Tong Malueth



Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.


There are five important things for living a successful and fulfilling life:
✓ Never stop dreaming
✓ Never stop believing
✓ Never give up
✓ Never stop trying
✓ Never stop learning.



Captain Maguire Aku Agany Garang 😂😂


Wüm Dhääk is ready 😂
Tag the boys you know....


This life is not heaven or hell. It is just part of learning to find peacefulness as the final destination.
~Tong Malueth~


Don't dig a hole so deep that
even you can't get out of it.
By Tong Malueth

We should have often learn to avoid getting oneself into a difficult or challenging situation that becomes seemingly impossible to escape from. It warns against making decisions or taking actions without considering the potential consequences or long-term effects they may have.

When we dig ourselves into a hole, it means that we have unintentionally created a problem or unfavorable situation for ourselves. This could be due to poor decision-making, impulsive actions, or neglecting to consider the potential ramifications of our choices. The hole represents the predicament we find ourselves in, which becomes increasingly difficult to overcome as we continue to deepen it.

The deeper the hole, the more challenging it becomes to climb out of it. It symbolizes the accumulation of problems, consequences, or responsibilities that stack up and make it harder to find a way out. It can also represent the emotional or psychological toll that such a situation can have on us, as the pressure and stress build up.

By not being mindful of our actions and their potential repercussions, we risk creating a hole that is too deep for us to handle. This might include financial debt, damaged relationships, career setbacks, or even legal issues. As the hole gets deeper, we may lose sight of possible solutions or feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem we've created.

To prevent ourselves from falling into such a situation, it is crucial to think before acting and consider the potential outcomes. Taking the time to evaluate the risks and consequences of our choices can help us avoid digging a hole that may be difficult to escape from. It's important to weigh the short-term benefits against the long-term implications and make informed decisions accordingly.

If we do find ourselves in a deep hole, it's essential to seek support and assistance from others. This could involve seeking advice from trusted friends or family members, consulting professionals in relevant fields, or even reaching out to support groups. By seeking help, we can gain fresh perspectives, brainstorm solutions, and receive the guidance we need to climb out of the hole we've dug ourselves into.

"Don't dig a hole so deep that even you can't get out of it" serves as a reminder to be mindful of our actions and decisions. By considering the potential consequences and long-term effects, we can avoid creating challenging situations that may be difficult to overcome. If we do find ourselves in such a predicament, seeking support and assistance can help us find a way out.

The Writer is a Student at University of Juba and can be reached at [email protected]


Happy birthday to Jovanto Aleu
Age with grace 🍟🎂🎉🍜👑
Many years ahead


By Tong Malueth

While good drinks can have a positive impact on our mental state and help alleviate negative thinking, it's so important to note that they are not a cure-all for deep-rooted negative thoughts. Drinking herbal teas, fresh fruit juices, and non-alcoholic beverages can provide temporary relief and promote a more positive mindset, but they may not address the underlying causes of negative thinking.

Negative thinking patterns can be deeply ingrained and may require professional help to address. Seeking therapy or counseling can provide guidance, support, and tools to help manage and overcome negative thoughts in a more comprehensive way.

it's important to practice self-care and engage in other positive activities alongside drinking good beverages. This can include exercise, mindfulness, spending time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, and pursuing activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

Remember, while good drinks can contribute to a more positive mental state, it is essential to seek professional help if negative thinking persists or significantly impacts daily functioning.

It Consuming a pleasant or enjoyable beverage can help alleviate negative or troubling thoughts or emotions. While it may not be a literal solution to all problems, there are several reasons why holds some truth as follows:

✓ Social and Psychological Factors:
The engaging in social drinking can create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere, often accompanied by conversations, laughter, and relaxation. Enjoying a drink with friends,loved ones or girlfriend if so, can distract from negative thoughts and foster a sense of connection and happiness.

✓ Relaxation and Stress Relief:
Certain drinks, like herbal teas, warm milk, or even alcoholic beverages in moderation, can have a calming effect on the body and mind. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to let go of negative thoughts and focus on more positive aspects of life.

✓ Dopamine Release:
Consuming certain drinks, especially those that contain caffeine or sugar, can stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, and its release can improve mood and provide a temporary boost in happiness, temporarily overshadowing negative thoughts.

✓ Distraction and Enjoyment:
When enjoying a drink, whether it's a hot cup of coffee, a refreshing glass of lemonade, or a favorite cocktail, the act itself can provide a momentary distraction from negative thoughts. The sensory experience of sipping, tasting, and smelling a drink can be enjoyable and divert attention away from troubling thoughts.

✓ Ritual and Comfort:
Many individuals have certain beverages they associate with comfort or relaxation. For example, a warm cup of tea before bed can create a ritual that signals the body and mind to unwind and let go of negative thoughts. This association between a drink and comfort can help create a sense of security and peace, driving out bad thoughts.

While it is important to note that relying solely on drinks to cope with negative thoughts is not a healthy long-term solution, the temporary relief and distraction they can provide can be beneficial in certain situations. However, it is crucial to address the underlying issues causing negative thoughts and seek appropriate support or professional help when needed.

The Writer is a Student at University of Juba and can be reached at [email protected]


"PANABUN CONCERT" by Barat Mk, all roads going to Nyakuron Cultural Center Saturday 11/11/2023 at 11:11 AM to 11:11 PM


2010 photo (13yrs back), during the time we were a part of Sudan as approach to gains our independence as a Nation (South Sudan)


It's Just A "Zoomba" And Whole Juba
Are Complaining,Why 🤲My People!


Juba please 🤲🙏, we don't have kids especially me. I don't want temple Run😊

Source: Akol Mawien Athian


Ya Cde Agany Garang, how will you begin your speech during Majuetdit comedy his show?


Today at Medan Munuki!
MTN must join fans today whether they like it or not. Buffalo must win the match ✊✊✊


All the best to Buffalo (Aweil West) ✊✊. Wët Tonj North must join fans today whether they like it or not.


The difference between Juba big girls & Juba City Council in term of collecting money is an uniform.


Happy birthday to you Dr.Kuany Tong Chan age with grace 🍟🎂🎉🍜👑 many years ahead


Success is not the position you stand,
but the direction in which you look.

By Tong Malueth

Success should not be a solely by one's current position or status, but rather by the direction in which they are headed or the goals they are pursuing. Success is more about the journey and the mindset one adopts rather than the specific outcome or achievements.

Often, people tend to associate success with external factors such as wealth, power, or social status. However, this perspective can be limiting as it focuses on the end result rather than the process of growth and self-improvement. It fails to consider the personal development, learning experiences, and fulfillment that can be gained along the way.

Instead, this for an individuals to focus on the direction they are moving in and the progress they are making. Success lies in continuous growth, self-reflection, and the pursuit of meaningful goals. It encourages individuals to adopt a forward-thinking mindset, always looking ahead and seeking opportunities for personal and professional advancement.

By shifting the focus from external markers of success to personal development and progress, individuals can find fulfillment and satisfaction in their journey, regardless of their current position. This perspective allows one to appreciate the small victories, learn from setbacks, and maintain a positive outlook on their path to success.

Ultimately, success is a subjective concept, and it varies from person to person. It is not determined by societal standards or external validations but rather by the individual's own aspirations and goals. By understanding that success is not solely reliant on one's current position but on the direction in which they are looking and the growth they aim to achieve, individuals can redefine success on their own terms and find true fulfillment in their journey.

Good morning folks!✌️😊


Success could be described as 50/50 - 50% vision and 50% action.
By Tong Malueth

When it comes to achieving success, having a vision is essential. A vision provides a clear direction and purpose, giving us a target to aim for. It is the idea or concept that often fuels our motivation and drives us towards our goals.

However, vision alone is not enough to guarantee success. It must be accompanied by action. Action is the practical implementation of our vision, the steps we take to turn our ideas into reality. Without action, a vision remains merely a dream or a wish.

Consider a scenario where someone has a brilliant vision or idea but lacks the motivation or determination to take action. In this case, the vision remains nothing more than a concept, never materializing into something tangible. On the other hand, someone who takes massive action but lacks a clear vision may find themselves working tirelessly but without a sense of purpose or fulfillment.

The combination of vision and action is what leads to success. The vision provides the roadmap, guiding our actions and decisions. It helps us stay focused and overcome obstacles along the way. Action, on the other hand, brings progress and momentum. It transforms our vision into measurable results and brings us closer to our desired outcomes.

It is important to note that the balance between vision and action is crucial. Too much emphasis on vision without corresponding action can result in stagnation or missed opportunities. Likewise, excessive action without a clear vision can lead to aimless efforts and wasted resources.

A success can be described as a combination of vision and action, each contributing 50% to the overall equation. Vision provides the direction and purpose, while action brings progress and results. By having a clear vision and taking consistent action towards our goals, we increase our chances of achieving success.


This is unlawful, untrained Police officer which is un-professionalism.

In the law, a women can be search by women and men can be search by men.


In Juba, if you want to last longing in relationships, just let your pocket always stay pregnancy. Don't telling me I wouldn't informs you.


If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look into your present actions.


Happy birthday to you Mony Nyan Tonjdit Aku Erickson Akol Age with grace 🍟🎂. May this day grant you with Joy & happiness


Good morning!

I hope you all had a restful night and are ready to start the day.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty and freshness that comes with a new morning. As the sun rises, it brings a sense of hope and possibility. It's a chance for new beginnings, for setting goals, and for making the most out of the day ahead.

In this fast-paced world, mornings provide us with an opportunity to slow down and gather our thoughts. It's a time to reflect on the previous day, express gratitude for what we have, and set intentions for the present moment. By taking a few moments to center ourselves in the morning, we can cultivate a positive mindset that carries us throughout the day.

A mornings can offer us a chance to prioritize self-care. Whether it's through a morning workout, meditation, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, we can carve out time to nourish ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. By taking care of ourselves first thing in the morning, we can better show up for others and tackle the challenges that come our way.

It's an excellent opportunity to connect with loved ones. Sharing a meal together, having conversations, or even sending a thoughtful message to someone like saying, morning Sweetheart and so forth can foster deeper connections and strengthen relationships. Taking the time to connect with others in the morning can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment that lasts throughout the day.

In a precious gift that allow us to start each day with intention, gratitude, and self-care. By embracing the possibilities that mornings offer, we can set the tone for a positive and fulfilling day ahead. So, let's make the most of this morning and strive to make it a wonderful day for ourselves and those around us. Good morning once again!

It's a great morning to send for you a "Morning-Greetings" and happy Sunday too as indeed


Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other people’s hands.
By Tong Malueth

The importance of taking ownership of one's own happiness and not relying on others to provide it. Happiness is not something that can be handed to us by someone else, but rather something that we must cultivate within ourselves.

By placing the responsibility of our happiness in our own hands, we are empowered to take control of our lives and make choices that align with our values and desires. It reminds us that we have the power to create our own happiness through our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

Relying on others for our happiness can lead to disappointment and a lack of fulfillment. People are fallible, and their actions or circumstances may not always align with what we want or need. By taking responsibility for our own happiness, we become less dependent on external factors and more resilient in the face of challenges.

It encourages self-reflection and self-care. It reminds us to prioritize our own well-being and to actively seek out activities, relationships, and experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment. It encourages us to pursue our passions, set boundaries, and make choices that align with our values, rather than relying on others to provide us with happiness.

Taking responsibility for our own happiness means recognizing that we have the power to create a fulfilling and joyful life for ourselves. Instead of relying on others to make us happy, we must take charge of our own well-being and actively pursue the things that bring us joy and fulfillment.

The Writer is a Student at University of Juba and can be reached at [email protected]


The way Nas Village followed Mr Dhongbang comedy nah, Hahaha some of us (Facebook Comedians) will be follow by a thousand of crowd when visit them


Majuetdit comedy ss should update us the limit of breads for a someone to come with when there's a free Soup on his Show.


What a bad luck to Aweil North (Malualda)


The really definition of calling a lady that share by many men. This was happened in1947 the time we went to attended a Juba Conference. Their names are as follows:
Aqok Danielo
Diing Mawien Akec
Kuach Akok Atak
The called her as "our wife"


Happy birthday Alifa Lewandowski
Age with grace 🍟🎂🎉🍜👑
Many years ahead


Very sweet and Romance word Even


A boy from UBG forgot to zip up his trouser, so a lady told her politely,

"Sir, your garage is opened", he gave her a naughty smile as he zips up and asked,

"Did you see my BONGO BUS packed inside?" The lady smiles back and said" no just small TOYOTA with two big flat tires"

That boy is now crying.
Good morning UBG family.


Copied frMangok M. Dhieuieu


Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

November Quote
~Tong Malueth~


How come for Ayany Wol Ayany to borrow a trouser from Diing Mawien Akec and reduced it size to his fitness.


"Earth For Sale"
By Ustaz Wol Garang Kon

It's in Hai Referendum Area behind Starford International University.


Announcement! Announcement!

We're cordially invited all people to share a Sunday praying with us in a certain new church that had recently opened at Hai Malakal - Juba as established early this year 2023. It has scheduled to take place on Sunday 5th of November 2023 at 8:00 AM South Sudan time (E.A.T). Anyone that fail to come on time will be fine.

Come One! Come All!


They started torturing youths and as forgetting that, youths are they ones that will burry them when the deaths knock their doors.


My 1st Trip to America Was interrupted by Rebellional (Rebels) in 1955, the time we were in Sudan and the 2nd Trip was in 2013.


We would have almost to collide(impinge) in a certain hotel at noontime with her if I was not been called by other.

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