

A transformative journey through
Ceremonies, Sacred Music, Sweat Lodge, Sound & Water Therapy, Human Desgin, Mayan Astrology, I Ching

Healing Temple

9 Energy Centers cleansing
Sound Healing

Human Design
I - Ching Consulting

Healing * Circles * Journeys

The Path of the Medicine woman
Initiation to Earth based spiritual practice, supporting you to walk your talk. SHAMANIC ARTS and CRAFTS

Location: Sri Thanu Lake - Direction Zen Beach, Last house on the lake. Contact: FB - @Curanderaphangan
+66 (0) 61 252 1471

The Lake House - Zen beach Srithanu - Bungalows for Rent in Koh Phangan, Surat Thani, Thailand 04/12/2020

Hello Beloveds
it is time for a Final Let Go!!!
I am releasing My Curandera Temple and my Lake House Airbnb Business to a very lucky person, could it be you?
the house is located in Srithanu on the lake with an amazing view, only few meters from Zen beach with a huge private garden.
the house was renovated by me in 2017, and include one bedroom, living room and a great balcony facing the lake.
private message for more details

The Lake House - Zen beach Srithanu - Bungalows for Rent in Koh Phangan, Surat Thani, Thailand Entire home/apt in Koh Phangan, Thailand. A beautiful wooden bungalow sitting stright on a lake with amazing view and huge garden, only a minute walk to the famous Zen sunset beach on the w...


My Curandera Temple is set up on a new stunning location for this high season on the east side of the island just above Why Nam beach, and I am happy to offer one on one sessions again.

Many times people ask me "what exactly you do? are you a healer or shaman? "
and my most sincere answer is that I meet people on a deep level supporting them to find their own powers to generate transformation and healing.
you are the only one that can help yourself but sometimes the noise of the outside world takes over and when we face life challenges we just need a friend on the path that can hold a loving space where we can find our own center, dive deep within, let go and gain insights and perspectives.
in the last 18 years I gathered many tools that are integrated during sessions according to the person's needs, Sound Healing, Water therapy, Aromatherapy, Shamanic Cleansing, Human Design Readings , Mayan Astrology, I-Ching and personalized ceremonies.

The sessions are 2 hours of a Trans-Formative Journey.
You are welcome to PM me to book a session

Sociocracy. The Operating System Of The New Economy 02/11/2018

"Power Over" vs "Power With"
As an ecovillage design educator that was part of spiritual communities and social enterprises in the last 20 years I came across many cases of power abuse and conflicts the question is always
how to shift from the old traditional ways of "power over" hierarchal organizational structure to a new paradigm of "power with"?
that everyone voice is being heard and taking under ACCOUNTABILITY
That EQUANIMITY is being kept and decisions are made by CONSENT
that information is accessible to everyone and every process is happening in full TRANSPARENCY
That working in a circle can be a quick fun process with high levels of EFFICIENCY.
That the process itself contain FEEDBACK loops to check if we are on the right track…

2 years ago I encounter an answer to this question it is called "SOCIOCRACY" ,
it is a dynamic governance system that many Social enterprises, Ecovillages, NGO's and Businesses are implementing right now all over the world.
I was skeptical at first still exhausted from years of long circles that leads to no-action but as much as I been exposed to Sociocracy I could see how it actually works and wanted to learn more , so in the last few months I was meeting with very inspiring people from many different countries for a sociocracy leadership training.

So if you want to gain an actual experience and deepen your knowledge ,we can form an Empowered Learning Circle (ELC) facilitated by me as a service to the island's community.
ELC is an intimate group that will meet for 3 morning for about 4 hours to study Sociocracy using the platform and materials of "Sociocracy for all" a non- profit organization that is spreading this knowledge on donation.
there is only 6 spots in the group so the priority will be to people that lives or run a business in Koh Phangan, If you are interested just write in the comments "me too".

Sociocracy. The Operating System Of The New Economy Never heard of Sociocracy? This is a 4-minute summary of the basic concepts. Sociocracy supports equal voice and effectiveness in collaboration, for instance...


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"Deep into the earth I go, deep into the earth i know, hold my hand sister, hold my hand, hold my hand brother,
hold my hand."

Next Monday we will gather again as a community to build a new sweat lodge, seed our prayers in the ground, share some songs , fruits and the joy of being together in service. welcome to join us.

This season we kept quite hosting only private retreats at our sweat lodge, last month the land was blessed by Anna Maria and Kobi and their Ta**ra Heart 50 ecstatic lovers, coming together in prayer with the wisdom of the stones.I wanted to thank all the beautiful beings that came to help fixing the sweat, planting the garden and making love with the earth and for my brothers from Wonderland Healing Center for being in full loving support.

Beginning of next month beloved Niketa and I will be hosting another private sweat lodge for the Flydeeper Aquatic Therapy Training, blending the medicines of water and earth and shading all our masks under the full Purim moon.So grateful for this magical island magnetizing amazing people from all over the world

To all my relations! Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Photos from True:Nature Experience's post 06/10/2017

Tomorrow we will be joining the True:Nature Experience, a 5 days high vibration gathering on the east side of the island, we will be offering the "Multipliers Training" a meaningful community process on sustainable development, together we will be co-creating the change we we wanna see in the world, come and walk the talk with us , this Wednesday 10:45 at the Sanctuary Prana Hall🧚‍♂️💪❤️🌴🌏


it's been 7 years since I entered into the world of Human Design and I am full of gratitude for this system that supports me in the ongoing process of self-discovery and deconditioning.
I took a long break from giving personal readings and teachings and it gave me the exact time I needed to integrate the knowledge as part of my BEing, now I feel I am ready again to support others in this life changing experiment.
so I am cooking an introduction workshop to Human Design really soon meanwhile you can get your free HD chart online and post it here in the comments, so we can start meeting each other...

Timeline photos 07/05/2017

Peruvian Palo Santo & Organic Wild Sage
for purification and cleansing.
Help clear your energetic field and creating sacred spaces.
Now available at Curandera temple.PM us for more details.

Timeline photos 20/04/2017
Timeline photos 19/04/2017

we have a regular pulse of 2 public sweat lodge ceremonies every month, but we also open for private ceremonies if you organize a group of your friends (12- 16 people), contact us for more details.
Next coming Sweat Lodges:
22.4 - Men & Women Lodge with Lena and Adrian
2.5 - Beltane Women Lodge with Lena and Lea
as space is limited please secure your spot by PM.

Birthing a Sweat Lodge 07/03/2017

thanks to all the beloved souls that supported this vision to finally manifest.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!!!
The Sweat Lodge has been practiced for thousands of years
by many indigenous tribes and communities all around the world.
Every tradition is different in how the Sweat Lodge is built
and how the Sweat Lodge ceremony is conducted.
It has many names too – Inipi, Temazcal, Sauna Sagrada
the Sweat Lodge represents the womb of Mother Earth.
Participants will find a place for purification, liberation,
letting go of old patterns and being reborn again.


Those brave water protectors. Those brave women . Brought tears to my eyes. They need our support . Lets pray with them. For the generations to come for our mother earth. That greed will stop blinding humanity and that brave acts like this one wont be necessary as they will be the obvious natural thing to do. Please share this video to support clean water

Chakra Overtone Drum - A Healing Instrument 26/12/2016

I want to share with you a story about the power of manifestation and synchronicity , 2 years ago i was sitting at home in front of my computer browsing throw my FB like you are doing now, when this amazing instrument called the COD - Chakra Overtone Drum catches my eyes and ears , my little girl asked me what is this instrument and I told her that mammy also want one like this, one week later I was sitting on the beach in Koh Phangan that suddenly my little girl came up running and yelling "come, come, I found it for you mom!", I didn't understand what she found but I followed her any way just to see a man sitting on the beach with that exact instrument, that was Yadin Kaplansky a healer and one of the developers of the COD , he let me play the drum and I could feel that all the vibration of my body shifts I just knew this meeting is not a coincidence, 6 month later I got married and few of my friends got together and bought me a COD that was custom made for me. Since I integrated it into my Sound Healing sessions, the COD is a powerful healing-musical instrument based on the research of Dr. Barbara Brennan, an American physicist and pioneer in the field of energy healing, it is tuned to seven specific sound frequencies that resonate with your energy centers , and your emotional-sensual system, I personally discovered while playing it that it aligns the physical and energetic bodies and tune your consciousness like an instrument, thank you Yadin for this cosmic meeting and thanks to all my beloveds that support my work and service in this world, you are welcome to experience this instrument in a private one on one integrative healing sessions at the Curandera Healing Temple, pm me to make an appointment.

Chakra Overtone Drum - A Healing Instrument The Chakra Overtone Drum (COD) is a unique healing instrument tuned to the precise frequencies of the 7 energy centers in the human body (the Chakras). For m...

Photos from Sacred Expression's post 22/12/2016

we celebrated the winter solstice in sacred sisterhood in the Curandera Healing Temple, seeding our intentions for the new cycle, thank you sisters for sharing your hearts and voices in prayer and thank you Slavica​ for capturing the magic! more pics to come....

Quer que o seu negócio seja a primeira Empresa De Saúde E Beleza em Lagos?
Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Curandera Temple

A Trans-Formative Journey

through Ceremonies, Sacred Music, Community Sweat Lodges , Sound & Water Therapies, Human Design, Mayan Astrology and I-Ching Readings

Location: Why Nam Beach, Koh Phangan Island , Thailand,
Contact: FB - @Curanderatemple
what’sup +66 (0) 61 252 1471

About Lea Clara Linda

she is a passionate community builder, an activist and a medicine women with 18 years of experience, a freelance mother to Yemaya (10) and Rei (4) raising them with love and respect to mother earth and deep connectivity to nature.

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deep into the earth




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