
We focus on developing effective and economical PUF-based security IPs based on NeoPUF Technology in this AIOT era.

The Groundbreaking Hardware Security Book Series 20/09/2024

非常感謝大家對我們的硬體安全系列書籍的支持!! ☺️
現在,令人期待的第 3 冊也可以在我們官網免費下載囉! 🎉🎉🎉
我們希望讀者能夠全面了解 HRoT 設計,並了解安全系統的設計理念以及需要注意的事項。
不要錯過業界最好的硬體安全書籍系列,先在就立即下載PUF Book 1-3冊吧 !
Book 1: Quantum-tunneling PUF https://reurl.cc/lypDjl
Book 2: PUF-based Solutions and Applications https://reurl.cc/XR2EMD
Book 3: Anti-Tampering Designs in Hardware Security https://reurl.cc/mypD5Y

The Groundbreaking Hardware Security Book Series How This Book Series Came to Be Since the establishment of PUFsecurity, we have been encouraged to enlighten the broader semiconductor community on the risk of unsecured chips. This journey of continuous education and promotion of Quantum Tunneling PUF ultimately led to the publication of the book s



The Groundbreaking Hardware Security Book Series 13/09/2024

我們很高興向大眾介紹我們的 硬體安全工具書! 🎉🎉
PUFsecurity 的工程師和編輯花了數年時間來完成這個具有里程碑意義的項目,因為我們知道 PUF 技術將成為確保互聯運算未來的安全基礎。


Download the Full Book Text now 👇👇👇

Book 1: Quantum-tunneling PUF https://www.pufsecurity.com/document/puf-book-1-quantum-tunneling-puf/

Book 2: PUF-based Solutions and Applications https://www.pufsecurity.com/document/hardware-security-book-series-2-puf-based-solution-and-applications/

The Groundbreaking Hardware Security Book Series How This Book Series Came to Be Since the establishment of PUFsecurity, we have been encouraged to enlighten the broader semiconductor community on the risk of unsecured chips. This journey of continuous education and promotion of Quantum Tunneling PUF ultimately led to the publication of the book s


Arm x PSA Certified 在最新發表的安全報告< Scaling Security in the Age of AI >中引述了力旺電子與熵碼科技創辦人--徐清祥博士的話:





✨離結束投票還有一星期! 您投票了嗎?
🏆今年力旺電子與熵碼科技角逐EE Awards兩大獎項!
力旺電子ememory潛心研發的產品Anti-fuse OTP NeoFuse憑藉其獨家3T結構設計,擁有更佳的良率、可靠度、以及設計彈性,使得eMemory始終能保持業界領先,為AI、data center、HPC、Automotive等高階應用提供穩健的NVM IP。
熵碼科技提供以PUF為核心的安全解決方案平台,於2023年發表了One-stop Shop Security Platform的樣貌,除了安全IP本身有更完整的分層定義,還發展出更完整的週邊輔助功能設計。
貼心提醒: 不要忘了選擇Product Award(Asia)進行投票唷!
✅點擊此處投票: https://aspencore.mike-x.com/c4u5B

#亞洲金選獎 #力旺電子 #熵碼科技



#永續經營 #企業責任 #綠色未來 #創新


✨EETimes 年度盛事EE Awards金選獎開跑囉!
今年力旺電子與熵碼科技角逐兩大EE Award獎項:

力旺: Product Award(Asia) - IP/Processor
✅E . eMemory Technology Inc.(NeoFuse (Anti-fuse OTP))

熵碼: Technology Platform Award - Best Security Technology Platform
✅E . PUFsecurity Corporation(PUF-based Security Solution Platform)

力旺電子ememory潛心研發的產品Anti-fuse OTP NeoFuse憑藉其獨家3T結構設計,擁有更佳的良率、可靠度、以及設計彈性,使得eMemory始終能保持業界領先,為AI、data center、HPC、Automotive等高階應用提供穩健的NVM IP。

熵碼科技提供以PUF為核心的安全解決方案平台,於2023年發表了One-stop Shop Security Platform的樣貌,除了安全IP本身有更完整的分層定義,還發展出更完整的週邊輔助功能設計。


點此投票 https://aspencore.mike-x.com/c4u5B
*記得點選Product Award (Asia) 才能看到有力旺參與的名單喔!

#亞洲金選獎 #力旺電子 #熵碼科技

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 02/08/2024

🙌🏻力旺第三季慶生會 - 趣味競賽 | 勇往前行勁在力旺&熵碼


🐧歡樂打東東:在熱鬧的氛圍中,各組同仁奮力揮舞,將大企鵝一一擊倒,速度與力量的完美結合! #速度很重要
🧩真人俄羅斯方塊:需要智慧與策略的完美結合!大家攜手合作,挑戰腦力極限,展現無限創意! #大家都是方塊大師
🥏躲避飛盤戰:進入競賽最高潮,以刺激破表的躲避飛盤戰做為完美的終決賽。速度與反應的極限考驗,讓場外的觀眾都看得目不轉睛,啦啦隊也不遺餘力地加油助威! #賽事刺激度不輸奧運 #飛盤神技 #競技狂熱

歡樂的時光過得特別快~同仁們在各項競賽中收穫了滿滿的喜悅與成就感。競賽結束後帶著飢餓的胃,前往福委精心安排的知名自助餐大快朵頤為活動畫下完美的句點! #吃很飽


#力旺 #熵碼 #趣味競賽 #團隊精神 #無限歡樂

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 30/11/2023

ATS 北京場圓滿落幕!
我們的市場行銷副總監,田浩倫,在北京場上進行了一場精彩的演講!觀眾們積極參與,踴躍提問。如果您未有機會在活動中提問,可以透過 [email protected] 聯繫我們,將會有專人為您服務。

點擊此處觀看 ATS 北京場即時相片: https://lnkd.in/g4Wm-A2F

上海場的朋友們,田副總監將在明天(12/01)的 ATS上海場Track B下午2:30與大家見面!他將為現場夥伴們帶來精彩的演說,千萬不要錯過!

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 02/11/2023

It’s the day, come to join us at Arm Tech Symposia in !
🔐Our experts will be at booth #8 to answer all your questions!
📌Don’t miss the talk this afternoon at 14:50 give by our Deputy Marketing Director, Howard, in Track D.


Join us at the Arm Tech Symposia in Hsinchu! 🌐
📅11/02(Thur.) Ambassador Hotel, Hsinchu

🔒If you're eager to explore our one-stop platform from OTP to PUF-based security and discover our latest development with Arm, make sure to secure your spot for this event :

Don't forget to swing by booth #8. Our experts will be on hand to answer all your questions.

See you there!

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 25/10/2023

John Chou​, from PUFsecurity USA, was invited to the 2023 TAITA-SV Annual Conference in Santa Clara.

John took the stage as part of the Technology Panel, focusing on the exciting realm of innovation in data center and security.
His talk covered everything from chip-level security within data centers, providing valuable insights for all attendees. 🔐

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to TAITA-SV ​for this opportunity. It was a privilege to be part of this event.


恭喜母公司力旺電子連續十四年榮獲台積電開放創新平台® (OIP) 年度合作夥伴獎。 今年,力旺的OTP產品NeoFuse不僅在台積電先進製程N12、N7、N6和N5取得成功量產紀錄,更有N5A、N4P等正在進行的多個開發項目。 此外,力旺和熵碼也將在各式應用製程上繼續布局全面、可靠的 NVM 和安全解決方案。 我們期待與台積電繼續合作,實現下一代晶片設計,使客戶能夠更快、更輕鬆地將差異化產品推向市場。
​完整新聞稿請見: https://www.ememory.com.tw/zh-TW/News/News?guid=23101614430088

Photos from 力旺電子ememory's post 28/09/2023

Congratulations on 力旺電子ememory's latest achievement. 🤗 ✨


🌕 中秋明月,煌煌圓滿
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 🌕


EETimes 亞洲金選獎 #投票 倒數計時中!!

EEAwards 線上投票將於9月10日截止
邀請您將神聖票投給 #力旺 💪🏻

📣EETimes 亞洲金選獎 #投票 倒數計時中⏳

共同支持台灣 #半導體 業界努力創新的精神
EEAwards 線上投票將於9月10日截止
邀請您把神聖票投給 #力旺 為我們打氣!💪🏻

🏆產品獎 Product award: IP / Processor
🏆創新獎 Innovation award: 金選法人/研發獎 (Best R&D award)



1. 輸入個人資料 (可以使用公司信箱和 gmail 等私人信箱進行投票哦)
2. 選擇亞洲區 Asia Award 獎項進行投票
3. 先選 IP / Processor- eMemory Technlongy Inc.
4. 再選 Best R&D award - eMemory Technlongy Inc.

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 05/09/2023




❶ 當天開場就是 #巨人排球 🏐可愛爆笑、驚叫連連
把球場當戰場 揮灑汗水、犧牲色相 絕不錯過任何一球

❷ 大型競賽後緊接著進行一連串的趣味競賽

❸ 要是認為投球撿球不夠過癮的話
讓人心臟爆擊的💣 #來個蹦蹦 絕對是最刺激的經典遊戲
頭頂持續膨大的氣球🎈不知道何時爆破 增添現場緊張刺激的氣氛

❹ 力求爭分奪秒的 #球來運轉🏓在整場競賽扮演關鍵角色
為搶快搶分 同仁們用雙手緊拉繩索保持平衡 努力控制球的滾動

❺ 好玩的橋段怎麼可以沒有 #瘋狂搬運工💪
#少一罐都不行 #不信來試試


🔷熵碼科技 https://www.pufsecurity.com/careers/
🔶力旺電子 https://www.ememory.com.tw/en-US/About/Recruit


Photos from PUFsecurity's post 01/09/2023






🔷熵碼科技 https://www.pufsecurity.com/careers/
🔶力旺電子 https://www.ememory.com.tw/en-US/About/Recruit

#加入力旺熵碼成就不凡 #精采生活永不間斷

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 31/08/2023

Our Chairman, Charles, delivered a captivating speech this morning in Cadence Live - Hsinchu Session, sharing his insights on the future trends in semiconductor security. He highlighted the importance of using PUF-based solutions to establish a robust hardware security foundation 💪🏻
Big thanks to Cadence for the invitation!

✔Learn more about our PUF-based solutions: https://www.pufsecurity.com/products/

🔐 Let’s secure this connected world together 🔐


熵碼的母公司,力旺電子潛心研發的嵌入式 P型電荷捕捉記憶體 - 非常榮幸入圍今年 Asia亞洲金選獎,線上投票環節將於9月10日截止,請大家把握機會邀請親朋好友將神聖的一票投給 #力旺 !

\\EE Times年度盛事亞洲金選獎 投票熱烈開跑中//

力旺電子潛心研發的嵌入式 P型電荷捕捉記憶體 - NeoFlash 非常榮幸入圍今年EE Awards Asia亞洲金選獎,線上投票環節將於9月10日截止,請大家把握機會邀請親朋好友將神聖的一票投給 #力旺,為我們打氣!讓我們的產品 站上頒獎台!

產品獎Product award: IP / Processor
創新獎 Innovation award: 金選法人/研發獎 (Best R&D award)

投票頁面如下 (記得要選亞洲地區Asia Award唷) 




PUFsecurity Q2 Newsletter 29/06/2023

📢Latest Newsletter is out!
🔐Take a moment to explore our latest insights and update for this quater! You won't want to miss!

👇🏻👇🏻Click the newsletter link below to dive into the details

PUFsecurity Q2 Newsletter Actions Technology Partners with PUFsecurity to Secure Wireless Bluetooth and IoT Applications


🐉五月五 慶端午!願您的生活如龍舟一般勇猛奮進,馳騁於成功的波濤中!


在這個 #端午節 裡,我們攜手共慶,將祝福送給每一個人!

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 16/06/2023


力旺總經理 Michael 更親自分送粽子🙇‍♂️感謝員工們的辛勤

❣️願大家吃的開心 準備渡過美好的假期!!


Photos from PUFsecurity's post 14/06/2023


我們暢談力旺/熵碼如何靠不斷地創新去突破各種挑戰💪,並以獨有的商業模式、核心的技術能力以及所有夥伴們的齊心奮力,持續引領IP產業! 就算面對大環境的競爭,我們始終砥礪前行,屹立不搖至今二十餘載~🤜🤛




Photos from PUFsecurity's post 08/06/2023

🎉 我們在力旺、在熵碼,無限精采!

非常開心同仁們攜家帶眷一起同樂,曾並肩作戰的戰友們也來共襄盛舉, 這一早熱鬧的氣氛,讓人迫不及待這次的台中一日遊~!
刺激的保齡球團隊競賽揭開這次旅程的序幕,每位參賽者使足全力享受著比賽,實在相當精彩! 一旁同仁、眷屬還有小小孩賣力為爸爸媽媽加油的歡呼聲,更為緊張的氛圍增添了一點溫馨感~看著每個人臉上露出的不是在意分數高低的表情,而是充滿享受當下與大家同樂的喜悅!



力旺及熵碼員工一日輕旅遊 成功! ✌️✌️



📣 Latest Newsletter is out! 🎉
Get ready for an exciting read featuring the latest article by Larry Liu, "Securing System-on-Chips: Hardware Protection in the Age of ." Discover insights into cutting-edge solutions.
Plus, we have an exclusive with Arm's Senior Director of Segment Marketing, Parag Beeraka. Join us as we delve into the innovative solution: Arm Corstone with PUF-based security IP.

👇🏻👇🏻Click the newsletter link below to dive into the details


Securing System-on-Chips: Hardware Protection in the Age of Chiplets - Embedded Computing Design 04/05/2023

As we move from single-die SoCs towards chiplet-based design, managing security conventions and mitigating potential attacks is becoming imperative.
To alleviate the security risks in integration, PUF-based hardware protection, currently deployed with SoCs, can create a foundational Root of Trust for SiPs with a unique inborn chip fingerprint.

💡 Read the full article here >>> https://lnkd.in/dCKCcp_T
🔎 Learn more by exploring our solutions >>> https://lnkd.in/dFa4k25W

Securing System-on-Chips: Hardware Protection in the Age of Chiplets - Embedded Computing Design It seems that almost weekly, the semiconductor industry’s all-encompassing barometer, Moore’s Law, is pronounced dead, dying, or actually healthier than ever. As the debate continues to speculate on its health, there is an unequivocal certainty that singular monolithic chip designs are s...

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Enhancing Security in Embedded NVM Memory with PUF. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 24/04/2023

👉 1 day left!

力旺電子ememory’s latest webinar will be held tomorrow! You still have chance to save your spot! Click here to register >>>

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Enhancing Security in Embedded NVM Memory with PUF. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. One key constraint on the future development of computing is extending information protection. As more of our modern encryption algorithms become public and standardized, we need a better, more secure method to protect our data. For over a decade, NeoFuse has been reliably preserving data under vari...

Photos from PUFsecurity's post 21/04/2023

standard now means a lot to this connected world. Thanks to for hosting and having us present with Arm Allen Huang. It’s our pleasure to have Rickie Chang join fellow industry leaders to discuss how to consolidate a more secure world.

is the first step toward Matter; our Certified level 2 Ready secure coprocessor, , gives IC the head start you need.
To learn more: https://www.pufsecurity.com/products/pufcc/

【Arm 與生態系重磅對談第三集】基於物理不可複製技術、致力於晶片安全解決方案的 IP 設計公司熵碼科技 (PUFsecurity) 20/04/2023

|熵碼科技與Arm重磅對談|萬物聯網時代下,半導體產業晶片安全趨勢成為數據保護的關鍵!你不能不知的AI技術發展和資訊安全問題,由 台灣總裁曾志光 CK Tseng 和 #力旺電子 與 #熵碼科技 創辦人暨董事長徐清祥 Charles Hsu 親身在 【科技領航家】節目公開分享。

▶ 歡迎觀賞完整影片

🔐 探索熵碼晶片安全解決方案

#晶片設計 #資安 #物聯網 #雲端運算

【Arm 與生態系重磅對談第三集】基於物理不可複製技術、致力於晶片安全解決方案的 IP 設計公司熵碼科技 (PUFsecurity) 在【Arm 與生態系重磅對談】系列第三集,Arm 台灣總裁曾志光以及致力於晶片安全解決方案的 IP 設計公司熵碼科技 (PUFsecurity) 之創辦人暨董事長徐清祥先生,針對 2023 年近況、半導體產業晶片安全開發之趨勢與應用、Arm 如何致.....

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Vision

We provide PUF-based (chip fingerprint) hardware security solutions in order to secure the connected world. In a time where people online are ever so vulnerable, we offer security in ways that are different from others.

Banks getting breached, companies getting malware, governments getting hacked. As common and as daunting as these headlines may be, we can help you every step of the way. We want to work together with you to find the solutions that you need to keep your data safe. We will help you balance budget and security to create answers to problems that desperately need solving.

If something doesn't fit, we'll change it.

If something doesn't work, we'll fix it.

Videos (show all)

✨離結束投票還有一星期! 您投票了嗎? 🏆今年力旺電子與熵碼科技角逐EE Awards兩大獎項!力旺電子ememory潛心研發的產品Anti-fuse OTP NeoFuse憑藉其獨家3T結構設計,擁有更佳的良率、可靠度、以及設計彈性,使得...
eMemory & PUFsecurity's e-card - Dragon Boat Festival
Wishing you all the best in the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit.
PUFsecurity brings you our warmest wishes!May the magic of the holiday spirit fill your home with peace and joy. ✨
PUFsecurity | 3 Years of Startup Achievement (2022) | 熵碼科技3週年回顧影片
🐲 Wish You a Happy Dragon Boat Festival 🐲明天就是端午節了~ 先預祝大家端午節快樂!!記得要立蛋🥚, 吃粽子以及做好防疫唷 😷  #dragonboatfestival
As the Lunar New Year break is approaching, PUFsecurity just wants to wish you a prosperous year of the tiger! No matter...
Jingle bells, jingle bells~Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a season full of joy!We hope you like the Christmas video...
PUFsecurity turns TWO today!!! 🥳Thank you to everyone who has accompanied us on our journey and witnessed all our milest...
Get ready to meet PUFsecurity!Design&Reuse's annual IP-SoC Days Silicon Valley virtual event is LIVE NOW!Register for th...



8F, No. 5, Tai-Yuan 1st Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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光復路二段101號 (清華大學綜四大樓210室)
Hsinchu, 300

張昭鼎紀念基金會, 以提昇科學、文化及教育為宗旨。

豪祐科技- Haoyu is best for you 豪祐科技- Haoyu is best for you
Hsinchu, 30072


AnaSystem, 安研科技 AnaSystem, 安研科技
Hsinchu, 30078

Senslink 雲端監測系統