Canine Solutions Singapore

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Canine Solutions Singapore, Dog trainer, 118 Tembeling Road, Singapore.

Photos from Canine Solutions Singapore's post 13/03/2024

As you know, we’re pawrents of dogs with special needs.
Blacky has back and leg/joints issues and we got her wheels to help with her mobility, while Bless lost his vision (and eyes) to glaucoma.
We’ve never given up on them, though it can drain us physically and mentally, not to mention financially.
It’s not been easy and sometimes we come across situations of unpleasantness. It probably boils down to the lack of awareness in society.
We only have to deal with it with our dogs; can’t imagine how much persons caring for, and who are of, special needs have to deal with.
There’s an upcoming event for pawrents of special needs pets - on 5-7 April at
Being Able to be Unable is organised by Eliza and Andy of .animalrehab
Andy is Blacky’s physiotherapist, and we met Eliza when she interviewed us about Blacky and Bless for her school project.
Learn about massage for special needs pets, exchange experiences as a caregiver in the sharing session, find out more about managing burnout as a caregiver, or get a caricature of your pet!
If you care for a special needs pet, register to attend the sessions and be part of this inaugural event!
If you’re a pet owner just curious to learn more, join us too and show your support for our fellow caregivers!

Photos from Canine Solutions Singapore's post 08/09/2023

We start a new chapter in CSS, where we are turning our focus towards teaching dog owners the know-how, and their dogs the skills, that can help keep dogs fit and maintain a healthy body condition, especially through their golden years.
It’s not been an easy few months, personally for us with Bless and Blacky’s health issues, and we’re grateful to our clients for sticking it out with us and very thankful for their continued support.
Using our dog training background and skills, we can Stimulate their Mind, Strengthen their Body and Spur on their Spirit, keeping the dogs fit, and of course have fun along the way!
* Shout-out to Orange Cactus Projects for shaping our idea into a design, and to K&K Embroidery and Gifts for the t-shirt printing.


We’ve had to regularly take Blacky’s temperature, since she started having fever on and off due to a possible lung infection.
Thought it would be good to share - every dog owner should have a thermometer on hand to use for their dog, as you never know when you’d need it.
There have been times when her abdominal area was warmer than usual, and without taking her temperature, we couldn’t be sure if she was having a fever or it’s just due to the hot weather. And just feeling her tummy/body isn’t much of an indication either, as there was once her underbelly wasn’t particularly warm, but when she licked me, her tongue was alarmingly hot, and yup she did have a fever (which is above 39.2 degrees celsius).
It’s a simple re**al thermometer with a flexi-tip that you can get from a pharmacy (usually those that are used to take a baby’s temperature), and get a water-soluble lubricant too, as you would apply it to the tip of the thermometer.
It’s always best to be prepared!


Everyone say Hi to Luna!
Luna and her owners had attended our Foundation Class, and as they would be away for a couple of days, they wanted her to board with us.
So this sweet girl is with us for our Foundation Camp, where we will continue to improve her focus and responsiveness, as well as her walk.
She’s started on the treadmill, giving her body a good warm-up exercise, followed by some luring.
Instead of just luring her up and down in a straight line, we made use of the equipment to see got her luring skill has gotten, doing Figure 8s and going onto the touchpad.
Luna’s settling in nicely and we hope we can motivate her to be more responsive and eager to do more with her owners.
Check out our IG to see what Luna will be up to in the following weeks !


Everyone say hi to Kakashi, a 1.5 year old mini dachshund. Kakashi has been a handful for his owner, barking uncontrollably when people and dogs walk past his home, barking at dogs during walks as well as lunging at dogs, to the point that he got into an incident with another dog.
His owner already has been feeling embarrassed walking him as she can’t stop his barking, and to add on to her feeling helpless, with that incident, she lost confidence in herself.
We had seen firsthand how explosive Kakashi got at looking at another dog walk past, with his owner handling him. It’s definitely a case of him feeling that he has to “protect” his family, his territory, being confident in displaying such behaviour. But he also gets anxious without his family around, whining and barking when they are out of the house.
In the past week, Kakashi has shown us how much potential he has. He definitely is going to be a superpower with all the skills he’ll be learning here!
Check out his progress on our IG page.


Everyone say hi to Maxine and Minnie! These 2 sisters joined us over the weekend to start their training camp.
Over the next few weeks, they will be learning to engage better, be more responsive and handle themselves better, especially when it comes to seeing other dogs or movement/noises outside their home.
This was Day 0, where we get a feel of how they usually are.
Follow us on IG to see their progress over the next few weeks.


Wishing you a Happy Lunar New Year!

Photos from Canine Solutions Singapore's post 21/01/2023

Buddy’s been with us since our early days. We remembered a particular photo taken when we were still at Jalan Tua Kong. So we took another during his recent stay here.
He’s still got that smile 😁


Buddy’s in da house! We’re always happy to see Buddy. Age is catching up on him; he may be older but he is wiser too 😜
Buddy’s the reason we do what we do. He was the motivation for Ken to find answers and opened him up to the world of dog training, learning new skills in the States and applying what he learnt to help dogs be able to coexist with their owners in a way that works for both parties, and help owners better understand and manage their dogs appropriately.
Many trainers have that one dog that pushed them to find answers, that got them into this trade itself. For Ken, that dog was Buddy. And we’re forever grateful to Buddy and his owners for never giving up and believing in us.


Starting our year off with 2 new additions to our facade! What better way to do our part for our environment - add some greenery to this concrete jungle, liven up our area and contribute to better air quality!
Hope they grow nice and tall! 🤞


Gnocchi’s home and he’s settling in well with his owners and in his new home.
It’ll be important for his owners to maintain his training - continuing to engage with him, keep up his responsiveness to his name and be able to redirect his focus back on them.
With all he’s learnt, both his owners and him will be able to forge a strong relationship that will see them through the many years ahead.
* Take a look at his progress the past 4 weeks in our Instagram posts and stories.


4 weeks have come and gone, and Sushi’s back home!
Sushi’s completed our Puppy Development Camp and we’re so proud of him. He’s learnt so much and has grown so much too. He’s become a more confident dog, more responsive as well and has learnt what he should and shouldn’t do. Less whining, no barking for attention, and he settles down faster and more easily.
The coming weeks are going to be tough for his owners, but with the knowledge they have now, and the skills that Sushi has learnt, they can feel more confident in managing him and be able to have a healthier relationship with Sushi.
It’s always rewarding for us to be able to give our clients the confidence and tools/skills to manage their dog better. They are all going to enjoy each other’s company so much better and have a bond that’s going to last a lifetime.


Everyone meet 6-month old Ollie!
Ollie’s with us for Foundation Camp, where he’s going to learn to focus on his handler, manage his excitement and improve his walking skills.
Ken’s started on engagement exercises with him and will be working on his leash skills.
And if you are wondering why he looks familiar - he’s Louis’ brother!
Follow us on Instagram to see his progress over the next 3 weeks.


Everyone say hi to 3-month old Gnocchi! This handsome boy is with us for Puppy Development Camp.
We’ll be teaching him basic skills that will benefit him and his owners, and get him ready to join his family in a couple of weeks.
It’s only been a few days but he’s starting to open up and be a bit more attentive to us. Ken has been introducing him to the outdoors, as he had shown some concern with the environment, the noises around, even people staring at him (‘cos he’s so cute that people unknowingly put so much energy towards him when looking at him, and that turns into putting pressure onto the dog). Ken briefly mentions about this and to give being outdoors a purpose.
We’re also working on his toileting habit - we’re going back-to-basics 100% all p*e pad and then bit by bit we will reduce the ‘p*e zone’.
Follow us on Instagram to see Gnocchi’s progress, to get him more engaged with his handler, build up his confidence and motivation and have good home management skills.

Photos from Canine Solutions Singapore's post 16/11/2022

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
No doubt, it’s going to be a season of joy with sales galore!
With such an awesome year-end sale by , it’s just what you need to get started!
So put together that list of what you’re gonna get and for whom, and make it a season of giving too!
Pre-order with us or check out Howlistic’s other retailers. You can also go to their booth (E09) at the upcoming Pet Expo!
PS. Bless is hopeful for lots of Christmas prezzies, and hopes you’ll get tons for your dogs too!


Everyone meet little Sushi! This cutie pie joined us this week for Puppy Development Camp.
He’s been a bit of a handful for his owners, with his barking and whining, and he was beginning to show signs of separation anxiety.
It’s common that we may give way too much attention to a dog that has just joined our family, unknowingly creating an unhealthy relationship, and that’s when all the undesired behaviour emerges.
So in the next 4 weeks, Sushi is going to learn to be more confident, learn new skills to bring out the best in him, and his owners will have the know-how to manage him better and have a much healthier relationship with Sushi.
Sushi’s already started off well, picking up the concept of how to engage with his handler, being familiar with the set up of the playpen and he’s beginning to go into rest mode much easier, switching off when in the crate.
Follow us on Instagram to see how Sushi progresses!


But he looks so cute!
But he looks so docile!
But he’s looking at me!
These are just some of the responses we have heard after telling a stranger not to touch Buddy.
Yes he’s cute; yes he’s looking at you, because you are staring at him; but no, he is not docile. Whoever knows Buddy, knows better than to approach him, let alone pat him, without an invitation.
It’s too often that we come across a stranger saying hello to our dog or reaching out to touch the dog, without any regard for the person handling that dog - no acknowledgement of their existence, not having the common courtesy to ask if one may pat their dog. Worse yet, some feel entitled to touch a dog whom they do not know, and neither do they know the handler. And should an incident happen, it’s the dog’s fault and irresponsibility of the handler. And should the handler tell them not to touch the dog, they take offence.
Just think about it. Dogs are now often treated like our own kids. Would you want a complete stranger staring at your kid, touching your kid?
Let’s be more gracious, remember our manners, and acknowledge the person first, before the dog. It’s just basic courtesy.


Just wanted to share what we experienced this morning. Many of our clients have experienced this - their dog being approached by another dog without that owner asking first.
We’ve had this happen to us numerous times, and we’ve either changed route or if they are still having the intention to let their dog approach, we tell them not to, that our dog is not friendly.
Yes, majority of the dogs we handle are reactive or have a history, let alone our own personal dogs.
This particular person really crossed the line today. We’ve seen him numerous times during walks and no doubt his dog is friendly. But our clients don’t hire us to let their dogs pull on leash, rehearse bad habits, or react.
We have told him several times to not approach, we have steered clear of him and his dog, and they’ve even incurred Breaker’s wrath before. But never once has he ever asked, nor ever made any effort to distance himself from us.
There comes a time when we have to be firm, stand our ground and protect and advocate for our dog. And this morning was just that.
This person came up behind Ken who was with Charlie and cornered them at our door. Ken had to step forward and ask him if he had a problem, that we’ve said many times our dog is not friendly. This person said Ken was aggressive and that he’d tell people not to come here.
That isn’t our concern, what assumed perception of us strangers have. As long as we take care of our clients, friends and our dogs, support and advocate for them, that’s all that matters to us.
Plus Charlie is to fly off this week, so we definitely would do what is necessary to not let him get into trouble, to not let him have any incident.
Out of this unpleasant experience - one thing good came out of it. Charlie showed how much control he has, and it’s true proof of his training (especially as this type of dog is his “favourite”). He trusted Ken to handle the situation and didn’t react to the dog.
So proud of you Charlie!


Judo’s back home and living it up with his owner!
If you remember, he came in for our Obedience Training Camp, and stayed on with us the past 2 months while his owner was away.
Besides maintaining his training, Judo had fun with the CSS gang, and of course we put him to the test in different ways, seeing how well he could respond with food around.
Judo loves food, he will do anything and everything for food. And yet food is also his kryptonite - it would get him into trouble and he couldn’t function or think clearly. But safe to say, he’s learnt how to manage himself better and with remote collar skills, he can be given all the freedom and his owner can still communicate with him, keeping him out of trouble.
It’s going to be awesome to see how well Judo does and his owner and him can enjoy each other’s company so much more and have even more adventures together!
The world is your oyster, Judo!


Bruce has grown so much during his Puppy Development Camp with us, and he’s all set to live a great life with his family.
It’s truly gratifying to be able to teach a puppy the skills and instilling good habits to give him the best start he can have with his family, as well as making it smoother for everyone to ease into their new life together.
Bruce is a bundle of joy and we’re sure that he and his family will have loads of fun together!


6 weeks have gone by in a flash and Soba is back home!
The main focus of his training camp was to build up his confidence, and that definitely has been achieved. His cheeky little personality also had emerged, and he really started to be more comfortable outdoors. And for his owner to be able to take a walk with him out of the confines of their estate, something that they’ve not been able to do, that was the ultimate.
A summary of his milestones during his camp, Soba’s come so far with his training and we’re so proud of him.


Probably one of Soba’s greatest fears is the outdoors. So with building up his confidence and responsiveness indoors first, Ken transitioned Soba to be more comfortable outdoors - letting him find a purpose to be outside, to be able to walk with his handler without panicking too much (his immediate release of his bladder/bowels upon seeing someone staring while coming in his direction has been greatly reduced, just one incident in the last 3 weeks).
Being able to start enjoying the walk - for both human and dog - is a game changer. You start communicating better, you advocate for your dog knowing what will or won’t benefit you and your dog, your dog trusts you more and becomes more responsive to you, but most importantly, the bond between you two becomes stronger.


Everyone say hi to Bruce! This 5-month old charmer joined us for Puppy Development Camp, and in the past week, he’s learnt to engage with his handler, getting used to equipment on him (harness, collar, leash), and most importantly, responding to his name.
We’ve also been working on his toileting, just getting him into a routine so that his owners can continue on with it when he goes home.
Bruce is literally like a clean slate, having come to us straight from the pet shop. He’s got good instincts, quick to learn, and his owners will easily be able to take over and maintain his good habits.
This was one of his outdoor sessions, Ken talks about having our puppy engage with us, being able to pay attention to us when outside, and striking a balance in what we do.


Charlie’s scheduled to migrate to a not so dog-friendly city. So to keep him safe and be responsible (as he is a large dog), we’ve been walking him with the muzzle on.
He’s familiar with the muzzle as we did muzzle training when he came to us as a little pup. But that was many years ago, so the first few times when he wore the muzzle, he tried to push it off.
By keeping up with the practice, Charlie will get comfortable with the muzzle, and it’ll just be as normal as wearing his collar or putting on the leash.


Sweet Nikka has completed her Foundation Camp with us! In the past 3 weeks, she’s learnt to be responsive to her handler, paying more attention to her humans than just doing what she wants when she wants.
Besides building up her confidence in certain areas, we’ve been practicing her recall and leash management as well.
Her walk has gotten much better, considering she used to pull or dash forward as something else would catch her eye, and she would disregard whoever was holding the leash.
Now both Nikka and her family can enjoy the walks more, being in tune with each other, strengthening the bond between them.
You did great Nikka!


* A Little Challenge We Did Just For Fun *
Durians. You either love it or you hate it.
Ken loves durians but Angie DOES NOT like it at all. Being durian season, Ken took the opportunity to be able to eat some durian by creating this challenge.

Rules of the challenge:
1) It has to be some food or drink that you really desire.
2) Strap the remote collar onto the hand that you will use to take the desired item.
3) Have a person hold the transmitter, and this person has to try to stop you from taking the item by increasing the level.

This challenge of ours was to see how the remote collar would change a behaviour, and in this case - at what level would change Ken’s mind about taking the durian.
At the start, he was determined to finish; towards the end, his hand was saying “no don’t take it” while his mind was saying “go for it!”. But it came to a point that he felt it wasn’t worth it to continue.
Find out what level Ken stopped at 😆

*We understand how the remote collar works and how to use it properly. This is just a challenge for humans.
*Ladies, if you want to tekan your partner, this is an excellent idea 😜

Are you up for the challenge? Post your video and tag us! We’d love to know What’s Your Number!

Photos from Canine Solutions Singapore's post 18/07/2022

We’re hosting Optimus Animal Rehabilitation on 13 August for a massage workshop and goodness, the slots were snapped up so fast before we could say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Andy does Blacky’s therapy and we see it firsthand, the benefits an old dog like Blacky reaps from a bit of massage everyday.
Just as how important training is for a dog, helping your dog maintain good physical condition is too.
Sorry if you missed out on this. Should you be interested to attend this workshop, let us know and we can plan for another one!


Everyone welcome Soba. This little one is with us for 6 weeks where we’ll be helping him to be more comfortable in his own skin.
Soba will be two years old later this year and his owner, having had him for about 4 months, would like him to be more confident, be less fearful of strangers or situations of everyday life, and be able to manage him when they go out and let him experience what the world has to offer.
Soba is super fearful, especially when outdoors. The stress he feels outside can overwhelm him; if someone is approaching and looks at him, he will defecate on the spot. Or if there’s a sound that startles him, he will p*e straightaway.
This past week, we’ve been helping him to get comfortable indoors. As we can control our own environment indoors, Soba has started eating quite quickly, a sign that shows he’s not so stressed out. He’s definitely comfortable in the crate as it’s his safe haven, so we have him in the playpen whenever we can, so that he can see how the dogs interact and observe what’s going on around him.
First task at hand is to get him familiar with the Pet Tutor, as it’ll come in handy later on where we introduce strangers or sounds into his environment and he can redirect his focus to the food (stranger = food, so stranger = not scary).
Stay tuned to follow Soba’s journey with us.

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Videos (show all)

We always have the gym dogs warm up before their main workout.You would have seen them warm up on the treadmill, or by d...
What do we do with new members of our #cssfitnessclub ? We first build up their foundational and obedience skills. Here’...
What we do at #cssfitnessclub Echo and Oreo show off their skills - body, mind, spirit. Their exercises mainly target bu...
Blacky getting around with her wheels from Happy Wheels for Furkids - Singapore !
We’re on TikTok! We’ll be sharing snippets of what we post and some random moments there. #justlightheartedfun #bringbac...
Yup, it’s been getting hotter in Singapore and everyone’s concerned about their dogs overheating, or worse yet, getting ...
Minnie & Maxine practicing their recall at the dog run!#traineddogshappierowners #traineddogshavemorefun #minischnauzers...
You know how responsive and attentive the dogs are when they are “so extra” 😂Kaya, Lady and Harvey trying their luck whi...
Everyone say hi to Kakashi, a 1.5 year old mini dachshund. Kakashi has been a handful for his owner, barking uncontrolla...
Everyone say hi to Maxine and Minnie! These 2 sisters joined us over the weekend to start their training camp.Over the n...
Everyone meet 6-month old Ollie! Ollie’s with us for Foundation Camp, where he’s going to learn to focus on his handler,...
Everyone say hi to 3-month old Gnocchi! This handsome boy is with us for Puppy Development Camp.We’ll be teaching him ba...




118 Tembeling Road

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