



本次年會開放報名囉 ❗

👏這次將於3月11-12日舉辦2023年會暨國際研討會,本次會議以「韌/任性」為主題,專題演講分別邀請到日本關西大學社會學部媒體研究系教授水越伸教授主講「Critical Media Practice: Cyclical Rehabilitation and Revitalization of Expertise and People's Literacy」(批判媒體實踐:專業和素養的循環重建與振興),以及新加坡南洋理工大學人文學院衣若芬教授主講「韓美藝術家白南準《中國記憶》的文圖學意涵」。歡迎對於本次研討會議題有興趣之教師、研究者、學生及一般民眾報名參加。


🔸年會報到時間: 08:30-09:00


📲【網站】 https://www.csat.org.tw/
📲【臉書】 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066861065658



博士班考試入學 ​ 依簡章公告為主 ​
🔹1. 招生名額:一般生2名
🔹2. 報名日期:112年03月20日至112年04月11日

💻1. 一律採用網路報名,招生資訊網址為 http://recruit.nchu.edu.tw/ -2。
2. 若有報名相關問題可電洽本校招生組(04)2284-0216。☎

🟪本學程洽詢電話:(04)2284-0671 #13黃小姐
電子郵件:[email protected]

Photos from 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程's post 03/02/2023

🎉【恭喜狄愷誠、沈鵬兩位博士研究生通過論文口試 !】Congratulations to Diego and Paul for Passing the Oral Examination!💝

今年的博士研究生論文口試已圓滿結束! 狄愷誠(Diego Felipe Caicedo Amaya)、沈鵬(Pattarapong Kongwattana)兩位同學表現出色,成功通過口試,多年努力獲得美滿成果,恭喜恭喜 !! 祝福他們今後一帆風順,前程無限!

🔶相關連結: ​ https://transculture.nchu.edu.tw/page.php?uuid=472d35cd-a38c-11ed-90b3-56000176fdd3
🔶相關連結: ​ https://transculture.nchu.edu.tw/english/page.php?uuid=04735cb4-a397-11ed-90b3-56000176fdd3


Migrating Worlds:Rethinking Southeast Asia through Transnational Connections ​ ​ ​ Workshop

🔹時間: 2022年12月9日(五) 10:10~17:30,此活動採實體與線上同步進行,因會場座位有限,需事先報名才能入場,僅開放17個名額,額滿截止報名,報名截止日: 2022年12月6日(四)前,報名成功會發信通知。
🔸地點: 中興大學人文大樓711室 + Google Meet
➡* Only "Book Talk" speaks in English.
➡* Date: ​ Friday, ​ December 9, 2022, ​ ​ at 10:10 AM to 17:30 PM
➡* This workshop will be held both in-site and online.
Google Meet 網址: ​ https://reurl.cc/oZLgGM
➡* Due to limited in-site seats, prior online registration is required. ​ The in-site is limited 17 people to register and on first-come first-served basis.
➡* Registration deadline: Tuesday, ​ December 6, 2022, by 23:59 PM
➡* Venue: 711 Conference Room (7th floor, ​ Humanities Building, National Chung-Hsing University).

🌐This graduate student workshop, organized by the International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies, examines Southeast Asia and the Sinophone world through the lens of migration and culture. Scheduled to be held on December 9, 2022 in National Chung Hsing University, it is part of a special month-long module for the class “World Literature and Theories of the World,” and follows a series of four talks on “Migrating Worlds,” which will take place throughout the months of November and December. These talks discuss the global perspectives of writers, filmmakers, and other cultural producers who migrate from their countries of origin such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. They also examine the role of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China in Southeast Asian literary and cultural production.
The workshop aims to reconceptualize the way we view Asia beyond the nation-state, emphasizing transnational and mobile connections across places, through cultural productions. It also serves the goal of introducing students and the wider public in Taiwan to Southeast Asia, and its rich traditions of cultural production that go beyond borders. Finally, it will demonstrate how we might contribute to international discussions about the shape and form of the globe, from the vantage point of Southeast Asia and its ethnic Chinese communities.
We are interested in papers that address the following topics:
• Transnational cultural connections between places in Southeast Asia, historically or in the present
• The relationship between literary worlds and migration
• The transmission of media and its accompanying infrastructures (e.g. film and music festivals)
• Intellectual histories and cultural productions of Chinese communities in Southeast Asia
• The Cold War in Asia from a migratory and cultural perspective
• Other related topics



【Online Lecture Series】Migrating Worlds: Rethinking Southeast Asia through Transnational Connections

💻Google Meet 網址: ​ https://meet.google.com/zbe-epse-asi?authuser=0&pli=1

✅A) ​ ​ 11/11(五) 9:30am-11:00am (Taiwan time) – Elizabeth Wijaya黃麗慧, Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Studies and Cinema Studies Institute, University of Toronto
“This Tree is a Witness: Memory, Forgetting and Transregionality between East and Southeast Asia through Lau Kek Huat’s Cinema”

✅B) ​ ​ 11/18(五) 15:30pm-17:00pm (Taiwan time) ​ – Li Wen Jessica Tan 陳麗汶, Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese, Lingnan University
“Beneath the Red-White Flag: Indonesia, War, and Sinophone modernism”

✅C) ​ ​ 12/2(五) 14:10pm-15:40pm (Taiwan time) ​ ​ – Nicholas Y. H. Wong王學權, Assistant Professor, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
“What is a Mahua Literary Subject?”

🟣Hosted by the PhD Program for Taiwan and Transcultural Studies at National Chung-Hsing University
主辦單位: 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程
🟢協辦單位: 國立中興大學文學院、國立中興大學「高等教育深耕計畫」文學院子計畫

Photos from 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程's post 28/10/2022
(Extension Announcement)FULL-TIME TENURE-TRACK POSITION IN PHD PROGRAM | 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程 24/10/2022

(Extension Announcement) Full-time tenure-track position in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies

Organization: International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Application Deadline: November 6th, 2022
Location: Taichung, Taiwan
Type of Contract: One Full-time tenure-track teaching position
Beginning Date of employment:: August 1st, 2023
Requirements: (1) With a foreign/ domestic Ph.D. in a relevant university recognized by the Ministry of Education (MOE), R.O.C. or with a teaching certificate for assistant professor (or higher) issued by MOE, R.O.C.
(2) Applicants of foreign nationalities should be able to teach courses in English.
(3) Applicants have one of the following Specialties:
environmental humanities, transcultural studies, cultural geography, ethnography, comparative literature, indigenous studies, sinophone studies, popular culture and media

The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, is looking to fill one vacancy for full-time tenure-track position, at the assistant professor, associate professor, or professor level, starting from August 1st, 2023.
Successful applicants will teach courses in our program’s core curriculum, including academic writing, as well as elective courses in their own area of expertise, and will be expected to direct PhD theses. They may also be required to teach undergraduate courses related to their area of expertise for other institutes at the College of Liberal Arts. The regular teaching load is nine hours per week.
Applicants should have some teaching experience at the university level. Although English is the primary language of instruction at our program, applicants with some knowledge of Chinese and experience in Chinese-language teaching environments will be given priority.
The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies is committed to advancing innovative, interdisciplinary research in the humanities that will help to meet the manifold challenges of a globalized world. We aim to train prospective professionals who are able to combine local knowledge with a cosmopolitan vision.

Applications need to include the following documents:

(Extension Announcement)FULL-TIME TENURE-TRACK POSITION IN PHD PROGRAM | 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程 國立中興大學, 博士學程


Full-time tenure-track position in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies

Organization: International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Application Deadline: October 23rd, 2022
Location: Taichung, Taiwan
Type of Contract: One Full-time tenure-track teaching position
Beginning Date of employment:: August 1st, 2023
Requirements: (1) With a foreign/ domestic Ph.D. in a relevant university recognized by the Ministry of Education (MOE), R.O.C. or with a teaching certificate for assistant professor (or higher) issued by MOE, R.O.C.
(2) Applicants of foreign nationalities should be able to teach courses in English.
(3) Applicants have one of the following Specialties:
environmental humanities, transcultural studies, cultural geography, ethnography, comparative literature, indigenous studies, sinophone studies, popular culture and media

The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, is looking to fill one vacancy for full-time tenure-track position, at the assistant professor, associate professor, or professor level, starting from August 1st, 2023.
Successful applicants will teach courses in our program’s core curriculum, including academic writing, as well as elective courses in their own area of expertise, and will be expected to direct PhD theses. They may also be required to teach undergraduate courses related to their area of expertise for other institutes at the College of Liberal Arts. The regular teaching load is nine hours per week.
Applicants should have some teaching experience at the university level. Although English is the primary language of instruction at our program, applicants with some knowledge of Chinese and experience in Chinese-language teaching environments will be given priority.
The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies is committed to advancing innovative, interdisciplinary research in the humanities that will help to meet the manifold challenges of a globalized world. We aim to train prospective professionals who are able to combine local knowledge with a cosmopolitan vision.

Applications need to include the following documents:

FULL-TIME TENURE-TRACK POSITION IN PHD PROGRAM | 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程 國立中興大學, 博士學程

111年跨文化博士招生影片 The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies,NCHU-Admission Video 23/03/2022

📍2022 The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies, NCHU-----Admission Video​

👨‍🎓👩‍🎓歡迎加入! Welcome to join us!​

💻影片連結: https://youtu.be/yBOh-51zW_s​

📲相關連結: https://reurl.cc/bkKxml

111年跨文化博士招生影片 The International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies,NCHU-Admission Video 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程以文化研究為核心, 從文學、電影、旅遊景點到飲食方式, 無論是「雅」或「俗」、「高尚」或「下流」, 皆以全球為視角, 將在地知識擺在形塑未來的社會與生態大架構中.....




報名日期:111.03.21 (一)~111.04.11 (一)(上傳審查資料截止日)​
面試時間:111.05.06 (五)​



📱相關連結: https://reurl.cc/pWbEKe

Photos from 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程's post 08/02/2022

🎉【公告】歡迎廖卓豪助理教授加入,全體師生深表歡迎 !​

💯We’d like to warmly welcome the newly-hired teacher-Prof. Zhou Hau Liew to our faculty for a new semester!

📲Introduction page:​


「跨文化思考與地球告急」國際工作坊(線上), 歡迎踴躍報名 !​

【ONLINE LECTURE】 :“Transcultural Thought and the Planetary Emergency” International Workshop​

The aim of this workshop is to explore the ways in which theories of transculturality may contribute to a better understanding of the planetary emergency. Global disturbances of the Earth system (e.g. in the form of climate change and ocean acidification) affect all human societies, but they do not affect them equally. Because the welfare of all human beings depends on the integrity of the Earth system, its protection imposes “common but differentiated responsibilities” on all, to quote the momentous formulation of the 1992 UN framework convention on climate change. The planetary emergency thus forces us to imagine new forms of solidarity based on a universal predicament, even as we acknowledge the divergent histories and cultural traditions that determine how specific groups encounter this predicament. It requires us to think together cultural diversity and a new universality that is not so much an heirloom from the past as it is a condition of futurity. The theory of transculturality developed by the philosopher Wolfgang Welsch and others is especially pertinent to this task. The aim of this workshop is to discuss how the perspectives opened up by transcultural theory can help us come to terms with the planetary emergency.​


▶December 13, 2021​

1:30 - 2:30​
▪Keynote: Christoph Antweiler (Universität Bonn), “On a Transcultural Anthropocene: Basics for a Cosmopolitan Planetarism”​

2:45 - 3:45​
▪Courtney Work (National Cheng-Chi University), “A Transcultural ▪Approach to Development Aid in the Context of Climate Change”​
▪Theodoor Richard (National Chung-Hsing University), "Being In-Between: Moving Towards a New Commonality by Experiencing Transculturality"​
▪Moderator: You-ting Chen (National Chung-Hsing University)​

4:15 - 5:15​
▪Liew Zhou Hau (PhD University of Pennsylvania), "Ruins, Settlements, and the Transformation of the Sinophone: an Ecological Reading of Chang Kuei-Hsing's Elephant Herd."​
▪Lorenzo Andolfatto (Université de Fribourg), “Rescuing Fiction from the Nation: A Comparative Reading of Chen Qiufan’s The Waste Tide and Wu Ming-yi’s The Man with Compound Eyes from a Transcultural Perspective”​
▪Moderator: Li-hsin Hsu (National Cheng-Chi University)​

5:30 - 6:30​
▪Jean-Yves Heurtebise (Fu-Ren University), “Green Orientalism, Brown Occidentalism, and Transcultural Environmentalism”​
▪Eric Nelson (Hongkong University of Science and Technology), “Reconsidering Daoist ‘Agrarianism’ and ‘Primitivism’ in the Anthropocene”​
▪Moderator: Kai Marchal (National Cheng-Chi University)

▶December 14, 2021​

1:30 - 2:30​
▪Hannes Bergthaller (National Taiwan Normal University) and ​
▪Eric Karchmer (Appalachian State University), “Earth System Science and Chinese Medicine: A Dialogue on Planetary Health”​
​▪Moderator: Chia-ju Chang (CUNY-Brooklyn College)

2:45 – 3:30​
Closing remarks​

★Registration ​ Website(for general audience):https://reurl.cc/bnv58d​
★Registration system(life-long-learning of government officer) --2 hours/ Each day:https://reurl.cc/q1Eag0​
★In-service Teacher Education Website(First day):https://reurl.cc/Zjm87V​
★In-service Teacher Education Website(Second day):​

Photos from 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程's post 18/11/2021

💯【恭喜黎宗裕、凃秀蓮兩位博士研究生通過論文口試 !】​

今年的博士研究生論文口試已於 11 月18日完滿結束! 黎宗裕(Theodoor Richard)、凃秀蓮(Hsiu-Lien Tu)兩位同學表現出色,成功通過口試,多年努力獲得美滿成果,恭喜恭喜 !! 祝福他們今後一帆風順,前程無限!也藉此勉勵在學及未來有意願加入本學程的學弟妹,萬丈高樓平地起,坐而言不如起而行,快來走入多采多姿的知識殿堂吧。👩‍🎓👨‍🎓​

相關連結: ​ https://reurl.cc/xE8Dk1​

Photos from 國立中興大學台灣與跨文化研究國際博士學位學程's post 03/11/2021


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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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