Round Planet
Project ROUND PLANET The project comprises three main phases:
1). Mental stage - free but controlled formation of a powerful psychic.
Intellectual phase - intellectual base formation, learning general knowledge and the accumulation of new information.
2). Physical phase - the implementation of the information through sport and movement to grow healthy.
The Venus Project would like to offer a very big >THANK YOU< to Pro Robots for their collaboration with our Russian Team in their production of this outstanding video: Jacque Fresco – The Venus Project and Technologies That Will Change the World. WELL DONE!
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Beyond Politics, Poverty and War
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Jacque Fresco – Venus Project and Technologies That Will Change the World Jacques Fresco: The Venus Project and technologies that will change the world beyond recognizability. The Venus Project, what is it? The Venus Project 2020. ...
Campania Daruim Lumina presupune instalarea a 1000 de panouri fotovoltaice in zonele defavorizate la familiile din afara razei de acoperire a retelei nationale de electricitate.
Principalii beneficiari vor fi familiile cu un copil care merge la scoala.
Campania Daruim Lumina presupune instalarea a 1000 de panouri fotovoltaice in zonele defavorizate la familiile din afara razei de acoperire a retelei nationale de electricitate.
Principalii beneficiari vor fi familiile cu un copil care merge la scoala.
Mai multe detalii:
O campanie Organizată de Asociaţia “Imaginează-ţi” în parteneriat cu Stanley High Quality 888.
Alege să ajuţi!
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China deploys 60,000 soldiers to plant trees in bid to grow 6 million hectares of new forest this year Area to be planted by the end of the year is roughly the size of Ireland
Save the Amazon Rainforest Stop the burning of the Amazon rainforest!
Salvează 140 de urși și 94 de lupi de la împușcare Ursul brun (Ursus arctos), este una dintre cele mai iconice specii pe cale de dispariție pe care Uniunea Europeană se străduiește să le protejeze. Supraviețuirea urșilor bruni și a lupilor este amenințată de degradarea și fragmentarea habitatelor, de acceptarea socială scăzută în rân...
New Visuals Of Our Next Phase, and Website Updates | The Venus Project The Venus Project is very excited to present the just-released new visuals of our next phase: the Center for Resource Management. The below images show the current stage of development …
Amazing Photos Reveal Water Ice Found on Mars in a “Cold Trap” Crater The crater is as big as some of the largest lakes on Earth.
Amazon deforestation accelerating to unrecoverable 'tipping point' Data confirms fears that Jair Bolsonaro’s policy encourages illegal logging in Brazil
Billionaire Intends To Buy 15% Of The Planet To Protect It. Billionaire philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss pledged to donate a billion dollars towards environmental conservation efforts over the next ten years.
Elon Musk unveils 'threads' that hook human brains directly to computers Entrepreneur says brain chip will 'ultimately achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence'
Elon Musk's company Neuralink plans to connect people's brains to the internet by next year using a procedure he claims will be as safe and easy as LASIK eye surgery Musk said the Neuralink system could be used to treat brain disorders and hopes to achieve a "symbiosis with artificial intelligence."
'Google brain' implants could end school as anyone can learn anything instantly “GOOGLE brain” implants could mean the end of school – as anyone will be able to learn anything instantly, says an artificial intelligence expert. Nikolas Kairinos, founder and CEO of, …
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Jacque Fresco - Building Cities - FbD Outtakes An extra sequence from the William Gazecki film "Future by Design". Embedding & sharing is highly encouraged. Note: Linguistic Team International is the offi...
For the First Time, Researchers Eliminate HIV From the Genomes of Living Animals Combining anti-HIV drugs and gene editing, scientists have found a way to remove HIV genes from infected animals, opening the way to a possible cure
AI Simulates The Universe And Not Even Its Creators Know How It's So Accurate For the first time, scientists have used artificial intelligence to create complex, three-dimensional simulations of the Universe. It's called the Deep Density Displacement Model, or D3M, and it's so fast and so accurate that the astrophysicists who
Lost ancient palace appears in reservoir A 3,400-year-old palace has emerged from a reservoir in the Kurdistan region of Iraq after water levels dropped because of drought. The discovery should yield more light on the mysterious Mittani Empire.
It's Official: NASA's Sending a Mission to Titan, a Top Candidate For Alien Life For its newest planetary science mission, NASA aims to land a flying robot on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan, a top target in the search for alien life.
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