Live for Eternity Church

Live for Eternity Church

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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Live for Eternity Church, Church of God, 315 Outram Road #15-02A Tan Boon Liat Building, Singapore.


Praise God for His faithfulness! More than thirteen (13) years ago, a handful of us started Live For Eternity Church. We became like the farmer Jesus described in Mark 4:3 that sowed seeds, the Word of God, to the field that God directs us to do.

The starting of the church comes around from an impression the lead pastor felt almost two decades ago that God wants him to live his remaining life telling people to live for eternity and this is done through a church rather than through a parachurch organization.

People plan for their retirements, but many do not spend much time thinking about life after death and even more so about eternity. Ecclesiastes 7:4 tells us that “a wise person thinks a lot about death.”

Some people live as if life ends when we die but when we become senior citizens in our 60s 70s or 80s and beyond, we know that life does not end when we die. Surely there must be life after death but many don’t know what it is like. There’s a destination beyond that and for some, they think there is no way we could control what will happen when we cross over or be led to after we die. Thank God for the Bible that gives us a definitive answer about life and death and for those who accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour, there’s a wonderful future ahead. John 3:16 tells us God loves the world and therefore sent us His Bridge for Him to reach us and then we can reach Him. Thank you, Jesus Christ, for what You suffered on the cruel cross to allow us to experience Joy when we follow You wholeheartedly (Theme 2024 of our church).

The Lead Pastor answered the call of God to act by faith in 2011 and on 16th January that year, we had the first service of Live For Eternity Church. In preparation, he studied in a Bible school on a part-time basis for 6 years to put on a biblical lens, and a year before he graduated, started the church. In the initial stage, when he preached one of his remarks about the calling was “God if I hear wrongly, please let me fail quickly as he does have things like his business to work in. He was corrected by some people who heard that and concluded that they were right and stopped saying that again.

At that early stage, many people thought that the church would fail because there were so many established churches around. Praise be to the Lord, the church didn’t fail but through this church, we see many people walk through the doors. Many seeds were sow and many accepted Christ but moved on. For us, especially for the lead pastor, the important thing is that people heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, were touched by the Holy Spirit and the church was the door they entered the kingdom of heaven. As humans, we can only be faithful to do our very best as His arm and feet and leave the rest of church growth to the Holy Spirit.

In the pastor's youth days in the 70s in the church he grew up from and attended for 39 years, Herald Assembly of God Church, the congregation used to sing the song “Jesus used me, please don’t refuse me for surely there is something I can do.” That was his desire.

As we reflected on the past 13 years, as a church we saw the seeds that fell on the 4 different soils of people’s hearts. Praise God for the crops harvested from the soil that yield 30, 60, or 100% results. As a church, we have seen many miracles that God performed and we are forever grateful to the Lord for giving us this opportunity.

We are called to faithfulness and only God gives success. What a time of remembering how God led us and kept us.

We pray that as we journey into our 14th year, God will propel us to do greater things for Him to fulfill His plans and purpose among us. He will continue to give us harvest to His glory as we continue our farming duties. The farmers cannot control the weather, the wind, or the supply of water. They can only be faithful in sowing, planting, and looking after the plants from pests and insects.

Jesus instructed us in verse 9 to listen and understand what to do. When we understand the truth He is speaking about, we will naturally act and that would result in us storing up treasures in heaven. Our listening must be accompanied by actions and doing what is essential for the kingdom of heaven which will last for all eternity. It is more than praying and God used our circumstances to mold our characters.

Happy 13th Anniversary to members of Live For Eternity Church and we trust God to work in tremendous ways in our 14th year journey drawing everyone closer to Him.

We have started a WhatsApp chat to encourage people to read the Bible in one year. Join us in this growing journey!


As we begin the year 2024, we look to the Lord with great expectation that He will continue to work amongst us and draw us closer to Him. That He will be the focus of 2024. Unless God reach out to us, we will never be able to reach out to Him. Hence, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to reach down to us and what a privilege to know Him personally.

Our God is Lord. Many nouns describe God such as Creator, Owner, Provider, etc and it should remind us about how great and almighty He is. He is the Source of life and is eternal whereas we merely live for a few decades and would die. God is not limited like what we are. Therefore, as humans, we must look to Him! it is about our faithfulness to Him rather than our successes from Him.

The church’s theme for the year is Joy For Those Who Follow Christ Wholeheartedly taken from Psalm 1:1-6. We pray and trust God, the controller of everything (1 Chronicles 29:12) that it will be a year of Joy, Blessedness, Gladness and other similarities regardless of the curve balls that life throws at us because He is with us. Our Lord will guide and protect us like He has been faithful since we started in 2011 as a church and in a week, we will embark on our 14th year journey. We declare that we are His people and Children of the Almighty God, and we love God.

At the same time, besides holding on to God’s promises, we must do our human part and from this Psalm, we must NOT do three things.

Firstly, we must not follow the advice of the wicked. Who are they and what are their pieces of advice? This person or person’s worldview, ethical life, and his or her moral decisions are dictated by godless choices and decisions. I once read a book from a famous author that recommends people to think about money when taking their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The author advises people to think about money as the 1st thing when they get up and the last thing they do before they sleep. To him, these focuses will bring about money but actually, he is telling people to make money their god. It is about materialism and money. God, the Creator and Owner of our everything is not in the picture at all and such people feel they do not need God. According to this biblical principle, if a Christian follows this advice, he or she is following the wicked. To be filled with joy, one must not follow.

Secondly, we must not stand around with sinners. These people’s identity, standing, and lifestyle are determined by their earthly possessions, and they act as if they are solely responsible for making things happen. Some called themselves self-made men or women. They may even achieve success even at the expense of rebelling against God. They use the name of God in vain as vulgar words. Jesus taught us to love everyone, but it does not mean we must hang out with these sinners and allow their peer pressures to influence our lives with God. The Psalmist is telling us not to associate with such people whose centre of life is about themselves, their achievements, their success, and their capabilities.

Thirdly, children of God must not be counted as people who mock God when they learn or judge others from the perspective of cynicism and pride. The mockers had a slanted view of people when they think and believe that everyone except themselves is motivated purely by self-interest. They are sceptical about people who want to be a blessing and the mockers are proud and arrogant people. I once heard about a successful businessman who went into a restaurant in slippers and shorts and when he ordered a rather expensive dish, from the waiter’s body language this businessman felt that he was looked down on by the waiter and finally when the food came, he ate part of it and refuse to finish the dish to mock at the waiter. If you are with this person, you may accept his behaviour as you may not want to offend him but the Bible states that to be joyful, we must not stand with such arrogant people. Their behaviour can affect and influence ours too which leads to sadness or even misery because we would be rejected by God Himself.

As Live For Eternity Church members, let’s be aware of what displeases God. If you have a story to share to give a clearer explanation of the 3 points, please feel free to share it in your Care Group or in this chat.

We pray that all of us would wholeheartedly follow Christ and experience the Joy that comes from being a disciple of Jesus.


During our WatchNite Service on the 31st December 2023, as we sat in a circle to listen to one another sharing our experiences and bidding goodbye to 2023, the members of LFE Church that had gathered recalled the goodness and grace of God to each of us. We are all thankful to God for leading and helping us throughout the year. Each of us praises God for His love and mercy.

What an awesome God we have that placed us in this church and members testified of the love and concern members had for one another. One couple shared that they had been in church for about 2 years and starting from 1st January 2024, they would have cleared their debts with the Licensed Money Lender that Adullam Life Counselling had helped them work out. Their debts were due to their need to provide hearing aids to their daughters and those days of anxieties and fear of harm to their family because of the threats from the scammers were over. Others shared losing their loved ones and how God comforted and ministered to them in such difficult times. One of them was greatly encouraged by the support from church members coming to the wake. To God be the praise.

How God brought us together is indeed a miracle, a divine plan since we come from different backgrounds and had encountered Christ for the 1st time and therefore experienced the hope and life that Jesus gave.

In welcoming the year 2024, we are reminded in the WatchNite message that God is with us and we can face all uncertainty because He is God and He loves us. We must do our part to be strong and courageous to face life, and to do that we must engage with the Bible throughout the year and follow God’s instruction in life. Then we will prosper and succeed and by the end of the year, we will come together again to remember and be thankful to God for what He is continuing to do in our lives drawing us closer to Jesus.

(Illustration by Sumbul)

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 20/03/2023

Dear Church,
This week we are reading Matthew 26:17-30 about the Last Supper. Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds and review truths that we can apply and appreciate our Wonderful Lord for what He has done for each of us.

This knowledge of God will propel us to place Christ as Lord and Master of every area of our lives resulting in us giving Him priority besides praises and adorations. In our prioritizing of our daily agendas, as Paul stated in Romans 12:2, we will know God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Following are 5 questions that we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us:
1. What is the Festival of Unleavened Bread? Is it still being celebrated today?
2. Did Jesus identify the person who is going to betray Him? (v.21-25) What can you learn from this revelation of Jesus?
3. What does the bread represent?
4. What can we learn from verse Matthew 26:28?
5. What can we learn from verse Matthew 26:29? List 3-5 things you will do in preparation for Christ’s return!

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 20/03/2023

本周我们正在阅读马太福音 26:17-30 关于最后的晚餐。让我们祈求圣灵启迪我们的思想,回顾我们可以应用的真理,并感谢我们奇妙的主为我们每个人所做的一切。

这种对上帝的认识将推动我们将基督置于我们生活各个领域的主宰和主人的位置,从而使我们将祂置于赞美和崇拜之外的优先地位。就像保罗在罗马书 12 章 2 节中所说的那样,在我们对日常议程进行优先排序时,我们将了解上帝的美好、喜悦和完美的旨意。

以下是我们可以求圣灵帮助我们的 5 个问题:
1. 什么是无酵节?今天还在庆祝吗?
2. 耶稣认出要出卖祂的人了吗? (第 21-25 节)你可以从耶稣的这个启示中学到什么?
4. 我们可以从马太福音 26:28 中学到什么?
5. 我们可以从马太福音 26:29 中学到什么?列出 3-5 件事,你会为基督的再来做准备!

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 09/03/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we are approaching the Season that changed the destiny of humanity towards God and we experience the miracle where Jesus rose from the dead, let’s revisit the written words of Jesus in Matthew 24:1-31.

We are living in the 21st Century and pondering about what Jesus said in the 1st Century before He went to the cross. The questions asked by the disciples to Jesus remain a mystery and the question we ask the Lord today is still “What sign will signal your return” (Verse 3). Besides that, the questions we must ask ourselves would be are we ready should Christ return today? Had we obeyed Christ by doing the things He had told us to?

As we reflect on the chapter, let’s think about the 5 questions listed and act in obedience to what the Holy Spirit reveals to each of us.

1. When did verse 2 happened? What happened and Who did it?

2. Do you know personally who is this Messiah (v.4-5) Jesus spoke about?

3. What do Jesus meant when He spoke about the “end of the world.”

4. Has verses 4 to 14 happened?

5. What can we learn from this prophetic words of Jesus spoken in the 1st Century that we must apply in the 21st Century? List 3-5 things!

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 09/03/2023

当我们临近改变人类命运的季节,我们将体验耶稣从死里复活的奇迹时,让我们重温耶稣在马太福音 24:1-31 中的文字。

我们生活在 21 世纪,思考耶稣在 1 世纪上十字架之前所说的话。 门徒问耶稣的问题仍然是个谜,我们今天问主的问题仍然是“什么迹象表明你回来了”(第3节)。 除此之外,我们必须问自己的问题是,如果基督今天再来,我们准备好了吗? 我们有没有按照基督吩咐我们去做的事来服从基督?

当我们反思这一章时,让我们思考列出的 5 个问题,并按照圣灵向我们每个人的启示采取行动。

1. 第 2 节发生在什么时候? 发生了什么事,是谁干的?
2. 你个人知道耶稣所说的弥赛亚(第 4-5 节)是谁吗?
3. 耶稣说“世界末日”是什么意思。
4. 第 4 到 14 节有发生吗?
5. 我们可以从耶稣在 1 世纪所说的预言性话语中学到什么我们必须在 21 世纪应用的东西? 列出3-5件事。

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 01/03/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is our 2nd week to revisit and reflect on the week before Jesus went to the cross. On that Monday almost 2000 years ago, from Mark 11:15-19, we read about the story of Jesus clearing the temple ground of sellers of animals and money changers because these people were doing business, generating profits on the ground of the temple meant for worship. These sellers and money changers were motivated by profit and by taking advantage of the exchange rate from Roman currency to Jewish shekel since the Jewish law according to Exodus 30:11-16 requires that every man should use the Jewish coin.

These businesspeople were making money for themselves and those they represented like the Pharisees and the love for money, greed, and covetousness must be present but it was in the place where God should be placed highest in people’s minds.

The temple was where the Omnipresence and Omniscience God is worshiped, and the people gathered were repenting of their sins and amending their relationship with God Almighty. However, during Jesus’ time, the temple ground was misused. Instead of being a place for people to offer sacrifice and worship, it became a place used as a harvest ground for generating income and profit. At that time, people came from all over Israel, and it must have consisted of the poor, but these businesspeople were taking advantage of the season for their gain. The very profitability of the business must have resulted in fraud and oppression of the poor.
It was not because Jesus was against people doing business but the location for the business was exploitation for wrongdoing. It should have been a place for worshippers to gather rather than a marketplace that causes the worship of God to be diminished.
Is this situation relevant today in our church or are we doing things that are pleasing to God? Will Jesus be pleased with us because we are a house of prayer for all nations or will He clear the church because the people present were there for any other reasons except to worship God, to repent and make amend to their wicked ways? Dear Lord, touch our eyes and help us to see clearly and not have a distorted view.

During the week, consider the 4 questions posted for us to think, act upon, and apply in our lives.
1. What do you learn from this story of Jesus clearing the temple?
2. Does Jesus had a right to be angry and behaved the way He did? How do we apply it to our lives today?
3. What motivates you to come to church each Sunday? Are you attending in person or through online? Is what you are doing pleasing to God?
4. What does Jesus meant when He said, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves.”

The Lord gives each of us a great week ahead.

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 01/03/2023

这是我们回顾和反思耶稣上十字架前一周的第二周。 在将近 2000 年前的那个星期一,我们从马可福音 11:15-19 中读到耶稣清理圣殿土地上动物贩子和货币兑换商的故事,因为这些人在做生意,在圣殿土地上赚取利润意味着 供奉。 由于根据出埃及记 30:11-16 的犹太法律要求每个人都应该使用犹太硬币,因此这些卖家和货币兑换商的动机是利润和利用罗马货币对犹太谢克尔的汇率。


圣殿是敬拜无所不在、无所不知的上帝的地方,聚集的人们正在忏悔自己的罪恶,并修正他们与全能上帝的关系。 然而,在耶稣的时代,圣殿的土地被滥用了。 它不再是人们祭祀和祭祀的地方,而是一个用来收割收入和利润的收割地。 那时,以色列各地的人都来了,其中一定有穷人,但这些商人却趁着这个季节牟利。 企业的盈利能力一定导致了对穷人的欺诈和压迫。

这不是因为耶稣反对人们做生意,而是因为做生意的地点是对不法行为的剥削。 它本应是崇拜者聚集的地方,而不是导致对上帝的崇拜减少的市场。

这种情况在我们的教会今天是否相关,或者我们正在做讨神喜悦的事情吗? 耶稣会因为我们是万国祷告的殿而喜悦我们,还是会因为在场的人除了敬拜上帝、悔改和改正他们的恶行之外还有其他原因而清理教堂? 亲爱的主,请触摸我们的眼睛,帮助我们看得清楚,不要有扭曲的看法。

在这一周内,考虑发布的 4 个问题,供我们在生活中思考、采取行动和应用。
1. 你从耶稣清理圣殿的这个故事中学到什么?
2. 耶稣有权生气并做出他那样的行为吗? 我们如何将它应用到我们今天的生活中?
3. 是什么促使你每个星期天都来教会? 您是亲自参加还是通过在线参加? 你所做的事讨神喜悦吗?
4. 耶稣说,‘我的殿必称为万民祷告的殿’,你却把它变成了贼窝,这是什么意思?”



As we prepare to remember and rejoice over what Jesus did on Good Friday and God’s Almighty Act on Resurrection Sunday, on our human part, and as recipients of God’s Goodness and Grace, we want to revisit and reflect on the week before He was resurrected. Up to then, the four Gospel tells us of the many mighty miracles Jesus did and the result was that people who were present were full of praise for Jesus and they glorify God for what our Lord did. In our church, we had just heard about the twenty-second miracle where Jesus fed 4000 men excluding women and children with 7 loaves of bread and a few small fishes.

We pray that as we revisit and reflect, the Holy Spirit will show us the perspectives and insights of the four Gospel writers on what God was doing that changed the world in the first Century and ours in the Twenty-First Century.

Our objective in this journey is to be a follower of Jesus and to appreciate what Christ had done for us. We believe that if you participate in these studies, the result will be that you will acquire knowledge of the Scripture, you will appreciate what Jesus had done for you, and you will be drawn closer to God since the Holy Spirit would have spoken to you. Because you had made the effort and taken the time to be quiet before the Almighty God, this will be of personal and corporate benefit to you and the Church that Jesus had placed us in.

We begin by reading a passage and for this week, it will be Matthew 21:1-11. Think about what the story tells you. Review and reflect on what Jesus did and what the audience did. Ask the Holy Spirit about what can you learn from this observation and how can you apply it to your life today.

During the week, 3 to 4 questions will be posted for us to think and act upon and apply in our lives.

We will be praying that for those of us who take this journey, the Holy Spirit will be working mightily among us.

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 22/02/2023

As we prepare to remember and rejoice over what Jesus did on Good Friday and God’s Almighty Act on Resurrection Sunday, on our human part, and as recipients of God’s Goodness and Grace, we want to revisit and reflect on the week before He was resurrected. Up to then, the four Gospel tells us of the many mighty miracles Jesus did and the result was that people who were present were full of praise for Jesus and they glorify God for what our Lord did. In our church, we had just heard about the twenty-second miracle where Jesus fed 4000 men excluding women and children with 7 loaves of bread and a few small fishes.

We pray that as we revisit and reflect, the Holy Spirit will show us the perspectives and insights of the four Gospel writers on what God was doing that changed the world in the first Century and ours in the Twenty-First Century.

Our objective in this journey is to be followers of Jesus and to appreciate what Christ had done for us. We believe that if you participate in these studies, the result will be that you will acquire knowledge of the Scripture, you will appreciate what Jesus had done for you, and you will be drawn closer to God since the Holy Spirit would have spoken to you. Because you had made the effort and taken the time to be quiet before the Almighty God, this will be of personal and corporate benefit to you and the Church that Jesus had placed us in.

We begin by reading a passage and for this week, it will be Matthew 21:1-11. Think about what the story tells you. Review and reflect on what Jesus did and what the audience did. Ask the Holy Spirit about what can you learn from this observation and how can you apply it to your life today.

During the week, think about the 5 questions posted for us to think, act upon, and apply in our lives.

We will be praying that for those of us who take this journey, the Holy Spirit will be working mightily among us.

Photos from Live for Eternity Church's post 03/02/2023

Dear Church,

As we think about how we can live wisely in 2023, this thought came to mind that if only we would mediate, think about a verse or two, and act upon it for the week, it will make our journey practical and help us to live in the shelter of the Most High including find rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91).

Hence in each week, we will list some verses following our theme. Attached are 2 verses from Proverbs 3:3-4 to ponder upon and act on.

Download the verses in PDF and refer to it regularly. Save it in a folder for easy reference.

We know that the Holy Spirit will guide and lead us into all truths.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you in church this Sunday!


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are so grateful to the Lord for His call in our lives and His leadership, guidance, and work in and through the church. We are blessed to be the people of God. Indeed, in the blink of an eye, we are journeying into the 13th year, and we are excited and expecting awesome things from the Almighty.

We encourage every Member to join us on this journey and surely we will see the goodness of God running after us.

Read and think about the benefits that Sister Jean preached on 29 January's Sunday Service and you will be so glad you are a follower of Jesus.



As humans, we often want to understand many things in life, and it does leads to progress and innovation but it is impossible to understand everything that happens in life therefore we are indeed in need of intervention from God. We can plan and that we must, but He is the one that directs our path and even our steps (Proverbs 20:24). We have a choice. To believe God or rely on our own abilities and it comes with a price, a consequent.

Often when one is in a situation where one is desperately in need of a solution or answer to a situation, one tries to compel God to act favorably on their behalf therefore we pray, we give donations, offerings, do good deeds believing that it will come back with good returns. In Proverbs 20:25, the author tells us not to trap ourselves with rash promises which we will be challenged to pay in time to come.

For some, to understand everything that happens to us requires us to strategize on how and what to do and it can be more of self-reliance than God reliance. In these moments of desperation wanting a solution, we may try to promise God something thinking that would tilt the table in our favor, but it is more of self-lead than God lead. As Citizens of Heaven, we must learn to be God lead by following His teaching given in the Bible.

Since we can utter the promise, God holds us responsible for what we said. We are encouraged not to be rash but to wait on God as those who wait on Him find strengths to face the most difficult of situations but if we do make an oath out of rash, we will have to honor what we said and that can be costly.

Steps to take today:
1. Acknowledge God and that He is far much greater than we can think or imagine.
2. When in situations, don’t be rash but wait on God for His will rather than our solutions.
3. Know that our promises come with a price and cannot be just simply throw “under the carpet” because we no longer want to fulfil it.


On the subject of money, God is Lord, and He is the Owner of everything on earth and in the Heavens.

As Lord He has the power to direct our steps. He is beyond our ability to understand or comprehend but Someone we must take literally at His Word because of Who He really Is, God.

When we walk our journey of life according to the principles and commandments given in the Bible, His watchful protective eyes will be upon us and His angels will ensure our wellbeing even when we are going through our most difficult times.

1. Acknowledge God as Lord.
2. Make sure our steps are in sync with the principles of the Bible.
3. Live in peace and faith in every situation because we are humans with limitations, but God is the Owner of everything. He owns us as His precious possessions in Christ therefore we don’t need to understand everything that happens in our God-directed life but to trust Him in every step.


Dear Church, God had given each of us a wonderful relationship with Him through Jesus Christ and it is indeed our privilege and joy to know our Redeemer deeper.

Let’s continue our reading so that we will truly know our soon to return Christ.

We could either choose daily reading or weekday reading only.

Daily Reading for week 10 to 12

Week 10: 6 to 12 Mar 2022
Day 65 (6/3, Sun) - Matthew 11:1-19; Leviticus 11-12; Proverbs 24
Day 66 (7/3, Mon) - Matthew 11:20-30; Leviticus 13; Proverbs 25
Day 67 (8/3, Tue) - Matthew 12:1-21; Leviticus 14; Proverbs 26
Day 68 (9/3, Wed) - Matthew 12:22-50; Leviticus 15-16; Proverbs 27
Day 69 (10/3, Thu) - Matthew 13:1-23; Leviticus 17-18; Proverbs 28
Day 70 (11/3, Fri) - Matthew 13:24-58; Leviticus 19; Proverbs 29
Day 71 (12/3, Sat) - Matthew 14:1-21; Leviticus 20-21; Proverbs 30

Week 11: 13 to 19 Mar 2022
Day 72 (13/3, Sun) - Matthew 14:22-36; Leviticus 22-23; Proverbs 31
Day 73 (14/3 Mon) - Matthew 15:1-20; Leviticus 24-25; Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Day 74 (15/3, Tue) - Matthew 15:21-39; Leviticus 26-27; Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26
Day 75 (16/3, Wed) - Matthew 16; Numbers 1-2; Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Day 76 (17/3, Thu) - Matthew 17; Numbers 3-4; Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16
Day 77 (18/3, Fri) - Matthew 18:1-20; Numbers 5-6; Ecclesiastes 5
Day 78 (19/3, Sat) - Matthew 18:21-35; Numbers 7-8; Ecclesiastes 6

Week 12: 20 to 26 Mar 2022
Day 79 (20/3, Sun) - Matthew 19:1-15; Numbers 9-10; Ecclesiastes 7
Day 80 (21/3, Mon) - Matthew 19:16-30; Numbers 11-12; Ecclesiastes 8
Day 81 (22/3, Tue) - Matthew 20:1-16; Numbers 13-14; Ecclesiastes 9:1-12
Day 82 (23/3, Wed) - Matthew 20:17-34; Numbers 15-16; Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20
Day 83 (24/3, Thu) - Matthew 21:1-27; Numbers 17-18; Ecclesiastes 11:1-8
Day 84 (25/3, Fri) - Matthew 21:28-46; Numbers 19-20; Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14
Day 85 (26/3, Sat) - Matthew 22:1-22; Numbers 21; Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7

Weekdays Reading for week 10 to 12
Week 10: 7-11 March 2022
Day 64 (7/3, Mon) - Judges 15; Judges 16; Judges 17; Judges 18; Judges 19
Day 65 (8/3, Tue) - Judges 20; Judges 21; Ruth 1; Ruth 2; Ruth 3
Day 66 (9/3, Wed) - Ruth 4; 1 Samuel 1; 1 Samuel 2; 1 Samuel 3; 1 Samuel 4
Day 67 (10/3, Thu) - 1 Samuel 5; 1 Samuel 6; 1 Samuel 7; 1 Samuel 8; 1 Samuel 9
Day 68 (11/3, Fri) - 1 Samuel 10; 1 Samuel 11; 1 Samuel 12; 1 Samuel 13; 1 Samuel 14

Week 11: 14-18 March 2022
Day 71 (14/3, Mon) - 1 Samuel 15; 1 Samuel 16; 1 Samuel 17; 1 Samuel 18; 1 Samuel 19
Day 72 (15/3, Tue) - 1 Samuel 20; 1 Samuel 21; 1 Samuel 22; 1 Samuel 23; 1 Samuel 24
Day 73 (16/3, Wed) - 1 Samuel 25; 1 Samuel 26; 1 Samuel 27; 1 Samuel 28; 1 Samuel 29
Day 74 (17/3, Thur) - 1 Samuel 30; 1 Samuel 31; 2 Samuel 1; 2 Samuel 2; 2 Samuel 3
Day 75 (18/3, Fri) - 2 Samuel 4; 2 Samuel 5; 2 Samuel 6; 2 Samuel 7; 2 Samuel 8

Week 12: 21-25 March 2022
Day 78 (21/3, Mon) - 2 Samuel 9; 2 Samuel 10; 2 Samuel 11; 2 Samuel 12; 2 Samuel 13
Day 79 (22/3, Tue) - 2 Samuel 14; 2 Samuel 15; 2 Samuel 16; 2 Samuel 17; 2 Samuel 18
Day 80 (23/3, Wed) - 2 Samuel 19; 2 Samuel 20; 2 Samuel 21; 2 Samuel 22; 2 Samuel 23
Day 81 (24/3, Thu) - 2 Samuel 24; 1 Kings 1; 1 Kings 2; 1 Kings 3; 1 Kings 4
Day 82 (25/3, Fri) - 1 Kings 5; 1 Kings 6; 1 Kings 7; 1 Kings 8; 1 Kings 9


Dear Church, what a privilege God had given Citizens of Heavens the ability to be able to get to know Him more through His Word!

I know that when we read His Word, we will be fine. When we reflect on His Word we will be wise and when we run with the Bible and I meant the principles and teachings of the Bible, we will enjoy life!

Following is the Week 8 & 9 reading and you can choose between daily reading or weekday reading. What is important is that we READ, REFLECTand RUNwith the Word of God.

Daily Reading
Week 8: 20th to 26th Feb 2022
Day 51, 20 Feb - Matthew 2; Exodus 22:1-23:33; Proverbs 10
Day 52, 21 Feb - Matthew 3; Exodus 24; Proverbs 11
Day 53, 22 Feb - Matthew 4; Exodus 25-27; Proverbs 12
Day 54, 23 Feb - Matthew 5:1-20; Exodus 28:1-29:46; Proverbs 13
Day 55, 24 Feb - Matthew 5:21-48; Exodus 30-32; Proverbs 14
Day 56, 25 Feb - Matthew 6:1-18; Exodus 33:1-34:35; Proverbs 15
Day 57, 26 Feb - Matthew 6:19-34; Exodus 35:1-36:38; Proverbs 16

Week 9: 27 Feb to 5 Mar 2022
Day 58, 27 Feb - Matthew 7; Exodus 37:1-38:31; Proverbs 17
Day 59, 28 Feb - Matthew 8:1-13; Exodus 39:1-40:38; Proverbs 18
Day 60, 1 Mar - Matthew 8:14-34; Leviticus 1-2; Proverbs 19
Day 61, 2 Mar - Matthew 9:1-17; Leviticus 3-4; Proverbs 20
Day 62, 3 Mar - Matthew 9:18-38; Leviticus 5-6; Proverbs 21
Day 63, 4 Mar - Matthew 10:1-25; Leviticus 7-8; Proverbs 22
Day 64, 5 Mar - Matthew 10:26-42; Leviticus 9-10; Proverbs 23

Weekdays Reading
Week 8: 21st Feb to 25th Feb 2022
· Day 50, 21 Feb - Deuteronomy 23; Deuteronomy 24; Deuteronomy 25; Deuteronomy 26; Deuteronomy 27
· Day 51, 22 Feb - Deuteronomy 28; Deuteronomy 29; Deuteronomy 30; Deuteronomy 31; Deuteronomy 32
· Day 52, 23 Feb - Deuteronomy 33; Deuteronomy 34; Joshua 1; Joshua 2; Joshua 3
· Day 53, 24 Feb - Joshua 4; Joshua 5; Joshua 6; Joshua 7; Joshua 8
· Day 54, 25 Feb - Joshua 9; Joshua 10; Joshua 11; Joshua 12; Joshua 13

Week 9: 28th Feb to 4th Mar 2022
· Day 57, 28 Feb - Joshua 14; Joshua 15; Joshua 16; Joshua 17; Joshua 18
· Day 58, 1 Mar - Joshua 19; Joshua 20; Joshua 21; Joshua 22; Joshua 23
· Day 59, 2 Mar - Joshua 24; Judges 1; Judges 2; Judges 3; Judges 4
· Day 60, 3 Mar - Judges 5; Judges 6; Judges 7; Judges 8; Judges 9
· Day 61, 4 Mar - Judges 10; Judges 11; Judges 12; Judges 13; Judges 14

Our Good Lord continues to bless you!

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Videos (show all)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are so grateful to the Lord for His call in our lives and His leadership, guidan...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday's Sermon (1st August 2021) on WORK: What You Really Get For...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday's Sermon (25th July 2021) on When will Enough Be Enough by ...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday's Sermon (11th July 2021) on Chasing the Wind - The 3 Exper...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday's Sermon (4th July 2021) on Seeing Life Through the Eyes Of...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday's Sermon (27th June 2021) on God Raise Me Up (Psalms 41:1-1...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday's Sermon (13th June 2021) on Who Is God To You? (Psalms 90:...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,The Audio Recording of last Sunday Sermon (6th June 2021) on Disciples of Jesus, Be Strong (Ep...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our Good Friday Sermon on 2nd April 2021 on Jesus Communication - English and Mandarin by Rev ...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our latest Good Friday Sermon on 2nd April 2021 on Jesus Communication  - English by Rev Vince...
Spiritual Growth (Ephesians 3:14-21) -English & Mandarin



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