His Glorious Church

"A Church for all people"

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 16/12/2023

Pre-Christmas blessings from our dear friends this evening. Our God is indeed a God of out doing what we can ask for or imagine!


Every Saturday at 7pm ⛪️

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 13/11/2023

A beautiful day out on a public holiday! Thank God for the perfect weather. Our last sporting event of the year. We look forward to more outdoor time together in the new year!!


See you all, 5pm this coming Monday! ☀️


Happy Children’s Day to the wonderful children of HGC ❤️


Happy Teacher’s Day to all our beautiful teachers here at HGC. Thank you for imparting Bible truths and love to the people and children. We love and appreciate all of you!

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 01/09/2023

What a wonderful way to spend a PH! Grateful for all those who came down for a jolly good time. Thank God for the perfect weather. See you all today, 7pm for our main service!


🌟Introducing His Glorious Church🌟

Pastor Caleb's journey of faith led him to graduate with a Diploma in Missiology from the Bethany School of Missions. Alongside his beloved wife, Susan, they discovered their divine calling to start a church in Chinatown on January 1st, 2006.

His Glorious Church stands as a beacon of hope, welcoming people from all walks of life. It is a place where the broken find solace, recuperate, and heal their broken wings so that they can rise again.

From the very beginning, God's faithfulness has been evident in their lives. They firmly believe that with God, all things are possible, enabling them to fulfill His blessed will. Their unwavering dedication and passion for serving others inspire us to impact our community with the gospel, the good news of Jesus and love.

On January 3rd, 2021, We welcomed Pastor Joanne and her family to join the Pastoral team, God has been working in marvelous ways, stirring Pastor Joanne's heart to serve alongside Pastor Caleb and Susan. With her graduation from the Asia Theological Centre, where she acquired a BA in Pastoral Care, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a heart filled with compassion to our congregation.

✨Getting to His Glorious Church is easy! We are located at 151 Chin Swee Road, #03-04 Manhattan House, Singapore 169876, which is conveniently close to the Chinatown MRT station (DT19/NE4).

🚎Near to several bus stops located
BLK 8, Chin Swee Road – 06039, Opp Subordinate Ct, Upper Cross Street – 06171, BLK 2, Havelock Road – 06161 and Opp BLK 13, Chin Swee Road – 06031.

Once you arrive at Manhattan House, simply head to the lift lobby and take the lift to Level 3. Upon reaching Level 3, you'll want to look for unit number #03-04.

If you have any questions or need further assistance on the day of your visit, reach out to Pastor Caleb(8198 4647) or Pastor Joanne(9112 4935) who will be more than happy to assist you.

We're excited to have you join us at His Glorious Church and look forward to worshiping God together with you!


2023 Schedule, Hope to see you!

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 24/07/2023

What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus!

We had a wonderful weekend at service last week. With a impromptu children’s service on Saturday and a water baptism celebration on Sunday at East Coast park.

We are thankful to God as he leads and guides us. We look forward to sharing the good news and journeying with many more who will join our family at HGC.


Join us on Thursdays, 7pm at HGC for a time of prayer and worship! We look forward to seeing all of you! ❤️


Happy Father’s Day to our all dear fathers out there! May God’s anointing and wisdom always be upon all of you as you lead families and churches into the next generation. Be blessed this special day!

Proverbs 4:11-12
11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.
12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 16/06/2023

June holidays activity this afternoon with our precious kids at HGC. Celebrating Father’s Day early! Thankful for the story of “The prodigal son”.

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 25/05/2023

Join us at His Glorious Church every Thursday at 7pm for a time of prayer. Wait on Him, he never fails. We look forward to meet you! 🤩

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 17/05/2023

Every second Saturday of the month, 7pm - children service at His Glorious Church! Bring along your little ones to discover the goodness and love of Jesus. ⛪️


Happy Mother’s Day to all our beautiful mothers. Have a blessed celebration with you love ones!

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 26/04/2023

More photos from our Easter Baptism Sunday! God is good, all the time. Looking forward to our weekly Saturday evening service at 7pm. Do join us! ❤️


Resurrection Sunday baptism at East Coast park this morning! Oh how great is your love, Jesus. Thankful for amazing weather and a wonderful time of picnic after! ❤️

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 04/04/2023

Pastor Caleb How sharing with on healing and miracles of God!

Thankful for the invitation to speak! All glory to God!


Our God is able!
Come and join us every Saturday, 7pm at His Glorious Church for an amazing time of worship and the word.

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 15/01/2023

What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus! 17 years of God’s faithfulness and goodness. We hope to meet more people in the years to come who can experience the same amazing breakthroughs that he has given the church!

Thank you all who came to celebrated with us and contributed in anyway. The food, worship, photography. We wish you all the love, all the joy and all the peace that God will give.


See you all tonight for a blessed time of celebration!


The heart of Christmas, Jesus. Little ones, come and join us this Saturday on the 24th of December for a meaningful and fun celebration! We can’t wait to see you🎄


Past, present or future.

God is for you and with you. And he is eager to meet you, to bless you and to walk with you. Join us this Christmas Eve and don’t come alone!

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 14/10/2022

We had such a wonderful Children’s Day celebration at HGC last weekend. Special thanks to our volunteers and Teachers for making it happen! 🤩


What are your goals and dreams as we move into the last quarter of 2022? Here is a new article written by HGC’s faithful member, be blessed and hopeful as we move towards the end of the year.

Title: Being a Christ ambassador

Whenever we travel overseas whether for work, studies, holidays or transiting to an onward journey, one of the checklists items is to make sure there is access to an embassy or foreign missions in the country or one that is relatively close by. The ambassador is an official representative with great character and standing at the host nation. If the ambassador is of poor standing, it projects a negative image of the person and the country.

Being Christians, we often forget that we are also ambassadors for Christ. When we are ambassadors for Christ, one of the first things that we note is that we are a new creation in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says it very clearly -Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.

We cannot embrace our old lifestyles and bad habits while still proclaiming that we are Christ followers. Once we accept Christ into our lives, our old habits and lifestyles have gone. How do we know if one is a Christ follower? Galatian 5 tells us how we can/will be transformed - The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

So therefore, as Christ followers, the fruit of the Spirit is embedded in us as we embrace the new creation. No doubt that once we accept Christ into our lives, we can’t immediately change our lifestyles. There will be a process and timeframe where we will change our old selves. Being part of a community such as a cell group and church will certainly help us in our transformation. Praying and reading the bible regularly will also help us. This is why the body of Christ is so important.

However, when it comes to bringing the good news to the people, there are concerns such as

- I am not good enough to share the gospel.

- What happens when they laugh at me for my faith?

- What happens when they reject coming to church?

- Shouldn’t this be part of the pastoral and/or church leadership to do so?

Matthew 28:19. Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

It does not need huge amount of faith or materials to bring someone to church. When we allow God to transform our lives, people will notice the differences in us. Because the old sinful us are no longer in existence and the Holy Spirit is working in and through us. God will use whatever we have.

In other situations, personal testimonies and miracles help make invitations easier. For example, God’s healing over a medical ailment, getting a desired job with seemingly low odds, entry into a choice of studies at a choice school with very tough competitions etc. With such testimonies, it enhances the image of an ambassador for Christ.

Therefore, being an ambassador for Christ, it is not a solo effort. It is not something to be kept as a secret. Let us use our God given talents and abilities to bring the gospel and the good news to the community around us.

If you are not sure on how to share the gospel with anyone, it is perfectly okay. Approach any of the friendly members for guidance. There will always be someone in church who is willing to guide you along the way. After all the church is not built on one person, or pastors or the leadership. The entire congregation forms the church and everyone in the church takes an equal stake in reaching out to the community.

In the meantime, as Christ followers, we are ambassadors for Christ. Let us allow Christ to transform us from the inside out and allow our transformed actions glorify God.


Praying for our Children’s Church Teachers as they take the step of faith to minister and groom the future generation. We are excited for what God has installed for them!

Join us every second Saturday, 7pm for our Healing & Miracle services for both adults and children. God is good, all the time!


Join Us!

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 07/08/2022

HGC’s 2022 Baptism. How wonderful, how glorious. What an amazing celebration we had this morning! Clear skies and beautiful waters. God is indeed faithful always.


Psalm 146:8
The Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.

Join us on the 6th of August for our first “Healing and Miracle” service at His Glorious church @ 7pm. God sees your needs, and he wants to meet them. Come, and meet him.


God is always waiting and always ready to embrace us. In a broken world, there is a perfect love.

We look forward to meeting all of you every week, Saturday 7pm at His glorious church. Blessed weekend ⭐️


In a blink of an eye, almost half the year of 2022 has passed! May this article written by our faithful HGC member bless your heart.

Title: Talents, gifts and abilities

In the Christian calendar, there are 2 significant events. One is the birth of Jesus Christ and the Good Friday weekend, which marks the death and resurrection of Jesus.

In both events, there is a common theme indicated- Jesus purpose. Jesus’s purpose was eventually to save mankind from their sins and reconnect them to our loving God. This raises a question. What is our purpose on earth?

The parable of the talents.
There are 2 versions of this parables, found in Matthew 25:14-30 and Luke 19:12-27. While there are 2 versions, both referred to the same principle, the multiplying of the talents. The topic of “Be fruitful and multiply” was also mentioned in 32 verses from 10 books.

In both the passages from Matthew 25:14-30 and Luke 19:12-27, the one with the 5 talents multiplied his original and returned with 10 talents, while the one with 2 talents doubled his and returned with 4 talents. However, the one who was entrusted with one talent, came back with only one talent- the original talent. The one with the one talent hid the talent in the ground and did not bother to do anything about it until the time it was to account to the master.

A talent was a unit of weight of approximately 80 pounds (36 kg), and when used as a unit of money, was valued for that weight of silver. As a unit of currency, a talent was worth about 6,000 denarii. A denarius was the usual payment for a day's labour. At one denarius per day, a single talent was therefore worth 20 years of labor (assuming a 6-day work week, because nobody would work on the weekly Sabbath).

This was not so much about God being a hard and demanding master expecting a massive returns on investments.

In today’s context, there are countless examples to illustrate how so many people are capitalizing on what they have to expand. We have doctors and lawyers serving their areas of expertise in public and private practices. Some are also involved in research, lecturing and academics fields above and beyond their areas of expertise.

1 of the most recognisable evangelists Billy Graham(1) used his God given talents to reach out to an estimated 2 billion people throughout his lifetime. Through another evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s (2) ministry, an estimated over 79 million people came to accept Christ as their Lord and saviour.

Closer home, one does not need the talent of being an evangelist to impact the world. According to this article, Joshua Khoo was born with achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder that cases dwarfism. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdN677OM2Eu/?igshid=YTM0ZjI4ZDI=

Despite several setbacks, his family and church made a difference, where his talents and gifts were being used for His glory. Joshua was offered opportunities to play the drums for the youth service and subsequently adults service. Upon graduating with a digital audio and video production course from ITE,he went on to be a professional photographer that covered high profile events including US Vice President Kamala Harris visit to Singapore in 2021.

Joshua demonstrated the use of his talents in his school, church and the marketplace.

However, if you wonder that you might need to have a lot of faith and/or resources etc in order to multiply your talents, gifts and abilities, let us read on the next article. https://saltandlight.sg/faith/5-ways-to-share-your-time-and-talents-for-christ/.

What these individuals and families did were to simply use resources within their means to bless their immediate communities!

1. Sharing of the house
2. Sharing of testimonies over feasts
3. Leveraging on hobbies
4. Giving of time
5. Using of finances

So if you are wondering what talents gifts and abilities you might have to serve, perhaps you might like to seek God in your own quiet time. God loves a faithful and a cheerful giver!


Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Blessed Mother’s Day to all mothers. We thank God for all of you who play such a huge part in building the future generation.

May God’s joy and love always fill your heart and your house holds. 💫

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 16/04/2022

“The moon and stars they wept. The morning sun was dead. The saviour of the world was fallen. His body on the cross, his blood poured out for us, the weight of every curse upon him.” - Forever by Kari Jobe

Thank you Jesus for your Agape love. For your love that is measureless. Today, we remember what you’ve done on the cross and we celebrate His Glorious Church first children’s special event! How great is our God! Exciting things are happening.

1 John 4:18
18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.


As measures ease up, here is an article written by our member in the first quarter of 2022 as he reflects on God’s faithfulness amidst the storms in life. Be blessed.

Title: Storms

In late 2019, the whole world started to witness what eventually was the Covid-19 virus. Since then, it went on to spread throughout the whole world, wrecking massive economic damages and livelihoods, mounted serious havocs on national healthcare systems and several variants of the virus erupted.

Elsewhere, in mid December 2021, Super Typhoon Rai left behind a destructive trial in Philippines while Malaysia experienced massive floods in 8 states, leaving over 71000 displaced and affected more than 125000 overall.

While many individuals and businesses would have made plans for the start of the year, how many would have been prepared to face “storms” along the way?

In the bible, we have a number of passages that relates to people going through storms.

1. Psalm 107:28-31 Yet when they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, the Lord brought them out of their distress. He calmed the storm and its waves quieted down. So they rejoiced that the waves became quiet, and he led them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his gracious love and for his awesome deeds on behalf of mankind.

2. Matthew 8:26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

We could also look to Jesus as the perfect example of going through storms. Despite performing numerous miracles with the disciples and for the believers, there were signs of being tempted and going through many trials.

Jesus was tempted by the devil after fasting for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11). Even in his final hours in the garden of Gesethemane, the disciples could not keep awake and pray together with him.

What can we do when we face challenges? Heb 4:15 reminds us that. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. We can always seek our prayers and commune with Jesus in our quiet time.

God doesn’t need any fanciful prayers, titles and jargons as we week Him during our prayer requests. We can always silently come to God in a sincere heart with a simple prayer request. There are also corporate prayer sessions where one can pray together with fellow cell group mates, church members and leaders or seek assistance from the pastoral team.

As we come to a close, let us keep this prayer in our hearts.

Dear Lord, as we go about our daily business, help us to seek your kingdom first. Whether in good times or in troubles, Lord, i want to keep you in my hearts. Use me as a vessel to bless the people in the storms and through moments where people feel discouraged, down and upset.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.


In our emptiness, we can pray. In our brokenness, we can pray. In a broken world, we must pray. May the world stand united as one in prayer, in love and in hope.


Today, we celebrate 16 years at His Glorious. How wonderful, how glorious and how faithful is Jesus. We are grateful for all those who have journeyed alongside us and we are excited for the new year ahead. Blessed new year to all!

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Photos from His Glorious Church's post 25/12/2021

Blessed Christmas to all. In a broken world, God is our hope and joy. We thank God for being able to do life with the church.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

With love,
The leadership team

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Videos (show all)

Join us on Thursdays, 7pm at HGC for a time of prayer and worship! We look forward to seeing all of you! ❤️
On alternate Thursdays, we meet face to face for prayer meetings @ 7pm at His Glorious Church! On weeks we don’t, we mee...
Our God is able! Come and join us every Saturday, 7pm at His Glorious Church for an amazing time of worship and the word...




151 Chin Swee Road #03-04 Manhattan House

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