
The page ARAD DOG SHOWS LIVE does NOT belong to the organizers of the event.
It is a SCAM


Profilul ARAD DOG SHOWS 2024 este un profil FALS si nu imi apartine si nu prezinta datele reale ale expozitiei!

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 22/06/2024

Thank you Vince Hogan , Our Dogs Online Show and Birdbrook Rosettes for the wonderful gift and for suporting ARAD DOG SHOWS.
Are you ready to winn it???
You can still enter on


ARAD 5-7.07.2024 not only Dog Shows!!! In the same weekend at only 300 m from the show ground the BEER FESTIVAL will take place where you can taste Romania beer and food.
Stop thinking and ENTER for ADS. It's time for SHOW and FUN!!!


The registration deadline for ARAD DOG SHOWS has been extended until 26.06.2024, at 5.00 PM

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 02/06/2024

ARAD DOG SHOWS 05-07.07.2024❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
🇹🇩 🇹🇩 🇹🇩
❗️1 CAC
❗️CANE CORSO CLUB - judge Emil Munteanu Muncan - Serbia

Due to the fact that Mr. Pietro Paolo CONDO cannot judge at Arad Dog Shows, we had to modify the judges list.

❗️RETRIEVER&WATER DOG CLUB - judge Bruno Facq - France

Main sponsor FARMINA


Thank you "Our Dogs" and Vince Hogan for promoting our prestigious dog show!!!

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 18/04/2024

Thank you Supreme Dog Show Magazine and Victor Platia for promoting our prestigious dog show!

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 24/01/2024

Va asteptam cu drag si anul acesta la Arad. Nu dorim sa organizam cea mai mare, nici cea mai faimoasa expozitie, dorim sa organizam o expozitie in care sa se simta bine atat expozantii cat si arbitri, o expozitie de care sa va amintiti peste ani si care sa va intre la suflet pentru totdeauna.

We look forward to seeing you again this year in Arad. We don't want to organize the biggest or the most famous show, we want to organize a show in which both exhibitors and judges feel good, a show that you will remember in years to come and that will enter your soul forever.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie dieses Jahr wieder in Arad zu sehen. Wir wollen nicht die größte oder berühmteste Ausstellung organisieren, wir wollen eine Ausstellung organisieren, bei der sich sowohl Aussteller als auch Richtern wohlfühlen, eine Ausstellung, an die Sie sich noch in vielen Jahren erinnern werden und die Ihnen für immer in Erinnerung bleiben wird.

Non vediamo l'ora di rivedervi quest'anno ad Arad. Non vogliamo organizzare la mostra più grande o la più famosa, vogliamo organizzare una mostra in cui sia gli espositori che i giudici si sentano bene, una mostra che ricorderete negli anni a ve**re e che entrerà nella vostra anima per sempre.

Szeretettel várunk benneteket idén is Aradon. Nem a legnagyobb vagy a leghíresebb kiállítást akarjuk rendezni, hanem olyan kiállítást, amelyen a kiállítók és a bírók is jól érzik magukat, egy olyan kiállítást, amelyre évek múlva is emlékezni fog, és örökre a lelkébe száll.


Peste 2000 km si temperaturi extreme nu v-au împiedicat sa va urmați visul de a a fi prezenți
la cel mai important eveniment chinologic al anului WDS Geneva
257 de câini valoroși reprezinta Romania la acest evenimet plasând astfel tara noastră pe locul 18 din cele 72 state participante

Tuturor participanților va dorim mult succes și sa va întoarceți cu rezultatele dorite acasa.

Va așteptam la Arad Dog show 2024 sa sărbătorim perfornanta împreuna in cadrul unei gale speciale🏆

Photos from Rottweiler & Boston Terrier Zwinger "Vertors"'s post 13/07/2023
Photos from Asociatia Chinologica Romana - Romanian Kennel Club's post 15/07/2022
Arad Dog Show 2022 01/07/2022

Arad Dog Show 2022 We are pleased to invite you to the dog shows, 3xCACIB, 2xCAC and Toy Dogs Club Show that will take place between July 8-10, 2022 in Arad on the "Gheorghe Schill" Canine Arena.

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 25/05/2022

Arad is not only the place of the dog show, it is also a city full of history, a city to visit!

Arad Dog Show 2022 07/04/2022

S-au deschis inscrierile online pentru expozitiile de la Arad din 8-10.07.2002. Inscrierile se pot face pe: si
Online registrations were opened for the dog shows in Arad from 8-10.07.2002. Registrations can be madeon: and
2002.07.08-10. között online regisztrációk nyíltak az aradi kiállításokra. Regisztráció történhet: és
Le iscrizioni online sono state aperte per le mostre ad Arad dall'8 al 10.07.2002. Le iscrizioni possono essere effettuate su: e
Für die Ausstellungen in Arad wurden vom 8.-10.07.2002 Online-Anmeldungen eröffnet. Anmeldungen können vorgenommen werden auf: und
Les inscriptions en ligne ont été ouvertes pour les expositions à Arad du 8 au 10.07.2002. Les inscriptions peuvent être effectuées sur : et

Arad Dog Show 2022 Panagea - Premium site template for travel agencies, hotels and restaurant listing.

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 22/02/2022

Datorita unor situatii care nu tin de noi, a trebuit sa moficicam lista arbitrilor.
In curand se vor deschide inscrierile online.
Due to situations that do not concern us, we had to change the list of judges.
Online registrations will open soon.


08.07.2022-10.07.2022 ARAD DOG SHOWS .....SAVE THE DATE !!!! SOON MORE INFORMATION ☺

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 13/07/2021

Other pictures from Arad Dog Competitions 09.07.2021-11.07.2021

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 13/07/2021

Multumesc tuturor participantilor care ne-au onorat cu prezenta la competitiile chinologice care s-au desfasurat in perioada 9-11 iulie la Arad. Sper ca am reusit sa ne ridicam la nivelul asteptarilor dumneavoastra. Si, nu in ultimul rand doresc sa aduc multumiri intregii mele echipe care a facut ca totul sa functioneze bine si sa va asigure tot suportul necesar. Sper sa ne revedem la anul intre 8-10 iulie.
Thank you to all the participants who honored us with their presence at the chinological competitions that took place between July 9-11 in Arad. I hope we've been able to live up to your expectations. And last but not least, I want to thank my entire team that has made everything work well and provide you with all the support you need. I hope to see you next year between July 8-10.


Inscrierile pentru competitiile canine de la Arad s-au inchis!
The entries for Arad dog competitions are closed!

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 26/05/2021

Datorita anularii invitatiei de catre domnul si doamna Korozs, am fost nevoiti sa operam modificari in lista de arbitri. Numarul de inscrieri va fi limitat la 500 de caini/competitie. Termenul de inscriere nu se va prelungi d**a termenul stabilit initial.
Due to the cancellation of the invitation by Mr. and Mrs. Korozs, we had to make changes to the list of judges. The number of entries will be limited to 500 dogs / competition. The entry deadline will not be prologed after the initially established deadline.

Photos from DOG SHOW ARAD's post 27/04/2021
Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Arad?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

DOG SHOWV ARAD 08-10.07.2022
08.07.2022-10.07.2022 ARAD DOG SHOWS  .....SAVE THE DATE !!!! SOON MORE INFORMATION ☺




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