Inner Sense Revival

Terapeut BOWEN nivel MASTER
Terapeut CranioSacral UPLEDGER
Terapeut Face Lifting
Asistent medical balneofiziokinetoterapie

Terapeut BOWEN nivel MASTER
Terapeut CranioSacral UPLEDGER
Asistent medical BFKT


“Bowen Breast Care” sunt sedinte de bowen dedicate tuturor femeilor care isi propun sa se ocupe de sanatetea si ingrijirea lor si a sanilor lor.
“Bowen Breast Care” este un mod sigur si eficient de preventie a cancerului la san si o cale de reechilibrare hormonala.
Sedintele de terapie “Bowen Breast Care” contribuie cu succes la redobandirea si mentinerea sanatatii, a starii de calm si satisfactie.
Miscarile de Bowen extreme de blande, delicate si neinvazive faciliteaza reactivarea capacitatii corpului nostru de regenerare si autovindecare intr-un mod natural si foarte eficient cu rezultate exceptionale si in afectiuni la nivelul tesutului mamar cm ar fi: congestia limfatica, discomfort la nivelul sanilor, nodule si/sau chisturi la san, mastita, discomfort in zona pieptului si problem ale umarului.
Te invit sa programezi o sesiune “Bowen Breast Care” prin mesaj whatsapp: 0723180774.


I❤️Bowen Therapy!

Knots in your muscles are areas of tense muscle fibres that have become tight and contracted.

They can develop due to various factors, including:

Muscle Overuse or Strain 💪🏻
Repetitive motions or prolonged periods of muscle use can lead to muscle fatigue and tension, causing knots to form.

Poor Posture 🧍
Maintaining improper posture for extended periods can strain muscles and lead to the development of knots, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Muscle Injury 🤕
Trauma or injury to a muscle can cause it to become tense and form knots as part of the healing process.

Emotional Stress 😖
Stress and tension can manifest physically in the body, leading to muscle tightness and the formation of knots, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Dehydration 🌵
Inadequate hydration can cause muscles to become stiff and prone to developing knots.

Nutritional Deficiencies 🥗
Lack of certain nutrients, such as magnesium and potassium, can contribute to muscle tension and the formation of knots.

Lack of Movement 🪑
Prolonged periods of inactivity or immobility can lead to muscle stiffness and the development of knots.

Medical Conditions 🏥
Certain medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, and muscular dystrophy, can increase the likelihood of developing muscle knots.

Bowen Therapy may help with muscle knots by promoting relaxation and releasing tension in the affected muscles. Bowen's gentle, non-invasive techniques stimulate the body's natural healing response, encouraging muscles to unwind and release built-up tension. This may help to soften and reduce the intensity of muscle knots, to improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall muscle function. Bowen Therapy may also help to address underlying issues contributing to the formation of muscle knots, such as poor posture or muscular imbalances.

Is Bowen Therapy massage? - Bowen Training Australia 26/04/2024

I❤️Bowen Therapy!

Is Bowen Therapy massage? - Bowen Training Australia Bowen Therapy is a form of bodywork that utilises soft-tissue manipulations. But it is massage? Read on below.

Sanatatea din Suflet - Terapia BowenSTORM 16/04/2024

Sanatatea din Suflet - Terapia BowenSTORM Emisiune TV cu Adrian Sava, creatorul Terapiei BowenSTORM, si Mariana Pastaeru


🏆 Terapia Bowen ajută sportivii din toată lumea!
Activitățile sportive pot duce adesea la accidentări, fiind raportate peste 10 milioane de leziuni datorate sportului în fiecare an. Subiecții pot fi sportivi profesioniști, persoane care practică sporturi recreaționale, sau chiar copii care joacă fotbal la școală. Leziunile pot fi de la contuzii la fracturi osoase și întinderi musculare. Dacă nu sunt tratate corect imediat, reabilitarea poate dura mult și pot rămâne sechele care împiedică practicarea sportului în continuare.
❇️ Terapia Bowen oferă sportivilor o abordare blândă cu rezultate rapide în recuperarea post accidentări și se adresează organismului la toate nivelele: fizic, chimic, mental și emoțional și dă rezultate în tratarea afecțiunilor acute, cronice, neurologice sau psiho-somatice.
👉🏻 Află mai multe despre cm se aplică terapia Bowen:


The dimensions of self-care via The Blissful Mind.

Read more:

Litha 28/02/2022

Litha Provided to YouTube by CDBabyLitha · Lisa ThielCircle of the Seasons℗ 2005 Lisa ThielReleased on: 2005-08-18Auto-generated by YouTube.

Photos from Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist's post 19/09/2021
Mirabai Ceiba | Ra Ma Da Sa ( healing mantra) 21/03/2020

Mirabai Ceiba | Ra Ma Da Sa ( healing mantra) Ra Ma Da Sa ( healing mantra) excerpt from the long version that appears on "Cycle Of Life" album, Meditations of Transformation Series. Photo by Meric-Dagli...


Apa iarta- ma, Apa iti multumesc, Apa iti sunt recunoscator, Apa te iubesc.
Apa iti multumesc pentru sanatatea pe care mi-o dai.
Apa iti multumesc pentru echilibrul pe care il mentii in fiinta mea.
Apa iti multumesc pentru stralucirea, realizarea si fericirea din viata mea.
Recomand zilnic ori cate ori puteti sa adresati apei din corpul dvs. si apoi adresati apei pe care o consumati zilnic. Apoi adresati apei care exista in planeta noastra pamant iubit.
Dr. Sepahpour
(Via Daniela Chiriac)

Science Confirms That the Vagus Nerve Is Key to Well-being 11/02/2020

Science Confirms That the Vagus Nerve Is Key to Well-being The mysterious nerve network that quiets pain and stress — and may defeat disease

Nervul vag – un miracol al corpului uman! Cel mai lung nerv face conexiunea între minte şi organele vitale - Științ 20/01/2020

Nervul vag – un miracol al corpului uman! Cel mai lung nerv face conexiunea între minte şi organele vitale - Științ Între starea de spirit şi corpul fizic există o legătură profundă. Această legătură este intermediată de nervul vag, care este responsabil pentru conexiunea dintre minte și corp.

Singurul lucru care ne obosește este deconectarea de la Sine… * 15/01/2020

Singurul lucru care ne obosește este deconectarea de la Sine… * Nu Iubirea ne obosește. Nu relațiile ne obosesc. Nu oamenii. Nu munca ne obosește. Nu viața prea multă. Nu trăirea prea intensă. Nu schimbările sau lucrurile pe care trebuie să le lăsăm în urmă. Ne obosește deconectarea. Ne obosesc așteptările și agitația din noi. Ne obosesc obsesi...

From depression to Parkinson's disease: The healing power of dance 15/12/2019

From depression to Parkinson's disease: The healing power of dance Dance therapy is effective in treating depression, improving memory and neuroplasticity in older adults and improving executive function in those with Parkinson's disease.

10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy Back In No Time 07/12/2019

10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy Back In No Time Does the phrase, “Ouch, my back!” sound familiar to you? If so, you certainly know what implications it might have — you can’t bend down to tie your shoes, e...

Dansul - noua revoluție în Neuroștiință! Află cum acesta angajează și schimbă creierul uman! ⋆ 02/12/2019

Dansul - noua revoluție în Neuroștiință! Află cm acesta angajează și schimbă creierul uman! ⋆ Neuroștiința dansului este o ramură de cercetare nouă, dar care se dezvoltă foarte rapid. Aceasta are ca scop să descopere cm și de ce dansul angajează și schimbă creierul uman. Dansul a fost un aspect universal al experienței umane de milenii și face parte din ADN-ul nostru colectiv. C...


Doctorii recomanda Terapia Bowen

A MUST SEE!!! The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | Dr. Bruce Lipton 02/05/2019

A MUST SEE!!! The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | Dr. Bruce Lipton Dr. Bruce Lipton : "Your Body Is An Ilussion" This Video Will Literally Blow Your Mind! ►MOTIVATIONAL CLOTHES : ► If you strug...

Timeline photos 03/03/2019

It’s magical, but not a magic bullet.
It’s a “try-all”, but not a “fix-all”.
It’s gentle in its application, but not necessarily eliciting a gentle response.
It is strange to most, but not strange to those with a deeper understanding.
It is superficial access to a world deep and wide.
It is science still to be discovered.

The Bowenwork Technique is Grounded in Gentle Touch 15/02/2019

The Bowenwork Technique is Grounded in Gentle Touch Bowenwork is a gentle, soft-tissue relaxation technique. It is an unusual form of bodywork, in that the moves are performed in specific locations on the body, followed by pauses of several minutes …


Repost from our top 10 of the year! What Does It Take To "Become A Yogi"? By

What do you think? Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below.

It doesn't take the fancy Yoga gear, crazy poses, an hour a day or some crazy level of ZEN for you to be a Yogi 🙏🏼

Nope, start right from home with my all-encompassing Yoga Burn KickStart Kit!

If there's anything you think I missed on my list please do let me know below! I'd love to know your thoughts and the kind of experiences you've had on your road to becoming a Yogi 💕

Click the link 👉 to start your own Yoga journey with me as your guide for FREE! I've got your back every step of the way and can't wait to get you started experiencing the nest Yoga has to offer. Hugs!

Timeline photos 27/08/2018

Wise words from Brené Brown.

(Image via Leonie Dawson)

Bowen Technique influences the Cranial Base and the Cranial Nerves – Part 1 - Bowen Seminars 15/08/2018

Bowen Technique influences the Cranial Base and the Cranial Nerves – Part 1 - Bowen Seminars Introduction: Tom Bowen described himself as an osteopath and his work embraced fundamental osteopathic principles. In clinic, he constantly sought to optimise the relationship between structure and function with a view to helping each of his patients. Bowen technique can be used to restore function...

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Strada C. A. Rosetti Nr. 25 C**t Cu Dionisie Lupu Nr. 31

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00

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