Artur Kaganovskiy Violinist


Hello from Hungary 🇭🇺 concert tonight in a gorgeous concert hall with Violist Eszter Kaganovskiy


Crazy busy with a few different exciting projects and concerts these next two months! Preparations for Duo Concert with Violist Eszter Kaganovskiy in Hungary 🇭🇺 and then Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Beethoven, Rozsa and Leclaire!


Thank you all of you who greeted me on my birthday yesterday! Definitely getting older and hopefully wiser! Here is something from .co on vibrato and breathing!


Two Testore fiddles in one concert?! Yes 🙌🏼 tomorrow night! SOLD OUT

Photos from Arts & Culture Uncensored's post 20/04/2024



💡👉🏼Quick tip on vibrato at Glotone : The quality of the vibrato comes from the pads of our fingers and how wide we make the movement effectively. This determines the width of the sound wave and projection in a concert hall 👈🏼💡

Photos from Artur Kaganovskiy Violinist's post 11/04/2024

Looking forward to our Kaganovskiy Series concert April 24th at Nagyváradi Római Katolikus Egyházmegye The Bishop’s Palace featuring Mozart and Weber Clarinet Quintets with friends Eszter Kaganovskiy Ágnes Kállay Jackie Xiao Dimitry Ashkenazy


1720 Antonio Stradivari copy finally on the way to completion! It took a while making this and finally it will be finished mid April!

Photos from Artur Kaganovskiy Violinist's post 08/04/2024

Had a wonderful time Üveghang Akadémia Liszt Intézet, Sepsiszentgyörgy giving a lecture on Russian Classical Music and its Folklore influences! Eszter Kaganovskiy Ványolós Albert Sarolta


If one’s mental processes are in full control during preparations and practice then it can with almost full certainty success can be expected. But there is always a catch: brainwork comes with knowledge and discipline which must be trained properly in early years!!!


Looking forward to giving a lecture on April 4th and concert with Eszter Kaganovskiy on the 5th on The Influence of Russian Folk Music on the Classical Tradition and Music on April 4th Liszt Intézet, Sepsiszentgyörgy. See you all there at Üveghang Akadémia III/2. - Az orosz népzene tonalitása, dallama és ritmusa a klasszikus zenében

Újabb zenei ismerettel bővül azoknak a tudása, akik ellátogatnak a Liszt Intézet Sepsiszentgyörgy által szervezett Üveghang Akadémia következő előadására 2024. április 4-én, 18 órától, az Árkosi Kulturális Központban. Meghívott előadó, a nemzetközileg elismert Artur Kaganovskiy hegedűművész, aki az orosz nép- és klasszikus zene kapcsolódását fejti ki.

Szeretettel várunk mindenkit az eseményre!


My latest creation. Copy of 1743 Guarneri Del


Someone is 6 months old today!


💥Definitely one of the most challenging “solo”beginnings in violin- piano sonata repertoire: Beetholven’s “Kreutzer” Sonata.


Article by Tóth Gábor about the upcoming Nagyváradi Római Katolikus Egyházmegye | Kaganovskiy Concert Series | Concert is SOLD OUT👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Kaganovsky Musical Nights with Schubert
- on Wednesday, March 20, in Nagyvárad -

Tóth Gábor Concert Preview

The concert series of Kaganovsky Musical Nights will continue on Wednesday, March 20, at 19 o'clock in the hall of the Roman Catholic Bishop's Palace in Nagyvárad. There are two Schubert works on show: Adagio and Rondo concertante in F major, D 487, and piano five in A major, D 667 (yes, that is the famous Trout). Performing instrumental artists: Artur Kaganovskiy - violin, Eszter Kaganovskiya - percussion, Ágnes Kállay - cello, Robert György - harp, Philippe Raskin - piano.

I write this as an introduction for those who might read here for the first time about the Kaganovskiy Music Nights (for the sake of simplicity, hereafter KZE) that 2022. On April 26 (that is, almost two years ago), this great music series started in Nagyvárad in the beautiful Baroque bishop's palace, under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nagyvárd, on the initiative of violinist Artur Kaganovskiy. The KZE, which has been appearing once a month since then, immediately joined the chamber music life in Nagyvárad to the current international quality standard. This standard is indicated by the level of interest, in general, there is no need to advertise the KZE in more detail, because tickets are sold immediately after its official announcement. I still stick to the tradition - even if there is no opportunity in the print press - to write here some thoughts for music and artists as a preview of the upcoming concert of KZE.

First a few words about the performers. Kaganovskiy artist couple, Eszter and Artur, who have been around the world and often perform concerts overseas and abroad. Fortunately, the people from Nagyvárad, who love quality classical music, chose this city as their base years ago. So they are the music hosts of all time on the KZE series. Ágnes Kállay, the excellent Gordona artist coming from Budapest, has been their permanent companion for a year now here at the KZE in Várad, this cooperation and harmony has worked so well that the three of them together in 2023. Patachich Trio was formed in November. Róbert György is also a returning guest in the series, he is the grand shouting solo conductor of the Kolozsvár philharmonic. According to the scoreboard, the pianist Philippe Raskin, who comes from the furthest place in Belgium, was met by the audience in Várad at the KZE concert in September last year ( 2023). At the same time, last autumn was when we could hear piano chamber music for the first time in the KZE series (for two concerts, September and October) - then the piano was suddenly left out of the programs, so it is a great pleasure that now it is back and can once again give more significant emphasis and light to the chamber music contents.

As the anniversary approaches, let us go back to the beginnings of the history of KZE two years ago. An analogy that is not exactly today appeared: how Willaer, as a foreigner from far away in the Renaissance, discovered with the Venetians at home, how to creatively exploit the acoustics of St. Mark's Cathedral. Well, here Artur Kaganovskiy, who also arrived from far away (Moscow, New York), also discovered with admiration the musical possibilities of one of the "found" rooms in the Baroque Palace in Várad. The chamber room with pleasant acoustic and atmospheric, chosen as the first in 2022, has since been outgrown by the KZE series and moved to the neighboring, larger decoration room, because an increasingly popular audience is curious about them. Highlighted is the artistic party of the all time host, bishop of Nagyvárad county, László Böcskei, clearly the former (18th). This century) following in the footsteps of Bishop Ádám Patachich, the baron who founded the orchestra here, the current bishop aims for a similar values and spirit by increasing the involvement of the arts and adding new meaning to the palace renewed in 2021.

In January and February, as usual, the KZE held a winter break in Nagyvárad, but the musicians did not idle until then. For example, the Patachich Trio performed in Italy, Artur Kaganovskiy and Philippe Raskin performed together in Croatia in January, in Split - just for a short bracket I mention to the people of Váradi: Rogerius's grave is also there...

March is the month of the opening concert of the year of the KZE, and since Easter is very early this time, the concert will not be held on the last Wednesday of the month, but on the week before, the 20th.

We could hear from Schubert's chamber music in the KZE series in the last two years, actually it was an early one, 2022. In October, the B-string Trio, D. 471 (1816), and perhaps one of the greatest chamber works of all time, the late, dramatic, huge breath, String Five in C major, D 956 (1828), 2023. back in the day of April.

Schubert’s style is that he loves to admire his own music (but also to impress, of course), but he often does it so impeccable that one stops thinking that the composer who understood only 31 years old had time to write about 1500 works, even narrower intervals in terms of composition, let’s talk about 18 years.

Adagio and Rondo concertante, which opened the concert, seems to be an early work, from 1816, apparently because Schubert had already written it, for example. the five symphonies . By the way, the famous song mentioned below, The Trout, was born for a year. Schubert’s respect for the great Vienna predecessors is shown step by step in this two-part piece (appetizer and main course) that lasts only a quarter hours: Haydn’s chamber music is echoed in the slow introduction, and the rondo is specifically leaning towards Mozart’s piano competition, despite the fact that it is still a piano quartet.

In the second part of the concert, the famous piano quintet in A major (or Piszrángötös, 1819, duration about 40 minutes). The science of music does not consider this five-purpose work to be very exciting, it can hear many repetitions and exaggerations, but within this, it is worth paying attention to what is the harmonic content, that is, how the young master sometimes takes his students on a bold and wonderful musical journey. The special thing is that it employs four classical members of the string musical family (violin, bracco, cello, big shout), so it is not a standard quartet base.

Allow a detour from Schubert’s title song, The trout. This fish will swim in the fourth variation of the quintet, that is, the theme is the title tune. The trout c. SchubErt borrowed the lyrics of the song from SchubArt, who sounds related to the name. Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739–1791) was a German music critic, organist, poet, composer, autodidact esthetician, 18th. Controversial figure of the second half of the century. He doesn’t belong here directly, but in short, he also has to say that because of his writings which do not respect the social hierarchy, the German aristocracy and the Church could not stand it, and because of his arrogant lifestyle and speech, he spent ten years in prison. The trout c. song, SchubArt's poem base, is not a simple fishing tale, allegorical in many ways, for example, in the last stage, it is a bit of spicy-red synesthesia to protect the young shining ladies so that they don't get hooked too early, in the second stage, a fisherman who falls on the trout appears, here something might be clear about the fact that the trout was SchubArt himself, which was not censorship wants to let swim freely in clean water.

But let's not only talk about fish and poem texts, after that there are five items in line five: I. Allegro vivace (long spoken sonata form), II. Andante (as a taste from the aforementioned harmonic journey: F-fisz-D-G-g-G, Asz-a-F-f-F), III. Scherzo Presto (this is my favorite out of the five), IV. Andantino - Allegretto (of some variation), V. Jolly is right.

Concluding the fish. In the current show planning of the performers, Pisztráng as a fish, thus Easter, on the threshold of resurrection (the possibility of starting with a new clean slate, clean water in the glass, etc.) ), it can be interpreted as a specific reference, namely one of the earliest symbols of Christianity, the well-known symbol of Christ. One of the well-mentioned discoveries is that the acrostichon (ikhthys), composed of the initial letters of the Greek equivalent of "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior", also means: fish.

The fact is that for the high quality of music offered by the KZE, an average citizen of Várad has to reach a bit deeper into his pocket, but tickets are generally available in two price categories.

Article by Tóth Gábor about the upcoming Nagyváradi Római Katolikus Egyházmegye | Kaganovskiy Concert Series | Concert is SOLD OUT👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Kaganovsky Musical Nights with Schubert
- on Wednesday, March 20, in Nagyvárad -

Tóth Gábor Concert Preview

The concert series of Kaganovsky Musical Nights will continue on Wednesday, March 20, at 19 o'clock in the hall of the Roman Catholic Bishop's Palace in Nagyvárad. There are two Schubert works on show: Adagio and Rondo concertante in F major, D 487, and piano five in A major, D 667 (yes, that is the famous Trout). Performing instrumental artists: Artur Kaganovskiy - violin, Eszter Kaganovskiya - percussion, Ágnes Kállay - cello, Robert György - harp, Philippe Raskin - piano.

I write this as an introduction for those who might read here for the first time about the Kaganovskiy Music Nights (for the sake of simplicity, hereafter KZE) that 2022. On April 26 (that is, almost two years ago), this great music series started in Nagyvárad in the beautiful Baroque bishop's palace, under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nagyvárd, on the initiative of violinist Artur Kaganovskiy. The KZE, which has been appearing once a month since then, immediately joined the chamber music life in Nagyvárad to the current international quality standard. This standard is indicated by the level of interest, in general, there is no need to advertise the KZE in more detail, because tickets are sold immediately after its official announcement. I still stick to the tradition - even if there is no opportunity in the print press - to write here some thoughts for music and artists as a preview of the upcoming concert of KZE.

First a few words about the performers. Kaganovskiy artist couple, Eszter and Artur, who have been around the world and often perform concerts overseas and abroad. Fortunately, the people from Nagyvárad, who love quality classical music, chose this city as their base years ago. So they are the music hosts of all time on the KZE series. Ágnes Kállay, the excellent Gordona artist coming from Budapest, has been their permanent companion for a year now here at the KZE in Várad, this cooperation and harmony has worked so well that the three of them together in 2023. Patachich Trio was formed in November. Róbert György is also a returning guest in the series, he is the grand shouting solo conductor of the Kolozsvár philharmonic. According to the scoreboard, the pianist Philippe Raskin, who comes from the furthest place in Belgium, was met by the audience in Várad at the KZE concert in September last year ( 2023). At the same time, last autumn was when we could hear piano chamber music for the first time in the KZE series (for two concerts, September and October) - then the piano was suddenly left out of the programs, so it is a great pleasure that now it is back and can once again give more significant emphasis and light to the chamber music contents.

As the anniversary approaches, let us go back to the beginnings of the history of KZE two years ago. An analogy that is not exactly today appeared: how Willaer, as a foreigner from far away in the Renaissance, discovered with the Venetians at home, how to creatively exploit the acoustics of St. Mark's Cathedral. Well, here Artur Kaganovskiy, who also arrived from far away (Moscow, New York), also discovered with admiration the musical possibilities of one of the "found" rooms in the Baroque Palace in Várad. The chamber room with pleasant acoustic and atmospheric, chosen as the first in 2022, has since been outgrown by the KZE series and moved to the neighboring, larger decoration room, because an increasingly popular audience is curious about them. Highlighted is the artistic party of the all time host, bishop of Nagyvárad county, László Böcskei, clearly the former (18th). This century) following in the footsteps of Bishop Ádám Patachich, the baron who founded the orchestra here, the current bishop aims for a similar values and spirit by increasing the involvement of the arts and adding new meaning to the palace renewed in 2021.

In January and February, as usual, the KZE held a winter break in Nagyvárad, but the musicians did not idle until then. For example, the Patachich Trio performed in Italy, Artur Kaganovskiy and Philippe Raskin performed together in Croatia in January, in Split - just for a short bracket I mention to the people of Váradi: Rogerius's grave is also there...

March is the month of the opening concert of the year of the KZE, and since Easter is very early this time, the concert will not be held on the last Wednesday of the month, but on the week before, the 20th.

We could hear from Schubert's chamber music in the KZE series in the last two years, actually it was an early one, 2022. In October, the B-string Trio, D. 471 (1816), and perhaps one of the greatest chamber works of all time, the late, dramatic, huge breath, String Five in C major, D 956 (1828), 2023. back in the day of April.

Schubert’s style is that he loves to admire his own music (but also to impress, of course), but he often does it so impeccable that one stops thinking that the composer who understood only 31 years old had time to write about 1500 works, even narrower intervals in terms of composition, let’s talk about 18 years.

Adagio and Rondo concertante, which opened the concert, seems to be an early work, from 1816, apparently because Schubert had already written it, for example. the five symphonies . By the way, the famous song mentioned below, The Trout, was born for a year. Schubert’s respect for the great Vienna predecessors is shown step by step in this two-part piece (appetizer and main course) that lasts only a quarter hours: Haydn’s chamber music is echoed in the slow introduction, and the rondo is specifically leaning towards Mozart’s piano competition, despite the fact that it is still a piano quartet.

In the second part of the concert, the famous piano quintet in A major (or Piszrángötös, 1819, duration about 40 minutes). The science of music does not consider this five-purpose work to be very exciting, it can hear many repetitions and exaggerations, but within this, it is worth paying attention to what is the harmonic content, that is, how the young master sometimes takes his students on a bold and wonderful musical journey. The special thing is that it employs four classical members of the string musical family (violin, bracco, cello, big shout), so it is not a standard quartet base.

Allow a detour from Schubert’s title song, The trout. This fish will swim in the fourth variation of the quintet, that is, the theme is the title tune. The trout c. SchubErt borrowed the lyrics of the song from SchubArt, who sounds related to the name. Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739–1791) was a German music critic, organist, poet, composer, autodidact esthetician, 18th. Controversial figure of the second half of the century. He doesn’t belong here directly, but in short, he also has to say that because of his writings which do not respect the social hierarchy, the German aristocracy and the Church could not stand it, and because of his arrogant lifestyle and speech, he spent ten years in prison. The trout c. song, SchubArt's poem base, is not a simple fishing tale, allegorical in many ways, for example, in the last stage, it is a bit of spicy-red synesthesia to protect the young shining ladies so that they don't get hooked too early, in the second stage, a fisherman who falls on the trout appears, here something might be clear about the fact that the trout was SchubArt himself, which was not censorship wants to let swim freely in clean water.

But let's not only talk about fish and poem texts, after that there are five items in line five: I. Allegro vivace (long spoken sonata form), II. Andante (as a taste from the aforementioned harmonic journey: F-fisz-D-G-g-G, Asz-a-F-f-F), III. Scherzo Presto (this is my favorite out of the five), IV. Andantino - Allegretto (of some variation), V. Jolly is right.

Concluding the fish. In the current show planning of the performers, Pisztráng as a fish, thus Easter, on the threshold of resurrection (the possibility of starting with a new clean slate, clean water in the glass, etc.) ), it can be interpreted as a specific reference, namely one of the earliest symbols of Christianity, the well-known symbol of Christ. One of the well-mentioned discoveries is that the acrostichon (ikhthys), composed of the initial letters of the Greek equivalent of "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior", also means: fish.

The fact is that for the high quality of music offered by the KZE, an average citizen of Várad has to reach a bit deeper into his pocket, but tickets are generally available in two price categories. PatachichTrio


An old mentor of mine (Arthur Shtillman) from the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra use to tell me playing through passages not warmed up can be a very useful periphery as to one’s readiness on the fiddle at any given moment. Here is a bit of Prokofiev 2 Concerto last passage of page one ☝🏼


A quick musical suggestion on for this who would like to understand and dwell deeper into Russian Romantic Music performance practice. All melodic elements in Russian Romantic- music keep them light, flowing at all times, strictly adhering to larger structural “columns” or heartbeats while maintains an element of fluidity within strict rhythmical organization! 💡


A quick tip 🎥 on practicing spiccato passages before going on stage with .trio… use the bow’s natural weight + point of resistance in the stick (for every bow is slightly different) to achieve a crystal clear stroke! Comment below if it works for you!

Photos from Artur Kaganovskiy Violinist's post 11/03/2024

A great time we had! FULL HOUSE for PatachichTrio Concert last night! Many thanks to Civitanova Classica!


An impromptu meeting of old friends in Pesaro, Italy 🇮🇹 this evening. You will see us soon this month in Oradea at The Bishop’s Palace | KAGANOVSKIY SERIES Spring Concert Season Launching 🚀 featuring Schubert’s immortal “Trout” Piano Quintet


A bit of Ysaÿe 6 evening practice before heading to Italy 🇮🇹 until the ends of the week… &release

Photos from Artur Kaganovskiy Violinist's post 03/03/2024

PatachichTrio! 🎶💥 APPLY NOW! 💥 FOLLOW LINK below ℹ️ | Apply for Masterclasses with us at MA’GO Music Academy | in Antwerp August 1-9,2024 Artur Kaganovskiy Violinist Eszter Kaganovskiy Ágnes Kállay


🎶💥 APPLY NOW! VIOLISTS!!!!💥 FOLLOW LINK below ℹ️ | Apply Violin Masterclasses with me at MA’GO Music Academy | in Antwerp August 1-9,2024


APPLY NOW! spaces in my studio are limited! FOLLOW LINK: | Apply Violin Masterclasses with yours truly at MA’GO Music Academy | in Antwerp August 1-9,2024

Photos from Arts & Culture Uncensored's post 29/02/2024

Looking forward

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Videos (show all)

Vibrato and breathing from @glotone
💡👉🏼Quick tip on vibrato at Glotone : The quality of the vibrato comes from the pads of our fingers and how wide we make ...
A little Paganini 24 warmup before Russian Music Lecture Uveghang Academia @liszt.intezet.sepsi @holdfenydal
Sonata beginning challenge
Periphery in playing
A quick musical suggestion on for this who would like to understand and dwell deeper into Russian Romantic Music perform...
Spiccato hack!
Nightly Ysaÿe
🎥A bit of Kreisler Recitative @juilliardschool Paul Hall🎥
15 year anniversary
Glotone New Video| Vibrato Control
💥🎥new video on Vibrato | Glotone





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