The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia

This is an unofficial page of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia (ELCIR).

Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 09/12/2023

On December 8, 2023, the Theological Institute of The Church of Ingria (TICI) located in Koltushi, Leningrad Oblast, hosted a theological conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary since the then Laurikalla Training Center was first established and the 160th anniversary of the seminary in Kolpany. The topic of the conference was “Theological Education in Russia: History and Modern Day.”

The next day, December 9, saw the dedication of the Institute’s third classroom building named “Leino” after Leino Hassinen (1924-2015), the first bishop of the revived Church of Ingria, who served as ELCIR bishop in 1993-1996.

The dedication ceremony was performed by ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev and Pastor Ivan Hutter, ELCIR St. Petersburg region dean and senior pastor of the church in Koltushi. The attendance included government officials and members of the Roman Catholic Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, and Evangelical Christians-Baptists. Presentations and sharings came from TICI Rector Konstantin Subbotin, Bishop Emeritus Arri Kugappi, construction workers, students and faculty members. Greetings from foreign missionaries were read out loud.

Photo credits: Veronika Pogasiy, Kristina Shilova

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 09/12/2023

December 6, 2023 saw the 26th Annual European Prayer Breakfast in Brussels, Belgium. Its main topics were the demographic situation in Europe and peacemaking in Israel.

ELCIR pastor Yevgeni Raskatov attended the meeting as part of a delegation of National Spiritual Meal organizers from Russia. The National Spiritual Meal in Russia is held with support from the RF Presidential Administration.

A central idea of the European Prayer Breakfast is bethinking ourselves of the Christian basics and fundamental values which were important for a united Europe: “Beyond the common rules, beyond law and economy, Europe needs a soul, it needs spirituality and meaning.” The EPB participants see the ministry of Christ as the most important example. With the agenda taking a central stage, the intent of the EPB, however, is to be relationship-driven rather than agenda-driven, encouraging committed relationships among its guests from across Europe.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt. 22:37-39, ESV)

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On December 5, 2023, Senior Pastor Aleksander and Anna Volchok of the Lutheran Church of Murmansk, visited the Murmansk Nursing Home for Senior and Disabled People. The church servants were happy to meet with their friends residing at the home. Although the home is far from the church, some of them are active parishioners. Unfortunately, not all of them are able to attend church services. We pray spiritual meetings start again at this home.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 09/12/2023

It was an especially blessed 1st Sunday in Advent for Annenkirche (St. Anne’s Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg) on December 3, 2023, as Sofia was confirmed! God’s blessings to our sister in Christ in the new church year and in her entire life!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 09/12/2023

From December 1-3, 2023, married couples from ELCIR congregations in the St. Petersburg Deanery went on a retreat to Ruskeala Mountain Park in Karelia for a Family Christmas program.

The group enjoyed a variegated recreation program for adults and kids which included a visit to a zoo and the Marble Canyon, “St. Nicholas” giving gifts, master classes in making the Advent Wreath and ginger breads and even a Western movie style party. The time together closed with an Advent 1 worship service where the children lit the first candle in anticipation of Christmas.

Many thanks to the Mikhalitsyn family for the excellent organization, the Lutheran Church of Ruskeala for their hospitality, and all of the participants for the warm atmosphere!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

Christ’s Nativity exhibition opens at Annenkirche

On December 2, 2023, an exhibition entitled The Nativity opened at Annenkirche—St. Anne’s Lutheran Church of St. Petersburg.

During a music concert, the following ministers of different Christian denominations recounted the Nativity story together:
Bishop Ivan Laptev, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia;
Archbishop Vladimir Provorov, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia;
Senior Pastor Yevgeni Raskatov, St. Anne’s Lutheran;
Priest Janusz Prusinowski, The Roman Catholic Church;
Priest Nikolai Babkin, The Russian Orthodox Church;
Pastor Andrei Gornovski, The Russian Joint Union of Evangelical Faith Christians (Pentecostals);
and Pastor Anton Tretiak, Evangelical Christians/Baptists.

The listeners were immersed in the events of Jesus’ birth as the story unfolded with a music accompaniment by Orchestra 1703. The concert’s program included works by J. S. Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Johannes Brahms and some of the famous Christmas carols. Paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt, Botticelli, Breughel, Fra Angelico, Jan van Eyck, Caravaggio, Giotto and other masters, uniquely montaged by Darya Kotyukh, Veter Art Studio, were projection-mapped onto the church’s walls.

Attached are the photos of some of the locations at the exhibition.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

ELCIR members participate in social media seminar

On November 28, 2023, Nevskaya Ratusha Business Center in St. Petersburg hosted a seminar entitled “Promotion of Social Projects in Social Networks.” Organizer: Department for Relations with Religious Associations in the St. Petersburg Governor’s Administration. The seminar presented an overview of social medias in Russia, an analysis of target audiences in various social networks, promotion methods, e. a.

The ELCIR was represented by Kristina Shilova, head of ELCIR media ministry, and Zoya Bryskovskaya from St. Anne’s Lutheran Church (Annenkirche); Aleksandra Mukhina and Yekaterina Pugachyova from St. Mary’s Lutheran Cathedral, and Nadezhda Zimmermann from the Lutheran Church in Pushkin, St. Petersburg.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

Sergei Bondarenko ordained as deacon

Praise God for Sergei Bondarenko, head of the ELCIR Pilgrimage Center, a 3rd-year student in the extramural bachelor’s degree program at the ELCIR Theological Institute, who was ordained into the Office of Deacon at the Lutheran Church of Koltushi, Leningrad Oblast, on Judgment Sunday November 26, 2023! We pray many will stand at the right hand of Christ through Sergei’s ministry. Blessings and wisdom to Sergei as he serves in the field of Christ!

“‘Therefore my people shall know my name. Therefore in that day they shall know that it is I who speak; here I am.’ How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.'” (Is. 52:6-7, ESV)

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

ELCIR soccer team takes 1st place!

On November 25, 2023, Kirovets Stadium in St. Petersburg hosted an Interfaith Soccer Tournament on the occasion of National Unity Day in Russia.

The ELCIR soccer team Severnaya Rys (“The Northern Lynx”) led by Dmitri Glechikov won 1st place! Congrats!

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Bishop Laptev meets with ROC Bishop Varnava

On November 24, 2023, Bishop Ivan Laptev of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia met with Bishop Varnava of Vyborg and Priozersk, The Russian Orthodox Church.

The two ecclesiastics discussed ways in which the two churches can work together in the ministry to young people and social causes. Bishop Ivan invited Bishop Varnava to learn about the educational work of the ELCIR and visit the ELCIR Theological Institute.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

Bishop Laptev and St. Anne’s members visit Kaliningrad Oblast, meet with Bishop Holzwert and volunteer movement

On November 23, 2023, ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev and a team from St. Anne’s Lutheran Church of St. Petersburg (Annenkirche) visited Kaliningrad Oblast. In the historical Groß Legitten Lutheran Church, the guests met with Bishop Sergei Holzwert of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia. Many thanks to Bishop Sergei for his warm welcome and the tour of the church and the parsonage!

Bishop Laptev and his companions also met with Svetlana Nazarova, one of the leaders of Khraniteli Ruin (“The Keepers of the Ruins”), a volunteer movement established in 2020 to study, tidy up and preserve valuable historical ruins in Kaliningrad Oblast. The movement members do this work as volunteers on ruined architectural heritage in former East Prussia such as Lutheran churches, castles, etc. dating back to the Middle Ages and later, making authorities and the public aware of the need to preserve and beautify those structures.

Finally, the Ingrian ministers visited the Cathedral of Kaliningrad, making prayer in the cathedral’s Evangelical Lutheran chapel. Chapel guide Waldemar Biss shared about the history of the place and the ministry that is carried out there today.

Thanks be to God for our brothers and sisters in Kaliningrad Oblast and the opportunity to spend time together and share experiences!

Photos by Kristina Shilova

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

Praise God for Sergei and Yelena Volkov who joined the Church through the rite of confirmation at the Lutheran Church of Nizhny Novgorod on November 19, 2023! Cordial congratulations!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

St. Anne’s Lutheran Church presents The Apocalypse Concert in Moscow

On November 15, 2023, St. Anne’s Lutheran Church of St. Petersburg (Annenkirche) presented a concert entitled “The Apocalypse” at the Int’l Business Center in Moscow, a.k.a. Moscow-City. The concert which was attended by ca. 400 listeners featured classical music performed by Orchestra 1703, comments by Rev. Yevgeni Raskatov, and media projections by Ruslan Nazyrov.

Photos by Nikolai Savelyev

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 08/12/2023

Volunteers winterize Vuoksenranta Church

On November 14-15, 2023, ELCIR volunteers with the priceless help of local residents from Ozyorskoye, Leningrad Oblast, sealed the doorways and window openings in the sanctuary area of the historical Vuoksenranta Lutheran Church recently turned over to the ELCIR.

Information courtesy of Rev. Aleksandr Kudryavtsev

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 16/11/2023

On November 15, 2023, the Moscow International Business Center, a.k.a. Moscow-City, hosted this year’s National Spiritual Meal organized with support from the Presidential Administration of Russia. The ELCIR is one of the founders and organizers of this large-scale event which gathered Christians of different denominations, politicians and civil society activists, businesspeople, diplomats and government officials. The main topics were spiritual peacemaking and people's diplomacy, creative activities as a ministry, and mission through arts and education.

The ELCIR was represented by ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev, ELCIR Chief Secretary Yevgeni Raskatov, Pastor Juha Saari and a team from Zerno Art Group based at St. Anne’s Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg (Annenkirche). They were responsible for the subpanel on arts and education, facilitated a roundtable discussion on the topic of “Mission through Arts and Education” and presented their missionary art projects. Also, the Meal participants had a chance to enjoy a short music recital and a contemporary Christian art exhibition, which were prepared by Zerno Art Group.

Such events as the National Spiritual Meal help develop and strengthen unity, peace and harmony in society and remind us of the most important Christian and human values. Praised be God for this opportunity to reach out with the Good News to a large audience, raise relevant issues and share experiences!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 16/11/2023

On November 14, 2023, Nevskaya Ratusha Business Center in St. Petersburg hosted an interdenominational forum entitled “The Traditional Family in the Context of Digital Transformation.” In his greeting speech at the plenary meeting, ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev talked about the abilities of religious organizations to help preserve families.

At subpanel meetings, Deacon Aleksei Kargaltsev, Cand. Sc. (History), and children’s minister Zinaida Lourié, Cand. Sc. (History), made a presentation on “The Traditional Family and Lutheran Child and Adult Nurture and Education.” Yevgenia Gavrilenko, head of the ELCIR Children and Youth Department, presented a stand board describing our Church’s family ministry.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 16/11/2023

From November 7-9, 2023, ELCIR ministers gathered for a retreat with Bishop Ivan Laptev in Kudama, Karelia. The retreat was organized by Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Petrozavodsk, Karelia.

The program included Bible studies taught by Bishop Laptev, prayer together and outdoor activities. The team also visited Martial Waters, Russia's first spa resort founded by the decree of Peter the Great. The building extant from the times of the original resort is St. Peter’s Orthodox Church, 1721.

Information courtesy of Rev. Valeri Antipov, ELCIR Southern Region dean

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Praise the Lord for Aleksandra who came into full communion with the Church through the rite of confirmation at the Lutheran Church of Zelenogorsk, St. Petersburg, on November 5, 2023! We wish our sister in Christ peace and joy as she continues her Christian journey! Thanks be to God for His unceasing care of His Church!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 16/11/2023

On November 4, 2023, the ELCIR Theological Institute hosted an Evening for Married Couples, which was held at the institute’s Leino Building. The topic of the meeting was “The Seven Keys to a Happy Marriage.”

The event gathered residents of Koltushi, Luga, Pskov, and St. Petersburg—more than 15 families with children who had a children’s special program prepared for them. Each couple brought some dainties for the tea time which made it even more homey.

Bishop Laptev who did his presentation in the form of dialogs touched on the most important aspects of married life and possible ways of overcoming crises from a biblical perspective. Each of the couples was given an opportunity to write a letter to one another and then discuss it between themselves.

May the Lord bless and strengthen (the) families!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 16/11/2023

Church growth in Siberia

It was a blessed Sunday on October 29, 2023, at St. Mary’s Lutheran Church of Irkutsk in eastern Siberia as Senior Pastor Albert Mazurenko performed the rite of confirmation for Andrei and Tatiana!

On the same day, Deacon Ivan Pavlovets administered the Sacrament of Holy Baptism to a child at the Lutheran Church of Sayansk, Irkutsk Oblast.

Praised be God!

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On November 3, 2023, the Lutheran Church of Kazan, Tatarstan, hosted a meeting of ELCIR Uralic Deanery ministers. The topics for discussion were congregational budgets and work plans. ELCIR Mission Dept. Secretary Yelena Kugappi explained how and why churches should apply for grants in written form and answered questions. Bishop Laptev participated online and presented a church self-sufficiency project idea.

Many thanks to all the participants in this meeting and we pray for all the ministers that God may give them wisdom, endurance and faith in the work of the ministry!

Information courtesy of Rev. Dean Artur Semyonov

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On November 2, 2023, Deacon Konstantin Kulalayev of the Lutheran Church in Tver visited Zhizn Social Home and had a pastoral conversation with its residents. The social home shelters people who have faced hardship. Many of them lost the meaning of life and see themselves as unneeded and rejected. To refute that, Deacon Konstantin dispelled the myth of anyone’s “unneededness” and told the men that God sees every person as important just as every person needs Jesus.

Zhizn Social Home is taken care of by Tver church members Mikhail and Yelizaveta Medvedev. Currently, the shelter houses 18 persons. Zhizn Home would gratefully appreciate any support by caring Christians. This would enable the shelter to create living conditions for people who have found themselves in a difficult situation.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On November 1, 2023, Andrei Chibis, Governor of Murmansk Oblast, awarded Senior Pastor Aleksandr Volchok of the Lutheran Church in Murmansk the commemorative medal “85 Years of Murmansk Oblast” for his contribution to the strengthening of interethnic and interfaith relationships. The awarding ceremony took place at the Center for Regional Governance of the Murmansk Oblast Government. We’d like to give cordial congratulations to Pastor Aleksandr on receiving the award and we pray God's further blessing upon the proclamation of Christ on the Kola Peninsula!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On November 1, 2023, heads of religious organizations gave birthday greetings to Aleksandr Drozdenko, Governor of Leningrad Oblast. ELCIR Bishop Laptev wished Mr. Drozdenko God’s guidance and help in his demanding service as the region’s head.

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:1-4, ESV)

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On Reformation Day October 31, 2023, the Lutheran Church of Segezha, Karelia, held a reception, gathering Christians from different local churches, namely, Pentecostals, Cornerstone Church, and Baptists, in order to meet, fellowship, pray for Christian unity, sing and have tea together. Rev. Vitali Luchagov, senior pastor of Segezha Lutheran and dean of the ELCIR Northern Deanery, preached a sermon about the Reformation. Thanks be to God for the enjoyable first-in-a-long-time meeting of Christian denominations in town!

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

Recent confirmations

Praise God for new ELCIR members who came into full fellowship with the Church through the Rite of Confirmation:

Ivan, St. Mary’s Lutheran Cathedral, St. Petersburg, October 8

Ludmila and Yana, Tyrö Lutheran Church of St. John, Lomonosov, St. Petersburg, October 22

Pavel and Galina, Lutheran Church of Rzhev, October 22

Yulia, St. Anne’s Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg, October 22

Archil and Yelizaveta, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Moscow, October 29

Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On October 29, 2023, the village of Chalna in Karelia celebrated its 75th anniversary. Deacon Anton Rudoi from the ELCIR was invited as a guest of honor to the celebration activities at the local community center. In his greetings, Deacon Anton noted that the Lutheran church has been serving the community for more than a third of the time the village has existed. He encouraged everyone to keep the hope for God’s help in whatever circumstances.

Valentina Tadinen, a member of the Lutheran congregation in Chalna, received a letter of gratitude from Karelia’s Ministry of Ethnic and Regional Policy for her contribution to the village’s cultural life. Mrs. Tadinen was confirmed as a Lutheran in August 2023.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On October 28, 2023, eight ELCIR members took a mission & diaconal trip to Kachanovo, Pskov Oblast. The team included Rev. Aleksandr Kudryavtsev, ELCIR property manager, and Tuyana Yantsanova, head of ELCIR diaconal ministry. The pastor celebrated a worship service at the chapel in the Lutheran cemetery. The team visited Natalia Gorskaya, village activist and director of Aist (“The Stork”) Nonprofit Organization, and brought clothing and food aid to low-income volunteers and large families involved in the improvement of the village.

Local residents hope that one day the old historical Lutheran church building in the village gets an owner, doesn’t turn to ruin, has God’s Word proclaimed in it and serves again as a Lutheran worship place. As the village has been depopulating from year to year, a revived Lutheran church might be a reason for someone to move to live in Kachanovo.

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On October 26, 2023, ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev attended the official opening of a unique Christian TV studio called Blagaya Vest (“The Good News”) in Medvezhi Ozyora, Moscow Oblast.

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Welcome to a virtual reality tour of St. Anne’s Lutheran Church (Annenkirche) in St. Petersburg! Click here and walk up on the main stairway, look into the chapel, move around in the worship area and see the exhibits of the Passion Exhibition which took place during the Easter period! The tour was created by TiverGroup.


For those interested in Lutheran resources in the Russian language, since October 24, 2023 the Lutheran Church of Tver has re-opened its online library at its recently reconstructed website Thanks be to God for the congregation enhancing its ministry in the internet!

Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

By a court ruling, the historical church building of the former Lutheran parish in Vuoksenranta, now Ozyorskoye, Leningrad Oblast, has been turned over to the ELCIR. As the building is prepared for the winter, its basement windows and possibly doors need to be sealed before snowfall. Tentatively, church people plan to get together to do the work in mid-November.

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On October 17, 2023, ordained and lay ministers of the Lutheran Church in Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast, met with ELCIR Bishop Ivan Laptev and ELCIR St. Petersburg Region Dean Ivan Hutter. Together, they discussed possible ways the congregation could cooperate with The Center for Protestant Culture and History, a nonprofit organization.

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On October 17, 2023, Deacon Konstantin Kulalayev of the Lutheran Church in Tver paid the first of his scheduled friendly visits to Christian congregations in the town and its region. The first congregation the minister visited was Tver’s congregation of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. The deacon was introduced to the church and met its servants and preachers. The parties agreed to stay in friendly contact.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On October 15, 2023, Daniil Andreyev was installed into the ministry of catechist at the Lutheran Church of Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast. The church’s senior pastor Vladimir Dorodni, pastors Dmitri Rozet and Roman Sukharev officiated at the installation service. Congratulations to the new church servant and the whole congregation!

Photos by Yelena Polevina

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On October 14, 2023, sixth-graders from School #5 in Priozersk visited Kaukola Lutheran Church of St. John in Sevastyanovo, Leningrad Oblast.

Senior Pastor Viktor Ruzhinski gave the school students a tour of the church. They also saw the church’s exhibition which talks about the several centuries of its history. The kids went up on the church's viewing platform and bell tower. The visit closed with a short field hockey match on the church’s land and a tea party in the guest house.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On October 13, 2023, the 35th Synod (Convention) of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia convened in St. Petersburg.

Greetings came from Archbishop Tapio Luoma of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland; Bishop Tiit Salumäe of The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church; Archbishop Vladimir Provorov of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia; Bishop Jaroslav Javorník of The Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia; Daniel Nummela and Teijo Peltola, Folk Mission Evangelical Lutheran Association (Kansanlähetys), Finland; Jukka Kääriäinen and Tapio Pokka, Kylväjä Mission Society, Finland; Ville Auvinen, Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland (SLEY), Finland; Antero Rasilainen, Evangelical Mission Society (ELY), Finland; Vladimir Ivanov, Dept. for Relations with Religious Associations, Administration of St. Petersburg; Auxiliary Bishop Nikolai Dubinin of the Mother of God Roman Catholic Archdiocese in Moscow; Pavel Khramov, consistory secretary, The Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Photo credit: Liliann Keskinen

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

From October 11-13, 2023, Expoforum Congress & Exhibition Center in St. Petersburg hosted the 16th international forum “The Senior Generation.” The annual forum is a venue which demonstrates to the senior generation and other people that an eventful and interesting life is possible at any age. The project seeks to involve older people in modern life, accumulate new ideas and find likeminded people. It gathers social workers, experts and family members who work to create a comfortable environment for the elderly. The ELCIR presented its social project—a network of Christian mercy houses. Bishop Laptev shared about the spiritual aspect of the work at those nursing homes and how it affects the quality of the residents’ life. Many thanks to project director Maksim Pavlyuchenkov, all mercy houses' staff members and volunteers for the preparation and participation in this significant event!

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For almost a year, Karelia State TV & Radio Company has been broadcasting TV music programs with Artur Soitu performing Christian songs and talking about faith in God. The shows are shot in the Finnish language at the Lutheran Church of Kondopoga, Karelia, and aired on TV with Russian subtitles. Soitu is a noted missionary, author and performer of Christian songs and lyrics translator.

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Photos from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia's post 06/11/2023

On October 7, 2023, winners of a contest held by the Russian Religious Studies Society as well as several students of religions from Herzen University visited worship buildings and outreach activities of different religions in St. Petersburg. The places they visited included the Creation Exhibition at St. Anne’s Lutheran Church (a.k.a. Annenkirche) and the Apocalypse Exhibition at Brusnitsyn Culture Quarters, a new exhibition and concert venue in St. Petersburg.

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Videos (show all)

Yekaterina Wilhelm & Ivan Potyanov perform at Erzia Museum, Saransk, Mordovia. May 21, 2022.
ER-10 Café, Anna Pomogayet Charity Cluster Project, St. Petersburg, Russia
Raduysya, zemle ("Rejoice, O Earth!") The choir of Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church of Toksovo, Leningrad Oblast, Rus...
"Baby Jesus." Children's choir of Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church of Toksovo, Leningrad Oblast, Russia. December 20,...
"Silent Night." The Feast of the Nativity at St. Mary Magdalene Lutheran Church of Primorsk, Leningrad Oblast, Russia.
Christmas Eve 2020 at the Lutheran Church of Kem in Rabocheostrovsk, Karelia, NW Russia
Christmas Eve 2020 at Ascension of Christ Lutheran Church of Kondopoga, Karelia, NW Russia
Sunday School Students, Lutheran Church, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia



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Российская Ассоциация буддистов школы Карма Кагью Российская Ассоциация буддистов школы Карма Кагью
Saint Petersburg, 196068

Мы приветствуем вас на странице Российской Ассоциации буддистов традиции Карма Кагью.

Хоральная синагога Петербурга Хоральная синагога Петербурга
Лермонтовский пр-кт 2
Saint Petersburg, 190121

Ближайшие мероприятия и курсы

The Anglican Church in St Petersburg, Russia The Anglican Church in St Petersburg, Russia
Ground-floor Chapel, Petrikirche, 22-24 Nevsky Prospekt
Saint Petersburg, 191186

Serving Europe's 4th largest city with Anglican worship since 1723 A family friendly church with we