Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from EMBEDDIA Project, Education Website, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana.

Horizon 2020 project finding solutions for analyzing news, comments and assistance in creating news with cross-lingual embeddings for less-represented languages.

The 2022 AI Index: AI’s Ethical Growing Pains 04/04/2022

"As systems develop more impressive capability, they also produce more harm, and with great power comes great responsibility," Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence writes. The 2022 AI Index is here!

The 2022 AI Index: AI’s Ethical Growing Pains As AI systems develop more impressive capability, they also produce more harm, and with great power comes great responsibility.

That smiling LinkedIn profile face might be a computer-generated fake 30/03/2022

"More than 70 businesses were listed as employers on these fake profiles. They said they hadn't authorized any use of computer-generated images," NPR discovered while researching on LinkedIn profiles.

That smiling LinkedIn profile face might be a computer-generated fake Stanford researchers uncovered more than 1,000 of these LinkedIn profiles. A technology that has been used to promote misinformation online has now entered the corporate world.

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2022 21/03/2022

Check out the ten breakthrough technologies of 2022 chosen by MIT Technology Review and Keysight. AI for protein folding and synthetic data also made the list.

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2022 This list represents a glimpse into our collective future.

MSI-RES Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of Media 15/03/2022

EMBEDDIA's Dissemination Manager from FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede was appointed to the Council of Europe’s MSI-RES Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of . Their priority will also be to prepare guidelines for using tools (including ) for .

MSI-RES Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of Media

Impact Assessment of Human-Algorithm Feedback Loops 08/03/2022

"When enough people engage in collective , adaptive systems such as Chicago’s policing software can further entrench injustice," Just Tech by the Social Science Research Council reports.

Impact Assessment of Human-Algorithm Feedback Loops Nathan Matias and Lucas Wright survey research to demonstrate the social justice implications of adaptive algorithms and consider how we might effectively assess the impact of human-algorithm feedback.

Can We Democratize AI? - Dissent Magazine 03/03/2022

The author calls for a "renewed politics of refusal" by "national and international movements that refuse -first approaches and focus on addressing underlying inequities and injustices," published by Dissent Magazine.

Can We Democratize AI? - Dissent Magazine Artificial intelligence has often been adopted in ways that reinforce exploitation and domination. But that doesn't mean we should greet all new AI tools with refusal.

Virtual internships were a learning curve — now the future is hybrid 16/02/2022

"A hybrid model is beginning to take shape as a future format for internships," Financial Times reported.

Virtual internships were a learning curve — now the future is hybrid Employers are applying the lessons from running remote programmes to develop post-pandemic training

Google and TikTok give Meta an AI lesson 09/02/2022

"TikTok's core engagement , which works to maximise the time people spend watching its catchy short videos, has been touted as the most effective consumer use of ," Financial Times reported.

Google and TikTok give Meta an AI lesson Mark Zuckerberg’s dreams come up against current reality


Thank you Fakulteta za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici for using and trusting the tools developed during our project!

✉️🖋Predraga Зорана!

Tako je pesnica Vida Jeraj večkrat v pismih nagovorila svojo sestrično, Franjo Trojanšek, por. Dekleva, ki si je nadela psevdonim Zorana, in je bila rojena na današnji dan pred 165 leti. Zorana je bila pesnica in je objavljala v revijah Slovenka, Dom in svet, Vrtec in Ženski svet.
Slovenske pesnice in pisateljice so v dopisovanju večkrat uporabljale cirilico, še posebno, kadar je šlo za osebne izpovedi. Ker so pisma včasih na pošti odpirali, so tako poskrbele, da so bile njihove besede vsaj malo skrite. V projektu TILDA smo pisma analizirali z delotokom v orodju ClowdFlows, ki so ga razvili na Odseku za tehnologije znanja na Institu Jožef Stefan v okviru evropskega projekta EMBEDDIA Project. Ugotovili smo, da se beseda ljubezen povezuje s semantičnim poljem skrivnost. Ob prebiranju enega izmed pisem Vide Jeraj Zorani, ki ga je prepisal študent Darko Ilin, in je v celoti napisano v cirilici, lahko razumemo, zakaj je morala pošiljateljica vsebino skriti na ta način.
Tako se glasi odlomek iz pisma:
„Disonanca za disonanco v sveto melodijo Tvoje prekrasne duše! – Kaka groza samo misliti vse, kar si prestala! . . .
Silna, kakor si, dušica, dvigni se znova iz obupne onemoglosti in ljubezen božja naj Ti pomore!
Veseli me, da te poseča naš „batjuška“; je takov zlat čelovek; - rekla bi, eno samo nežno čuvstvo ga je, in ne vem, kaj še...
Sporoči mi, Zorana, kako dolgo ostaneš v Ljubl., morda si vendar morem ukrasti par ur... O Vel. noči pa najbrže!-
Zakaj je bilo najino zadnje slovo tako žalostno.....
O meni, kaj ne, nisi dosti čula vmes. Morda Ti je kdorkoli povedal, da se mnogo, mnogo smejim, da sem često uprav peklensko razposajena in divja... Če ti jaz za kratek čas adiram življenje sedaj - ; na zunaj Kaos, dilirij, - na znotraj letargija in smrt! Ali veš, kaj sem ti nekoč stavila za slučaj? Takrat si se zavzela.
Ne vem, kedaj se je skalila moja duša, tudi ne vem, je-li kaj živela od tedaj...
Pijanost, iz katere se do treznosti sedaj skoro nikoli ne vzbudim, mi je prijetna... Tako se živi prav imenitno!“
, , ,

Inquire About EMBEDDIA Media Solutions 26/01/2022

Inquire about EMBEDDIA solutions and let us help you find the right solution for your needs!

All about our designed also for on https://embeddia.texta.ee.

Inquire About EMBEDDIA Media Solutions Please inquire to try EMBEDDIA tools or let us help you find the right solution for your needs. We will reach out to you after your request is processed. If you need anything until then please don't hesitate to contact us: [email protected]

Inquire About EMBEDDIA Media Solutions 24/01/2022

Try out our tools for the industry and let us help you find the right solution for your needs!

All about the tools ⏭️ https://embeddia.texta.ee/ ⏮️.

Inquire About EMBEDDIA Media Solutions Please inquire to try EMBEDDIA tools or let us help you find the right solution for your needs. We will reach out to you after your request is processed. If you need anything until then please don't hesitate to contact us: [email protected]


You can still try out our open-source for less-resourced languages, cross-lingual transfer and industry and for their use on ➡️ https://embeddia.texta.ee/ ⬅️.

Video presentation of our tolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBQIXLCOUVI

EMBEDDIA Conference: AI TECHNOLOGY FOR THE MEDIA INDUSTRY EMBEDDIA Media Assistant available on https://embeddia.texta.ee/.Newsrooms increasingly use and rely on AI tools for automatic text processing. However, thes...

Wrangling the robots: Leveraging smart data-driven software for news 07/01/2022

"For interested in using but unsure of the next steps, consider the specific problems they are trying to solve."

Read some quality tips by Data Journalism.

Wrangling the robots: Leveraging smart data-driven software for news Existing data-driven tools and software can help alleviate the pressure points for journalists in their day-to-day reporting. Monika Jones explains how.

Artificial intelligence is restoring lost works by Klimt, Picasso and Rembrandt. Not everyone is happy about it. 04/01/2022

"The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam used to reconstruct missing panels from the edges of Rembrandt’s famous “Night Watch” and, over the summer, temporarily installed them alongside the real thing," Washington Post reported.

Artificial intelligence is restoring lost works by Klimt, Picasso and Rembrandt. Not everyone is happy about it. The recolorization of three destroyed Klimt paintings raises questions about what we owe deceased artists when reimagining their work.

Ethical considerations at all stages of AI's use in journalism 27/12/2021

"The industry’s reliance on trust and truth means an added layer of complexity when it comes to using such ," EURACTIV reported.

Ethical considerations at all stages of AI's use in journalism AI technologies are increasingly being incorporated into newsrooms, but with trust in media already in a precarious position, concerns remain that introducing machine learning could worsen the situation.


Job alert! School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Queen Mary University of London is recruiting two postdocs to look at user generated content moderation at our project. 👇


We invited an AI to debate its own ethics in the Oxford Union – what it said was startling 21/12/2021

"The is trained on more written material than any of us could reasonably expect to digest in a lifetime. After such extensive , it forms its own views," The Conversation Global.

We invited an AI to debate its own ethics in the Oxford Union – what it said was startling The ethics of AI are constantly debated. But does anyone ask the AI?

An AI trained on Reddit has warned researchers that it’ll never be ethical 13/12/2021

"It did, however, say artificial intelligence stands more of a chance at being the best it can be if it’s “embedded into our brains, as a conscious entity, a ‘conscious ’”," Dazed and Confused Magazine reported.

An AI trained on Reddit has warned researchers that it’ll never be ethical ‘The only way to avoid an AI arms race is to have no AI at all,’ it declared


We present our collection of for the sector and text-based industry, supporting a range of tasks and – the EMBEDDIA Media Assistant!

Try out the tools with our on ➡️ https://embeddia.texta.ee/ ⬅️.


Our on for the is in full motion. We will soon present the demo we have created during the project. Thank you all for joining us! 🎉


We meet tomorrow at 9am for our online Conference on for the . We will present free we created during our project.

You can still register. See you soon!



‼️ Counting down the days until our on for the ‼️

Free presentation of AI . Registration is still open, join us. ⬇️


AI is making applying for jobs even more miserable 03/12/2021

"Asynchronous interviews are bad news for both employers and would-be employees," Financial Times writes about the influence of on job interviews.

AI is making applying for jobs even more miserable Asynchronous video interviews are bad news for both employers and would-be employees


‼️ Our on technology for the is just a week away ‼️

Thank you to those who have already registered. If you haven't yet, our registration is still open. It's free and so is the use of our . ⬇️

All information and registration: http://embeddia.eu/conference/

Registration: EMBEDDIA Conference on "AI Technology for the Media Industry" 30/11/2021

In his keynote, professor of Digital Creativity at the City University of London and Chief Product Officer at JECT.AI Neil Maiden will speak about co-designing new technologies for journalists.

Join us on December 8th when we will present our tools for and !

Register for free here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0SGgo3ysbgRonccjAc9YTkwukzJQ8WzMI5PoI3zFneaG6fw/viewform

Registration: EMBEDDIA Conference on "AI Technology for the Media Industry" Online event Date: 8 December 2021, 9am to 2pm (CET) Contact: Carl-Gustav Lindén, University of Helsinki [email protected]


We are very excited to present our tools for and developed during EMBEDDIA Project. The tools are free to use and so is participation at the conference.

Join us on December 8th. You can still !


Moderna's chairman on how A.I. can fast-track health care innovations 22/11/2021

Machine learning has gotten researchers close to being able to "do a drug discovery or drug development using data from an entire human or, better yet, millions of humans," Noubar Afeyan, founder of Flagship Pioneering, explained to Fortune.

Moderna's chairman on how A.I. can fast-track health care innovations Dr. Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of a biotech incubator, on the ways computer learning will take down illness and disease.

How AI could solve supply chain shortages and save Christmas 15/11/2021

"Just-in-time shipping is dead. Long live chains stress-tested with twins," MIT Technology Review reported.

How AI could solve supply chain shortages and save Christmas Just-in-time shipping is dead. Long live supply chains stress-tested with AI digital twins.

LinkedIn’s job-matching AI was biased. The company’s solution? More AI. 12/11/2021

"Most of the world’s biggest job search sites use AI to match people with job openings. But the algorithms don’t always play fair," MIT Technology Review reported.

LinkedIn’s job-matching AI was biased. The company’s solution? More AI. ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, LinkedIn—most of the world’s biggest job search sites use AI to match people with job openings. But the algorithms don’t always play fair.

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EMBEDDIA project

Solutions for analyzing news, comments, recognizing hate speech and assistance in creating news with cross-lingual embeddings for less-represented languages.

Across three years, the project’s six academic and four industry partners will develop novel solutions including for under-represented languages, and test them in real-world news and media production contexts.

EMBEDDIA partners:

  • Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenia
  • Address

    Jamova Cesta 39

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