The Reiki Association

The Reiki Association is a not for profit association and part of the worldwide Reiki community that From the memorial stone of Mikao Usui.

Founder of Reiki Natural Healing-Usui Shiki Ryoho, a translation reads:
"The Reiki method is not only for curing illness, its true purpose is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities human beings were endowed with since birth." We have a council of six directors of The Reiki Association who oversee the working of the Association - read mo


Welcome to 2024!

As we enter the beginning days of this new year of 2024 let’s take some time to consider what we would like to bring forward with us and what is for our highest good to leave in the past.

A new year brings a wonderful opportunity to reset with new intentions to help create the energy we wish to hold in the world. Let’s take the time now to vision in some plans to being more joy, peace, love and gratitude into our lives and our world.

Thanks for joining our monthly Reiki circle with Grainne Warner live or through the recording under videos. All are welcome in our monthly circle on the first Thursday of each month.

Remember that together we become more than our individual selves, amplifying Reiki out into the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle.


Happy New Year!
Whatever the universe has in store for you, we hope it's magical!
Sending you Reiki Love. 💖🙏💖
The Reiki Association


wir wollen
die sterne

so wie
sie fallen

jeder wunsch
ein fest

marcus brühl
(spielzeug, 2006)

Frohe Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Joyeuse Noël!
Щасливого Різдва!
Feliz Natal!
¡Feliz Navidad!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Счастливого Рождества!
Glædelig jul!
Buon Natale!
חג מולד שמח!
Wesołych Świąt!


🎄A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at The Reiki Association.


A Christmas Wish from the Reiki Association.


Only registers accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) can use the Quality Mark. The Quality Mark is a quick and easy way to spot someone who is guaranteed to meet high standards of care. Find out more here:


Thanks for joining our Reiki circle with Grainne Warner live or through the recording later under videos. All are welcome as we continue to meet on the first Thursday of each month.
Peace inside of ourselves is one of the greatest gifts we can give our world today to help balance all the turmoil surrounding us.
Our circle sits together in peace, healing the parts of ourselves that are not at peace and expanding peace to every cell of our being on every level. Doing this means we radiate our inner peace out into the world, infecting others with peace, for the highest good of all.
Remember that together we become more than our individual selves, amplifying Reiki out into the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle and all are welcome.


For its practitioners, Reiki is a spiritual and healing practice. In medical settings, the holistic care of patients is at the core of integrative healthcare programmes.

In this webinar, together with experts in the care of the sick and dying, we will discuss the many ways Reiki practitioners can play an integral part in the quality of patients’ spiritual care.

Also, we will show how specialist professional courses and training can prepare practitioners for this sensitive and demanding work wherever you are in the world.


Thanks for joining our monthly Reiki circle with Grainne Warner live or through the recording under videos. All are welcome.
We mark All Souls day or Halloween this week when the veils between worlds are very thin.
In our Reiki tradition we honour our parents, teachers and elders. We take time to remember those who’ve gone before us - family, teachers, friends, community. Let’s remember them with love and gratitude, forgiving and being forgiven, honouring their journey and the part they have played in ours.
Together in circle we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle.

Reiki Stories with Joyce Winough including the Hawayo Takata Archives 23/10/2023

Reiki Master Joyce Winough, who attended our wonderful gathering last weekend, is presenting a day of Reiki stories about Hawayo Takata, Phyllis Furumoto and Helen Haberly which will include some of the Takata Archive photos. It's open to all Reiki students - Sunday 5th November near Oxford Street, Central London. Joyce is also facilitating a special Reiki II day in Romford, East London on Saturday 4th November, sharing stories of Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Furumoto's Reiki II teachings. Each day is £90 and tickets are available on Eventbrite (see the link) If you would like to attend both days it's £150. Please dm Grainne Warner for details.

Reiki Stories with Joyce Winough including the Hawayo Takata Archives A day with Joyce Winough who will share stories about Hawayo Takata, including archive photos and about Phyllis Furumoto and Helen Haberly.


We are thrilled to let you know about a special Reiki II day with Reiki Master Joyce Winough in Romford, East London Saturday 4th November, sharing stories of Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Furumoto's Reiki II teachings. Cost £90 via the Eventbrite link below.
There is also a day of Reiki stories including some of the Takata Archives open to all Reiki students on Sunday 5th November near Oxford Street, Central London, also for £90.
If you would like to attend both days it's £150 payable direct to Grainne Warner. Please dm for details.
All are welcome.


An invitation to join our monthly Reiki circle, to be in Reiki together (live or through the recording under videos).
Earth is always changing, from one season to the next as we go through the yearly cycles, through birth, life, death and decay to rebirth. In the northern hemisphere we are entering Autumn and as Earth moves in the annual cycle, people also welcome the arrival of Spring in the southern half of our planet. The whole is in balance.
Let’s feel where we are in the seasons of our lives, what we are letting go of to allow us to prepare the ground for the new to enter, where the place of balance is for us.
Thanks for joining our Reiki circle with Grainne Warner. We continue to meet on the first Thursday of each month. Together we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle. All are welcome.


Thanks for joining our monthly Reiki circle live or through the recording under videos.
We’re in the last days of summer now opening into autumn and the nights are starting to draw in for all in the northern hemisphere. Many are returning to school after the summer holidays, both adults and children. Now that we have rested (did we?), is there something we would like to focus on learning in our own lives?
What excites us and gives us joy that would be fun to learn more about?
Is there a skill or talent that we’ve dropped during our lives that we would like to explore again?
Would we like to deepen a practice bringing a spiritual element into it?
It’s never too late to learn, to grow, to develop new skills. We gather together in our circle asking Reiki to help guide us in the next lessons for us and to bring in the joy of learning.
Thanks for joining our Facebook live Reiki circle with Grainne Warner. We continue to meet on the first Thursday of each month. Together we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle. All are welcome.


New members Coffee Morning – 26th August 11am BST
All new members are invited to attend a virtual coffee morning. This is an informal space to share reiki with other new members and some of our Council. Discover what the Association has to offer. This invite extends to members who have joined in the last 6 months.
Follow the link to join:

Photos from The Reiki Association's post 11/08/2023

I love trees and always have done. You'll find me talking and connecting with them like the Ents in story books. Sometimes I want to touch, other times I just want to sit under it's branches. I feel calm and cosy there. This is me, on holiday, my second home, the Island of Ibiza. Having heard of the raging fires that are making their way across parts of Hawaii I felt I just wanted to share my thoughts. I will be sending Reiki to the trees, the earth and the Islands of Hawaii. With our strong lineage connection to Mrs Takata and Hawaii I just feel called to be consciously sending Reiki to the area. Let Mother Earth know we are together and standing with her. So for this week and as long as I feel called to, I will go and find a tree and connect with with it. Letting the networks of roots communicate with each other, knowing that the Reiki Love will find it's way to Hawaii and do what it needs to do in order to heal and restore the earth we walk upon.

I know many of us fellow Reiki friends are away on holiday and it may be tricky to connect online but if you find a moment to do the same, to help supercharge the trees and the earth, I welcome you to join me... Whenever you feel called to.

Much love and gratitude, Ahn 💖🙏💖


At the moment our weather includes lots of rain after all the heat and dryness of the early summer. With our longing for the summer sun, we can feel it’s always raining but of course the sun is always there behind the clouds. In stormy times, suddenly the sun can appear, and the magic of the rainbow reminds us to always look on the bright side of life.
We sit together in Reiki in our circle asking Reiki to help strengthen our hope and resilience to get through the stormy times.
Thanks for joining our Facebook live Reiki circle with Grainne Warner. Together we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle. All are welcome.


The Reiki Association invites you to a free online Reiki session to promote wellbeing. Anybody who would like to benefit from Reiki is welcome – Reiki students as well as people who are not Reiki students. Everyone who joins the session will receive Distant Reiki treatment for 20 minutes.
Date: First Thursday of each month, August 3rd 2023
Time: 10 am to 11 am, UK time
Reiki students are invited to practise Reiki with us. Reiki 1 students can join in with self-treatment. Reiki 2 students & Reiki Masters can join in with the distant Reiki treatment.
If you are not a Reiki student, you can simply be with us and receive Reiki healing.
You will need to subscribe to TRA newsletter email for non-members, to receive the invitation with the link.

Please feel free to invite others who may be interested in receiving Reiki healing.

Please visit our website for more information and to subscribe


As humans we are social beings and we are at our happiest connecting with friends and family, human or otherwise! This is the time of year to be out and about, physically meeting others to share connection and love, creating beautiful memories together e.g. a walk to our favourite tree or a meal with family and friends.
We come together in our circle and ask Reiki to strengthen our capacity to connect with ourselves and others in a heartfelt and loving way.
Reiki is unconditional love. Together we strengthen love for all living beings in the world.
Thanks for joining our Facebook live Reiki circle with Grainne Warner. Together we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle. All are welcome.

The Importance of Self Care for Reiki Practitioners 12/06/2023

The Importance of Self Care for Reiki Practitioners Join Reiki Master Kate Jones at this useful online seminar about the importance of looking after ourselves and how it can affect success as Reiki practitioners.

Spring Newsletter 02/06/2023

Spring Newsletter Stay up to date on what we have planned this spring!     June Newsletter Update OGM in Flight A selfie on our way from Montevideo to Sao Paulo. A First Fun for us! Please click on link below to see re


June marks the halfway point of the year with the start of the new season and the turning of solstice.
In times of change it’s important to stay in the present moment connecting with what is and letting go of any worries about the future. In the northern hemisphere we welcome the arrival of summer balanced by the arrival of Autumn in the southern part of the planet.
Let’s connect with the sun, the source of light and life on our Earth and strengthen ourselves with Reiki to hold love and light in the world.
Thanks for joining our Reiki circle with Grainne Warner. Together we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle. All are welcome


Time spent with Takata Master Rick Bockner is always precious. Thank you Grainne and Rick for bringing this to us each month. 🙏

Reiki II Circle - Show Gratitude to Every Living Thing
with Rick Bockner & Gráinne Warner
Wednesday, May 31 - 9:00 - 10:15 am PDT

These monthly circles on the last Wednesday of each month offer an opportunity to send Reiki to each other and to topics and requests within the circle. Our time together is as much about self-care to strengthen us as about sending distant Reiki to others – a way of showing gratitude to every living thing. Each circle closes with a guided sending from Rick and is open to everyone.

Last Wednesday of the month
9:00 - 10:15 am PDT

Join here:

Meeting ID: 848 0987 3978
Passcode: 723633


Springtime is often associated with new beginnings, with buds bursting into colour and lambs leaping. It’s a great time to cultivate new ideas and intentions.

Responding to this theme of change, our articles for this edition focus on how Reiki practitioners have adapted their practice since the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes personal stories about seeding new ideas, building community and working with Reiki energy in many facets of life. We’ve also included a good dose of painting and song, thrown in to help celebrate the turning of the wheel.


May is a time for creativity!
Nature is at its most verdant now, with flowers blooming which we will harvest in the future. We know Reiki enhances our natural gifts, connects us more deeply with the interconnectivity of all life and enables us to shine more light and love in the world.
Let’s explore the flowers of creativity wanting to bloom inside of each of us and that are the foundation for the fruits of our labour in the future.
Let’s explore what is wanting nourishment inside us so that we become stronger and more fruitful in the world.
Thanks for joining our Facebook live Reiki circle with Grainne Warner. Together we become more than our individual selves amplifying Reiki in the world. You are welcome to share the video further expanding the circle. Everyone attending live and watching the replay is included in the circle. All are welcome.

Webinar: The Path from Informal to Professional Practitioner Seminar 27/04/2023

This event is open to non-members and registration is now open for Wednesday, 31st May 2023, 7pm BST

Webinar: The Path from Informal to Professional Practitioner Seminar Reiki Master Kate Jones presents a series of seminars especially for Reiki practitioners to explore the path to becoming a professional Reiki practitioner


Usui Shiki Ryoho Meister-Intensiv Seminar ‚Usui I‘
Mit Johannes Reindl, Paul Mitchell und Joyce Winough

> 11.-15. November 2023 in Rösrath, bei Köln
> Intensivkurs für Reiki-Meister und -Lehrer aller Reiki-Richtungen
> Mit durchgängiger Übersetzung ins Deutsche
> Vier Übernachtungen im DZ oder EZ im Tagungshotel, inklusive Verpflegung

Es geht um eine gemeinsame Reflexion und Annäherung an „Die Form von Reiki“, anhand der Vier Aspekte und Neun Elemente wie von Phyllis Furumoto auf den Punkt gebracht … und von Hunderten von Reiki-Meistern seitdem weiter reflektiert und diskutiert. Und darum, wie ich, als einzelner Reiki-Meister bzw. -Lehrer, dazu stehe.

Über die Vier Aspekte: Reiki ist eine Heilmethode * persönliche Entwicklung * eine spirituelle Disziplin * bildet eine mystische Gemeinschaft *

Zu den Neun Elementen gehören u.a. Einweihung * Symbole * Lebensregeln * Behandlungen * die Reiki-Geschichte

Johannes Reindl ist seit dem Tod von Phyllis Furumoto 2019 der Träger der Linie des Usui Shiki Ryoho. Teil des OGM sind Paul Mitchell, ausgebildet von Hawayo Takata in den 1970er Jahren, mit 45 Jahren Lebenserfahrung als Reiki-Meister, und Joyce Winough, in den 1980er Jahren in Reiki eingeweiht, Reiki-Meisterin seit 2002 und Lebenspartnerin von Phyllis Furumoto bis zu deren Tod 2019.

Veranstaltungsort: GenoHotel Rösrath, bei Köln

Weitere Infos, Klärung von Fragen & Anmeldung über:
Hedi Lorson
E-Mail: [email protected]

Sowie HIER mit weitergehenden Informationen und Anmeldung zu dieser Veranstaltung:

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Our Story

From the memorial stone of Mikao Usui. Founder of Reiki Natural Healing-Usui Shiki Ryoho, a translation reads:
"The Reiki method is not only for curing illness, its true purpose is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities human beings were endowed with since birth."

We have a council of up to six directors of The Reiki Association who oversee the working of the Association - read more about the current people on Council and other members of staff on the Council and Staff page of the website.

Social Media editor: Feona Gray

Social Media Admin: Kit Ford-Young, Peter Coates, Claire Prendergast-Johnson, Sandra Hunnisett, Kate Jones

Our Facebook Terms of Use:
This page is a Community page and as such is intended to provide an environment for Reiki folk in the UK and around the world to enjoy networking. Comments from those outside the worldwide Reiki community which are not considered to be in the spirit of this community will be removed. There are many other discussion platforms for non-Reiki folk to enjoy airing their views.

Videos (show all)

A new year, bringing new energy!
Happy New Year!.Whatever the universe has in store for you, we hope it's magical!.Sending you Reiki Love. 💖🙏💖.The Reiki ...
🎄A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at The Reiki Association.
Holding peace with all our might as a gift to ourselves and the world.
The changing of the seasons
Back to School!
The rainbow after the rain
Making heart connections
Reiki circle - The changing seasons – holding balance in the world
Letting our flowers blossom to enjoy the fruits of our harvest
Honouring Earth for Earth Day
Let’s grow in Reiki


No Street Address

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