British Assistive Technology Association

Uniting voices for assistive technology progress in the UK To provide expert and impartial support and advice to government departments and agencies.

BATA exists to promote the use of Assistive Technology in the UK

To campaign for the rights and interests of those needing Assistive Technology. To educate and inform widely on the benefits of Assistive Technology. To promote British Assistive Technology products and expertise at home and overseas. To develop the professionalism of those working with Assistive Technology through codes of practice, education, qualifications, accreditation, certification and networking.


With GCSE and A-level results looming, we want to remind every student, parent, and teacher, especially those within the disability community, that your results are just one part of your story—not the whole story.

Your value is not determined by a set of grades, but by your courage, your resilience, and the unique perspectives you bring to the world.

Whether your results are what you hoped for or not, remember that they do not define your potential or your future. There are countless paths to success, and each step you take, no matter the direction, is a step forward.

Disability Rights UK has a dedicated results day page with lots of helpful advice and direction:


Did you know?

- The number of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in England has risen by 101,000.

- An additional 18,900 pupils have an EHC plan in primary school, the largest increase in plans since 2023.

- 13.6% of pupils in England have SEN but no EHC plan.

The point here is that the numbers continue to rise across the board. More of our young people continue to have vital educational needs that must be adequately met with appropriate provisions such as assistive technology or reasonable adjustments but there are still many barriers to overcome to achieve inclusive education.

Here at BATA, our wide range of member organisations provide support and guidance to help educators and parents find the help and support their young people need.

We also have free resources, like our Power of AT videos, to provide ideas for assistive technology implementation in schools.

You can find out more about our members here:

You can download the PoAT videos and get more information here:


With the Olympics in full swing, we’re reminded of a recent conversation with the RNIB’s Richard Holmes about their See Sport Differently Campaign, and how everyone in society deserves to participate in activity and movement, whether or not they have a disability. You can watch the video snippet below.

Are you part of an organisation that helps people with disabilities access sports and use the gym? We’d love to hear more from you! Comment below to keep the conversation moving.


Do you know about BATA’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs)? We wanted to shine a spotlight on some of the amazing work that these groups have been doing over the past few months through their webinars.

- Our Global Trade SIG, led by Reeza Awoodun, has fostered insightful conversations with overseas organisations and educators to talk about AT practices and challenges.

- Our Research SIG, led by Rohan Slaughter, has started exploring the potential for research on certain types of AT to benefit neurodiverse learners.

- Our Workplace SIG, led by Joe Mitchell, had its first meeting to discuss all things inclusive in employment.

- Our Education SIG, led by Myles Pilling, had another productive meeting explaining the power of multidisciplinary teams to support SEN in education.

- Our Visual Impairment SIG, led by Richard Holmes, and our Publishers SIG, led by Sam C**k, joined forces to discuss website accessibility best practices.

We have lots more SIG webinars planned over the coming months. Take a look on our website to find out more:

Photos from Bright Futures Care's post 12/07/2024

What do we mean when we talk about Disability Awareness? We want to acknowledge and educate ourselves and others about the different disabilities that people live with. We want engage in active conversation about people’s experiences and listen to what we can do better to promote equity and independence.

We also want to see more representation and inclusion across education, in workplaces, and for important, enjoyable activities such as sports, music, and performing arts.

Warrington Disability Partnership is hosting a fantastic Disability Awareness Day on Sunday 14th July, with a dedicated Sports Zone, Performing Arts Marquee, Silent Disco, and main Exhibition space to promote ‘Independence through Life & Work’. You can find all information at this link:


Do you know what the different colours of the Disability Pride flag represent?

Green: sensory disabilities
Blue: emotional and psychiatric disabilities
White: non-visible or undiagnosed disabilities
Gold: neurodiversity
Red: physical disabilities

Many of BATA’s member organisations support individuals from at least one colour of the flag, and throughout July we’ll aim to highlight how assistive technology helps people living with different disabilities.

We’re here to build better awareness, address ongoing challenges, and celebrate inspiring success stories.

Photos from British Assistive Technology Association's post 03/07/2024

Ready to rock our AGM!


This is DeafBlind Awareness Week, and we’re using our voice to help spread awareness of how everyday life can be affected for someone with any degree of sight and hearing loss.

Deafblind UK has some fantastic resources on their website, which you can find here:

They’re also running a webinar today at 2pm for local authorities to highlight legal obligations as part of the Care Act 2014:


Awareness is the first step in making positive changes for the learning disability community. We want to develop conversations with and on behalf of people with learning disabilities, with teachers, peers, employers, work colleagues, and organisations who share our goal to help people live more inclusive, independent lives.

Please like and share this post if you found it helpful.

Photos from British Assistive Technology Association's post 14/06/2024

Loneliness Awareness Week has been highlighting how acts of connection encourage everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments to help us feel happier and less lonely.

We wanted to highlight how assistive technology plays an integral part in fostering connections for those with disabilities, neurodivergence, and our older generations. We haven’t covered everything, so if there’s something else you’d like to add, please do so in the comments!


Parents, children, spouses, family members, friends. It can be hard to remove the emotional element and add a label to the care and support you’re providing everyday for someone. As part of Carers Week 2024, Carers Worldwide is highlighting the increasing pressure on unpaid carers and campaigning for their recognition and support.

We know there are so many of you within the disability community who this affects, physically, mentally, and financially.

Carers UK has advice and helpful resources on their website that you can find here:


Why is BATA highlighting Global Running Day? Just as assistive technology helps so many children to learn alongside peers, enables people to thrive in their careers, and assists individuals in accessing essential daily services, so too does AT mean a more inclusive enjoyment of exercise and movement for people with disabilities.

Here are some points we wanted to communicate today:

- Getting out in fresh air and feeling like you’re part of a social community is hugely important for mental wellbeing. Running in all forms provides this and can be beneficial to a better quality of life for people with disabilities.

- When we ask and understand the individual hurdles each runner with a disability may face, we can work together to help make relevant adjustments.

- Everyone has the right to access and enjoy sport and exercise. Many local events and clubs provide support for assisted running and encourage people to speak up and find out more. We’re not at the point of complete inclusivity and accommodation yet, but with continued conversation we can get there.

- Parkrun is a disability friendly event, with frame runners, wheelchair users, and visually impaired supported runners taking part each week.

To find out more about assisted running, check out this article by Women’s Running that lists some of the amazing work of local organisations to improve running accessibility:


“Access to assistive technology transforms lives”. On this first World Assistive Technology Day, we want to share this wonderfully uplifting campaign from UnlockTheEveryday, showing how AT enables everyone to fulfil their potential. Have a look at all the Unlock The Everyday resources at this link:


Sign up for the BATA Bitesize Bulletin to get monthly information delivered straight to your inbox on what's happening within the AT industry. Simply click on this link to fill in a few details:


Sometimes it’s hard to keep conversations going, and you might feel like your voice isn’t heard. But together we can make more noise about accessibility and the changes we want to happen. Global Accessibility Awareness Day may be over, but that’s no reason to stop advocating for better access to assistive technology, and more awareness around how we can respect family, friends, students, and colleagues when it comes to equal access.

There are lots of free online resources to support this. Take a look at AbilityNet’s suggestions here:

If you’re in education and want to join our free Teachers for AT platform to share your knowledge, visit our initiatives page here:

Change Technology


The word ‘accessibility’ will mean something slightly different to each person, but for us, at the heart of it is always that fundamental right to communicate and be heard.

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day,BATA Director, Nicole Michael, is joining a webinar hosted by the British Council in Bahrain to discuss the power and potential of assistive technology to better support disabled people in educational and work contexts.

Tell us in the comments below, how are you marking Global Accessibility Awareness Day?


We wanted to highlight some worrying stats as part of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week, and ask the question, ‘how can we change this?’

It often starts with more awareness and communication and coming together to make small improvements that will hopefully lead to bigger, more permanent ones for things such as better access to reasonable adjustments. After all, it’s a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT.

The NHS Employers website has some fantastic resources, content, and events planned throughout this week. Check it all out at this link:

See Sport Differently 13/05/2024

Today starts Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is "Movement: Moving more for mental health". We absolutely love RNIB’s See Sport Differently campaign, encouraging people with sight loss to get active and enjoy movement, in an inclusive, accessible way. You can watch it here:

See Sport Differently Blind or partially sighted people are less likely to be active than those without sight loss. We want to change that. Are you ready to See Sport Differently?


This week as part of Deaf Awareness Week, we’ve been reading new research by the RNID on public attitudes towards deaf people and those with hearing loss. It’s a hugely emotive piece and once again shines the spotlight on how people with disabilities experience inequality and exclusion.

Give it a read here and learn why it does matter to allow everyone the chance to communicate and be heard:

The Power Of AT: Strategies For Inclusive Classrooms - TeachingTimes 03/05/2024

Our Education SIG chair, Myles Pilling, has written this piece for Teaching Times, highlighting how assistive tech can positively impact the classroom and promote inclusive learning. Give it a read, like and share! 💜

The Power Of AT: Strategies For Inclusive Classrooms - TeachingTimes Assistive technology (AT) makes a world of difference for children with SEND. Myles Pilling provides an overview of common AT solutions and what they bring to the classroom.


Did you know? Nine in ten parents of disabled children say their child’s level of physical activity is important to them. Yet, less than half of parents with disabled children feel they have enough support to help their child to be active. This week is National Physical Education and Sport Week, and we wanted to highlight the importance of children with disabilities being able to access sport and the benefits that go with it.

This report from Activity Alliance highlights some stark realities, as well as potential support services for parents of children with disabilities: #:~:text=One%20third%20of%20disabled%20children,per%20day%20during%20term%20time).


BATA’s mission is to unite voices for progress in assistive technology for disabled and older people, so that everyone can fulfil their potential and have a better quality of life.

Throughout April - stress awareness month - you’ve been highlighting the challenges of living with a disability that could give rise to stress in the classroom, in the workplace, and throughout daily life.

We firmly believe that by starting conversations within the AT community we will be able to share knowledge, promote understanding, and foster a wider sense of belonging.

With BATA’s support, a problem shared can become a problem halved. Sign up to our regular updates and newsletter to learn about some of the fantastic resources and events offered by our member organisations that help support the AT sector. Simply register your details at this link


In the UK, over 70% of students with neurodiversity are in mainstream schools, struggling to get the support they need to learn with their peers. The rest are home educated, or completely out of education.

Last week, BATA’s Education Special Interest Group explored how tools such as virtual environments for learning may assist those students that battle with the stress of a classroom, or are isolated through remote learning.

📑You can read our blog at this link:


How do you feel when you see these statistics? Maybe you’re a parent, an educator, perhaps someone within the wider learning disability community trying to help make a difference to young, struggling learners?

💜When we create a greater awareness and understanding of the different tools that could help nurture our young people in a learning environment, we start the process for positive change.

BATA set up the Teachers for AT initiative as a supportive platform for all educators to share knowledge and information around AT in education and issues still faced. And whilst we can’t change past attitudes and larger funding issues that have negatively impacted classrooms everywhere, we can take back some control by talking to one another and building a community that can make a difference to future SEND pupils.

🔗Learn more about Teachers for AT by following the link in our bio.


What does the word ‘hope’ mean to you? For us, it’s the prospect of levelling the learning field for future generations by providing the assistive technology they need to thrive.

As April is the National Month of Hope, we want to open up conversation about what hope might look like to you, whether you’re an educator or someone within the AT industry.

BATA’s Power of AT impact project has allowed us to listen to stories of hope and fulfilment in education through the use of assistive technology.

🔗You can get free access at this link:


Are you surprised to learn that people with learning disabilities can be more affected by stress and mental health problems, and this is something that is often overlooked and mis-diagnosed?

BATA is all about getting voices heard, and we'd love to hear your stories of challenges and triumphs overcoming stress as someone who has, or supports learning disabilities. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or send us a private message.


We need to be more proactive in addressing the barriers to work for people with autism. This includes providing the support necessary to gain skills for employment, helping to better educate potential employers, and providing adjustments for long-term, fulfilling work to develop and nurture our whole society.

Are you autistic and in employment? Tell us about your experiences here. Or maybe you’re an employer trying to help create more employment equality. We want to hear YOUR stories.


Reserve your spot today! On Tuesday 16th April BATA will host a significant conversation on how remote learning has impacted academic progress, specifically for pupils with SEND. We’ll also explore the role of Assistive Technology, how it can support off-site learning, and the challenges that schools, teachers, parents, and students still face.

If you’re an educator who wants to be actively involved in the conversation for change, then register today to secure your online spot. 🔗Simply click on the link in bio.


You wouldn’t group different neurodivergent individuals under one umbrella, so why would you do the same when referring to Assistive Technology? Just as each Neurodivergent experiences their own symptoms, challenges, and triumphs, so too is each piece of AT developed uniquely to help in different ways.

Here are just some examples of the types of AT that can support neurodiversity, giving more people the chance to listen, learn, communicate, and be seen, in any environment.


💫Thinking differently is your superpower.

Your ability to think in spirals, zigzags, and leaps can illuminate paths unseen to others.

So, how can Assistive technology be a powerful ally for people with neurodiversity? From customised text-to-speech learning tools, to organisational apps, and devices for those who struggle with verbal communication, AT helps open up new avenues of communication and understanding, so that everyone’s voice can be equally heard.

📣Throughout the week, BATA is highlighting how AT plays its part in helping neurodivergent people thrive in different environments.

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What is BATA?

BATA exists to promote the use of Assistive Technology in the UK
To campaign for the rights and interests of those needing Assistive Technology.
To provide expert and impartial support and advice to government departments and agencies.
To educate and inform widely on the benefits of Assistive Technology.
To promote British Assistive Technology products and expertise at home and overseas.
To develop the professionalism of those working with Assistive Technology through codes of practice, education, qualifications, accreditation, certification and networking.

Videos (show all)

With the Olympics in full swing, we’re reminded of a recent conversation with the RNIB’s Richard Holmes about their See ...
2024 BATA AGM. Uniting voices for AT progress.
Hear again from Jack - in his own words - about the impact that AT has had on his life. 🌟⁠⁠🎥🔗 Link in bio or visit www.b...
💜 Lily is back! Did you know that dyslexia can impact a subject like drama?Lily describes how dyslexia has affected her ...
👋Meet Kiana! Kiana has dyslexia. When speaking about her experience at school Kiana said "When I went to secondary schoo...



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