Wesley YM

Wesley Methodist Church, Youth Ministry (YM)

Wesley YM holds weekly Saturday services at the Wesley Hall in Wesley Methodist Church, to reach out to youths (aged 13 to 23), pointing them to our Saviour Jesus Christ. Regardless of your background/interests, come join us if you'd like to find out encounter the God who desires a personal relationship with you!


Looking for a BEARy good time? We've got you covered! 🥳🥳🥳

Enjoy some post-exam fun with something for everyone — Board games ♟️, E-sports 🎮, Arts & crafts 🎨, and Race cars 🏎️ (🐻 geddit), plus extra tasks and quests that can win you some amazing prizes!

Invite your friends and sign up NOW!!

🗓️ Sat, 25 Nov 2023, 2pm - 5pm
📍 Wesley Methodist Church

👯‍♂️ Sign up in groups of 2-6 pax, or as individuals here: https://tinyurl.com/bearatym 👀


Throwback to YM Camp 2016, Bold.

We hope you signed up for SEEK CAMP. ⛺️ As we count down the days to camp, we want to prepare our hearts 🩷 for a time of rest and reflection 💭, to build the foundations ⚒️ of our spiritual journey with Christ and our YSG friends, preparing for the journey ahead 🛣️.

We can't wait for camp! See you there 👋🏼

Photos from Wesley YM's post 03/10/2023

HELLO YM! registration for YM Camp 2023 is OPEN❗❗

YM Camp will be held on home ground this year, right here at Wesley Methodist church, from 16th to 19th December.

The camp theme this year is SEEK. and we encourage all youths aged 14 and above to join us in the journey of seeking God and His heart for our ministry.

If you wish to find out more about YM camp, do head over to our YM camp booths on Saturdays (After YM services) and Sundays (after Between services), or email [email protected].

Sign-ups close on 22nd October 2023. Thank you and hope to see you there!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 21/07/2023

Introducing drumroll 🥁 please…… the Influencer 🕶️, Daniel!

Want to find out more about Daniel and how he could have an impact in your G-AIM of Life 🎲🚶🏻? Sign up for AGAPE now and invite your friends both in and outside of YM!

🗓 29 July 2023, 1pm - 6pm
📍Wesley Methodist Church, Fort Canning

👉🏻 Sign up at tinyurl.com/ymagape2023

Photos from Wesley YM's post 21/07/2023

AGAPE NPC CHARACTERS (3/4) : Jamie the Gymbro 🏋🏻‍♀️🥊

Squats? Check ✅. Bicep curls? Check ✅. All in a day’s workout for our friendly neighbourhood personal trainer 🏃🏻‍♀️. She’s tough, determined, and ABSOLUTELY RIPPED 💪🏻💪🏻 The fitness fanatics here might want to start taking notes 🤔📝

Find out MORE about Jamie by signing up for AGAPE now and bring your friends with you! EVERYONE is welcome 🥳🥳

🗓 29 July 2023, 1pm - 6pm
📍Wesley Methodist Church, Fort Canning
⚠️Registration closes in 3 DAYS!!! (22 July)
👉🏻 Sign up at tinyurl.com/ymagape2023

Photos from Wesley YM's post 16/07/2023

🎲 🚶🏻29 JULY | AGAPE 2023 NPC CHARACTERS (2/4)

Introducing drumroll 🥁 please…… the Academic 📚, Jenny!

Want to find out more about Jenny and how she could have an impact in your G-AIM of Life 🎲🚶🏻? Sign up for AGAPE now and invite your friends both in and outside of YM!

🗓 29 July 2023, 1pm - 6pm (Fellowship Saturday)
📍Wesley Methodist Church, Fort Canning

👉🏻 Sign up at tinyurl.com/ymagape2023
Registration closes -next week on 22 JULY-



Enjoyed last year’s treasure hunt? Or missed the chance to join? Don’t worry, AGAPE is back for July's fellowship Sat with a whole new adventure 🌍!

Join us as we discover what is the aim of life by progressing through the *G-Aim of Life*, and see what all the hype is about!

This is an open event so feel free to invite your friends both in and outside YM! Sign ups are individual, but you can indicate who you’d like to be grouped with and we’ll try our best to accommodate ☺️ Chope your spot; sign up noww!

🗓 29 July 2023, 1pm - 6pm
📍Wesley Methodist Church, Fort Canning

👉🏻 Sign up at tinyurl.com/YMagape2023 👈🏻
Registration closes on 15 July!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 17/06/2023

How much do you know about our church? If you're thinking..."hmm not much 🤷", then it's time to discover Wesley Beyond YM this 17 June!

Current and former YMers share their honest experiences during YM service, and instead of YSG time, we have workshops by fellow Wesleyans! Wesley's a big family and they shed light on what being part of this family really means.

[Workshop Sign-Ups]
Workshop sign-ups are first come first served!! 👉Come early to get the coloured sticker that matches the workshop you're interested in.👈

Swipe to the end for workshop colours!

ps. Thanks to everyone who did our polls/sliders on stories. U made it fun!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 10/06/2023

All about church family these couple of months! 💒🧡

June hols = family time and our church fam is heading up to KL for church camp but no fomo! We’ll be hearing the same message too 🤙🏼 next week we get to know the Wesley fam better, and after that we’re honoured to host friends from Little Candles Methodist Church in Phrao, Thailand!

• JULY •
Ps A officially passes the YM baton to Ps Ben and YM enters a new season! Time to review, re-envision, rebuild as a YM fam, and we get to share what’s going on with our Wesley fam at YM Weekend!

Rmb NO YM SERVICE on YM Weekend but we’ll be serving and reppin’ YM at Wesley’s other services 💪🏼 Ending off with a bang at AGAPE by the Crosstrainers — bring friends and let them experience fun with church family! 🤩

Photos from Wesley YM's post 15/12/2022

at worship alive @ YM, we were asked to write down our sins on a piece of paper and toss it at the altar. I didn't have to think long about what I wanted to write.

As I took the pen and began writing down my sins, I realised I had a pen... but with no ink. I took another pen out from my bag to write but again.... no ink. I decided that I'd just write what I planned to on the paper - with or without ink, I figured it was the act of writing down our sins that was the point of the exercise anyway.

In that moment, this question was impressed upon me:
Why do you let sin condemn you when I've already washed your sins away?

in the psalms it says - a weak and contrite heart, You will not despise.

idk who needs to hear this but Jesus died for us so we don't have to walk in sin or shame anymore. Jesus already paid the price for us - and the ball in our court to take the next step: repent.


Photos from Wesley YM's post 15/12/2022

Calvary speaks a message about the cost of our salvation - the story of the law colliding with grace. The grace that despite our darkness, God’s love shines through to us.

It begins by celebrating our redemption, that only through Jesus sacrifice on the cross, we are once again reunited with God. In the chorus, we sing praises to our redeeming father, because he has set us free from the bo***ge of sin and shame.

We sing that our mistakes, even the grave can no longer separate us from God through his mercy and grace. With this love poured out on us comes a new dependance on God, that no one but Jesus can free us and make us pure.

Calvary is a story of God’s victory, and may we praise Him and celebrate that!

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)

| Philotheos

Let’s celebrate God’s faithfulness this YM Camp!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 14/12/2022

A moment that made me realign from him was when I realized that I was slowly drifting away from God. It wasn't a huge significant moment but really based on reflection while I was on a bus. I realised I became a lot more materialistic and “secular” in my worldviews where I could “justify” things that I knew were wrong in my moral compass like brushing off lies that are slightly more severe in nature. When I took a step back I could see a difference in my past self that was more dedicated to God, such as listening to or doing devotions on the bus vs the present when I wasn’t that diligent anymore. I also started to be more anxious about my future and I didn’t want my life to be marked out by that feeling. That was when I wanted to realign myself back to God because I had experienced life without His strong “presence”. Right now, I’m still trying to figure out all these things because they take a lot of work to balance to figure out. When I wanted to realign I was over- ambitious and tried to insert God constantly with all these habits in my life to gain back my momentum and although it was a good thing it led to burnout quickly and neglected other areas in my life. In hindsight, being a Christian, having a relationship with God should be an all-consuming thing in your life and pe*****te your life in every aspect. Instead of inserting habits or daily reminders, I should always try to live in a godly way and choose the decision that Jesus would have chosen.

I think that repentance is obviously a journey. It’s not like an overnight high where one day you feel touched and you change. I think that that’s a common misconception. Repentance is about the resilience to get back up again after you fall and after you drift. For me, that’s what it was. It takes a lot of internal conflict and struggle to do the right thing, especially living in a secular world. I’ve come to the acceptance that I’m always gonna sin and I’m gonna feel guilty and I’m gonna sin intentionally and I’m gonna drift and then I’m gonna form that bad habit. The goal is always about progress and not perfection when it comes to repentance.


Photos from Wesley YM's post 14/12/2022

What does God’s love mean to you? God’s unconditional love, that despite all our sin and imperfections, God reunited us by sending His Son to die on the cross - for our sins.

“Purify” begins by acknowledging God’s grace and mercy, that He poured out His blood to rescue us from the depths of our sin, despite how undeserving and unworthy we are of His love.

The second verse and choruses are our response, fearing God and seeking to walk in His ways. It’s a call to acknowledge and revere God as the holy one - for us to be more Christ-like, we can only do it by pursuing God and building our relationship with Him.

Knowing God’s redeeming love, as we respond in this song, will we repent of our sins and seek Him with open hearts?

“Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86‬:‭11‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)
[ | Philotheos]

Is your heart open to encountering God this YM Camp?

Photos from Wesley YM's post 13/12/2022

If I were to summarize the Christian faith in one word, I would choose to describe it as “Hope.” It is hope that in spite of our weaknesses and sin, God’s redemptive grace has saved us and given us freedom from sin and death.

“Living Hope” starts with reflection about how great the chasm and divide is between us and God. And despite this, God’s loving kindness reached out to us and pulled us out of the darkness we were once in.

The chorus then repeats in shouts of joy — “Hallelujah, praise the one who set me free. Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me.” It celebrates Christ’s triumph over sin and death when He died and rose again.

With repentance, there also comes redemption, which Jesus Christ died on the cross for. He is our rock and redeemer, our living God and savior. May we live joyfully knowing that He has overcome.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ (‭NIV‬‬)
[Philotheos, ]

Are you looking forward to worshipping God this YM Camp?

Photos from Wesley YM's post 02/12/2022


Late last year I suffered a bad back injury which put me out of activity for many months. As much as I was able to joke about it, it was pretty destabilising as it affected so much of my day-to-day movement. I was taking major exams this year, yet I couldn’t properly sit through the length of a paper, so I worried a lot about where I’d end up at that rate. Recovery was slow and often discouraging, and one small overexertion would set me back by a lot.

It was during this time where I reflected on God’s purpose for me, because I knew that surely He wasn’t letting me suffer for nothing. That’s when I realised just how much I had been trying to rely on my own strength to get through, and how much I’d neglected God in the process. I was so focused on fixing things on my terms that I never stopped to consider if God had a plan for me which I just couldn’t see. As much as I had been resisting, and as uncomfortable as it was, I felt God telling me to relinquish control over all the fear and uncertainty associated with this area of my life, and nurture my spiritual health like I did my physical health. This brought a lot more peace and prayer into the recovery process.

Realigning with God has never been a linear process, but an intentional effort to see God working in the midst of my struggles helped things take an upturn! I was able to resume activities with new hope and a change of heart. Through it all, I’m reminded daily how blessed I am to be able to even move and breathe each day, and to see that the battle truly belongs to Him ☺️

| .lohh


Hey YM!!! As we prepare our hearts and count down the days to , we’ll be sharing a special testimony series!

One major focus for this year’s camp is repentance. Repentance looks different to everyone — for some, it’s the act or process or turning back to God. What is repentance to you?

(Paiseh, reposting as we had typos in the verse!)


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27


Do YOU want to see youths transformed for Christ? Come join us on 3 Dec at 11am in church to hear how you can be part of the prayer movement in YM!

Click the link on our 🙏🏻 highlights to join the tele channel!


This Friday night, 14 Oct, let us come together and draw near to God by worshipping and praying at Wesley Sanctuary. The theme for this night will be an "An Undivided Heart" taken from Psalm 86:11. Pre-service prayer starts at 7:30pm so do come early to prepare our hearts and minds and enter into God's Holy Presence. “Teach me Your way, Lord, that I may rely on Your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.” Psalm 86:11


A lot can happen in 7 days. Our journey through Lent is reaching its climax. Join us for our Holy Week services as we trace Christ’s steps to the Cross, ponder His death, and celebrate the victory if His resurrection.
👉🏻 wesleymc.org/holyweek2022


A lot can happen in 7 days. Our journey through Lent is reaching its climax. Join us for our Holy Week services as we trace Christ’s steps to the Cross and ponder His death.
👉🏻 wesleymc.org/holyweek2022

Photos from Wesley YM's post 11/04/2022

A lot can happen in 7 days. Our journey through Lent is reaching its climax. Join us for our Holy Week services as we trace Christ’s steps to the Cross.
👉🏻 wesleymc.org/holyweek2022

Photos from Wesley YM's post 02/03/2022

[Lent 1/3]
Today is Ash Wednesday, marking the start of the 40-day season of Lent. Wondering what Lent is about, and which are the 40 days? Find out as we experience it together as the church and the body of Christ 💒

Photos from Wesley YM's post 02/03/2022

[Lent 2/3]
What IS Ash Wednesday and why do we observe it? Join in our Ash Wednesday service, held online at 8pm tonight, to find out and observe it with the whole Wesley community.
Head over to wesleymc.org/lent2022 for more deets!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 02/03/2022

[Lent 3/3]
During Lent, we prepare our hearts for Easter, and this year our church is preparing together by going through the gospel of Matthew.

Through our sermons, daily readings from a guidebook “Lent for Everyone: Matthew Year A” by Tom Wright (shown above!), and YSG sharing, let’s remember the love God poured out on us through Christ Jesus on the cross 🙏🏼
If you haven’t already, do pick up your copy of this book at the carpark registration table when you come for YM this Sat!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 02/03/2022

[Lent 1/3]
Today is Ash Wednesday, marking the start of the 40-day season of Lent. Wondering what Lent is about, and which are the 40 days? Swipe to find out 👉🏻

Photos from Wesley YM's post 05/11/2021

ICYMI, YM is returning on-site from 6 Nov (tmr) onwards 🎉🎉🎉

We really treasure being able to worship together in community again – it's so important to us as Christians, so let's do it in a loving way that keeps each other safe 🙂 Swipe to see how 👆

🙏🏼 an anticipation to meet God & each other
❤️ a heart ready to worship (unforch no singing still)
✅ individual registration proof from Church Centre App/website (instructions above!)
🆗 ART negative result if required
😷 your fav mask & sanitiser

To honour each other and the church's direction, unfortunately we will 🚫 not 🚫 be able to admit any YMers without prior registration.

If you need any help registering via the Church Centre App, drop us a DM and we'll be happy to help!


[26 / Triangle / 19yo]
In secondary school, I spent all my time playing, taking on projects and totally forgetting that I was a student who needed to study. When JC came along, I was already way behind many of my peers, but I told myself that I would do ALL I could to make sure that I got straight As for my A levels. Come end of JC 1, I was failing almost all my subjects. I felt so helpless, so hopeless. I was convinced that I wouldn’t graduate. For the next 12 months, I toiled over countless test papers and ten-year-series. Thankfully, it paid off and I was able to graduate from JC and enter a local university.

When asked to share my testimony, I was rather unwilling because I felt I had nothing to share about studying for my A levels. I wasn't able to see how God had worked in my life then, and felt that I had not learnt anything about God from those years of my life.

I pondered hard and prayed harder about what to say. Truth be told, this story was initially headed in a totally different direction. But the more I wrote, the more I realised how blind I had been. God had actually been working through the people around me - friends, teachers and family. I had believed that everything I achieved was because of my hard work, but God was with me every step of the way, giving me strength and sustaining me through late nights of studying and early morning extra classes in school. In my worst moments, He was there: to give me comfort and solace through my family on the nights that I was feeling so down and tired; to give me strength and sustenance through the companionship of friends and the encouragement of my teachers.

I couldn’t see how God was working in the moment, but now in hindsight, I can see it so clearly. My biggest takeaway from this is that no matter what situation I face and or how hopeless I feel, I should always have the assurance that God is there for me. Even when I don’t see Him.

Nicole Tong,

Got a story of how God met you during exam season? Drop us a DM, we’d love to get in touch! features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups.


Those who know me would know my success with exams, but those who know me better know of the failure I encountered recently, and how much it affected me. Here’s what God taught me through my greatest successes and most crushing failures:

1. God's plan is loving and perfect. In adversity, we can trust that He is sovereign, working all things for the good of those who love Him. When I encounter failure, I try to find one good thing that God has done through it, knowing by faith that there are a million more that I won't discover until I see Him. Even if I find none, I trust and hope in God, looking forward to the day we can see what a beautiful tapestry God is making with our lives.

2. Being content. By His grace, God has allowed me to be content with my failure, though not a day goes by when I don't think of it. When our dreams are dashed and our future uncertain, it tends to plague our minds. Even as prophet Jeremiah "continually remembered" his afflictions, he called to mind the steadfast love of God. The Lord was his portion, and he hoped only in Him. Even when I found my 'good, sanctifying reason', I struggled so hard with this. Paul, who boasted about his afflictions, was content in every season. I prayed everyday for God to open my eyes to what Paul saw, knowing that I can only be content "through Christ who strengthens me". God had mercy on me, and taught my heart that He alone is my portion.

What does it mean that nothing can separate us from the love of God? God sent me my life's first great failure to teach me that it doesn't matter whether I succeed or fail, only that my life's foundation is on God. I don't expect God to make up for my troubles, for my hope lies in His perfect plan, and nothing I can ask or imagine can add to that perfection. I pray that we are reminded that everything in life, success or failure, big or small, is from the loving hand of God, and so find divine contentment and joy.

Elliot Mok,

Got a story of how God met you during exam season? Drop us a DM, we’d love to get in touch! features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups.


[23 / LOL / 22yo]
Less than a week before my A Level examinations began, I lost my best friend and spent the days leading up to A’s in the ICU and subsequently at his funeral. Words cannot express the immense sadness I was in and I couldn’t focus on my exam preparations at all.

Sitting at the bottom of this deep abyss, I questioned God incessantly, but also learned that there’s so much more to life than exams. The pressure from the demands of academic excellence were already piling, but God held my hands through my exams and brought me through them. God brought me to my knees and taught me that all I could do was surrender and trust that He would deliver.

I hardly studied in those final days, but every single paper I began with a 5-finger prayer (for my family & friends, for my teachers/mentors/leaders, for Singapore, for those in pain and for myself) and God delivered me through each paper with an unexplainable sense of peace. Even though my grades weren’t fantastic, they were good enough for me to secure a spot in a local university and subsequently I secured a scholarship to pay for my livelihood and education despite my A level results.

If there’s one thing I’d like you to remember, it’s that God can carry you out of the deepest, darkest abyss. It might come with struggles as we rebelliously try to navigate “our own way”, but when we surrender and trust, He delivers. Faith is not believing God can, it’s knowing that He will. Grades seriously aren’t everything. You are more than any letter grade, you are more than a number in the system, you are a precious child of God and He loves you immeasurably. ❤️

Faith See,
Loving Our Lord (LOL)

Got a story of how God met you during exam season? Drop us a DM, we’d love to get in touch! features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups.

Photos from Wesley YM's post 10/11/2020

[23/Just As I Am]
My journey started in 2013 when I was in my first JAIA camp as a camper. I fondly remember the seniors from YM who were serving then as my youth leaders. They guided and befriended me during and after the camp, and left a deep impression on me. That was why I decided that when the opportunity arose, I would step up to serve the community as a way of returning the favour.

In 2016, that opportunity arrived and I jumped on without hesitation. I saw many familiar faces from my time in Children’s Ministry during the meetings and training sessions, and was happy to find out I would be serving alongside my P6 teacher.

At first, I was worried about how I might be able to contribute to the camp as I was new. However, later on I was asked to help out with the planning of games, which was a perfect fit for me as I had experience from serving as a Crosstrainer in YM. Since that first camp, I’ve been going back annually to help out and I have no regrets spending my holidays serving the Lord in JAIA.

Phelps Goh,
Just As I Am

In collaboration with BeTween, we're running a special feature on YMers serving as Youth Group Leaders in Just As I Am (JAIA) – Wesley's annual camp for 10-14 year olds. features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups. If your YSG has a testimony to share, get in touch via our DMs!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 10/11/2020

[22/Just As I Am]
In 2019, I served at JAIA as a youth group leader and later made the decision to continue serving in Between.

In Between, I now serve as a youth leader alongside an adult teacher, facilitating group discussions and also planning games for the tweens. As youth leaders, we connect the older and younger generations, and it is our role to relate to the younger ones and help them along their journey with Christ.

Though COVID-19 has inconvenienced our weekly church meetups, Between sessions continued on Zoom and the situation has not deterred us from learning more about God each week.

My experience serving in Between has been very rewarding. I’ve come to realise that I not only develop my faith in Christ through serving, but I have the opportunity to learn from the tweens in my group. Hearing their individual takes on the lesson of the day and discussing how they personally relate to the message has given me many new perspectives, and even refreshed my own understanding of these lessons.

I've seen how God works through the lessons and the tweens to build up meaningful relationships, and my own spiritual walk as well! It's my honour to be able to grow with these tweens and see what God has in store for this group :-)

Enya Sim,
Just As I Am

In collaboration with BeTween, we're running a special feature on YMers serving as Youth Group Leaders in Just As I Am (JAIA) – Wesley's annual camp for 10-14 year olds. features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups. If your YSG has a testimony to share, get in touch via our DMs!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 28/10/2020

[21 /Just As I Am]
Serving in JAIA 2018 and 2019 was truly a blessing that I value immensely to this day. I served most recently as a group leader in 2019. Despite it being a new experience, I learnt so much from the adult leaders, my peers, the children and most importantly, from God. JAIA was a safe space in which I could not only serve the Lord but grow stronger in my faith as well.

One remarkable way in which God showed himself to me was through the children and how receptive they were to God’s word. It was amazing seeing each of the kids grow throughout the camp and the valuable bonds I formed with them will never be forgotten. The passion with which they worshipped and prayed was something I was immensely inspired by. Ultimately, being able to serve God in JAIA really opened my eyes to the endless ways in which God works and what He has in store for us.

“...like living stones, let yourself be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2:5

Sophia Klein,
Just As I Am

In collaboration with BeTween, we're running a special feature on YMers serving as Youth Group Leaders in Just As I Am (JAIA) – Wesley's annual camp for 10-14 year olds. features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups. If your YSG has a testimony to share, get in touch via our DMs!

Photos from Wesley YM's post 23/10/2020

This is our .

Our response of faith to God’s faithfulness in the past year. Following His steadfastness by being steadfast ourselves, not giving up on being a church community even when we can’t all be together. Of not letting out of sight become out of mind.

This is our bold step towards pioneering a unique camp experience, making safe spaces to reconnect with God and each other.

Join us for Camp Steadfast from 17-19 Dec!
Sign up at tinyurl.com/ymc20-regform

Photos from Wesley YM's post 23/10/2020

[19 /Just As I Am]

Hi I'm Isaac, I'm 16 years old and I've served in JAIA since 2017 🙂 For the first two years, I served as a games comm member before deciding to become a youth group leader in 2019.

The experience so far has been great; interacting with people from all across the church really gave me some perspective on how big the body of Christ is, and how we’re all working together to achieve a common goal (doing the Lord's work). It also reinforced the importance of having a good community around me.

Personally, through serving in JAIA, I’ve learnt how to do stuff with little sleep and also learnt the importance of treating everyone like how I would like to be treated. We really never know what the other person is going through on the inside, and we’ll never know how much a smile or a kind gesture can do for someone going through some problems. If you’d like to experience this for yourself, consider serving our younger brothers and sisters in BeTween or JAIA with us!

Isaac Seah,
Just As I Am

In collaboration with BeTween, we're running a special feature on YMers serving as Youth Group Leaders in Just As I Am (JAIA) – Wesley's annual camp for 10-14 year olds. features short stories from our YSGs about how God is moving in their groups. If your YSG has a testimony to share, get in touch via our DMs!


Why did Jesus speak in parables?

He explains in The Parable of the Sower. A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he scattered, some fell along the path, and birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places and sprang up quickly but withered when the sun came up as they had no root. Others fell among thorns which choked the plants. Still others fell on good soil, where it produced crops a hundred fold. Parables represent the secrets of heaven, and God uses them to impart this knowledge to his people.

In this parable, the seeds represent those who hear the message about the Kingdom:

• Path - Those who do not understand the message, and the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their hearts.
• Rocky ground - Those who hear the word and receive it with joy. But because they have no roots, it doesn’t last and when trouble comes they quickly fall away.
• Thorns - Those who hear the word but worries of life and deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.
• Good soil - Those who hear and understand the word, bearing fruit a hundred fold.

Let’s endeavour to be like the seed sown in good soil, with open hearts and ears so that we might bear fruit a hundred fold for the Kingdom of God. Let’s also uphold one another in Christ to create a good soil for our brothers and sisters.
[The Parables of Jesus is an ongoing teaching series about the truths hidden in the stories Jesus told. To help us remember them, we’ll be posting recaps, paired with custom artwork!]

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Videos (show all)

Looking for a BEARy good time? We've got you covered! 🥳🥳🥳Enjoy some post-exam fun with something for everyone — Board ga...
Throwback to YM Camp 2016, Bold.We hope you signed up for SEEK CAMP. ⛺️ As we count down the days to camp, we want to pr...
AGAPE NPC CHARACTERS (4/4) : Daniel the Influencer 🕺🏻📸HEYY GUYSSS for the final leg of our agape npc character series, s...
AGAPE NPC CHARACTERS (3/4) : Jamie the Gymbro 🏋🏻‍♀️🥊Squats? Check ✅.  Bicep curls? Check ✅. All in a day’s workout for o...
Teaser #3: MEET LIONEL.
Teaser #2: MEET DYLAN.
Teaser #1: MEET MAG.
Rec@YM publicity video 1(Tengnaldo)



5 Fort Canning Road

Opening Hours

09:00 - 06:00

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The TackleBox The TackleBox
400 Commonwealth Drive
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151 Compassvale Bow
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Loving & Affectionate Mosque - An Excellent Institution That Brings Happiness To Whole Family

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10 Choa Chu Kang Street 52
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Kagyud Tradition Kagyud Tradition

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ETWord Singapore ETWord Singapore
37 Jalan Pemimpin, #02-08 Mapex Building, S 577177
Singapore, S577177

The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2Tim2:2

Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre Singapore Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre Singapore
21 Lorong 25 Geylang
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Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre Singapore "Practice Zen, attain Trueself & help all beings"

真佛宗狮城雷藏寺 True Buddha Shi Cheng Association 真佛宗狮城雷藏寺 True Buddha Shi Cheng Association
117, Sims Avenue
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Herald B-P Church Herald B-P Church
Guilin Building No. 8 Lorong 27A Geylang #04/01
Singapore, 027468

Thank God for He is always ready to bless us and to enable us to grow in Christ.

Buddhist Fellowship Buddhist Fellowship
2 Telok Blangah Street 31, #02-00 Yeo's Building
Singapore, 108942

Official page of Buddhist Fellowship. Buddhist Fellowship is a Dhamma Centre for All 🙏🏻🪷

Masjid Haji Muhammad Salleh Maqam Habib Noh Masjid Haji Muhammad Salleh Maqam Habib Noh
37 Palmer Road
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Masjid Haji Muhammad Salleh 37 Palmer Road, Singapore 079424. Tel: 62209257. Fax: 63231159

陰福宮 陰福宮
10, Buroh Street West Connect #08/14
Singapore, 627564

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