文藻外語大學華語中心 Wenzao Chinese Language Center

Each year we welcome a huge number of diverse students to CLC to learn about the Chinese language and culture.

🏆 全台唯一外語大學

🏆 多年教學經驗
華語中心通過首屆教育部「華語文教育機構試辦評鑑計畫」、與美國國務院 NSLI-Y 計畫合作至今逾十載,華語教學實力堅強、備受各界肯定。

🏆 Taiwan's Best & Only University of Languages since 1966! Each year we welcome a huge number of diverse students to CLC to learn about the Chinese language and culture.

Wenzao Chinese Language Centre has been accredited by






To welcome the new year, the Chinese Language Center sincerely invites you to join the 2024 New Year Gala.

Apart from enjoying everyone's performances and exhibits, there will be lucky draws during the event, and snacks will be available to take home at the end.

Participants and performers must register online so that we can prepare snacks for you. Thank you.

We welcome everyone to enthusiastically sign up and participate!

📣2024新春同樂會報名表單Registration Link:

【日期及時間 Date & Time】
2024 年 2 月 02 日(星期五)下午 1:00-4:00
*所有表演者皆需於下午 1:00 前報到
Friday, 02 February 2024 from 1:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m.
*All Performers must register before 1:00 p.m.

【活動地點 Venue】
1F, Gongjian Hall, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages

【彩排日期Rehearsal Date 】
2024 年 2 月 01 日(星期四)下午 1:30
Thursday, 01 February 1:30 pm

【報名期間 Application Deadline】
即日起至 -2024年 1 月 19日 (五) 截止 。
From now till 19th of January(Fri), 2024

【展演類型Categories of Performances 】
表演類型:最多15組(例如:唱中文及台語歌曲、跳舞、樂器演奏、功夫、相聲、短劇...等等)Performance types: Up to 15 groups (e.g., Chinese and Taiwanese singing, dancing, musical instrument playing, martial arts, comedy sketches, short play etc.).
展覽類型:最多8組(例如:書法作品/海報/照片/剪紙...等等)Exhibition types: Up to 8 groups(e.g., calligraphy artworks, posters, photographs, paper cutting, etc.).

【參加規範Participation Guidelines】
1. 表演者要參加2/1(四) 13:30-15:30的排練,下午班的同學參加排練完後,要回到原班級繼續上課,才算出席。Performers must attend the rehearsal on 2/1 (Thursday) from 13:30 to 15:30. After the rehearsal, students from the afternoon session must return to their original classes to continue attending lessons to be marked present.
2. 2/2(五) 下午班的學生也可以參加表演。要確實簽到及簽退,領到餐盒,才可以算出席。Students from the afternoon session on 2/2 (Friday) are also eligible to participate in the performance. To be marked present, they must accurately sign in and out, and collect a meal box.
3. 若下午班的學生2/2(五)沒有要表演,但要參加新春同樂會,要確實簽到及簽退,領到餐盒,才可以算出席。 If students from the afternoon session on 2/2 (Friday) do not participate in the performance but attend the New Year Gala, they must accurately sign in and out, and collect a meal box to be marked present.
4. 沒出席2/2(五)新春同樂會也沒上課的同學,當天上課算缺席。Students who neither attend the New Year Gala on 2/2 (Friday) nor attend classes that day will be marked absent for that day's classes.


【移地學習】2023 冬季班移地學習-高雄橋頭 2023 Winter Term Field Trip -Qiaotou
Explore authentic Taiwanese life: BBQ, cycling tours at sugar factories, complete team-task activities to win various prizes, and create precious memories

📅 活動日期 Event Date 6th Jan 2024 (Sat) 9:00-17:00

📜 當日行程 Itinerary
9:20文藻出發~花卉農場 Depart from Wenzao to Flower Farm
10:00~13:30烤肉 BBQ
14:00~14:30搭乘五分車 Taking the Sugar Train
15:00~17:00單車遊糖廠 Bicycle tour at the Sugar Refinery
17:00 回學校 Get Back to School

💰 費用Price
CLC students NT$650 ( NT$550 registration fee , NT$100 refundable deposit))🙌
*報名就可以有移地學習特惠價,水壺$140, 毛巾$150,CLC T恤$200
Register now to enjoy special prices for relocation learning: Water bottle for $140, Towel for $150, CLC T-shirt for $200

🔗 報名連結 Sign up https://bit.ly/3Ng98PI
⚠️ 報名期限 Registration Deadline From 12/8 (Fri) to 12/28 (Thur ) 17:00

Photos from 文藻外語大學華語中心 Wenzao Chinese Language Center's post 07/12/2023
【2312期 冬季班】華語中心輔導實習小老師招募中! 24/11/2023

【2312期 冬季班】華語中心課後輔導實習小老師招募中!
🔹 想在國際化的環境中,與外國人士文化交流嗎?
🔸 想印證華教專業理論,累積更多實務經驗嗎?
🔹 想擁有時間彈性,利用課餘時間就可以完成的實習嗎?




實習期滿可申請實習時數證明。歡迎你 (妳) 踴躍參加華語中心春季班實習輔導!💁‍♀️

申請連結🔗 https://2.wzuclc.com/tutoring
立即了解詳情⚡️ https://reurl.cc/p5eAj4

【2312期 冬季班】華語中心輔導實習小老師招募中! 導覽目錄 輔導實習內容 輔導實習起訖日 申請條件 申請步驟 2312期 冬季實習輔導日程表 注意事項 ☞ 想加入華語國家隊嗎? ☞ 想在國際化的環境中,與外國人文化交流嗎? ☞ 想應證華教專業理論,累...


The calligraphy competition registration is now open!🤩
Winners have a chance to receive prizes and certificates. Don't miss out on this opportunity~~~

📡此公告為中英文版,觀看前請先設定顯示原文 (不翻譯中文)
[天文獎第54屆全國書法比賽 - 國際組]
The 54th Annual Calligraphy Competition of Tian Wen Temple
👉Eligibility: International Group opens for non-Chinese-speaking countries only
👉Online registration via: https://www.xn--rss18chd615bwmi.com/en/competition_signupEn.php
👉Date of registration: From now to January 26, 2024
👉Date of competition: February 25th, 2024
Place: Yong An Tian Wen Temple
Address: No. 4, Ln. 5, Bao'an Rd., Yong’an Dist., Kaohsiung City 828, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
👉Regulations of the competition:
(1) Xuan paper will be provided by Tian Wen Temple. Bringing your own inks, pens and inkstone
👉 Result announcements: The results of the competition will be announced at 16:00 on February 5th. All winners can receive rewards immediately. The first three-prize winners should stay at Tian Wen Temple and wait for attending the award ceremony.
More information is available on the official website https://www.xn--rss18chd615bwmi.com/en/calligraphy.php
👉報名資格:凡對書法有興趣之在台外籍人士。外籍人士限定非華語系的國家 (非中港澳台、華裔人士)
👉報名方式: 採用網路報名
👉成績公布日期: 比賽當日結束後,約2.5~3.5小時,公布成績。優選、佳作、入選得獎者,即進行領獎。前三名得獎者請留在現場﹐等待廣播通知領獎,並進行講評。


Photos from 文藻外語大學華語中心 Wenzao Chinese Language Center's post 06/11/2023

【2023華語暨外語創意歌唱比賽 】圓滿落幕了。在此,特別感謝,境外活動事務組以及國際志工團隊的辛勤籌備,他們的用心安排讓整個比賽得以順利。


The 2023 Chinese and Foreign Creative Singing Competition has come to a successful conclusion. We would like to express our special thanks to the Overseas Event Affairs Team and the International Volunteer Team for their diligent preparations and thoughtful arrangements, which ensured the smooth ex*****on of the entire competition.

It's worth noting that each and every participant's splendid performance on the stage was the result of long hours of preparation and hard work. As the saying goes, "One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage," they spared no effort, showcasing their unique talents and creating an unforgettable musical feast for the audience. Their enthusiastic participation added a great deal of excitement to the competition, and each participant contributed significantly to the success of the event. As a result, the audience had an enjoyable and unforgettable viewing experience.

For those who couldn't join us this time, we welcome you to participate in the next event and share
the joy of this wonderful musical extravaganza with us.

2023 冬季華語班學費限時優惠方案 倒數中!2023 Winter Term Special Offers 27/10/2023

2023 冬季華語班學費限時優惠方案 倒數中!⏰
2023 Winter Term Special Offers
瞭解詳情 Learn more: https://bit.ly/winterspecialoffer
#學中文 #文藻 #華語 #華語中心

2023 冬季華語班學費限時優惠方案 倒數中!2023 Winter Term Special Offers 課程聲明 如學生確診,依現行防疫規範不強制隔離,可自由選擇0+5。但若在家隔離5天,請務必主動通報華語中心辦公室。在填寫完前述回報系統後,實體課程將轉為線上上課。 現行之防疫規範,將依教育部來文公告,隨時進行...







1. 在11月1日之前,到華語中心辦公室報名參與。
2. 準備好展現你的演技和創造力。
3. 參與拍攝,成為宣導犯罪預防的英雄!



Dear CLC Students,

Are you looking for an opportunity to engage with Taiwanese society in a unique way while showcasing your acting and creative skills? If your answer is yes, then we have a special opportunity waiting for you!

The Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Brigade is currently seeking foreign students in Taiwan to assist in the production of an important crime prevention awareness short film. The purpose of this project is to disseminate vital information about crime prevention through the film and provide specific recommendations to ensure our community becomes safer. We believe you can be a messenger for this important information!

Although this is an unpaid opportunity, every selected student who participates in the filming will receive a special gift prepared by the Kaohsiung City Government Police Department as a token of appreciation and recognition.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Sign up at the CLC office before November 1st.
2. Be prepared to showcase your acting and creativity.
3. Participate in the filming and become a hero in promoting crime prevention!

This is a unique opportunity that allows you to engage in community service during your study period in Taiwan and enhance your acting skills. Moreover, you will become an influential advocate contributing positively to society's development.

Don't miss this chance; come to the CLC office and sign up. Let's work together to build a safer community!



🗓 活動日期:2023/10/25 星期三
⏰ 活動時間:15:10~18:00
🏢 活動地點:公簡廳

【 Wenzao Chinese and Foreign Language Singing Contest】Opens for Audience!

The 2023 ​2​ is about to begin tomorrow.
Students will showcase their singing talents and language learning achievements through this competition.
Are you eager to witness the results of their hard work?
The competition will be open to the audience to experience the atmosphere.
Let's all come together to witness the exciting moments of this competition.

🗓 Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023
⏰ Time: 15:10 - 18:00
🏢 Venue: Gongjian Hall

Welcome everyone to participate and vote for your friends and other participants!

Photos from 文藻外語大學華語中心 Wenzao Chinese Language Center's post 12/10/2023

【秋季班新生說明會】熱烈歡迎各位秋季班的新同學來到 #文藻華語中心!👏🥳

邀請到羅馬尼亞的恩飛愉 及日本的福士奈奈美



【New Students Orientation of Autumn Term】We are excited to have you join us. 👏🥳
Nearly 90 teachers and students participated in this event! It was really lively.
During the orientation, we introduced the diverse curriculum and activities offered at the center. Our senior student, Anca from Romania and Nanami from Japan, also shared their learning experiences with us.✨

Let's enjoy our time at Wenzao and in Taiwan! 🏃‍♂️📗

#新生說明會 #2023秋季班 #文藻華語中心

Photos from 文藻外語大學華語中心 Wenzao Chinese Language Center's post 12/10/2023

特別感謝 臺灣豫劇團 再次來本中心,向大家介紹了豫劇特色。讓學生體驗豫劇妝容,現場學生反應極為熱烈,都真正見識到豫劇獨特的魅力,同學玩得不亦樂乎,現場氣氛好不熱鬧!🔥🔥
歡迎對豫劇戲曲有興趣的同學,一起追蹤 臺灣豫劇團,並以行動支持他們最新作品《11/10打金枝》及《11/11金殿抗婚》,!


【Free culture class】Bangzi opera(Yu Opera) Promotion Lecture Successfully Completed! 🎉
In this event, we were honored to invite 臺灣豫劇團 to introduce the characteristics of Yu Opera to everyone the teachers went further and let students experience Yu Opera makeup. The students' response was extremely enthusiastic, and they truly appreciated the unique charm of Yu Opera. The students in the afternoon session had a great time and the atmosphere was lively!🔥🔥
Did you also feel that you haven’t had enough fun and you didn't want it to end? 😆
For students who are interested in Chinese opera, please follow 臺灣豫劇團 and support their latest work on 11/10 and 11/11!
If you want to experience more Chinese culture, please continue to follow our upcoming free cultural classes! 🔔


10/7 (六) 至 10/10 (二) 為國慶日連續假期,中心將暫停營業,如造成不便敬請見諒,謝謝您的配合。

最後,祝大家國慶假期愉快! 😊

📢【National Day Holiday】Closure Notice of CLC office
From 10/7 (Sat.) to 10/10 (Tue.), our center will be closed for the National Day holiday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Wishing you all a happy National Day holiday! 😊


三、高雄市最新停班停課訊息👉 http://www.dgpa.gov.tw
【Class Suspension Notice】Typhoon Day Class Suspension Notice
1. Due to the approach of Typhoon Koinu, the Kaohsiung City Government has declared a city-wide "work and class suspension" on Thursday, October 5th. To ensure the safety of students and staff, the CLC will also suspend classes tomorrow.
2. There will be no makeup classes for this suspension.
3. For the latest updates on work and class suspensions in Kaohsiung City, please visit 👉 http://www.dgpa.gov.tw



♬♬大家一起來報名參加~~~~報名至10/20(五) ! ♬♬

哈囉各位!SOSA與華語中心將在10/25(三)15:00-17:00 舉辦創意歌唱比賽🎤🔥歡迎各位喜歡唱歌以及享受音樂的同學們一起來參加喔!我們前三名都會有獎金,也有參加獎以及人氣獎!歡迎各位報名或參與人氣投票喔
❗️報名期限: 即日起至10/ 20(五)

"♬♬Let's all sign up together to participate! Sign-up until 10/20 (Friday)♬♬
"💛Elevate Your Voice & Unleash Your Inner Star: Join the Singing Contest!💛"
【 Wenzao Chinese and Foreign Language Singing Contest】
Hello everyone! SOSA and the Chinese Language Center (CLC) will be hosting a Chinese and Foreign language Singing Contest on 10/25(WED) 15:00-17:00!🎤🔥 We welcome all students who loves singing and enjoy music to join us! The top three winners will receive prize money, and there will also be participation prizes and a most popular award. Feel free to sign up or participate in the popularity voting. Don't miss out !
❗️Registration deadline: From now until October 20
❗️Sign up here:https://forms.gle/kDKqznLmUhiMWpTU9


📢 【Mid-Autumn Festival Extended Holiday Notice】Updated Office Hours Announcement
Due to the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, our center will be closed on Friday, September 29th. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We wish you all a delightful Mid-Autumn Festival holiday! 🌕🥮🎉





📑 招募簡章:https://reurl.cc/4WXVZj
📝 線上履歷表:https://forms.gle/WH2FZgyPj2DDKuV9A
🗓️ 線上填表截止日期:112年10月16日(一)中午12:00止

如有任何問題,請洽詢 ⬇️
👩 承辦人:黃尹莎 專員 (8:30-17:00, 週一至週五)
☎️ 電話:(07)3426031轉3302
📩 E-mail:[email protected]

Photos from NSLI-Y Taiwan  美國高中生華語獎學金計畫's post 20/09/2023
2023年秋季對外華語教學師資培訓班招生簡章.pdf 19/09/2023


💡 藻到斜槓人生,就從文藻華語師資培訓班開始~
⚡️ 報名及繳費至10/5(四)截止,趕緊手刀報名!

📑 招生簡章:https://bit.ly/2023Aut
📝 報名連結:https://bit.ly/chTeacher

🔸 邀請國內各大華語教學系及華語中心教學經驗豐富的專業師資,獲得第一線教學理論與實務新知!
🔹 不論理論或實務課程,皆融入華語教學實例,由淺入深逐步掌握華語教學知能與技巧!
🔸 二語教學實作,體驗教授外籍生中文,調整教學策略,踏穩華語教學的第一步!

📆 日期:2023年10月14日~12月16日(12/9~11慈善義賣園遊會不排課)
⏰ 時間:每週六、週日 上午9:10~12:00 及下午13:30~16:20。
🏫 地點:文藻外語大學校本部(高雄市三民區民族一路900號)
📑 課程內容:詳見簡章。

💰 學費:
🎓本校教職員、學生及校友優惠 $19,800/人(原價$22,000/人)
👬 兩人同行優惠$20,900/人(原價$22,000/人)

聯絡人:洪雨蓁 專員
Email:[email protected]
電話:07-3426031 轉分機 #3306



【移地學習】台南安平-豐富歷史及古蹟之都 🚌
Anping Feild Trip - Explore a City Rich in History and Heritage 🚌

Let's make handkerchiefs together, explore Anping Old Fort, and wander through its charming historic streets. Join us for a fascinating day trip to Anping, the city of historical wonders!

📅 活動日期 Event Date 4th Nov 2023 (Sat) 7:40-17:30

📜 當日行程 Itinerary
和明織品小方巾 DIY Hermin Textile Museum- DIY Small Handkerchief
七股賞黑面琵鷺 Qigu Birdwatching: Black-faced Spoonbill
中餐享用安平小吃 Enjoy Anping Cuisine for Lunch
安平古堡 Anping Old Fort
安平老街 Anping Old Street

💰 費用Price
CLC students NT$850 (NT$750 for registration fee, NT$100 as a refundable deposit)🙌
*報名立即送免費精美CLC帽子一頂,可以加購150元換購CLC毛巾,或是加購200元換購CLC T恤
Register now and receive a free complimentary CLC cap.
You can also change to purchase a CLC towel for $150 or a CLC T-shirt for $200.

🔗 報名連結 Sign up https://bit.ly/Fieldtripclc
⚠️ 報名期限 Registration Deadline From 9/19 (Tue) to 10/13 (Fri ) 17:00




老師們,來吧! 報名跟履歷填寫連結都準備好了!

履歷填寫處📝: https://reurl.cc/WGr2Ek
報名連結💻: https://reurl.cc/VLdvyN

Photos from 文藻華語中心 台北教室 Wenzao Chinese Language Center - Taipei's post 13/09/2023
2309期 秋季班課後輔導實習小老師招募中! 11/09/2023

【2309期 秋季班】華語中心課後輔導實習小老師招募中!
🔹 想在國際化的環境中,與外國人士文化交流嗎?
🔸 想印證華教專業理論,累積更多實務經驗嗎?
🔹 想擁有時間彈性,利用課餘時間就可以完成的實習嗎?
實習期滿可申請實習時數證明。歡迎你 (妳) 踴躍參加華語中心春季班實習輔導!💁‍♀️
申請連結🔗 https://2.wzuclc.com/tutoring
立即了解詳情⚡️ https://reurl.cc/QZ3bl9

2309期 秋季班課後輔導實習小老師招募中! 導覽目錄 輔導實習內容 輔導實習起訖日 申請條件 申請步驟 2309期 秋季實習輔導日程表 注意事項 ☞ 想加入華語國家隊嗎? ☞ 想在國際化的環境中,與外國人文化交流嗎? ☞ 想應證華教專業理論,累...



📅 活動日期 :2023/09/27 (三)
🕐 活動時間: 14:00-15:00
🏫 地點 :公簡廳
🙋 報名對象:以華語中心師生、校內師生優先
🔗 https://bit.ly/Bangzioperaclc
❗️ 報名期限 : 即日起至 9/26(二) 16:00


【Free culture class - Activity registration】Bangzi opera(Yu opera) comes again!
Have you heard of "Bangzi opera(Yu opera)"? Do you want to learn more about Chinese opera culture?
You will be introduced to the characteristics of Bangzi Opera(Yu opera), the characters and the acting style, and you will also have the opportunity to experience acting in costume! ✨

📅 Event date: 2023/09/27 (Wed.)
🕐 Activity time: 14:00-15:00
🏫 Venue: Gongjian Hall
🙋 Participants: Give priority to the CLC teachers, students and the teachers and students on campus.
🔗 https://bit.ly/Bangzioperaclc
❗️ Deadline: From now to 9/26(Tue) 16:00

‼️A friendly reminder:
If you fill out the form and pay the deposit of $100 at the Chinese Language Center office on the 1st floor of the Lourdes Building before 16:00 on 9/26(Tue.), you will be considered to have successfully enrolled and will be able to reserve your seat. Before paying the deposit, please check with the office to see if there are still seats available for the venue you wish to register for.

Come and sign up for this cultural course!!🏃

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Taiwan's Best & Only University of Languages since 1966! 🇹🇼🏆

開課期別 Upcoming Terms

  • 【2006 Summer】 2020.06.08 - 2020.08.21

  • 【2009 Autumn】 2020.09.07 - 2020.11.20

  • 【2012 Winter】 2020.11.30 - 2021.02.19
  • Videos (show all)

    《EZ Chinese - i中文》是真的!完全免費的中文課程! It’s real! Free Chinese Course for everyone.「 是真的! It’s real! 」學習臺灣華語與正體字。#完全免費Learning...
    黃明志 - 泰國恰恰 | 教師團隊舞蹈表演 | 2022 文藻福虎生豐新春同樂會 Thai Cha Cha (by Namewee) | Teachers Dance Performance | 2022 New Year Gala
    多國語聖誕組曲 Multilingual Christmas Suite
    Christmas Tree on Fire
    移地學習⋯ #啥款?終於又能和大家一起出遊了!有人知道我們在做什麼嗎😈?#學華語 #橋頭 #控窯 #高雄景點 #高雄旅行 #高雄一日遊 #移地學習 #萬聖節
    ♥️歡迎各位新同學來到 #文藻 !真的是久違了⋯👍防疫措施持續做好做滿,保護自己也保護實體課!▍實體華語班,隨報隨上!🔎 https://zh.wzuclc.com/post/payg-chinese-programme▍Pay-as-Yo...
    🥮▍ SAVE THE DATESMid-Autumn Festival Holidays 🗓2021 09 20 - 2021 09 21▍​​​𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞Mid-Autumn Festival & Moon...
    🥮▍ SAVE THE DATESMid-Autumn Festival Holidays 🗓2021 09 20 - 2021 09 21▍​​​𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞Mid-Autumn Festival & Moon...
    OMG! It’s really happening! .We’re going to to school next Monday!!! .It’s been soooo long! We’re so excited to see you ...
    🏆 佐藤繪美 🇯🇵 Emi Sato  2021年春季班 - 外籍生口語表達競賽 - B組 - 第一名 -  佐藤繪美 🇯🇵  2021 Spring Term - Contest of Chinese Oral Expression - ...




    Opening Hours

    Monday 08:00 - 12:00
    13:10 - 17:00
    Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00
    13:00 - 17:00
    Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00
    13:00 - 17:00
    Thursday 08:30 - 12:00
    13:00 - 17:00
    Friday 08:30 - 12:00
    13:00 - 17:00

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    Kaohsiung, 800

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    Jeia Jeia
    Kaohsiung, 36563


    文藻外語大學 傳播藝術系系學會 文藻外語大學 傳播藝術系系學會
    Kaohsiung, 807

    會長:陳在翔 副會長:顏珮如 策劃長:陳采𣶏副策劃長:涂庭瑄 資訊長:蘇奕智 副資訊長:林可晨 美宣長:王秀卉 副美宣長:顏珮如 總務長:陳柏翰 副總務長:傅筑筠 秘書長:尤采菱 副秘書長:何昱瑨

    國立高雄大學推廣教育中心 國立高雄大學推廣教育中心
    Kaohsiung, 811


    AI ⊇ STEAM 教學研究中心 AI ⊇ STEAM 教學研究中心
    Kaohsiung, 812008

    AI⊇STEAM AI:人工智慧 Science:科學 Technology:科技 Engineering:工程 Art:藝術 Mathematics:數學 ================== 國立臺中科技大學 教育部部訂[助理教授] 邱啟員 主持