Collazo Eye Associates

At Collazo Eye Associates we are dedicated to offering state of the art, comprehensive eyecare for the whole family.


Queremos anunciarle a todos nuestros pacientes y amigos que nuestra práctica de OftalmologÌa General - Collazo Eye Associates - estará abierta empezando mañana 2 de octubre de lunes a viernes desde las 9:00 AM hasta la 1:00 PM.
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Queremos anunciarle a todos nuestros pacientes y amigos Collazo Eye Associates estará abierto empezando mañana 2 de octubre de lunes a viernes desde las 9:00 AM hasta la 1:00 PM.
Si no se pueden comunicar con nuestro número de teléfono usual (787-728-3700) pueden llamarnos al 787-232-8393.
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Gracias por su apoyo y confianza!

Timeline photos 20/11/2016

Por: Ernesto L. Collazo, MD, FAAO
Collazo Eye Associates

Un reciente estudio completado por la Universidad de Iowa esta cambiando nuestra manera de pensar en cuanto a la retinopatía diabética. (Elliott H. Sohn et al., 2016)

Los pacientes con diabetes mellitus—Tipo 1 y Tipo 2 - tienen un alto riesgo de desarrollar retinopatía diabética, la causa numero uno de ceguera irreversible en adultos.

Por años, los expertos han creído que los pacientes primero sufren daño a los vasos sanguíneos mas pequeños en la retina (los capilares) y que esto es lo que entonces causa daño a las neuronas de la retina llevando a la perdida de vision.

En este estudio los investigadores encontraron que la sequencia es exactamente a la inversa. 'Lo que estamos viendo es que el daño a las neuronas ocurre primero, a veces hasta años antes de que podamos detectar daño a los capilares" dice Michael Abramoff, MD, PhD - uno de los autores del estudio.

El estudio fue publicado en abril 25, 2016 en el Journal PNAS.

En respuesta a estos nuevos hallazgos, en Collazo Eye Associates recientemente añadimos un sistema de Electro-retinografia a nuestro arsenal diagnostico. Esta prueba - que es parecido a un Electrocardiograma del ojo - nos permite detectar deterioro en la función de las neuronas de la retina y el nervio óptico años antes de que se puedan detectar daños estructurales. ¡Esto es importante porque los daños estructurales en la retina y en el nervio óptico son irreversibles, y el poder detectar cambios antes de que el daño estructural ocurra nos permite comenzar tratamiento para prevenirlos y así evitar la perdida de vision antes de que ocurra!

Esta tecnologia también nos permite detectar glaucoma y degeneración macular en sus etapas mas tempranas y prevenir la ceguera.

Referencia: Elliott H. Sohn et al. Retinal neurodegeneration may precede microvascular changes characteristic of diabetic retinopathy in diabetes mellitus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2016). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1522014113

Collazo Eye Associates - Puerto Rico 01/11/2016

Cual es la relación entre la raza latina y las enfermedades oculares?

Redacción: Ernesto L. Collazo, MD, FAAO
Collazo Eye Associates
1503 Calle Asia, Suite 201
San Juan, PR 00908
e-mail: [email protected]

Estudios recientes demuestran que nuestra herencia, o sea, nuestra raza puede desempeñar un papel muy significativo cuando se trata del riesgo de enfermedades oculares.

Un estudio recientemente publicado en la revista "Ophthalmology" ha demostrado una conexión entre la descendencia africana en los latinoamericanos y un aumento en presión intraocular además de un mayor riesgo en el desarrollo de glaucoma.

Éste estudio se une a muchos otros que en años recientes han demostrado que los latinos tenemos un riesgo más alto de ceguera por causas cómo glaucoma, cataratas y retinopatia diabética.

La academia americana de oftalmología ha emitido nuevas recomendaciones exhortando a los grupos minoritarios, incluyendo los latinoamericanos, a hacerse un examen de la vista anualmente dado su alto riesgo de ceguera.

La mayoría de estas condiciones no presentan síntomas en sus etapas tempranas y sólo se pueden detectar con un examen oftalmológico completo. Dado que el daño que estas condiciones causan es permanente e irreversible.

La única manera de evitar la ceguera es la detección temprana.

La Academia Americana de Oftalmologia (AAO - por sus siglas en inglés) recomienda que todo adulto se haga un examen inicial de la vista a los 40 años de edad y anualmente de ahí en adelante.

La AAO ha creado un programa de servicio público llamado EyeCare America ( que ofrece exámenes de la vista gratis para pacientes elegibles mayores de 65 años de edad.

Collazo Eye Associates - Puerto Rico Collazo Eye Associates - Puerto Rico


Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in Women and the role of Omega-3

A number of clinical studies in recent years have shown that women, regardless of race and age, have a higher prevalence of AMD than men and are more likely than males to develop exudative (blinding) disease.

The data from various recent studies indicates that regular consumption of Omega-3 (DHA and EPA) significantly reduces the risk of AMD.

It is important to note that not all Omega-3 products are the same. Most of the products available over the counter at drug stores are poorly absorbed through the intestine and, as a result, cause bloating and gases or "fish burps". This is because Omega-3 is found in fish oils which have to be purified to remove toxins like mercury. This process breaks up the original molecule into its individual components -known as Fatty Acids which are poorly absorbed in this form.
In order to reconstitute the original molecule and improve its absorption, a process known as re-esterfication has to be done. Since this extra step adds to the cost, few companies do it.
A re-esterified Omega-3 is absorbed 80% better and does not generate "fish burps". Make sure to ask your physician to recommend a re-esterified Omega-3.


Here's a great article I found in from Beata Skonecki, LMSW, the USA Coordinator at Glaucoma Eyes International (NGO):

6 Things I'd Tell You About Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

I saw a post a few weeks ago by Jan at Oh Twist, titled "10 Things I Would Tell My Doctor", that gave me a much clearer picture of what she would like her practitioners to know about her condition.

I thought it would be interesting to have people communicate what they would say, in their own words, to those they come in contact with. I think it will help us understand how they feel and what they would like others to know.

Here are a few things Beata would share with others to help them understand Glaucoma.

1. Glaucoma does not only affect older people. Everyone is at risk.

The level of risk varies based on age, family history, and ethnicity.

Childhood glaucoma (also called pediatric or infantile glaucoma) occurs in approximately 1 out of every 8,000 children in the United States. It is often caused by incorrect development of the eye’s drainage system before birth, which leads to increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Symptoms include enlarged eyes and sensitivity to light.

The good news is that medications and surgery can help children with glaucoma preserve their eyesight.

2. Glaucoma can manifest in a variety of ways.

Glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the “Silent Thief of Sight.”

This may certainly be true in instances of open-angle glaucoma, which accounts for about 90% of cases. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly, and symptoms are so gradual they may not be noticed until vision is lost.

The onset of closed-angle glaucoma is sudden. Symptoms include headache, eye pain, nausea, vomiting, and halos around lights. A closed-angle attack is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.

3. There is no cure for Glaucoma.

Despite recent advancements in medicine, there is not yet a cure for glaucoma, and vision loss cannot be restored.

This is why it’s so important to get regular eye exams – prevention of vision loss is key!

Fortunately, there is some exciting research happening, perhaps most notably at John Hopkins University, where researchers have discovered a method of turning human stem cells into retinal ganglion cells. This could eventually lead to cell transplants that would help restore lost vision.

4. Glaucoma patients don't just smoke ma*****na for treatment.

It’s absolutely true that ma*****na can lower intraocular pressure. However, it only lasts about 3-4 hours, making it an ineffective method of managing glaucoma.

Chances are, the person you know with glaucoma is taking prescription eye drops, has had surgeries to control their eye pressure, or both - not getting high. It can become a sore subject after being asked so many times.

5. You are your own best advocate.

This is actually something my mother frequently said when I was younger, and it has stuck with me!

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions. Feeling nervous is completely understandable, but you can take steps to ensure you’re getting the best care possible.

Consider writing down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.

You might also bring a trusted friend or family member with you to your appointments for support.

A diagnosis of glaucoma can be scary, but it’s not the end of the world. There is a wealth of information, resources, and support out there – especially online.

6. Not everyone with glaucoma will go blind.

Fortunately, blindness from glaucoma is very rare; only about 5% of people in the United States will become blind from the disease.

Doctors now know that glaucoma has a tendency to affect one eye more than the other. Statistics show that around 15% of people will lose the ability to read in one eye, and lose some depth perception.

However, seeing a glaucoma specialist regularly, following prescribed treatment, and trying your best to maintain your overall health will all help to preserve your vision.

Glaucoma is not curable, but it is treatable!

If you would like to connect with Ms. Skonecki, you can follow her on Twitter .


We are exited to announce the launch of our Medical Concierge Program. The first of its kind in Puerto Rico:

Concierge Medicine - The Doctor’s Office Reimagined

Much of what you probably dislike about the health care system, doctors dislike just as much...

Because of decreasing reimbursement from insurance companies, today’s ophthalmologists are under pressure to see an increasing number of patients each day, in order to pay their expenses and earn a reasonable wage. Many physicians see an average of 60 to 80 patients each day, with just a few minutes with each patient. Patients wait a long time to get an appointment, then again wait for hours in the waiting room the day of the appointment only to be seen for just a few minutes by a doctor who is under pressure to move on to the next patient. Both patient and doctor feel rushed, stressed, and forced into an impersonal transaction.

In response to this, more and more practices around the United States have adopted some form of "Medical Concierge Program".

The concept -which started over 20 years ago - is simple: The patient pays the physician or practice an annual retainer in order to join their Concierge Program. This fee gains them access to a whole host of services not covered by insurance as well as amenities normally available only to private pay patients.

Because of the additional reimbursement, these practices can afford to see less patients per day and spend more time caring for each patient. Both doctor and patient enjoy a level of service which is rarely seen in the medical field today!

Patients love the idea because they enjoy a host of value-added services on top of their regular coverage, as well as a feeling of being a real patient and not a name on the chart.

We developed our Concierge Program with these goals in mind. The program allows us to provide patient centric care with an emphasis on prevention and early diagnosis by using the latest diagnostic technology.

Our Concierge Program benefits include:

1) Preventive Care – Our Annual Eye Wellness Screening Program. This is an annual “well visit” optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging test of the macula (part of your retina that enables you to read) that screens for the main causes of blindness including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), background diabetic retinopathy (BDR), and glaucoma - among others.

2) Free annual refraction exam (determine your prescription for glasses or contacts) which is not covered by most health plans.

3) Free unlimited telemedicine consultations by phone or email regarding wellness or minor issues not requiring an office visit. Health-insurance plans only pay for consultations when they are done face-to-face with the doctor. Telemedicine consultations are therefore paid by the patient out-of-pocket.*

*Based on the consult, we may determine that the issue is potentially more than minor and therefore requires a face-to-face office visit to further examine your eye. In this case, the face-to-face office visit will be covered by your insurance plan. Phone calls and emails relating to office visits are included in the office visit fee paid by your insurance plan.

In addition to the above, the Concierge Program will offer Members – free of charge - the following conveniences normally provided only to our private pay patients:

Extended Office Visits. Patients can come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays - which are normally exclusively reserved for our private pay patients. On these days we schedule less than half as many patients as we schedule on a regular day (only one patient is scheduled every 20 minutes) giving Dr. Collazo much more time to spend with each patient.

2) Individual Appointment Slots. On days reserved for our private pay patients, you will receive a specified appointment time (versus the "wave" schedule we use on regular days - where 4 to 6 patients are given an appointment at the beginning of each hour and then are seen in the order of arrival).

3) Guaranteed non-emergency appointments within a week.

You should consider joining our Concierge Program if one of the following applies to you:

• If you find it difficult or inconvenient to leave your work or home for medical care and wish you could work with your doctor more by phone and e-mail.
• If you want a doctor with the time and technology needed to focus on prevention and wellness.
• You are happy with the care you are receiving, but you don’t want to wait so long to receive it.
• You want and or need a physician who will take more time to listen to you, explain his assessment and plan in detail, and answer any questions you may have.

In order to obtain this premium level of service, patients who choose to join our concierge program pay an annual retainer. This retainer ensures that Dr. Collazo is able to devote an extraordinary amount of time and resources to each patient - all the time that is desired to address your medical concerns both in our office and through Telemedicine consults.**
** Patients are still responsible for co-pays and out of pocket expenses as required by their health insurance plan.

We developed our Concierge Program to provide you with the convenience, accommodation, and best-of-class service you’ve come to expect from every service provider in your life. Most importantly, we give you a depth of medical attention and doctor responsiveness that has never before been available.

Ask our staff for more details.
You can also call us at 787-728-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected]

Ernesto L. Collazo, M.D., F.A.A.O.
President & Founder
Collazo Eye Associates

15 Glaucoma Medical and Research Updates Worth Sharing [February 2015] 31/07/2015

Great article from my friend David Richardson about the latest advances in Glaucoma!

15 Glaucoma Medical and Research Updates Worth Sharing [February 2015] Read about the latest glaucoma medical and research updates.The latest news about glaucoma, also includes research on new and existing treatments and practical

Foods to help fight vision loss from macular degeneration 29/07/2015

Foods to help fight vision loss from macular degeneration Research shows diet can help prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness and vision problems

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