台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan

台南遠東香格里拉豪華五星級飯店坐落於市中心,獨特的環狀外觀設計為當地至高地標,擁有居高臨下的絕佳視野。 Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan, sets a new benchmark for luxury in Southern Taiwan.


Located in the heart of downtown Tainan, Shangri-La Far Eastern Hotel, Tainan is the first internationally-affiliated deluxe hotel outside Taipei which offers an idea base for both business and leisure travelers. The hotel has the largest guest rooms among Tainan hotels, with various choices of restaurants and first rate facilities and services.

Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 14/08/2024

立即訂位☎️(06)702 8856,或查看活動資訊 https://sltn.tw/mCbSS

由前菜、主食至甜品,道道都是主廚大力推薦的菜色!被列為印尼五大國菜之一的「Gado Gado 印尼婆婆家鄉味溫沙拉」,以及美國公評最佳十大炸雞的「印尼黃金雞翅佐甜辣醬」,最後再來份印尼爪哇的傳統甜點「甜蜜香蘭涼粉珍多冰」。還有更多佳餚輪番供應,絕對堪稱經典必吃,回味無比!

August Dining Recommendation! From now until 18 August, don't miss the "Star Chef Culinary Event: Indonesian Food Festival". Immerse yourself in the rich flavours of Southeast Asia, guaranteed to delight your taste buds with every dish, leaving you craving for more 😋.
Make a reservation now at ☎️ (06) 702 8856, or check out the details at https://sltn.tw/mCbSS.

From appetizers to main courses to desserts, every dish is highly recommended by our chef! Enjoy "Gado Gado", one of Indonesia's top five national dishes, bringing you the authentic taste of an Indonesian home-cooked salad. Savour the "Ayam Goreng", listed among America’s top ten fried chicken dishes. Finally, indulge in the traditional Javanese dessert "Traditional Javanese Pandan Jelly with Coconut Milk and Jackfruit". With even more delectable dishes served in rotation, this culinary experience is a must-try and utterly unforgettable!

※The images are for illustrative purposes only. The actual dishes served on-site may vary according to the availability of seasonal ingredients, and adjustments will be made accordingly.
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南聚餐 #台南家庭聚餐 #台南異國料理 #台南印尼料理 #台南南洋料理
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 13/08/2024

被譽為袖珍版亞馬遜河的四草綠色隧道,不僅是台灣在地遊客爭相遊歷的景點,也是外國遊客來到台南必訪的打卡景點之一。 #去有故事的地方 規劃全台唯一秘境之旅 https://sltn.tw/o5454


The Sicao Green Tunnel, often dubbed the "Mini Amazon River," is not only a must-visit destination for local Taiwanese tourists but also a popular spot for international visitors in Tainan. Plan your journey to this one-of-a-kind hidden gem in Taiwan. Book now at: https://sltn.tw/2cwYn

Embark on this green journey on a tube raft, surrounded by the chirping of insects and birds, accompanying you on this enjoyable boat trip. The wetlands on both sides are alive with mudskippers and tide crabs. The mangrove forests on either side of the waterways grow towards the center, intertwining to form a dense semi-dome of greenery, layered to create a deep corridor. The sightseeing rafts rock gently with the ripples, the breeze caressing visitors' cheeks, carrying the warmth of the sunlight, as the rafts shuttle through this city's secret green realm.

Source:Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑假旅遊 #台南暑假住房 #台南綠色隧道 #四草紅樹林
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 12/08/2024


我們集團層面的戰略管培生“香+計畫(S+)”專案於2022 年啟動,酒店層面的運營管培生“開拓者計畫(Pioneer)”專案則於2023 年推出。時至今日已有75 名青年才俊加入了這些管培生項目,而今年我們的“香+計畫”也在持續的招募過程中,我們希望可以和越來越多的年輕人一起不斷開拓新視野,樹立行業新標杆,把香格里拉打造成人們至愛的服務企業。

“香+ 計畫”管培生專案是我們為正處於職業生涯早期的年輕人打造的一條快速通道,我們希望能夠帶著他們深入瞭解我們的業務,在集團旗下酒店、地區辦事處和總部體驗各種不同的崗位,包括戰略與業務轉型、投資與資產管理、專案與設計、香格里拉會、可持續發展、銷售、市場行銷、運營等部門;而參加“開拓者計畫(Pioneer)”專案的管培生們則專注於酒店運營,他們未來會成為香格里拉運營部門的中堅力量。

我們決心要鼓勵所有員工以及我們的客人、供應商和社區,釋放他們的潛能,“善”發光芒。我們也希望通過“香+ 計畫”來幫助年輕人茁壯成長、不斷創新並引領我們的可持續未來,從而體現我們的這一承諾。

On , let's celebrate the young changemakers who are propelling us towards a more sustainable world!

Shangri-La has introduced two management trainee programs designed to empower the next generation of hospitality leaders. Since the debut of these programs, 75 talented individuals have already embarked on this transformative journey. Those in the S+ trainee program experience a variety of roles from Strategy & Business Transformation, Marketing, F&B and more. Meanwhile, participants in the Pioneer program focus on honing their skills in hotel operations.

By nurturing the ideas and passions of these young individuals, we are shaping a greener, more mindful future for the hospitality industry. Unleash your potential and shine with us!

#台南遠東香格里拉 #香格里拉台南 #香格里拉集團 #香格里拉酒店 #國際青年日 #善發光芒 #香計畫
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 09/08/2024

好康報報📢暑假來臺南,入住任一住房專案,或至醉月樓、遠東Café、The Mezz用餐,一起體驗綠色旅遊趣,就有機會拿好禮!💚
預訂環保住宿 https://sltn.tw/o5454
預訂環保餐廳 請洽 (06)702 8856

Stay with us or grab a bite at Shanghai Pavillion, Café at Far Eastern, or The Mezz and join the green tourism fun movment 💚.
Room Booking: https://sltn.tw/2cwYn
Restaurants’ reservation : (06) 702 8856

Our hotel is not only a "Green Mark Hotel", but all our restaurants within the hotel are also "Eco-Friendly Certified. We invite everyone to join us in our sustainability efforts! From now until August 31st, participate in the "Green Travel Points Fun" event. Complete various designated tasks for a chance to win exclusive Tainan City Government’s Environmental Protection Bureau eco-friendly cups, outdoor travel backpacks, folding chairs, and more. Gifts are limited and will be given out based on task completion on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, you can enter a raffle for a chance to win a 49-inch TV, accommodation vouchers, and other exciting prizes!🎁✨

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑假住宿 #台南旅遊 #台南暑假住房 #台南住宿優惠 #台南飯店
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 08/08/2024

#八月抽獎 #加碼周邊商品抽獎
把握最後機會 #從拉斐爾到梵谷 展覽倒數不到30天‼️官網票券已被搶訂一空‼️現在預約入住《藝饗之旅》住房專案,即贈免預約門票,期間享餐廳9折優惠,讓你的旅途住得舒適、吃得滿足、玩得愉快😍
🛏️雙人遊三天兩夜 https://sltn.tw/jqqkd
🛏️家庭遊兩天一夜 https://sltn.tw/mOqZh 

▪️ A4 資料夾 2名
▪️ 紀念明信片2名
▪️ 拉斐爾別針組2名
▪️ 隨身小圓鏡1名

2.「留言」:標記2位好友,並留言我想和@好友1 @好友2 我想獲得奇美特展周邊❤️
3. 「分享」:分享此貼文、並設定公開
@好友1 @好友2 我想獲得奇美特展周邊❤️

1. 得獎公布後於三日內(8/16中午12:00前)私訊粉專,逾時視同放棄。
2. 台南遠東香格里拉保留活動最終解釋權。

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑假旅遊 #台南暑假住宿 #台南奇美特展 #從拉斐爾到梵谷 #英國國家藝廊珍藏展
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無論是熱戀中的情侶、愛情長跑多年、新婚夫妻或是老夫老妻,只要有伴侶一同陪伴,就值得在重要的日子紀念。來趟心動的府城小旅行🥰 https://sltn.tw/o5454

🔒情比金堅 鎖住永恆的誓言

🍬懷舊小食 讓愛情蜜意縈繞

🌇夕陽餘暉 必備浪漫儀式感

[Chinese Valentine’s Day-Date Guide]
Whether you’re a couple in the early stages of romance, in a long-term relationship, newlyweds, or seasoned partners, having a loved one by your side makes special days all the more worth celebrating. Embark on a heart-warming trip through the historic city of Tainan!🥰 https://sltn.tw/o5454

🔒A Love as Strong as Steel – Locking in Eternal Vows
At the Navy Destroyer Museum, hang a ‘love padlock’ together to symbolize your steadfast commitment and unwavering devotion as you create unforgettable memories in your love story.

🍬Nostalgic Treats for a Sweet Romance
Indulge in traditional sweets with a century-old legacy. Made from glutinous rice flour, these dough balls are kneaded and fried, then sprinkled with powdered sugar and peanut powder. Their sweet and soft texture allows the sweetness and happiness to melt in your mouth.

🌇Sunset Glow – A Must-Have Romantic Ritual
Visit one of Taiwan's most beautiful beaches on Yuguang Island. Stroll along the coastline, wade through the small lapping waves, and watch the sunset from the bay, ending your day of romance on a perfect note.

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南七夕約會 #台南七夕情人節 #去有故事的地方 #吃有故事的小吃
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 06/08/2024

一起感謝家中的超人總是無私付出,溫暖又堅強地守護著我們的家❤️今年來點不一樣的相聚時刻,帶爸爸吃星級主廚致獻的南洋風味料理,立即來電☎️(06)702 8856,或查看活動細節 https://sltn.tw/mCbSS



曾榮獲過2023 Taste Altus全球最佳甜點冠軍評比,將新鮮香蕉裹以麵衣,酥炸至金黃色,外脆內軟,香蕉果香也因酥炸後,散發出更濃郁香氣,搭配蜂蜜及糖粉,甜而不膩、美味無法抗拒。

"Thank You, Dad!" Join us in expressing gratitude to the superhero at home who always gives selflessly and guards our family with warmth and strength❤️ This year, let's create a special gathering moment and treat Dad to a delightful feast of Southeast Asian cuisine crafted by our star chefs. Call us now at ☎️(06)702 8856 or check the event details at https://sltn.tw/mCbSS

⭐Must-Try Dish Recommendation: "Southeast Asian Turmeric Seafood Vermicelli Soup" is a rare find in Taiwan but a popular dish in Indonesia. This noodle soup can be enjoyed from street vendors to high-end restaurants. It's one of Indonesia's top five national dishes, featuring a broth rich with the aroma of lemongrass, turmeric sauce, and kaffir lime leaves, offering a tangy and refreshing taste, perfect for summer.

⭐Must-Try Dish Recommendation: "Indonesian Classic Chicken Fried Rice" So iconic that it was featured in the state banquet menu during President Obama's visit to Indonesia in 2010. Made with chicken thighs, cabbage and eggs as the base, combined with a signature sauce, and stir-fried over high heat to ensure each grain of rice is separate and infused with the sauce's flavour and wok aroma, delivering a homely yet unforgettable taste in every bite.

⭐Must-Try Dessert Recommendation: "Indonesian Classic Golden Crispy Fried Banana" This dessert was the winner of the ‘2023 Taste Altus Global Best Dessert Championship’ and features fresh bananas coated in batter and deep-fried to a golden colour. The crispy exterior and soft interior release an intense banana fragrance post-frying, complemented by honey and powdered sugar, making it a sweet, irresistible treat.

照片及資料來源:Asia 49 亞洲料理及酒廊
Photo & info. sources : Asia 49
※Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The actual dishes may vary based on the availability of seasonal ingredients, and may be adjusted accordingly.
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南父親節聚餐 #台南家庭聚餐 #台南異國料理 #台南印尼料理 #台南南洋料理
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 05/08/2024

#限量推出 【薈萃豪華】月餅禮盒
隨盒加碼贈遠東Café七折券乙張,買10盒送1盒優惠,大宗訂購另享最高75折優惠!👉更多秋節禮盒推薦 https://sltn.tw/cqqFz ☎️專人服務專線 (06) 702 8856、702 8803或702 8888



Limited edition of Deluxe Mooncake Gift Box now available! It is combined with an additional 30% off buffet coupon. Buy 10 boxes and get 1 box free. For bulk orders, enjoy up to 25% off. For more details, click here https://sltn.tw/cqqFz or call (06) 702 8856, (06) 702 8803 or (06) 702 8888.

Using a luxurious brocade box, decorated with peony flowers, a symbol of wealth and prosperity, as the design concept for this double-layered gift box, elegant and noble Chinese gradient tassels are added and this gift truly reflects the sophisticated taste of the giver. 👍

🎁 Mooncake Flavours include:
▪️ Cantonese-style mooncakes: Truffle and Mushroom with Fleur de Sel, Red Dates and Dry Longan (one of each)
▪️ Momoyama mooncakes: Maple Syrup Café Macchiato with Walnuts, Sea Salt Coffee with Mochi (one of each)

🎁 In exclusive collaboration with Taiwan's premium high mountain tea brand, "Raincy-Tea", we have carefully selected five speciality teas: Jin-Xuan Black Tea, Orchid Triple Bloom Green Tea, Black Diamond, Lis-Shan Tea, Noble Consort Oolong.

#台南遠東香格里拉 #中秋禮盒 #台南中秋月餅 #台南月餅禮盒
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每日限量,歡迎提前預訂 (06)702 8856


For those with a sweet tooth, here’s a summer delight you absolutely can't miss—Mango Cream Roll Cake! For order, please call (06) 702 8856.

Soft, fluffy cake envelops the freshest seasonal mangoes, their rich aroma filling the air. The delicate texture and irresistible flavour of each bite will leave you craving for more.

Whether it's for afternoon tea or sharing with family and friends, come and indulge in this delightful treat!

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南甜點 #台南生乳捲 #品香坊 #芒果生乳捲
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 02/08/2024

悠閒度假,體驗一泊二食 https://sltn.tw/hPX84
深度享樂,暢遊三天兩夜 https://sltn.tw/5KWHw
住宿資訊請洽(06)702 8856;餐廳預訂請洽(06)702 8899




💞 Chinese Valentine's Day: Share the wonderful time with your beloved.
Have a relaxing getaway with a one-night stay: https://sltn.tw/4EHHO
Embark on an indulgent adventure, enjoy a two-night stay: https://sltn.tw/ekpCZ
For accommodation information, please contact (06)702 8856; for restaurant reservations, please contact (06)702 8899.

Not sure how to plan your date? Check out our recommended date guide! 📝
💙 Our heart-shaped swimming pool is the only one in Taiwan!
It’s perfect for igniting your romantic feelings and one of the best photo spots! Additionally, enjoy our sauna and SPA massage facilities for complete relaxation.

😋 Authentic Feast: A Collection of Tainan-style Breakfasts
Even without leaving the hotel, you can savor Tainan’s classic breakfast dishes: Beef Soup, Rice Noodles with Squid, Danzai Noodles, and Milkfish Congee, all freshly prepared, and delicious!

🌃 High-Rise Night View: Enjoy a Romantic Dinner
Dine at Tainan’s highest restaurant, on 38F at Shanghai Pavilion, and immerse yourself in many beautiful moments. Share sweet times with your beloved while enjoying delicious food. Get a 10% discount on dining during your stay.

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南香格里拉 #台南七夕情人節 #情人節專屬 #情人節住宿優惠 #台南七夕專案
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#八月抽獎 一起聚餐吃Buffet
8月8日起至8月18日,到 享期間限定✨星級料理人:印尼美食節✨由印尼星級主廚Indra Kusuma胡英達客座操刀,帶你從味蕾秒飛南洋海岸線!


2.「留言」:標記2位好友,並留言我想和@好友1 @好友2 聚餐吃美味南洋料理😍
3. 「分享」:分享此貼文、並設定公開
@好友1 @好友2 聚餐吃美味南洋料理😍



※Photo & info. sources : Asia 49
※The images are for illustrative purposes only. The actual dishes served on-site may vary according to the availability of seasonal ingredients, and adjustments will be made accordingly.
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南父親節聚餐 #台南家庭聚餐 #台南異國料理 #台南印尼料理 #台南南洋料理

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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 31/07/2024

婚宴專案及派對,請洽婚禮顧問(06)702 8833


謝謝 Tai tai Photography 台台攝影工作室 與我們分享,讓我們一同見證新人真摯的愛情,願一幕幕的幸福畫面成為他們一生中最難忘的回憶🌸✨

"Love is when I look at your smile and see all the beauty in the world."

For wedding and party enquiries, please call: (06) 702 8833.
Book on select dates for additional benefits: https://sltn.tw/epT6A

Create your dream wedding and let your love story endure. At this important moment, the couple exchanges vows, and their clasped hands symbolize eternal companionship. This event marks a new chapter in their love story, with every smile, every blessing, and every small detail adding warmth and emotion to the celebration.

Thanks for sharing these moments with us. Let us witness the couple's special occasion together and wish them happiness and cherished memories🌸✨.

📸 Photo by Tai Tai Photography 台台攝影工作室
#台南婚禮 #台南婚宴場地 #台南婚禮飯店 #婚宴場地 #婚禮企劃 #台南婚禮企劃
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 30/07/2024

一起到台南LONG STAY放鬆身心、釋放壓力~
住越久,享越多禮遇🎁 訂房專線(06)702 8899


The longer you stay, the more benefits you receive 🎁.
Call the reservation hotline for more information: (06)
702 8899.

🛏️ 3 to 6 nights | Book online: https://sltn.tw/u13Yq
🛏️ 7 to 13 nights | Book online: https://sltn.tw/UKdFW
🛏️ 14 nights and above | Book online: https://sltn.tw/cS7AG
Enjoy up to 20% off for long stays, with additional discounts such as 15% off at our restaurant and the Lobby Lounge, and 30% off on laundry services!

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南長期住宿 #台南商務住宿 #台南長住飯店
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 29/07/2024

#七月抽獎 別錯過!送你七夕情人節行程💝
不同以往的約會體驗,由人氣DJ 民生電氣 Minelectro Inc. 領銜致獻音樂狂潮,雅加達星級大廚帶來主廚獨家菜譜+必吃經典菜色,當日更有最潮行動酒吧,提供各式雞尾酒及無酒精性特調,讓情人節不用飛出國,彷彿置身峇里島度假天堂🏝️
派對活動詳情➤ sltn.tw/qjnSP

🎁完成以下三步驟,即有機會抽到【免費參加 #夏日池畔派對 享用主食餐點乙份及特調飲品二杯】一組,一組共兩人免費參加。

2.「留言」:標記2位好友,並留言@好友1 @好友2 一起體驗不一樣的情人節
3. 「分享」:分享此貼文、並設定公開
@好友1 @好友2 一起體驗不一樣的情人節

1. 得獎公布後於三日內(8/5中午12:00前)私訊粉專,逾時視同放棄。
2. 台南遠東香格里拉保留活動最終解釋權。

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑期旅遊 #台南泳池派對 #台南池畔派對 #民生電氣
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🌟最美的風景 | 需要耐心的等候🌟



🌟The Best Views | The Most Patient Wait🌟

Dear fans, after the typhoon's storm, please take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Let's look forward to meeting again in the vast and stunning views.💖

Follow us now to stay updated and embrace more beautiful moments! ✨

Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 26/07/2024

🌟「星級料理人:印尼美食節」8月8日~8月18日將在遠東CAFÉ隆重登場。品嘗印尼五大國菜和世界美食榜首料理,讓你的味蕾一次滿足😋午餐及晚餐時段菜色升級不加價,還有孩童優惠價。立即訂位:(06) 702 8856,或查看更多詳情:官網 https://sltn.tw/mCbSS

力邀來自新北美食地標Mega50餐飲及宴會之[Asia49亞洲料理及酒廊]的印尼籍主廚Indra Kusuma客座,從前菜到甜點,每一道菜都是亮點。包含「Gado Gado印尼溫沙拉」、CNN世界美食榜單上的「印尼香料仁當牛肉」和「印尼經典雞肉炒飯」、2023 Taste Altus全球最佳甜點「黃金脆皮炸香蕉」、美國公評最佳十大炸雞之一的「黃金雞翅佐甜辣醬」等,共14道美味佳餚輪番登場,如同帶你瞬間飛到赤道海岸,令人欲罷不能!立即預訂,享受這場不容錯過的美食盛宴!✨

🌟Embark on an Indonesian Culinary Journey!🌟

"Star Chef: Indonesian Food Festival" will be held from August 8th to August 18th at Far East CAFÉ. Savor Indonesia’s top five national dishes and world-renowned cuisines, all in one place. Enjoy upgraded lunch and dinner menus at no extra cost, plus special discounts for kids. Reserve now at (06) 702 8856

We are honored to host guest chef Indra Kusuma from Asia49 Asian Cuisine & Bar at Mega50, New Taipei City. From appetizers to desserts, every dish is a highlight. Experience "Gado Gado Indonesian Warm Salad," CNN’s top-rated "Indonesian Spiced Rendang Beef," "Indonesian Classic Chicken Fried Rice," 2023 Taste Altus' Best Dessert "Golden Crispy Fried Banana," and one of America’s Top Ten Best Fried Chicken "Golden Wings with Sweet and Spicy Sauce," among 14 exquisite dishes. It’s like a culinary trip to the equatorial coast, with every bite more irresistible than the last! Book now and indulge in this unmissable culinary feast! ✨

Photo & info. sources : Asia 49
※The images are for illustrative purposes only. The actual dishes served on-site may vary according to the availability of seasonal ingredients, and adjustments will be made accordingly.
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南父親節聚餐 #台南家庭聚餐 #台南異國料理 #台南印尼料理 #台南南洋料理

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#經典不敗 #老少咸宜 【清新奶皇】月餅禮盒
👉更多秋節禮盒推薦 https://sltn.tw/cqqFz
☎️專人服務專線 (06) 702 8856、702 8803或702 8888


Suitable for all ages: The Custard Mooncake Gift Box!
Buy 10 boxes and get 1 box free. For bulk orders, enjoy up to 25% off.
More details: https://sltn.tw/cqqFz or call (06) 702 8856, (06) 702 8803 or (06) 702 8888.

With a design centered around the imagery of the Jade Rabbit leaping towards the moon, special printing techniques on silver foil material reveal the blue-purple starry hues of the galaxy, with the design interwoven into a beautiful scene of blooming peonies, conveying the heartfelt sentiment of a Mid-Autumn Festival reunion.

🎁 Mooncake Flavors include:: Classic Egg Yolk Custard, Egg Yolk Custard with honey, Lemon and Pomelo Peel (two of each)
🎁 Mixed Nuts: Original Flavor, Fleur de Sel (one of each)

#台南遠東香格里拉 #中秋禮盒 #台南中秋月餅 #台南月餅禮盒
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 24/07/2024



A typhoon is approaching, so please stay safe!

During this period, we will continue to conduct thorough hotel inspections to ensure all equipment is functioning properly. We are closely monitoring the typhoon's progress to ensure the safety and comfort of all our employees and guests.

Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 23/07/2024

揪好友一起享受午後的悠閒時光吧🏝️體驗沁涼的戲水樂趣,再來一杯微醺的調酒,簡直太享受了~暑假限定行動酒吧🍹每周五、六 16:30-18:30,絕對不能錯過!房客專屬,線上訂房 https://sltn.tw/o5454


Enjoy a relaxing afternoon with friends. 🏝️ Experience the refreshing fun of water activities and then enjoy a delightful cocktail. Summer Exclusive Mobile Bar🍹 Every Friday and Saturday, 16:30-18:30 Don’t miss it! For hotel guests only. Book now: https://sltn.tw/2cwYn

We offer a variety of exquisite cocktails and non-alcoholic specialties. From colorful fruit teas to classic Long Island Iced Tea and Gin and Tonic. Delicious snacks will also be available, making summer afternoons even more perfect!

※Driving after drinking is prohibited. Please do not drink if you are under 18 years old.
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑期旅遊 #台南泳池派對 #台南暑期遊程
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優惠只到8月31日,立即把握!點選 https://sltn.tw/6WLOI 了解更多。受條款與細則約束。

Have you started earning Double Points on drinks and dining yet?

2X Points will be yours when you spend with Mastercard at our participating restaurants and bars as a Shangri-La Circle member. Earn up to 500 Bonus Points every meal, which can go towards more experiences you love.

This offer is available until 31 August. Learn more at https://sltn.tw/zX4E9 . T&Cs apply.

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑假住宿 #台南住宿優惠
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Photos from 台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan's post 20/07/2024

THE MEZZ牛排龍蝦館特別推出「2024五大洲運動盛會」主題餐點,品嚐來自世界各地的經典美味!活動即日起至8月11日,週四至週日晚餐期間,隨餐還贈送特調飲品🍹 更多詳情https://sltn.tw/GdH1Z 訂位請洽(06) 702-8856

▶ 活動期間.再加碼:憑THE MEZZ消費發票,至台南大遠百成功店運動用品櫃位消費,享最高72折優惠!






After four years, our global sports event is back!🏅
THE MEZZ is excited to introduce the "2024 Five Continents Sports Festival" themed dishes. Enjoy classic flavors from around the world while watching the games! This special promotion runs from now until August 11, every Thursday to Sunday during dinner hours, with a complimentary sports themed drink with your meal.🍹 For more details, visit https://sltn.tw/GdH1Z. For reservations, please call (06) 702-8856.

▶ Bonus Offer During the Event: With your receipt from THE MEZZ, you can enjoy additional discounts at designated counters in the Far Eastern Department Store(Chenggong Store), and receive up to 28% off to support the games!

【Europe】French Coq au Vin
A classic French dish featuring tender chicken slow-cooked with select red wine, onions, garlic, mushrooms, and herbs, delivering an aromatic and flavorful experience.

【Africa】South African Cheese and Sausage Quesadilla
A crispy quesadilla topped with rich cheddar cheese, sprinkled with spicy South African sausage and spices, baked to a golden crisp, combining the unique flavors of cheese and sausage—a must-try while watching the games.

【Americas】American BBQ Pork Ribs
Smothered in a special house-made sauce, these ribs are slow-grilled to achieve a crispy exterior and tender, juicy interior, bursting with smoky and sweet-spicy flavors—a quintessential American treat.

【Asia】Taiwanese Flame-Grilled Mango Cherry Duck
Cherry duck grilled to perfection with a crispy exterior and juicy, tender meat, paired with the fragrant aroma of seasonal mangoes—an exquisite flavor combination.

【Oceania】New Zealand and Australian Grilled Salmon with Kiwi Salsa
A refreshing choice! Fresh salmon is grilled over charcoal to lock in its sweet, juicy flavor, complemented by a special New Zealand sweet and tangy kiwi salsa sauce.

※Driving After Drinking is Prohibited. Drinking is prohibited if under 18 years old.
#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑期聚餐 #台南運動酒吧 #台南運動餐酒館
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🛏️預訂一泊二食假期 https://sltn.tw/hPX84

台灣小姐 邱怡澍Joyce914 強力推薦!✨ 遠東CAFÉ自助式早餐,選用最新鮮的食材,烹製出地道的台南經典美食,一起來品嚐現煮牛肉湯的濃郁湯頭、古早味虱目魚粥的鮮美滋味,還有小卷米粉的彈牙口感、擔仔麵的香濃美味、刈包的豐富內餡等,讓人每一口都是驚喜,選擇多元,味蕾滿分!

🍽️ 當然不只這樣!遠東CAFÉ即日起至八月四日,期間限定推出:粵「蒸」.「煲」有味」,色、香、味俱全的老饕菜餚,每日午、晚餐輪番上陣!無論你是美食愛好者還是休閒度假,都能在一泊二食假期完整放鬆,為身心靈充滿電!

Want to switch off from the world during your vacation?
🛏️ Book a package with a one-night stay and two meals now: https://sltn.tw/hpx84 Enjoy a comfortable stay and a lavish meal, truly experiencing the essence of a Tainan vacation. 😍

Highly recommended by miss Taiwan, Joyce! ✨, Café at Far Eastern offers a buffet breakfast made with the freshest ingredients, creating authentic Tainan classic dishes. Savor the rich broth of freshly made beef soup, the delicious flavor of traditional milkfish congee, the chewy texture of rice noodles with squid, the aromatic taste of Danzai noodles, and the rich fillings of Gua-Bao, making every bite a delightful surprise. With a wide variety of choices, your taste buds will be fully satisfied!

🍽️ And that's not all! Café at Far Eastern is also offering a limited-time special before August 4th.: "Cantonese-style Clay Pot Rice and Double-Boiled Soup". Enjoy gourmet dishes that satisfy all your senses at both lunch and dinner every day! Whether you're a food lover or just looking to relax, the ‘one-night stay with two meals’ package will help you fully unwind and recharge your body and soul!

#台南遠東香格里拉 #台南暑假旅遊 #台南暑假住房 #去有故事的地方 #吃有故事的小吃
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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

直擊夏日派對活動現場 這個夏天真的太HIGH啦~今晚謝謝民生電氣與眾多香粉加入我們,沉浸在美好音樂,留下美好的回憶🥳派對活動舉辦資訊,請洽 (06) 702 8833
粉絲搶先帶你直擊🔍今晚客座調酒之夜由Bar Home柏豪領銜「回到根源-古老的南國風光」的微醺時光,四杯調酒從清爽、適中口感、口味濃郁到強烈酒感的四個節奏,讓你感受最古老的台南風味!還有幾個小時的時間,千萬不要錯過,一起來練練酒量吧😳《微醺...
優惠不放過、不錯過!成大旅展獨家販售💖搶購超強折扣 #遠東CAFÉ 自助餐券、#醉月樓 一鴨三吃饗樂券,還有 #THEMEZZ牛排龍蝦館 海陸套餐任選 #大廳茶軒 輕食券組和聯合餐飲優惠券就趁現在🤩⏰活動時間:即日起至5/6(一),每日10...



Other Tainan restaurants (show all)
Legends Sports Bar Legends Sports Bar
台南市中西區青年路1號 1 Qingnian Road
Tainan, 701

Legends serves great food and drink at reasonable prices, our staff are all English speaking.

Room335 Live Music Bar Room335 Live Music Bar
Tainan, 700


驢子散步 驢子散步
No. 102號, Sec. 1, Fuqian Road , West Central Dist.
Tainan, 700

只提供預約客人用餐 每一個時段限接一組客人 提供西班牙料理 店址:台南市

東北酸白菜火煱 東北酸白菜火煱
Tainan, 708


DJ Bar & 黑膠唱片咖啡 DJ Bar & 黑膠唱片咖啡
Tainan, 700

營業時間: 每週一至四 九點至二點 每週五至六 九點至四點

小豪洲沙茶爐中山店 小豪洲沙茶爐中山店
Tainan, 700

府城五十年老店小豪洲沙茶爐 ( 最後收客:晚上9:30 )

Mon Ga漫客餐飲 Mon Ga漫客餐飲
Tainan, 701

Mon Ga漫客餐飲 2006年3月開業 提供價格親民美味的美式餐點

老拓音樂餐廳 老拓音樂餐廳
Tainan, 702

營業時間平日18:00~01:30 週五六 18:00~02:30 訂位電話:06-2912155

台南艾咖啡 ALFEE Coffee 台南艾咖啡 ALFEE Coffee
Tainan, 700

艾咖啡的存在,或許只是平凡樸實無華的小店,但我們仍在這個城市的小角落裡,努力地做好每一件事。 我們是艾咖啡,做一杯你艾的咖啡、一份你艾的餐點,換你一個真心的笑靨:)

南邦泰式料理 南邦泰式料理
Tainan, 702


Ciao Bella - ristorante italiano Ciao Bella - ristorante italiano
台南市東區裕忠路65號/n°65, Yujhong Road , Lin15, Guan Shen Li/Est District
Tainan, 701

Un buon piatto può cambiare l'umore di una persona. Un buon piatto può rendere onore è gloria

全量正古早味紅茶店 全量正古早味紅茶店
Tainan, 700

100%台灣原料 100%使用鮮奶 不使用奶精 100%手工砂糖 不使用果糖 100%新鮮原汁