NO Anxiety

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Cum se transforma emotiile in boala? 04/08/2024

Cum se transforma emotiile in boala? Cum se transforma emotiile in boala? Cu totii am avut situatii in viata cand ne-am stresat prea tare. Afla cm se descarca emotiile in corp!

Cu toții suntem personalități multiple – Pagina de Psihologie 02/07/2024

Cu toții suntem personalități multiple – Pagina de Psihologie Sistemul de credință mono-minte susține că avem o singură minte unitară. Totuși, teoria SFI ne arată că suntem compuși din multiple părți, fiecare cu rolul său unic.


We Need Touch

We need to touch, and we need to be touched.
We need to hold, and we need to be held.
We need to pleasure, and we need to be pleasured.

These are needs.
Not wants or desires.
We need these things.
Our bodies need them, our nervous system needs them, our heart needs them.
On every level of our being, we need them.
In the same way that we need air, we need touch.
Every aspect of our health is connected to this, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, s*xual.

We have been drawn away from our bodies, out of our bodies.
Away from a wisdom, a knowing, an intuition, an inspiration, so profound, so powerful.
A knowing that knows how to be healthy, how to be fulfilled.
A knowing that connects us to the earth, to nature.
A knowing what our bodies need to be healed and vital.
A knowing what our minds need to be curious and peaceful.
A knowing what our heart needs to be open and living.
A knowing that knows the path to Mystery.
A knowing that knows how to feel, to move, to connect.
A knowing that is intimate with life.

This body, this beautiful, magnificent, wondrous body is the container of this.
And touch connects us with it, with ourselves.
Touch heals, in that it allows us to relax.
Being relaxed, so simple, yet vital, so simple we overlook it.
We cannot release, let go, of anything, any ailment, disease, did-ease, thoughts, worries, stresses, until we relax.
Relaxation is a place of safety.
When we're safe, within ourselves, the body let's go, we don't have to do anything.
It knows.
When we connect with ourselves, we know.

When we touch from the heart, through the heart, to the heart, it's as if magic happens, the way we feel.
It is a kind of magic, body magic.
When we're touched with love, our chemistry changes. That's magic. Touch changes our state of being, our state of feeling.
Touch regulates our nervous system.
When this is calm, we're creative.
When this is calm, we're inspired.
When this is calm, we make better decisions.
When this is calm, we listen.
When this is calm, we have access to inner resources that can create miracles.

The last months in the world have taken us deeper into isolation, into separation, into disconnect, into loneliness.
Away from our bodies.
This is worse on so many levels than this virus.
The impact on our inner world is huge.
We need touch.
We need holding.
We need pleasure.

To come back to life.
To come back to possibility.
To come back to ourselves.
To come back to each other.

This body, these hands, they know.
They know how.
Reach out.

~Jonti Searll
Artist: Adam Martinakis

Empower Wholeness Intimacy


Love Hormone Oxytocin Eases Loneliness

A new study reveals that oxytocin, the "cuddle hormone," can temporarily alleviate feelings of loneliness and foster connection during group therapy for individuals with chronic loneliness.

While not a standalone cure, this finding suggests that oxytocin could be a valuable tool in enhancing the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for loneliness, potentially improving the well-being of those affected.


UV Light Increases Appetite But Suppresses Weight Gain

UV exposure increases appetite but surprisingly prevents weight gain through a complex interplay of hormones and neurotransmitters.

This effect, observed in mice, involves increased energy expenditure and browning of subcutaneous fat.

While further research is needed, these findings offer potential new avenues for obesity and metabolic disorder treatment.


Canine Cognition: Dogs Match Words with Objects

Dogs' brains show signs of understanding when words match objects.

Researchers from Eötvös Loránd University, using non-invasive EEG, discovered that dogs mentally represent objects upon hearing their names, indicating an understanding beyond simple behavior response or associative learning.

This finding suggests that dogs, like humans, can understand words in a referential way.

The study involved 18 dogs whose owners would announce a toy by name, either presenting the matching or a different toy, with brain activity differing between correct and incorrect matches.

This ability appears to be widespread among dogs, unrelated to the size of their known vocabulary, potentially reshaping views on the uniqueness of human language understanding and its evolution.


When Do Babies Begin to Be Conscious?

Researchers proposed a groundbreaking method to identify the onset of consciousness in infants, addressing a centuries-old philosophical and psychological enigma.

They advocate for utilizing "markers of consciousness" observed in adults and tracing when these markers start manifesting in babies' development.

This approach aims to circumvent the challenge posed by infants' inability to verbalize their experiences, offering a promising avenue for understanding early human consciousness.

By pinpointing the emergence of specific behaviors and brain activations known to coincide with consciousness in adults, scientists can infer the developmental stages at which consciousness arises in infants.

The researchers suggest that a broad spectrum of markers, observed both early and late in development, should be considered to accurately determine when consciousness begins.


THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Researchers shed light on the crucial role that THC metabolism plays in influencing the effects of cannabis use and the risk of Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD).

By examining genetic differences in THC-metabolizing enzymes among young adults, researchers discovered that individuals with slower metabolism rates experience more intense and prolonged effects of cannabis, which can vary significantly based on s*x.

The findings indicate that females with slower THC metabolism are particularly at risk for CUD, while males with the genetic variation tend to report more negative initial reactions to cannabis use.

This research underscores the complexity of individual responses to cannabis and points to the necessity of personalized education and intervention strategies to mitigate the risks associated with its use, especially as societal acceptance of cannabis continues to grow.


Love is who you are. The end ..the beginning.

When people fall in love with each other it is really an agreed upon trick.

One person projects love and excitement on another, and the other one projects it back. Both people become higher versions of themselves using the other as a mirror. Both people synch into a harmonious powerful place together.

Usually people do this and eventually, their negative perceptions and beliefs about themselves and the world and others catch up to them. They​ leave the bliss of the ”honeymoon phase" and fall into old limiting beliefs and patterns they had momentarily transcended. Getting upset with each other and blaming the other rather than taking responsibility for their own frequency and choice of beliefs.

You can be in love all the time if you want.
The whole world can be your lover.
Each aspect as divine as the next, and beautifully unique.

Be your own lover, and free yourself from codependency.
The neediness is what you create when you abandon yourself for others. That's why it hurts. That's why people feel so abandoned. We have been taught to habitually abandon ourselves for something outside. Another. A drug, a high, a mission, a goal, an agenda to get accomplish something. Cut that process out by becoming lovingly selfish. Return to your heart and love. Deny yourself no longer. Be a slave to no one. Not even your own thoughts of judgement and comparison and limitation.
End the process of abandonment by loving yourself unconditionally.

Be free, be loving, be giving.
Sexual lovers will come and go, like children and parents, and food, and jobs, and living situations. All of it changes, even the body you are pretending to be will die.
Your immortal love is what you are.
So be it.
And play in the infinite forms of being with not a care in this world because you are beyond all of it, and one with it simultaneously.
Give generously without expectations because you never loose anything.

You only gain more of yourself.
More experience
More wisdom
More love.
For you are all of it.
Come on home and hug that perfect radiant heart that you are. That child like innocence awaiting your​attention.
You are the One.

~unknown author
unknown artist

Empower Wholeness Intimacy


Is it??

Tipurile de personalitate și modul în care ne influențează ele conduita – Pagina de Psihologie 07/03/2024

Tipurile de personalitate și modul în care ne influențează ele conduita – Pagina de Psihologie Personalitatea - un amalgam complex de trăsături unice, ce ne diferențiază și ne fac comportamentul relativ predictibil. De la definiții la tipologii și controverse, un studiu esențial în psihologie.


Debunking Love Myths: A New Look at Romance and Science

Ahead of Valentine's Day, researchers cast a critical eye on popular relationship paradigms like the Five Love Languages, revealing a mismatch between pop culture's prescriptions for love and the realities backed by scientific research.

By examining the nuances of relationship dynamics, the work introduces a "balanced diet" metaphor for love, advocating for a diversified approach to expressing affection that adapts over time.

The research not only challenges the validity of widely accepted concepts such as "Happy Wife, Happy Life" but also delves into the dynamics of s*xual desire, suggesting that mutual satisfaction and incorporating new experiences are key to sustaining attraction.

Through the findings, the researchers encourage a reevaluation of conventional wisdom, promoting a more comprehensive and evidence-based understanding of love and relationships.

Cluj-Napoca - în primele 10 orașe din Europa în materie de calitate a vieții - 18/12/2023

Cluj-Napoca - în primele 10 orașe din Europa în materie de calitate a vieții - Ultimul raport publicat recent de Comisia Europeană cu privire la calitatea vieții în orașele europene plasează Municipiul Cluj-Napoca în primele 10 din


Dopaminergic System Organoid Model Illuminates Parkinson’s and Addiction

Researchers reveal a new organoid model that closely mirrors the human dopaminergic system, offering transformative insights into Parkinson’s disease and addiction.


Stress and Snacks: How Fatty Foods Hinder Recovery

New research shows high-fat meals can impair your body's stress recovery. Opting for low-fat or polyphenol-rich foods like fruits & veggies can make a big difference in how we handle stress. Time to rethink our stress eating habits!

Ideea autocunoașterii nu este să strălucești de perfecțiune – Pagina de Psihologie 20/11/2023

Ideea autocunoașterii nu este să strălucești de perfecțiune – Pagina de Psihologie Învățăm cine suntem prin reflecția regulată și prin angajamentul activ față de alți oameni și față de provocările din viețile noastre.

Drama neglijării emoționale din copilărie – Pagina de Psihologie 13/11/2023

Drama neglijării emoționale din copilărie – Pagina de Psihologie Cum o recunoști, cm o depășești. Autori: Jonice Webb cu Christine Musello

Decoding Dimensions: How the Brain Maps Time and Space - Neuroscience News 03/11/2023

Decoding Dimensions: How the Brain Maps Time and Space - Neuroscience News Journey into the intricate pathways of the human brain as we unravel the mysteries of time and space representation in our neurons. This video, inspired by g...

Sleepless Nights: The Brain’s Surprising Reaction to All-Nighters - Neuroscience News 03/11/2023

Sleepless Nights: The Brain’s Surprising Reaction to All-Nighters - Neuroscience News Researchers unveiled the science behind the buoyant mood many feel after acute sleep deprivation, like pulling an all-nighter.

Lonely or Alone? Revealing the Fine Line - Neuroscience News 03/11/2023

Lonely or Alone? Revealing the Fine Line - Neuroscience News The study revealed that loneliness creeps in when individuals spend over 75% of their time in solitude.


Romance and Routine: Nurturing Commitment in Couples

Diving into the dynamics of lasting love, a study explores how couples nurture commitment. While relationship maintenance matters, it’s the satisfaction that's the game changer. Interestingly, complementary, not similar, relationship strategies may be key.

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:30
Thursday 09:00 - 19:30
Friday 09:00 - 19:30

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Psiholog Cod personal 16083 Consiliere psihologică cognitiv-comportamentală

Psiholog Daniel Cîmpean Psiholog Daniel Cîmpean
Strada Câmpului, Nr. 136

Abordarea mea este una cognitiv-comportamentală integrând și elemente din alte paradigme terapeutice.