Editor-in-chief Kiden Stela Mandela

This is the official page of the Editor-in-Chief of Number One Citizen Daily Newspaper.


The situation in Custom market remains tense as of today Monday following the protest 3 days back (forces are in control of the market) as you watch this video copyright # #$No.1 Citizen Daily News paper


It was a great moment at YALI RLC EA Kenya - Nairobi. This was when I was receiving certificate in Civic Leadership.

Photos from One Citizen Network For Democracy's post 06/12/2023

It was a lovely opportunity to for me to be part of the YALI RLC EA. Big thank you to the partners and the donors for supporting the program.


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The Catholic Church in great sorrows as Bishop Paride Taban passes on.God gives and takes the church confirmed


Making sense of the presidential Decree, it's impacts
The Transitional Constitution of South Sudan 2011 has vested executive powers to the president as head of state, and the government to appoint and fire or sack top officials within the executive branch.

President Salva Kiir has exercised this power to appoint and remove national ministers, advisors, governors, and other officials in key institutions aligned with the executive branch.

If chronicle, the decrees issued by the president to appoint and remove government officials from positions at the executive can be many times and are continuous.

On Monday, President Kiir decreed out and in, top officials from the Central Bank, National Revenue Authority and Ministry of Finance and Planning. The move is in line with the executive powers bestowed upon him by virtue of the Constitution. As in many occasions, the officials are relieved by the president through the decrees but without references to why they (officials) are being relieved. Whether underperformances, embezzlement of public money, or serious abuses of offices, the citizens have no knowledge or clue about it.

Examining the political terrain of South Sudan, ethnicity is deeply rooted in the politics. And it is being used as a card for playing politics of allegiances or patronages. Barely, when the president appoints anybody from a certain community to a top government position; congratulatory messages flood mainstream media, and social media by the community members of the person appointed.

However, unknowingly, the person assumes that position not to serve his/her community alone where he or she comes from but instead to serve South Sudanese by handling national matters that affect them or the country at large. In such a scenario, the community throws support to their son or daughter appointed.

What appears to be unusual is the recycling of the previously fired officials back to the positions. This invites questions as to why those officials were removed in the first place. And why again bringing them back? These are fundamental questions but without answers.

Digging in, lobbyists are at work every day creeping and cracking the hard wall in order to get through to the appointing authority and influence its decision in their favor. However, this is at the cost of ordinary citizens. The positions of the Minister of Finance, and Central Bank are seen as lucrative by those who want to fulfill their personal interests, including the cliques around them. They use them to access cash from the public treasury.

The presidential decree makes government officials serving in the executive unsettled for fear of being removed. As such, they resort to not delivering well but acquiring wealth faster before being fired. The decree makes them sentry the nation’s television at 8:00 pm, to see what the decree may bring. If one is not fired, the only thing is to smile and wait for the next day. And because of the decree, even if the official is performing well, the moment lobbyists make the breakthrough; he or she can be dethroned from the positions without examining his or her state of performances.

This had created anxieties among the government officials, and inconsistency in presiding over the policies on national issues. As a result, there is poor service delivery. The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank are at the center of the economy, without good sustained economic and monetary policies for a long period of time; the economy of the country will not grow. The officials serving in these institutions are supposed to work with clear consciences and serve without fear for their policies to bear results which may be immediate but in the long term. But they should be closely scrutinized in this case by the presidency.

The constitution didn’t safeguard the power of the president in the circumstance of appointment and removal of officials from the offices. It is supposed to lay benchmarks to consider before appointing and removing based on some conditions. #* Nation Talks #* No.1 citizen Daily Newspaper* #


Government must bear responsibility to support returnees
The government should create a camp for the returnees who came from Neighbouring Sudan to allow them to integrate so that they get needed support from the host community.

About 105,000 returnees escaped the Sudan war that started on the 15th of April 2023 as a result of a power struggle between the government of Sudan and the Rapid Support Forces has caused massive loss of lives, properties and the fall of Sudan’s economy.

The refugees who are stationed in the northern Bahr el Ghazal state are in dire need of humanitarian assistance because they have been going for more than three months without receiving any assistance from the concerned agencies. Every state where these refugees landed, should have a camp so that is will be easier for the humanitarians to assist them because without a camp it will be very difficult to separate between the host community and a returnee.

The humanitarian actors working across Northern Bahr el Ghazal should verify properly before giving assistance otherwise you will be giving food to people who are not affected by the war, first extend your support to the war victims though the returnees are among the host communities.

The government should also notice that the issues to do the refugees are not only left to the humanitarians alone but both sides should comply in supporting them since they are South Sudanese who fled the country in 2013- 2016 due to the misunderstanding caused by our leaders.

They went as refugees to Sudan, settled and did not take time The Sudan’s war also broke out which made their return home, in this case, some of the returnees might have had their lands, and firms which is with the host communities need the help of the government.

It is good for refugees to call for support as much as possible which is their right from the UN agencies dealing with them, in the duration of the support as a refugee you should have in mind that, whatever is being given is not permanent but to push you until you will be able to provide for yourself. For example, have a business plan in your mind and also state cultivation to add on what the agencies are supplying, just like the refugees in Uganda have not been supported fully by the UN agencies but now they can still survive.

I appeal to the UN agencies working for Humanitarians in South Sudan to continue supporting the situation of the returnees who are in dire need of assistance in this dire economic situation in South Sudan. #*Copyright .1 Citizen Daily Newspaper # Nation Talks #


Corrupt foreign Companies are bad omen
On Friday national staff working for UAP Insurance Company staged a protest after they were locked from accessing their work for demanding higher wages.

The staff, who are part of East Africa, are seeking fair treatment from international insurance companies.

They demanded that they should be paid the same amount as their counterparts in the East African region, instead, they were locked out.

Most international insurance companies are mistreating South Sudanese nationals.

For example, in 2016, a young girl worked for Britam Insurance Company as a financial advisor and was only entitled to commission payments.

The young girl worked for two years without bringing in businesses but continued to work when she later got a business first from NPA and the second from Plan International, part of the commission was taken by the business company and human resources managers.

After she complained, the Logistics officer at Plan International removed the business from her and gave it to a foreign national and terminated her contract.

Why are Insurance companies cheating and threatening the national staff and denying them their rights?

Foreign nationals seem to have more constitutional rights than nationals in South Sudan, including access to NGOs and doing the work that should be done by nationals.

Many foreign-owned companies, including international insurance companies, banks, and telecommunications, tyrannize nationals, even hired marketers and cleaners are foreign nations. If there are South Sudanese nationals, they are normally paid low wages compared to foreign nationals.

These companies can terminate contracts and threaten nationals when they demand increased payment.

International Organizations are the worst at paying salaries for the same job, and government officials are responsible for protecting foreign companies and organizations.

This oppression of nationals over their rights is not only on inadequate pay, it puts the lives of citizens at risk. Many South Sudanese nationals are redundant despite the existence of many companies and organizations, and the Ministry of Labor is not serious about employment issues in the country.

In the Labor Act 2017 Chapter II (3) says, “For the purpose of this section, discrimination includes any distinction, exclusion or preference with the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation, based on any of the following grounds”

However, the corruption in South Sudan is evident in the lack of effective employment rules, unlike in Kenya and Uganda. For example, in Kenya, they say that “there is no work that Kenyan citizens cannot do” and requires no expert knowledge.

The recruitment system is also exacerbated by tribalism in organizations and companies.

The Ministry of Labor should prioritize the people’s interests and work towards addressing the issue of mistreating South Sudanese nationals.

Any staff who is facing such kind of mistreatment from foreign companies should report to the Ministry of Labor( # Copyright* # Nation talks .1 Citizen daily Newspaper #)


The inflation in the country does not require a delay in paying civil servants’ salaries.

Now it has taken almost three months since the finance minister promised to increase the civil servants’ salaries and pay them on time. The ministry shouldn’t take advantage of innocent people in this country when one eats and drinks, yet, knowing that the other person is hungry and needs services.

In today’s economic situation in the country, it is very difficult to get bread due to the daily increase in commodity prices in the market as a result of runaway dollar rates.

Citizens are mostly affected when there are no uniform prices in the market and the citizens are unable to sustain themselves. In other parts of the country, citizens die of hunger and nobody understands the situation.

The national minister for finance and economic planning should make sure that his words do not fall apart.

They should be put into action, do not speak in dramatic partiality by saying the ministry will pay the salaries and wages of the civil servants in less than a week’s time, which is understandable, the civil servants are human beings treat them well.

If the delay in the payment of salaries was due to the adjustment in the salary increment to 400 percent as well as the ministry’s plan to install biometrics in all the institutions across the country, then why is it taking so long to do the process? It would be better if they were paid one month ahead of all the processes that need to be set in place.

It is good that the salaries will be paid by committees comprising accountants from the Ministry of Finance and officers from the Ministry of Public Service, as well as other spending agencies.

This method will work if the institution handling is well equipped with skills but if not, it will be like getting tears from the crocodile eyes and even corruption will be so high that the civil servant may not get a penny.

The salaries should be paid in a few days; to give hope to the citizens working in government institutions, at least pay them in the middle of the week but not after three months’ time, which will provoke innocent civil servants to go on striking and may give a bad refutation to the government institution in breaking their promises.

I’m appealing to the authorities to quickly act to pay the salary to reduce the economic burden that they are going through in this economic situation.

I also take this opportunity to thank the civil servants for working for the country though the salary delays for more than months, you still committed yourself and that is why Nationalism continues with the spirit to build this country.( * # Nation Talks No.1 citizen Daily Newspaper)



Army should not use guns on civilians
The army that protects the nation should behave in such a manner that the citizens of this country are able to respect them also.

It is sad news that on the 23rd of this month, the Mobile Soldiers of the South Sudan People’s Defense Force killed three civilians and wounded others in the Lata area of Ombaci Boma, Yei River County.

I don’t understand what is going on in this country or other areas of South Sudan. Civilians are threatened not to leave their specific areas of livelihood and maybe only to be stationed at the headquarters. Yet the army is supposed to protect civilians as per Chapter 2 of the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

Since the senseless war broke out in 2013 and 2016, the people of Greater Yei haven’t found peace up to now, not only in Yei but also in other states in the country that are still experiencing brutal killing.

This will not give hope to the refugees to return home as the area is taken as a battle area, an area that once used to be the most peaceful.

Leaders should give hope to the people of this country so that the peace that we are crying for will be a permanent one and will not give us room to run to the bush over greed. And for the people in the diaspora to come back home to enjoy total peace in their own country.

It drew my attention to ask this question: “Are there lawmakers and commissioners in those counties? Why would they wait until things happen before they talk? When already water is pouring down, it is not a good habit at all.

Lawmakers should put their houses in order, and the commissioners should not pretend to be doing something, yet they are doing nothing for the people affected.

Today’s corruption has spoiled everything in the country. Every politician thinks about himself or herself, and they don’t mind about the poor citizens.

Commissioners are supposed to be the eyes of the government in the county level, but they are doing nothing, they are full of lies.

I appeal to the government of South Sudan to arrest the suspects and put them on trial to face the law. We are at peace now, and with the election in front of us, South Sudanese need to prepare their hearts for it. These cases of killing must stop, and the country must move on.(copyright * Talks* # No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper


South Sudan-Uganda must settle Border Disputes
Tension in Kajo-keji is very high today because the authorities from South Sudan and Uganda did not speed up settling the border issues.

In May Last year, foreign soldiers crossed the border and started killing SSPDF in the country. What happened last year in Magwi County of the Eastern Equatoria state, South Sudan, bordering Uganda was not good.

Uganda People’s Defense force crossed into South Sudan territory and shot one SSPDF soldier while two others were injured during clashes between the two forces.

The Ugandan Army had entered Owinykibul in Magwi, where the attack happened within the territory of South Sudan at a checkpoint called Chuki (Waligo), just like Ngomoromo.

The Ugandan government should be very clear if there is a hidden agenda that is politically with the government of South Sudan, it should be resolved amicably but not shooting anyhow. A gun is a gun; it can’t differentiate between a soldier and a civilian.

This is not the first time for the Ugandan army to encroach into South Sudan territory. The attacks occur almost every year, indicating that there is something they are looking for in South Sudan, and in all their attacks they always kill.

The other issues might be connected to politicians from the two countries trying to joke, which is not healthy.

The border issue is supposed to be handled at the national level. The county and the state have given the information to the national government to take charge.

The issue at the national border between the neighboring countries, if it continues, one day, it will escalate into an invasion. It’s a matter of counting down on their attacks; otherwise, one day it will raise tension.

How come the UPDF keeps attacking all the time and the South Sudan defense forces are keeping quiet, if it is not a political issue, what is the work of the army in South Sudan?

The government is all quiet on the issue and cannot reveal anything concerning the attacks but the one within is very easy to speak, which is not good. Otherwise, if these were South Sudanese forces entering Uganda the news that would have been written against South Sudanese forces would be so sad.

I urge the South Sudan government to speedily respond to solve the disputes in time with the UPDF Soldiers since the situation is tense in the area and civilians are panicking.

The national government should ensure strong security to maintain the border issues and create relationships with the neighboring countries to reduce the issues of grabbing land across the country.

It seems the UPDF has created barracks within South Sudan’s territory.

I ask the Ugandan government to withdraw from South Sudan’s territories and keep peace. Everyone should be committed to its border.

I urge the Ugandan government to learn how to solve issues amicably rather than just opening gunfire across a territory that does not belong to them. It is a very bad act.

What has been seen all these years, also know that this site does not have wood but also has what you hold, only that Uganda and South Sudan have a good relationship and there is no need to spoil it in terms of business, politics and economic development.
Copyright Nation Talks ( # No.1 citizen Daily Newspaper)

So, we need to be peaceful in every aspect, otherwise, when the relationship is spoilt, it will be very difficult for all of us.


Be Exemplary
Leaders should be exemplary; be compassionate, meditate, listen to yourself, exercise self-awareness and practice confidence rather than making utterances.

Leaders should be empathetic, understanding and caring: but being so doesn’t mean others taken advantage of. Also, leaders should be role models to other people to emulate.

Taking us back to what happened during the national economic conference, on Friday 8 September 2023, last week, where two leaders in a nasty scenario were interlocked in altercation in front of Diplomats and key government officials.

The antagonism lack of respect between the two leaders who also forgotten that they were not in isolation but in the middle of the world.

In his own words Prof. John Akec puts that “I would like to express my deepest regret about how a genuine exchange with the Governor of the Unity state had gone out of control, and led to misunderstanding, and unproductive debate Among our Citizens,”

“I also want to let be known that I have neither hard feeling against the people of Unity state nor the Governor,” he continued but a belated composure after injuries.

What the two leaders also backslid in their minds was that leaders have ethical code of conduct to accord to, either when in privacy or public.

Though self-control is the worst animal to tame in humans because our minds are jammed with stress, the two leaders should have suppressed their emotions for the benefit of respect.

Both leaders would have not exposed their political antagonism in the conference but wait for rallies since the election is nearing.

Every leader must know where to react but not any how because people will be wondering and watching your disagreements yet what brought them together was a different agenda, so be wise enough.

Almost every leader in South Sudan is taken up by emotions but try your level best in control when you go outside the country to give good image of our nation.

I also take this opportunity to appreciate Professor John Akec for his wise decision on letting the public know that he has no problems with neither the people nor the governor of Unity State and has realised his mistake of the bitter argument during the national economic conference.

This shows respect and quality of leadership at the same time, by doing that it doesn’t mean that he was in the wrong or defeated, it’s good to take responsibility even when you are right.

It takes great wisdom and courage to say sorry.

God Bless South Sudan

Be right there!
Copyright # No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper #(Nation Talks



Be Exemplary

Leaders should be exemplary; be compassionate, meditate, listen to yourself, exercise self-awareness and practice confidence rather than making utterances.

Leaders should be empathetic, understanding and caring: but being so doesn’t mean others taken advantage of. Also, leaders should be role models to other people to emulate.

Taking us back to what happened during the national economic conference, on Friday 8 September 2023, last week, where two leaders in a nasty scenario were interlocked in altercation in front of Diplomats and key government officials.

The antagonism lack of respect between the two leaders who also forgotten that they were not in isolation but in the middle of the world.

In his own words Prof. John Akec puts that “I would like to express my deepest regret about how a genuine exchange with the Governor of the Unity state had gone out of control, and led to misunderstanding, and unproductive debate Among our Citizens,”

“I also want to let be known that I have neither hard feeling against the people of Unity state nor the Governor,” he continued but a belated composure after injuries.

What the two leaders also backslid in their minds was that leaders have ethical code of conduct to accord to, either when in privacy or public.

Though self-control is the worst animal to tame in humans because our minds are jammed with stress, the two leaders should have suppressed their emotions for the benefit of respect.

Both leaders would have not exposed their political antagonism in the conference but wait for rallies since the election is nearing.

Every leader must know where to react but not any how because people will be wondering and watching your disagreements yet what brought them together was a different agenda, so be wise enough.

Almost every leader in South Sudan is taken up by emotions but try your level best in control when you go outside the country to give good image of our nation.

I also take this opportunity to appreciate Professor John Akec for his wise decision on letting the public know that he has no problems with neither the people nor the governor of Unity State and has realised his mistake of the bitter argument during the national economic conference.

This shows respect and quality of leadership at the same time, by doing that it doesn’t mean that he was in the wrong or defeated, it’s good to take responsibility even when you are right.

It takes great wisdom and courage to say sorry. Copyright .1 Citizen Daily Newspaper( Nation Talks in page three)



Parents should not be enemies of their children

On Monday, shocking news from Tonj town of Warrap State states that a mother hammered her daughter’s feet with 6-inch nails over an accusation of roaming around the area.

The woman’s actions show irresponsibility in the family. She is not a serious mother at all. The question is what if the kid died, what would the mother do at that moment?

Parents should not act rebellious towards their children, attempting murder just because the children are helping themselves from their immediate neighbors.

A similar situation occurred five months ago when a girl lost both of her eyes after refusing a suitor of her father’s choice. The father gauged off his daughter’s eyes of his daughter, saying he didn’t want her to admire other men. This is a difficult situation when parents decide wrongly on their own children without knowing the consequences.

Since the war broke out in 2013, the citizens in the country have been facing stress, hunger, and economic crises. The citizens continue to suffer from insecurity, food shortages and economic crises.

The leaders in South Sudan should speed up the implementation of the peace process and improve security in other parts of the country to relieve South Sudanese from the stress of hammering their own children and blaming them for eating from neighbor’s houses.

I appeal to the police of Tonj Town should continue detaining the mother of the minor until justice prevails, so others won’t attempt the same act. copyright .1 Citizen daily Newspaper # Nation Talks


Some Medics killers than life saviors
It is found that now days, some medical professionals are involved
in committing homicide in South Sudan which is not a reputable move.

Health professionals such as doctors, clinical officers and nurses are supposed to be the ones giving advice on dangers of abortion to ladies under 18 years and above when entangled in a situation of pregnancy.

However, this is only applicable when the very individual professional is not the character behind the pregnancy, but our society seems to have fallen into decadency.

Last year, there was this gossip that a doctor was caught sleeping with a patient in one of the hospitals within the city; but details were scanty for media coverage. The fear was the tarnishing the image of the entire country, so, it was left to pass under carpet.

However, as it is now becoming a practice for professional to sidetrack with no serious measures taken upon them, the trend is likely expanding.

Yesterday, a 23-year-old girl, in tears, wrote a letter of her plight, seeking for Justice through No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper vol.4, issue No: 953 dated 21st August Monday.

A clinical officer, this time, is one under spectrum for prescribing drugs for abortion after impregnating the unsuspecting soul under the pretext of marriage.

An officer working in government institutions in Juba, who also operates a private clinic in the city, is the one advising a girl who is carrying his unborn baby to abort. All the promises of marring her and now taking care of her become something understandably a nightmare.

A clinical officer going ahead prescribing medicine such as ciprofloxacin, Metro so that the girl can conduct an abortion is unfortunate to qualify for life saver than a murderer.

Also taking the girl’s quote “then you take those drugs, and you will be free if you are not ready “you wanted solutions right”; It is very outlandish for such a big man to keep advising young girls to do such, yet he was the reason for her pregnancy.

The question is, if this is clinical officer advising a young girl he impregnated, how many young girls might have lost their lives in the hands of this monster or during his duty in the hospital?

How many souls he might have sent to the graves from his clinic or from the hospital? Is he a specialist in abortion?

This clinical officer needs to be brought to answer for his act, taking the case of the 23-year-old girl specimen for further investigations. This man doesn’t befit a health professional worth practicing; assuming that this lady shallow what was prescribed, and she died who would be responsible?

Ladies of today are being deceived by such men of working class in the country in the course of material love without knowing properly who these men are. Do not fall in love with a man who you only meet once in the church, hospitals or while working for an organization.

Relationship entails taking your own time to investigate the kind of a man who you are falling in love with, be principled and give at least 3-5 years to check on him otherwise you will not know who the devil he is.

I appeal to the government of South Sudan, the ministry of justice to take serious consideration over such issues in the country. This kind of a medical officer should either be arrested or ban from practicing.

Also, the civil societies should follow up on any complaint of this kind.


Election integrity at stake as key impediments may go unaddressed

As the status of transition is yet to be determined, with election conduct as the last card to be played; key impediments to election integrity are not being taken into consideration by the political actors, institutions, and the stakeholders responsible for overseeing the transition to democracy in South Sudan. The election legal framework still maneuvers in parliament for reviews and deliberations, but key ingredients to building public confidence in the conduct and acceptance of election results remain largely unsupported.

There are priorities that are supposed to be implemented alongside other activities around or responsible for transitioning from the current status quo. As the peace agreement was reached and is still being implemented, effort must have been also included, first to strengthen the rule of law which covers the judicial system reform to ensure its competence, independence, and institution infrastructure development to discharge its functions, security sector reform, (the police and other law enforcement agencies capacity building, including empowerment of public prosecutor offices across the country), so that to be able to administer both electoral justice, and human rights protection for every citizen. But the rule of law is being paralyzed by political malpractices by our leaders.

The second must have been building a competent election management institution or body including instituting a clear mandate, and terms and conditions for the appointment of the body’s chairperson with clearly defined parameters of oversight institutions over the election body. This is supposed to come as a result of political consensus after inputs from civil society groups, concerned citizens, academia, and expertise from both regional and international electoral professionals. However, little has been seen in regard to that, as such, public confidence in the election integrity if it is going to be conducted may not be attained.

The third thing to follow the checklist is the creation of an environment that fosters multiparty practices and upholds the independence of public institutions to safeguard and protect democratic principles. However, as things stand currently nothing has materialized.

The fourth is lack of transparency in financing political activities and movements which may temper with regulations by a party that has bureaucracy advantage because of being a ruling party.

Finally, the international standards responsible for promoting, protecting, and upholding election integrity may not be adopted or respected by political players who want to cheat their power.

Since the country’s conflicts came as a result of a power struggle among the political players, there still exist tendencies to take or maintain power by disrespecting and manipulating legal frameworks to achieve the same power.

Such an act is not good for the country and our leaders must do things responsibly, and constitutionally to be in power.

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