, doświadczenia w handlu międzynarodowym i zorganizowała wspólnie warsztaty dla przedsiębiorców z sektora , na których zaproszeni eksperci przedstawili możliwości rozwoju polskiego biznesu w Afryce.

Dziękujemy za zaproszenie i za możliwość uczestniczenia w panelu.
Do zobaczenia na kolejnych wydarzeniach wspierających ekspansje polskich firm na rynki afrykańskie.


Today marks the end of an incredible journey for Franciszek Milczarski , Spectre Solutions, and we will complete the Scale-up Tech Mission in Birmingham, organised by Department for Business and Trade , a leading provider of business support and acceleration programs for tech companies.

The Scale-up Tech Mission is a one-week intensive program that helps tech companies from different countries scale up their business in the UK market. It offers access to mentors, investors, customers, and partners and exposure to the vibrant tech ecosystem in Birmingham and beyond.

During the program, we had the opportunity to attend University of Warwick ,University of Wolverhampton, the Global West Midlands event, the Birmingham Tech Week Scale-up Summit, and many other events and workshops. We learned much from the experts and speakers who shared their insights and best practices on market entry, product development, sales, marketing, funding, and more.

We sincerely thank DBT UK, Rasik Tailor, Tim Luft, Tony Kypreos, Jolyon Martin, Justina Povilonyte, Daniel Stoker and all the organisers and partners of the Scale-up Tech Mission for making this possible.

We look forward to applying what we have learned and exploring new opportunities in the UK market.

We are excited for the next chapter of Spectre Solutions' growth!


Yesterday, Spectre Solutions had the pleasure of making a presentation for the Malawi Honorary Consul in Poland, Mr Andrzej Brusikiewicz and the head of the delegation, Second Secretary Isaac Mazaza Jere and the Malawi delegation.

We discussed how we can build cooperation between our parties and explore the potential of drone technology in Malawi. The meeting was very productive and cordial at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We want to thank the delegation and the organisers for their engagement, and I look forward to further collaboration in the future.

Photos from Spectre Solutions's post 06/10/2023

For the last two days, the Spectre Solutions - Drones For Special Tasks team has had the opportunity to participate in PAIH Business Forum 2023.

We are very grateful to the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) for hosting. It was a fantastic event that brought together businesses, investors, and experts. We had the chance to learn about the latest trends and opportunities in various sectors and markets.

We want to thank the PAIH team for their excellent support and cooperation. They were beneficial and professional, providing us with valuable information and guidance.

We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with PAIH and exploring new possibilities for our business growth. We highly recommend PAIH as a reliable and efficient partner for anyone who wants to expand their business internationally.

Thank you, PAIH, for making this forum a success!


We’re proud to inform you that we’ve signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Commission on Science & Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS). It’s a big step forward for our partnership to further improve our solutions and accommodate to the highest degree possible to the specific needs of all 27 member countries of COMSATS.

Yesterday, the MoU was signed by the Executive Director of COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. M. Nafees Zakaria, and the Chief Information Officer of Spectre Solutions, during an online ceremony.

COMSATS is an international body that was devised by Pakistani Nobel Laureate, Prof. Dr. Abdus Salam. It connects 27 countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America to realize the mission that we fully align with, which is to „create a world where all nations are at peace with one another and capable of providing a good quality of life to their populations in a sustainable way, using modern scientific and technological resources.”

We look forward to our future achievements for the security and well-being of COMSATS’ members!

CIO of Spectre Solutions, said:
„I believe that joining hands with COMSATS is a very important step that will be substantial for our understanding of the needs of its member countries. Partnership with outstanding professionals from COMSATS will assure us that we’re developing our solutions in a way that is best for accomplishing our goal of improving people’s lives. We’re very happy that our friends from COMSATS share our belief that technology should be used to the best of its potential to support citizens in need, and we’re determined to use our drones for the good of citizens thriving under the care of COMSATS.”

Source of photography: www.pakistantoday.com.pk

Photos from Spectre Solutions's post 14/09/2023

# # MSPO (International Defence Industry Exhibition) in Centrum Kongresowe Targi Kielce S.A. was – as always – an outstanding event with a great variety of interesting people, companies, and products. We’re very happy to have had the opportunity to participate in it.

Congratulations to the organizers for all their efforts that allowed this event to be so successful.

We’re also grateful to Bydgoskie Zakłady Elektromechaniczne BELMA S.A. for welcoming us at the stand, and Łukasiewicz - ILOT for having our Franciszek Milczarski participate in the project "How to do international projects in the drone sector?” where he’s spoken to the participants about our company and how we help our customers around the world.

CTO, said:
‘As always – MSPO was a place filled with opportunities to see state-of-the-art technologies and meet many inspiring people. We’re glad to take part in it together with our friends from BELMA, and we appreciate everyone who visited us to talk about our solutions. I especially remember my fruitful conversations with KrattWorks, Track Deep, Wayren, and Flyfocus, which might lead to a promising cooperation in the very near future.’

In the attached photos we present the B-1 drone which is developed for military use.

Let’s fly together!


We’re delighted to announce that we’ll be present at the # # MSPO in Targi Kielce S.A. on September 5th-9th.

MSPO (International Defence Industry Exhibition) is the leading industry event in Poland and it’s ranked third among all Europe's exhibitions, after the Paris and London trade shows. The 31st MSPO is organized under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland.
Last year, MSPO brought together 613 companies from 33 countries (including 312 Polish companies) and welcomed 60 delegations from 39 countries.

Spectre Solutions will be present on the C-2 stand as a guest of Bydgoskie Zakłady Elektromechaniczne BELMA S.A.
We very much appreciate BELMA’s hospitality, thank you!

We’ll be happy to meet everyone interested in our solutions and answer your questions. See you in Kielce!

Let’s fly together!


We’re growing and improving in many ways. One of the most recent examples is launching an upgraded website: https://spectre.solutions/. 😊

Among many other changes, we’ve:
- updated the whole content to keep you well-informed
- added a page about the mission, vision, and values we stand by
- added a dark mode to make the website more accessible
- reorganized the menu to be more intuitive
- facilitated direct communication with Spectre Team, so it’s easier for you to talk with us
- added an introduction on a page about our cooperations to convey our appreciation to our precious partners
And more…
Some changes are still on the way.

We’re always looking for new ways to support our followers and clients – in the air, on land, in person, and remotely, so let’s fly together!
We’re always glad to hear and answer your inquiries and suggestions.


Yesterday, Spectre’s Sebastian Konkol and Karol Dubrawski took part in Europe-Poland-Ukraine Rebuild Together ’23 conference organized by Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców and Warsaw Enterprise Institute.

After the event was opened by Cezary Kaźmierczak (ZPP’s President), Mateusz Morawiecki (Poland’s Prime Minister) and Denys Szmyhal (Ukraine’s Prime Minister) we had the opportunity to attend a variety of keynotes and panel discussions about the strengthening of future EU-Poland-Ukraine relations and how Poland and Ukraine can go hand in hand to support and rebuild Ukraine.

Besides interesting sessions, the „Rebuild Together ‘23” was also a great opportunity to network with like-minded people from a variety of sectors, and get to know the artistic work of 2016 Eurovision winner, Jamala | Джамала.

Karol Dubrawski, Head of PR & Marketing, commented:
„We believe that Poland and Ukraine, as neighbours and Europeans, should pay special attention to mutual support. Being aware of how many difficult challenges await Ukraine in the future, we attach great importance to deeply understand the needs of this country in the era of its reconstruction and we want to help them to the best of our abilities. We believe that our drone solutions supported by AI can be very useful in Ukraine's dynamic return to new glory. The unparalleled performance of drones in medical emergency transportation and providing specialized monitoring capabilities (including border control, guarding strategic infrastructure or patrolling highways) can solve at least some of the many upcoming challenges.”

Let’s fly together!


We attach great importance to the development of our team members, and it fills us with pride that our employees pay it forward.

Michał Słomiany, our Avionics Systems Engineer, is currently a mentor in the Girls Future Ready project aiming to help women fast-track their careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Besides supporting growing professionals in one-on-one sessions, he’s also leading lectures – last week, he shared his knowledge about designing and deploying a High Altitude Ballon mission.

Michał commented:
“It is fantastic to see young women pursuing their interest in Science and Engineering. It is essential to share knowledge with a young generation of future engineers and scientists, especially from a group still underrepresented in the aviation industry. I was amazed by their insights and questions; working with a group so full of passion and knowledge is a pleasure.”

We’re glad to see our crew gaining new skills&knowledge and caring about our future friends in the aviation business. 😊

Let’s fly together!


Unsung Heroes Acceleration Programme is progressing steadily, and more and more topics crucial to the wellbeing of companies are being covered.

This week, Franciszek Milczarski has learned more about managing licensing and intellectual property in scaling. We recognize this as a very important issue for all the companies who are building their worldwide presence, and we’re sure that it will be significant for us while entering new markets.

Thank you, Unsung Heroes, ALTO and Hasik Rheims & Partners.

Let’s fly together! 😊


We’re glad to work together with European Union and Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju on multiple projects, and we greatly appreciate their support. Yesterday we took part in Info Day about Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society, which is yet another way that we can use our technology to improve the lives of society. We believe that when you work to help others, you can get the best possible results, and find innovative ways to solve crucial problems.

Throughout the day, attendees could learn a lot about the program. Experts from Unia Europejska, European Commission, Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej, and other units have shared their thorough knowledge about Cluster 3, available opportunities, and their personal experiences.

Franciszek Milczarski who participated in the event said:
„NCBR and UE are very important institutions for the development of Polish companies and ideas that will make the world around us better. Their support helps Spectre Solutions spread our wings even wider, and maximize the positive change we can bring to the table.”

Let’s fly together!


We’re very happy to share the news that we’ve become a member of the Midlands Aerospace Alliance. We’re confident that together we’ll be able to fly even higher, and reach further!

The MAA has 20 years long tradition of supporting companies from aerospace industry. They represent one of the largest aerospace clusters in the world with community of over 300 entities.

Sebastian Konkol, CIO of Spectre Solutions said:
„We greatly value the experience of The Midlands Aerospace Alliance, and we appreciate all the efforts they’re making to integrate and suport the aerospace industry. Their wide support can be seen through all the events they organize, leading the trade missions to overseas markets, distributing the „Midlands Aerospace” magazine and regular e-letter, maintaing thorough database of member companies, and many more activities.”

Let’s fly together!

Photos from Łukasiewicz - ILOT's post 07/06/2023

We’re always happy to take part in interesting drone events like the by Łukasiewicz - ILOT. We’re glad to see that the group of people fascinated by drones is rising and the young blood is joining us.

was a great opportunity to legally practice things that wouldn’t usually be possible. A great example is the "relay" night competition. Participants could implement their concepts of deploying rescuers' evacuation paths from areas with low visibility using drone racers and beacons in automatic flight out of sight.

Everything was possible thanks to the support of dedicated enthusiasts from Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego, Łukasiewicz - ILOT, Orange, Fundacja Instytut Mikromakro, Metropolia GZM and other organizations.

Wojciech Gruźliński who was representing Spectre Solutions as a member of the judging team commented:
"As every year, Droniada is pushing the envelope of what drones can do, and is doing a great job preparing young people to face the challenges of the developing drone market. The teams put up a tough but fair fight in good spirit. Congratulations for all teams, and particular respect for Akademicki Klub Lotniczy PWr for the awesome performance in Sztafeta (Relay) challenge."

Photos from Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza's post 05/06/2023

Today we had an opportunity to take part in the Global Check-in conference, the first edition of a very substantive event about export.

Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza has invited an excellent panel of speakers to talk about Polish export – its current state and the future. The main direction was developing stronger relations in Africa and G20 countries.

Among the panelists, we could listen to many experts from Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza, e.g. President Andrzej Arendarski and President Marek Kłoczko, Distinguished Ambassadors and Representatives of the diplomatic corps Stefan Gullgren, Mark Brzeziński, James Hughes, Papa Diop, Ambassadrice Clémentine SHAKEMBO KAMANGA, and representatives of companies and organizations - Amazon.com, Packshi, Hugh Butler, American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, Polish Indian Chamber of Commerce, Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Polmlek, Bank Pekao S.A., Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu - PAIH, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A., BGK - Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Gonito. The event had a patronage of Ministry of Finances.

It was a great pleasure hearing out insightful comments from all the speakers. We believe there's a lot that we can do together to change the world around us for the better, and we hope to have more opportunities to talk and cooperate in the future.


It’s been a great pleasure to co-organize the Hackvision contest together with Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii and Absiskey Polska with the support of Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A., POLSA Polska Agencja Kosmiczna Polish Space Agency, Łukasiewicz - PIAP, Orbify and more.

It was amazing to see so many innovative ideas being developed by passionate and talented participants. We want to commend everyone who took part in this project. It’s only by taking another step that we can move forward.

Congratulations to the winning team from Kraków who won the contest with their project using satellite imagery to monitor pollution in the waters, and to the team from Warszawa who developed an idea focused on radio frequency mapping with the use of the elevation profile satellite data.

The latter issue is also of importance while using UAVs, so we’ve paid great attention to this project, and we’re happy to see the growth of new specialists passionate about this sector.
The representative of the capital team, Kavin Palanichamy, explained their project:
"By leveraging the wealth of information available through the Copernicus program, we aimed to create a comprehensive RF map that would improve the way we understand and optimize wireless communication networks.”

Courtesy of Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii we can share with you some photos from the finals:

Zwycięzca HackVision wybrany!

18 maja podczas Konferencji Finałowej HackVision zaprezentowanych zostało 7 pomysłów na wykorzystanie zdjęć satelitarnych programu Copernicus. Zespoły z Gdańska, Krakowa, Warszawy, Poznania, Rzeszowa, Lublina i Szczecina podczas 10 minutowych prezentacji opowiadali o swoim pomyśle, planie biznesowym oraz odbiorcach końcowych, ale przede wszystkim jak zdjęcia satelitarne mogą wesprzeć ich w realizacji założonego celu.

Finalistą został zespół z Krakowa, który zaproponował rozwiązanie wykorzystujące zobrazowania satelitarne do monitoringu wód pod względem zanieczyszczeń.

GRATULUJEMY Zwycięzcom, jak również pozostałym uczestnikom za udział i wspaniałe pomysły.

Zapraszamy na krótką fotorelację z wydarzenia.


This week Spectre Solutions was invited to attend the Polish-Egyptian Business Forum organized by Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (Polish Chamber of Commerce), Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) , Egyptian Business Council for International Cooperation, Egyptian-Polish Business Council, and Egyptian Commercial Service (ECS).

It was an amazing opportunity to meet representatives of leading Egyptian companies and organizations. Besides B2B and B2G meetings, we heard insightful presentations about investing in Egypt (given by Dr Ibrahim Abdel Khalik and Mr Mohamed Youssef) and business relations between Poland and Egypt (by Mr Dariusz Latoszek, Mr Jacek Grad and Mr Witold Uhma). We’re thankful to the speakers for sharing their knowledge.

„We consider Egypt as a country with great potential, and we appreciate this opportunity to meet many outstanding businessmen and diplomats to listen to their opinions and experiences. It’s very helpful in furthering our understanding of this captivating country with its long and rich history.” – said Franciszek Milczarski, Head of International Business, who was representing Spectre Solutions on-site.


Thanks to MK Business Link we had a chance to meet with University of Dubai to talk about our future plans regarding UAVs. We appreciate this opportunity, and we believe that together we’ll be able to bring a good change for many people in need.

Please stay tuned for future information regarding next steps in our cooperation.

Praca Inżynier RF - Inżynier ds. Radiokomunikacji, SPECTRE SOLUTIONS SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, Warszawa, Mińska 25 11/05/2023

Our team keeps on growing! We’ve just extended our office space at Mińska 25, and one of the desks is dedicated to the new Radio Engineer! 🛫 🛩

We’re looking for people who want to grow with the company and help Spectre become one of the world leaders in supporting customers in need of drones for special tasks.

If you also believe in our vision of successfully eliminating the numerous risks that currently affect many individuals and organizations due to ineffective supply chains and monitoring, and you want to become a part of this amazing change - join us! 💪

Working at Spectre Solutions is guaranteed to help you achieve new skills and knowledge while working alongside a dynamic&open-minded team.

If you’re interested and want to learn more about our requirements and your future responsibilities and benefits, please read the offer below.

Let’s fly together!

Praca Inżynier RF - Inżynier ds. Radiokomunikacji, SPECTRE SOLUTIONS SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, Warszawa, Mińska 25 Oferta pracy Inżynier RF - Inżynier ds. Radiokomunikacji, SPECTRE SOLUTIONS SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, Warszawa, Mińska 25

Unsung Heroes - Acceleration Programme 08/05/2023

We’ve been selected to take part in the first edition of the Unsung Heroes with other chosen startups from 18 countries!

Unsung Heroes is dedicated to organizations that aim to improve the world around us, so from the moment we’ve heard about it, we knew we had to join it. Thanks to cooperation with Polish Humanitarian Action, Polska Misja Medyczna / Polish Medical Mission and Map Afrique, RAP2S France Humanity First Response, Habitable Earth Kollyan Foundation and Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la Biodiversité this program will help us reach more people in need! We believe that participation in Unsung Heroes will give our drones new opportunities to save people’s lives, health and well-being, and help with crucial environmental issues.

We appreciate the Organizer’s work on this project and their decision to select us for successful cooperation. Thank you! We hope that together we’ll be able to achieve great things! 😊

We congratulate the other selected startups and wish you good luck in the program and your future!

Let’s fly together!



1 May is a national holiday in most of the countries in the world. Most celebrate it as International Workers’ Day, a.k.a. Labour Day. In other places it’s May Day, which is an appreciation of the beginning of the summer season. 🎉

While our team is taking a well-deserved rest, our drones admire the blue sky and imagine all the people to whom they will provide help in the future.

We wish you a happy and stress-free day. It’s a good time to fly freely and recharge your batteries. ☀️✈️

Let’s fly together!


We’re proud to be a co-organizer of HackVision – a series of hackathons dedicated to developing solutions for public administration units with the use of satellite data and Computer Vision.

It’s always a pleasure for us to support the innovative thinking and development of new specialists. Especially when the challenges are so close to Spectre – e.g. helping to optimize the traffic and the process of monitoring agricultural areas.

Congratulations to Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii and Absiskey Polska for organizing this event!

We can’t wait to attend the conference summing up this project and hear all the great ideas that are a result of HackVision.
Join us on May 18th in Brain Embassy Konstruktorska or online (registration: https://lnkd.in/dWPrVnNR).

W imieniu własnym oraz Absiskey Polska mamy ogromną przyjemność zaprosić Państwa do udziału w konferencji podsumowującej cykl Hackathonów HackVision, realizowanych w ramach projektu Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP).

Szczegóły na naszej stronie:

Praca Flight Operations Manager, SPECTRE SOLUTIONS SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, Warszawa, Mińska 25 13/04/2023

We’re currently looking for a Flight Operations Manager! 🛫🛩

We’re a fast-growing company that appreciates members of our crew, our Clients and the opportunity to change the world for the better.

Working in Spectre is guaranteed to help you achieve new skills and knowledge, and you'll become a part of a dynamic&open-minded team.

If you’re interested and want to learn more about our requirements and your future responsibilities and benefits, please read the offer below.

Let’s fly together!



We wish you a calm and happy holiday! 🐇🐏
Hope you’ll have a lot of joyous and relaxing time filled with smiles and delicious food! 😀🥚🥧


We’re proud to say that the Spectre team keeps growing in both quantity and quality. Due to our HR’s outstanding work, we’re successfully recruiting new experts, and our crew currently has 43 members. And more are on the way.

From the first day in our company, everyone is encouraged to confidently take next steps on their personal path of development. To help them strive for excellence, Spectre fully covers the costs of training and certification exams for our employees.
We’re happy to share some statistics that paint a splendid picture of our shared progress:
- Together we have 156 certificates
- Just in March, we’ve passed 37 of them
- The biggest number of certificates passed by one person is a staggering 22

Let’s fly together! Grow with Spectre!


Below we present you with an article that has been written by Warsaw University of Technology (Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics – Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Andrzej Tarnowski, Katarzyna Pobikrowska) – our partner in studies performed on developed UAV. The article was presented during AerospaceEurope Conference 2020 in Bordeaux on February.

Poniżej prezentujemy artykuł naukowy stworzony przez naszego partnera Politechnikę Warszawską (Instytut Aeronautyki i Mechaniki Stosowanej - Zespół: Andrzej Tarnowski, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Katarzyna Pobikrowska) dotyczący naszej konstrukcji drona. Artykuł został zaprezentowany podczas AerospaceEurope Conference 2020 w Bordeaux w lutym tego roku.

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