HOME Hotel Da-An

這世界上 沒有地方比的上家
No Place Like Home

Home Hotel大安位於台北市繁華的東區商圈,鄰近太平洋SOGO百貨,步行3分鐘可到板南線忠孝復興站及前往九份客運站,10分鐘可到信義線大安站,約20分鐘的路程可到「都市之肺」大安森林公園。只需搭乘1站捷運即可到達華山1914文化創意產業園區,2站即可抵達松山文創園區,距離台北市松山機場約10分鐘的車程。飯店周圍有錢櫃KTV,多元化的餐飲,特色咖啡店,品牌服飾店,台灣道地小吃等…探索台北,感受文化,就從這裡開始。

Home Hotel 大安有6種房型共136間客房,分別為標準原創客房、原創客房、標準驚艷客房、驚艷客房,逸寬套房,逸寬家庭房6種主要房型。客房以「家」作為設計的出發點,用舒適的木質混搭粗曠中帶著細緻品味的牆面所創造的氛圍,並加入自然、開闊、活力的台灣原住民精神,結合以營火團聚,分享豐年為概念所創作的家具。飯店精選多款的台灣優質品牌,建立國際旅客與台灣優質設計品牌的連結,提

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Our Story

Home Hotel大安位於台北市繁華的東區商圈,鄰近太平洋SOGO百貨,步行3分鐘可到板南線忠孝復興站及前往九份客運站,10分鐘可到信義線大安站,約20分鐘的路程可到「都市之肺」大安森林公園。只需搭乘1站捷運即可到達華山1914文化創意產業園區,2站即可抵達松山文創園區,距離台北市松山機場約10分鐘的車程。飯店周圍有24小時的敦南誠品書店,錢櫃KTV,多元化的餐飲,特色咖啡店,品牌服飾店,台灣道地小吃等…探索台北,感受文化,就從這裡開始。

Home Hotel 大安有6種房型共137間客房,分別為標準原創客房、原創客房、標準驚艷客房、驚艷客房,逸寬套房,逸家套房6種主要房型。客房以「家」作為設計的出發點,用舒適的木質混搭粗曠中帶著細緻品味的牆面所創造的氛圍,並加入自然、開闊、活力的台灣原住民精神,結合以營火團聚,分享豐年為概念所創作的家具。飯店精選多款的台灣優質品牌,建立國際旅客與台灣優質設計品牌的連結,提供溫暖舒適與難忘的住宿回憶。

Home Hotel Da-An is located at the centre of Taipei Da-An District, Taipei’s most popular cultural, shopping and entertainment district. Only 3 minutes walk to MRT Blue Line ZhongXiao FuXing Station and JiuFen Bus Station, 10 minutes walk to MRT Brown Line Da-An Station, 20 minutes walk to the Da-An Forest Park, 1 MRT station to HuaShan 1914 Creative Park, 2 MRT stations to SongShan Cultural and Creative Park, and 10 minutes drive from Taipei Song Shan Airport. The hotel is surrounded by 24hours Eslite bookstore, Cashbox KTV, various international cuisines, unique coffee shops, local and international fashion brands, Taiwanese street foods and much much more.

Home Hotel Da-An has 137 rooms with 6 different room types: Standard Original Bedroom, Deluxe Original Bedroom, Standard Marvelous Bedroom, Deluxe Marvelous Bedroom, Extraordinary Bedroom, and HOME Suite Home. At Home Hotel, we strive to become a platform that links our guests to the culture and creativities Taiwan has to offer, so all of our rooms are filled with Taiwan designed brands and products that does just that!

Staying true to our core value of introducing Taiwan’s culture and design to our guests, the hotel design concept was inspired by the lifestyle, values and spirits of Taiwan Aboriginal Tribes, which is reflected through various details throughout the hotels.

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No. 219-2, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Road , Da’an Dist

General information

旅行,是許多幸福組合而成的完美回憶,而能在旅行中擁有家的歸屬感,則是一份格外奢侈的幸福,儘管每個人的家在設計上並不盡相同,但是家給人的意義跟感覺卻是不分國界的。家是[溫暖的]、[舒適的]、[輕鬆的]與[窩心的],於是,我們建構了一個空間,以”家”作原創理念,創造一種幸福的氛圍,在旅行短暫的停留之中,Home Hotel希望成為您台灣的家,並透過我們專業的服務,帶您體驗到台灣的創新,台灣的文化,台灣的好!

台灣,美麗的福爾摩莎,蘊藏豐富的自然資源和多采多姿的人文風貌,有多種文化交融激發出的無限驚喜,因此,[心的體驗, 新的發現]就是Home Hotel要注入於每一位旅客心中的概念,透過心的角度,感受不一樣的城市風貌,透過全新的視野,接觸不一樣的文化洗禮,透過我們的陪伴,與您一起探索一份旅行的意義。

Travels are composed of happy memories and wonderful experiences, and to encounter a place like home during your travels is especially precious. Even though the design of home varies across different cultures, the meaning and the perception of home is beyond boundaries. Our goal is to create a place that is welcoming, comforting and relaxing, a place you can call home to in Taiwan!

Home Hotel is truly proud to be MIT (Made In Taiwan), therefore we co-operated with various Taiwan specialty and design brands to provide a platform for our guests to experience and learn more about the creativity, innovation and traditions of Taiwan.

Taiwan has abundant natural wonders, inspiring cultures and surprising creativity! We would like our guests to open their hearts to new discoveries and new experiences while staying with us and we hope through our creativity and services, you can experience all the wonderful things Taiwan has to offer!

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