Dr Pınar Cömert

Deri Sağlığı
Deri Hastalıkları Tanı ve Tedavisi
Estetik ve Kozmetik Dermatoloji

1988 yılında Ankara Kocatepe Mimar Kemal Lisesinden lise birincisi olarak mezun oldum. 1994 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesini bitirerek TUS sınavı ile, 1997 yılında Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları uzmanı oldum. 1998-2016 yıllları arasında TBMM Hastanesinde Dermatolog olarak çalıştım. 2015 yılından itibaren kendi yerimizde siz danışanlarımıza hizmet vermekteyim.


İyi bayramlar


Anneler günümüz kutlu olsun ❤️❤️❤️❤️Canım annem seni çok seviyorum ❤️❤️❤️
Annenizin en sevdigi ve size en
çok söyledigi sözler neler???


Bugün günlerden Mina …Doğum günün kutlu olsun minik doktorum ❤️❤️❤️❤️Seni çok seviyorum ❤️❤️❤️


Thank god I am a 👩‍⚕️ doctor.
İyi ki doktor olmuşum, tıp bayramımız kutlu olsun.Sizin gibi tatliş hastalara sahip olduğum için çok şanslıyım❤️İşimi ve hepinizi çok seviyorum 💐 .


Happy Valentine’s Day…..

Photos from Dr Pınar Cömert's post 06/01/2024

23.12.2023 just after the lip filler.


It was a pleasure to share my experiences with my colleagues about calciumhyddoxyapatide which is a kind of very strong collagen stimulator.Special thanks to Dr Hasan Galadari for being with me at the same stage and sharing his experiences with us….
Meslektaşlarımla kalsiyum hidroksiapatit yaygın adıyla mineral aşı tecrübelerimi paylaştım.


Today is my birthday…I was born today, what could be more important?
🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.
Bugün benim doğumgünüm.Tanıştığım, beraber yol aldığım, hayatıma bir şekilde dokunan herkese teşekkür ederim ❤️yola devam…


Motivation for the week.
🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Haftalık motivasyon😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌺🌺🌺Keyifli pazarlar.


Today is a good day,good to see the patient With special soul and face❤️
🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Bugün sabah annemi aradım bana dua etti gününü güzelleştiren ,güzel ruhlu,güzel insanlara denk gel kızım diye❤️Anne duası hemen mi kabul olur❤️❤️❤️❤️


Russianlips ❤️


November has arrived. Preparations for winter have begun. It's time to get out of the summer sun and take care of our dry skin.

🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Kadım ayı başladı.Güneşten çıkıp kuruyan cildimize bakma zamanı.Neler yapabiliriz?Medikal cilt bakımları,karbon peelingler,babyface Thulium lazerle leke bakımı,iğneli Rf ile kolajen bakımları,genesis bakımları ,nem aşıları ve biyolojik lifting uygulamaları ve tabi peelingler .Uygulamalar için detaylı bilgi almak için kliniğimizle iletişime geçebilirsiniz ❤️💐


To which types of noses can be done by filler?
🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Kavisli,nispeten minik ,ucu inik burunlar en çok burun dolgusuna uygun burunlar.Eğer ameliyat 1 senelik periodda ameliyat düşünülmüyor ise burun dolgusu ,burun ucunu kaldırır,burun sırtını düzeltir.


Morfeus is a kind of needle radiofrequency.

Özel fraksiyonel radyofrekans ile deri sıkılaşır,ince kırışıklıklar onarılır, gözenekler sıkılaşır,gıdı ve Gözaltı torbaları tedavi edilir, yüz yukarı kalkar .


27.07.2023 just after the procedure.Nose filler can smooth the nose bridge , lift the nose tip.

🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Burun dolgusu ile burun sırtı düzelir,burun ucu kalkar


Morpheus8 is a type of strong, effective, risk-free needle radiofrequency. It reduces mechanical damage with low intensity and allows more thermal effect. Thanks to this effect, it does not distract you from social life and provides skin stimulation with comfortable and powerful radiofrequency.
Where do I use Morpheus?
.To correct slight sagging and looseness in the neck, jowl and décolleté area.
* Treatment of acne and acne scars
* Eliminates sun damage and skin blemishes
* In the treatment of wounds and burn scars
* Reducing signs of aging
* Elimination of deep lines and fine wrinkles
* In the treatment of stretch marks due to weight gain or loss or pregnancy
* In making enlarged pores tighter
* Alleviating dark circles under the eyes
We use it in the treatment of under-eye bags.
It is also used with the Morpheus body body head for subcutaneous and dermal reshaping of larger body areas such as abdomen, thighs and hips. So, I also use it for sagging inner legs, arms and butt.

Morfeus 8 bir cins kuvvetli ,etkili ,risksiz bir iğneli radyofrekansdır.Düşük yoğunlukla mekanik hasarı azaltır ve daha fazla termal etkiye izin verir.Bu etkisi sayesinde sosyal hayattan sizi uzaklaştırmaz konforlu ve güçlü radyofrekans ile cilt uyarımı sağlar.
Morfeusu nerelerde kullanıyorum?Boyun, gıdı ve dekolte bölgesinde oluşan hafif sarkma ve gevşekliklerin düzeltilmesinde
* Akne ve sivilce izlerinin tedavisinde
* Güneş hasarı ve cilt lekelerinin giderilmesinde
* Yara ve yanık izlerinin tedavilerinde
* Yaşlanma belirtilerinin azaltılmasında
* Derin çizgi ve ince kırışıklıkların yok edilmesinde
* Kilo alıp vermeye ya da hamileliğe bağlı çatlakların tedavisinde
* Genişlemiş gözeneklerin daha sıkı bir hale getirilmesinde
* Göz altı morluklarının hafifletilmesindeGözaltı torbaları tedavisinde kullanıyoruz.
Ayrıca Morpheus body vücut başlığı ile karın uyluk ve kalça gibi daha geniş vücut bölgelerinin cilt altı ve dermal yeniden şekillenmesinde kullanılır. Yani iç bacak ,kol,popo sarkmasında da kullanıyorum.


How cute you are?Have A nice sunday….

119 puan aldım… Sizinki kaç???


🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.
With thread lifting right side of the face has lifted, nasolabial folds and jawl corrected.

Yüzün sağ tarafına ip uygulaması ile inen yüz lift edildi.nasolabial oluk ve buldoglar düzeldi.

Photos from Dr Pınar Cömert's post 12/10/2023

It was a hard procedure , thin,empty,asymmetric and has got different muscle movements .Corrected carefully .I love it.9.10.2023 just after the procedure

🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Asimetrik kas hareketleri olan ince ve boş bir dudağı şekillendirdim.Ben sevdim ❤️


Lip fillers that produced only for lips can easily integrate the lip tissue , so these fillers evert and lift the tissue naturally.
🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Dudak dolgusunda sadece dudak için üretilmiş dolguları kullanmayı tercih ediyorum.Bu dolgular dudağı güzelce şekillendirip dışa kıvırıyor ve doğal bir görüntü oluşturuyor.Dudak alt kısımımda çökme oluşturmuyor be dudak yapısını bollaştırmıyor.


Bu Pazar Türk Dermatolo¡i Dernegi’ nin düzenledigi
Asistan Beceri Okulu’ da 2. Sene Dermatoloji Asistanı arkadaşlarıma tüm yönleriyle İp askı yöntemlerini tüm yönleriyle anlattım ve klinik tecrübelerimi paylaştım.Marmara Universitesi Tıp Fakültesin de düzenlenen bu kursta görev aldigim ve çorbada tuzum olduğu için memnunum.Türk Dermatoloji Derneğine ve sevgili arkadaşım a davetleri için teşekkür ederim.
Bu eğitim sayesinde sevgili arkadaşlarım arkadaslarim .sukransarigul ile görüşme fırsatım oldu ❤️


🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.
Güzel olmak başa bela…

Photos from Dr Pınar Cömert's post 04/10/2023

Followed the fashion…

🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Modaya ben de uydum ❤️


23.09.2023 just after the procedure tinny vessels like rope can be removed by controlled and effective pulse nd yag laser .

🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Kontrollü ve etkili atım yapan güzel bir Nd yag lazerle ip gibi damarlar silinebilir.1-3 seans öneriyorum.İşlemden hemen sonra oluşan bu kızarıklıklar 15-20 dk da kaybolur.İz kalmaz.


Happy sunday


I recommend medical skin care once a month, it cleans the pores deeply and gives intense moisture to your skin.🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.
Düzenli ayda bir medikal cilt bakımını öneririm, gözenekleri derinlemesine temizler, cildinize yoğun nem verir.

Photos from Dr Pınar Cömert's post 29/09/2023

23.09.2023 just after the procedure.Lasts Long 1-1.5 years.Hump was corrected ,tip has been lifted.

🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

Burun dolgusu için gelen hastalarıma önce ameliyat öneriyorum ameliyat olmak istemeyenlere yapıyorum.Ameliyat olmak isterlerse 1 sene sonra olabilirler.Bu hastamın burun dolgusu işleminden hemen sonrası.Burun ucu kalktı kemeri düzeldi.1-1,5 sene kalıcılığı mevcuttur.


One of the most frequently asked questions is, from what age can we get lip fillers?
Lip fillers can be applied starting from the age of 20.
Naturalness is the most important thing is naturalness
It is necessary to pay attention to the type of filler used.
🇧🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧Dr. Pınar Cömert Clinic is authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Turkish Ministery of Health. All patients whose photos we shared, were informed and gave consent to our clinic for release their photos in the social media to give information to our foreign patients who are considering to visit Turkey for medical tourism purposes. All photographs are unfiltered and original. This post is for medical information purposes and should not be perceived as an advertisement.
The results may be different in other individuals.

En çok sorulan sorulardan biri yirmili yaşlarda dudak dolgusu yapılabilir mi?? kaç yaşından itibaren dudak dolgusu yaptırabiliriz
20 li yaşlardan itibaren dudak dolgusu yapılabilir
Doğallığa çok önem verilmesi gerekiyor
Kullanılan dolgu cinsine dikkat edilmesi gerekiyor .

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Dermatoloji Uzm. Dr. Pınar CÖMERT

1988 yolunda Ankara Kocatepe Mimar Kemal Lisesinden lise birincisi olarak mezun oldu.1994 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesini bitirerek TUS sınavı ile, 1997 yılında Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları uzmanı oldu. 1998-2016 yıllları arasında TBMM Hastanesinde Dermatolog olarak çalıştı.2007 yılından itibaren kozmetik dermatoloji uygulamalarıyla da hizmet vermeye başladı.

Dermatoloji ve Kozmetik dermatoloji hakkında yurt içi ve yurt dışı kongre ve seminerlere katıldı; çeşitli eğitimler aldı. Mezoterapi, PRP, botulinum toxin, dolgu, PDO Lifting, Spring Thread, Siluette Soft, Plexr, Uygulamalarına ait sertifikaları bulunmaktadır.

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9.05.2024 The most effective results in hair ripening process and today we provide Q-switched laser or picosecond laser....
Let’s post a reel #tbt
About nose filler…To be continued ............................#nosefiller #burundolgusu #ameliyatsızburunestetiği
For excessive sweating botulinum toxin can be used.#underarmbotox #koltukaltıbotoksu #terlemebotoksu
Lip filler …How many days after lip filler becomes natural?.................#lipfiller #dudakdolgusu #doğaldudakdolgusu
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Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00

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