KIC Ukraine

We are opening world for you! Your best choice in migration questions is to contact us. Contacti


One more client from Afghanistan received his work permit!


⚡️Foreign citizens from the "red" zone countries can enter Ukraine without self-isolation, but with a negative test for Covid-19.

A PCR test performed 48 hours before crossing the Ukrainian border with a negative result is a reason for foreigners from the "red zone" not to undergo self-isolation. In this case, they do not need to install the "Action at home" application.

Mandatory for all foreign nationals is the presence of an insurance policy covering Covid-19, observation.

Explanation of the Minister of Health Maxim Stepanov.

⚡️Іноземні громадяни із країн «червоної» зони можуть в’їжджати до України без самоізоляції, але з негативним тестом на Covid-19.

Зроблений не пізніше ніж за 48 годин до перетину кордону України тест ПЛР з негативним результатом є підставою для іноземців із «червоної зони» не проходити самоізоляцію. В такому разі їм не потрібно встановлювати додаток "Дій вдома".

Обов'язковим для всіх громадян іноземних держав залишається наявність страхового полісу, який покриває Covid-19, обсервацію.

Роз’яснення міністра охорони здоров’я Максима Степанова.

Coronavirus in Ukraine 28/07/2020

Dear friends and clients! You often ask about COVID19 situation in Ukraine.
Information from governmental source with update:

Coronavirus in Ukraine Answers to top questions about coronovirus


According to the Constitution of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons legally staying in Ukraine have the same rights and freedoms, as well as citizens of Ukraine.

This guarantee also applies to the right to work of foreigners and stateless persons.

Thus, the Labor laws of Ukraine stipulates, in particular, that labor relations of foreign citizens working at enterprises, institutions, organizations of Ukraine are governed by the legislation of the state in which the employee was employed and international treaties of Ukraine.

The Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons" stipulates that foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine, as well as who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine, have the right to work at enterprises, institutions and organizations or engage in other employment activities on the grounds and in the manner prescribed for citizens of Ukraine.

It should be noted that the document confirming the right of a foreigner or stateless person to permanent residence in Ukraine is a permanent residence permit, and the document confirming the granting of refugee status to a person is a refugee certificate.

Thus, as can be seen, all rights and obligations provided by the labor legislation of Ukraine apply to foreign citizens, unless otherwise provided by international agreements.

It should be noted that the Law of Ukraine "On Employment" defines the features of employment of foreigners and stateless persons.

Thus, Article 8 of this Law stipulates that employers have the right to use the work of foreigners and stateless persons under an employment contract only in the presence of a permit issued by the state employment service to use the work of foreigners and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine. consent to the binding nature of which was given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

It should be noted that the Procedure for issuing, extending and revoking work permits for foreigners and stateless persons was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

This Procedure determines the procedure for issuing, extending and revoking work permits for foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter - foreigners).

Ex*****on of documents required to obtain a work permit for foreigners is carried out by the employer who invites the foreigner to work.

A work permit for a foreigner is issued by the employment center of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblasts, cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol at the place of registration of the employer as a payer of insurance contributions to the Compulsory State Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine in case of unemployment. relevant work, or the presence of sufficient justification for the feasibility of using the work of a foreigner.

This permit entitles the employer to temporarily use the work of a particular foreigner in a particular job or position.

However, it should be remembered that foreigners and stateless persons may not be appointed to certain positions or engage in certain employment activities if, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, appointment to these positions or engagement in such activities is related to Ukrainian citizenship.

The use of a foreigner's work is the basis for a foreigner to obtain a visa of the appropriate type, registration of a place of temporary residence in Ukraine and registration of a temporary residence permit for the period of validity of the permit.

Thus, duly certified copies of a foreigner's work permit shall be submitted by the employer to the foreigner, sent to the consular office of Ukraine at the foreigner's place of permanent residence for the purpose of issuing a visa for entry into Ukraine, and to the migration service for temporary residence of the foreigner. in Ukraine.

One more our client received the work permit!

KIC Ukraine 26/07/2020

Our company provides services for obtaining a work permit for a foreigner and for its extension.

This service can be provided in two formats:

1 The Client provides all the necessary documents (in case of apply from clients company), our company assumes direct interaction with the Kyiv City Employment Center and obtains an employment permit for the Client;

2. Our company takes on absolutely all the necessary actions related to the process of obtaining a permit (not only interaction with the Employment Center, but also the collection of all necessary certificates, reports, organizes the translation of the necessary documents yourself).

As part of the provision of services for obtaining a work permit for a foreign citizen, our company:

develops a package of documents for submission to the employment center, including a draft employment contract, a contract between a foreign employer and a Ukrainian business entity, etc .;

organizes the translation of passport documents, draft agreements and contracts, other necessary for the submission of documents in a foreign language;

submits a package of documents to the Employment Center on behalf of, controls the review of documents, informs the Client about the positive decision and obtains a work permit;

pay the official payment for the issuance of a work permit;

make a notarized copy of the permit for further use at the Embassy of Ukraine abroad;

advises on the available / possible grounds for obtaining a permit.

If necessary, our lawyers can also:

to assist with the registration of insurance, which together with the original / notarized copy of the work permit is provided at the Embassy of Ukraine to obtain a type D visa;

We have already more than 100 positive cases of obtaining visa D on work permit base, so you can trust us. We provide full package of documents, so all what you need to do after its to visit Ukraine embassy in your country and obtain your visa D!

Have more questions?
Please feel free to contact us
+380933202700 what's app
Or directly in messanger

KIC Ukraine We are opening world for you!

Your best choice in migration questions is to contact us.

Contacting us you will find all legal support in the most friendly and good environment!
We are speaking English, Ukrainian, Russian, Urdu, Hindi

KIC Ukraine 24/07/2020

Dear friends and clients!

We are trying to make our best to inform you about Ukrainian law procedures, and next few days we will give you here lot of information about work in Ukraine!
So just don't forget to subscribe and follow our page!

For which categories of foreigners do you need to obtain a work permit? Are there any exceptions?

The Law of Ukraine “On Employment” stipulates that employers may employ foreigners on the basis of an employment permit (work permit).

The work of a foreigner without a work permit will be a violation of the law and will result in liability. But there are exceptions to this rule, so an employment permit is not required for employment:

foreigners permanently residing in Ukraine;

foreigners who have acquired refugee status in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine or have received a permit to immigrate to Ukraine;

foreigners who are recognized as persons in need of additional protection or who have been granted temporary protection in Ukraine;

representatives of the foreign naval (river) fleet and airlines that serve such companies in Ukraine;

employees of foreign mass media accredited to work in Ukraine;

athletes who have acquired professional status, artists and artists to work in Ukraine by profession;

emergency rescue workers to perform urgent work;

employees of foreign missions who are registered on the territory of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by law;

clergy who are foreigners and temporarily stay in Ukraine at the invitation of religious organizations to conduct canonical activities only in such organizations with the official consent of the body that registered the statute (regulations) of the relevant religious organization;

foreigners who arrived in Ukraine to participate in the implementation of international technical assistance projects;

foreigners who arrived in Ukraine to conduct teaching and / or research activities in institutions of professional higher and higher education at their invitation;

other foreigners in the cases provided by the laws and international treaties of Ukraine, the binding nature of which has been approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

KIC Ukraine We are opening world for you!

Your best choice in migration questions is to contact us.

Contacting us you will find all legal support in the most friendly and good environment!
We are speaking English, Ukrainian, Russian, Urdu, Hindi

Алгоритм припинення самоізоляції через додаток «Дій вдома» | Центр громадського здоров’я 07/07/2020


1. The institution that performed the PCR analysis, at the request of the person to stop self-isolation in case of a negative result sends a message to the Center for Public Health of Ukraine.

2. The Center for Public Health of Ukraine collects data into a single electronic system and provides access to it to the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

3. The Ministry of Digital Transformation enters information on the termination of self-isolation and removal of control in the electronic service "Action at home".

Contact the Ministry of Digital Transformation regarding the removal of control in the "Action at Home" service, making sure that the laboratory has sent a message about the negative PCR result to the Public Health Center of Ukraine at your request. The algorithm was approved by the order of the Minister of Health Maxim Stepanov dated June 30, 2020 № 41 "On the organization of monitoring of testing of persons for COVID-19".

Алгоритм припинення самоізоляції через додаток «Дій вдома» | Центр громадського здоров’я З питань зняття контролю в сервісі «Дій вдома» звертайтеся до Міністерства цифрової трансформації, переконавшись, що лабораторія на вашу вимогу надіслала результ...

Алгоритм припинення самоізоляції для осіб, що перетнули державний кордон | Центр громадського здоров’я 07/07/2020


Early termination of self-isolation in connection with the crossing of the state border or points of entry into the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol during the last 14 days is possible:

only for persons who are in self-isolation due to crossing the state border and entry-exit checkpoints (CPVR) during the last 14 days;

only on the basis of a negative PCR result carried out in order to stop self-isolation after crossing the border and CPVV;

only based on the results of a laboratory study from the list below.

That is, a person must submit his / her own biological material for PCR examination of the laboratory from the list, having previously filled in the informed consent for data processing. The form must indicate the fact of crossing the border, if it took place during the last 14 days, and the exact date of arrival in Ukraine.

We pay attention! To avoid unwanted consequences in the form, you should indicate the phone number that was used to install the application "Act at home".

In case of a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by PCR:

the laboratory that directly performed the research must enter the result of the negative research into the electronic system of the Center for Public Health of Ukraine;

data entered by laboratories are automatically synchronized with the "Action at home" service;

the person will be informed about the possibility of termination of self-isolation by the corresponding message of the service "Action at home".

The algorithm was developed in pursuance of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 20, 2020 № 392 (as amended) "On the establishment of quarantine to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2".

Алгоритм припинення самоізоляції для осіб, що перетнули державний кордон | Центр громадського здоров’я Алгоритм розроблено на виконання Постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 20 травня 2020 року № 392 (зі змінами) «Про встановлення карантину з метою запобігання пошир....


📢Updated list of "red" and "green" zones as of July 3.

📕Information on five countries where Ukrainians can fly on vacation: Montenegro is in the red zone. Egypt still remains "red".

📗Albania, Turkey and Croatia are in the green zone.

ℹ️We remind you that citizens who come from the "red zone" to Ukraine must be observed for 14 days or use the application "Act at home".

🧰The Cabinet of Ministers by its decision allowed to terminate the regime of self-isolation or observation of those who enter the territory of Ukraine from the "red zone" of countries, provided that they test for COVID-19 by PCR after crossing the state border and have a negative result.

ЗFrom the countries of the "green" zone - without restrictions.

📜In order to enter Ukraine, foreign citizens need an insurance policy that covers the costs of COVID-19 and observation.

More details in the table Ministry of Health of Ukraine:

📢Оновлено список країн «червоної» та «зеленої» зон станом на 3 липня.

📕Інформація щодо п’яти країн, куди можуть полетіти на відпочинок українці: до червоної зони потрапила Чорногорія. «Червоним» поки лишається і Єгипет.

📗Албанія, Туреччина та Хорватія перебувають у зеленій зоні.

ℹ️Нагадуємо, що громадяни, які приїжджають з країн «червоної зони» в Україну, мають проходити обсервацію 14 днів чи скористатись додатком «Дій вдома».

🧰Кабінет Міністрів своїм рішенням дозволив припиняти режим самоізоляції або обсервації тим, хто в’їжджає на територію України з «червоної зони» країн за умови, якщо вони зроблять тест на COVID-19 методом ПЛР після перетину державного кордону і матимуть негативний результат.

✅Із країн «зеленої» зони – без обмежень.

📜Для в’їзду в Україну іноземним громадянам необхідний страховий поліс, який покриває витрати на COVID-19 та обсервацію.

Детальніше у таблиці Міністерство охорони здоров'я України:

Photos from KIC Ukraine's post 03/07/2020

# India # scheduled_international_air services 🇮🇳 Today, July 3, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation of India announced the extension of the decision to suspend scheduled international passenger air services until July 31, this year.
Decisions on the partial resumption of passenger air services on individual routes may be made in each case separately, based on the results of bilateral negotiations and agreements with foreign partners.

Explore Ukraine: Summer getaways just 1 hour away | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice 03/07/2020

Explore Ukraine: Summer getaways just 1 hour away | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice With its boundless energy, Kyiv offers numerous great attractions to enjoy the summer. The city’s beaches and parks, a variety of restaurants and bars for all tastes and budgets, museums and art galleries are all unsurpassed. But sometimes, one needs a change of scenery. Luckily, there is no need ...


Where can Ukrainians fly abroad and what are the restrictions.

Ukraine has resumed international flights since June 15, but the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country has been growing in recent weeks, so other countries are in no hurry to open borders for us. We tell which countries are ready to receive Ukrainian tourists, and where to get yet.

Since July 1, Turkey has already opened its borders to Ukraine. Upon arrival, Ukrainians are not required to undergo self-isolation or COVID-19 testing, but must have insurance to cover the costs of coronavirus infection.

After returning home, Ukrainians will also not have to go through self-isolation, because Turkey is one of the countries in the "green" zone.

Another country that is ready to receive Ukrainians from July 1 is Egypt. Tourists will be able to get on vacation to three resort provinces - South Sinai (Sharm el-Sheikh), the Red Sea (Hurghada) and Mars Matruh (northern coast of Egypt). However, after returning from a trip to Ukraine, you must undergo 14 days of self-isolation or pass a PCR test for coronavirus. If the results are negative, the person will be released from quarantine.

Also, from July 1, the borders will be opened by Croatia, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia, but it will not be possible to get there by car, as the borders of most EU countries remain closed. The only option is flights.

To enter Croatia, all you need to do is show your room reservation at any officially registered hotel or guest house in the country. After returning home, Ukrainians do not need to undergo self-isolation.

To visit Montenegro, you must have a negative PCR test for coronavirus performed in accredited laboratories. The test must be no more than 48 hours at the time of crossing the border. After returning, self-isolation is not required.

Northern Macedonia has opened airports in Skopje and Ohrid on July 1st. After returning, Ukrainians need to undergo self-isolation or take a coronavirus test.

Also on July 1, Poland resumed flights to Ukraine. There was no longer a restriction that required airlines to sell no more than 50% of seats on the plane. Wizz Air and LOT will fly to and from Poland. You do not need to isolate yourself after returning from the country.

Ukrainians can travel to Serbia without restrictions, and to Slovenia - subject to a 14-day quarantine. You do not need to self-isolate after returning.

Ukrainians can also visit Belarus, but also subject to a 14-day quarantine after entering the country. Citizens will have to go through another two-week quarantine after returning from Belarus.

In addition, Ukrainians can travel to Kazakhstan. There they must show a certificate of a negative test for coronavirus, pass tests for COVID-19 in Kazakhstan or undergo a 14-day quarantine. Upon return, Ukrainians must pass self-isolation or pass a COVID-19 test.

From July 7, international tourists are ready to receive Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Foreigners must show a negative test for coronavirus taken no later than four days before departure, or be tested at the airport. Tourists must also provide health insurance. After arriving from the country, Ukrainian citizens must pass self-isolation or get a negative PCR test result.

Tunisia has opened its borders to foreigners from the "green" and "orange" zones since June 27, and Ukraine is not on this list. Tourists from "orange" countries must obtain a certificate of a negative test for coronavirus, and after arrival must undergo a week-long quarantine. The country promises to review the list of countries for which borders are opened weekly.

The Maldives will open its borders to foreign tourists from July 15. Tourists do not have to be tested for COVID-19 or provide evidence of a negative test for coronavirus. The country promises that the resorts will adhere to the necessary security measures, including social distance and monitor the health of employees. While the Maldives is on the list of countries in the "red" zone, if the situation does not change, the Ukrainians after arrival need to go to self-isolation or take a test for coronavirus and get a negative result.

Georgia, which also planned to resume flights to Ukraine in early July, extended the ban on international flights until July 31. The Sri Lankan Indian Ocean Resort also plans to receive tourists from around the world from August 1.

The European Union has approved a list of countries for which borders will be opened on July 1. Ukraine is not among them, but Ukrainians can travel to the EU if they reside in the EU or have EU citizenship, family members and diplomats. In addition, doctors and researchers, people transporting goods, border guards, asylum seekers or those who go for seasonal work or study are allowed to enter the European Union. For tourist purposes in the EU, you can only go to Croatia, which is not part of the Schengen area.

The EU will review the list every two weeks.

The decision adopted by the EU Council on 30 June is a recommendation. Each country can decide for itself who to let in. For example, Italy opened its borders on June 3, and Greece on June 15, but not for all countries

Information from:

HOW TO CANCEL SELF-ISOLATION IN UKRAINE. Explained by the Minister of Health. 1 July 2020 02/07/2020

Foreigner who come to Ukraine can cancel self isolation!
For this need to give PRC test in any laboratory in Ukraine. Laboratory with inform governmental health department and self-isolation will be cancelled.

HOW TO CANCEL SELF-ISOLATION IN UKRAINE. Explained by the Minister of Health. 1 July 2020 Finally! The Minister of Health answered my question about self-isolation for foreigners upon arrival in Ukraine. IS SELF-ISOLATION CANCELLED for people from...

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - Government green lights e-residency in Ukraine 30/06/2020

Government adopted a resolution that gives the green light to the e-residency project. An experiment on the implementation of this project will start on July 1. The relevant procedure has also been approved.

E-residency is a project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. It is designed to make Ukraine a more attractive country for foreigners. This is a special status of a foreign citizen in Ukraine, which opens access to information and consulting services, simplifies the procedures for obtaining administrative services and concluding civil law agreements, as well as gives foreigners the opportunity to remotely laucnh and conduct business in Ukraine.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - Government green lights e-residency in Ukraine Today, the Government adopted a resolution that gives the green light to the e-residency project


ℹ️Rules and conditions of border crossing in Ukraine are now on one portal.

ISVISIT Ukraine has developed a useful web resource aimed at foreign and Ukrainian tourists entering Ukraine and traveling abroad.

⚡️The site has the necessary and most relevant information on:

📍Rules for crossing the Ukrainian border.
📍List of "green zone" and "red zone" countries.
📍Rules of quarantine adaptation, observation / self-isolation.
📍Rules of conduct at airports.
📍Rules for staying in cities, hotels, public places, restaurants, etc.
📍Rules of entry of Ukrainians to other countries.

🤳Providing assistance in installing, authorizing and using the mobile application "Act at home".

☎️Hourline for tourists.

All information on the resource is updated daily in three languages ​​- Ukrainian, English and Russian.

Just follow the link:

ℹ️Правила та умови перетину кордону в Україні тепер на одному порталі.

👨‍🔧VISIT Ukraine розробив корисний вебресурс, орієнтований на іноземних й українських туристів щодо в’їзду в Україну та подорожей закордон.

⚡️На сайті є необхідна та найбільш актуальна інформація щодо:

📍Правил перетину українського кордону.
📍Переліку країн «зеленої зони» та «червоної зони».
📍Правил адаптації карантину, обсервації / самоізоляції.
📍Правил поведінки в аеропортах.
📍Правил перебування у містах, готелях, публічних місцях, закладах харчування тощо.
📍Правил в’їзду українців до інших країн.

🤳Надання допомоги у встановленні, авторизації та користуванні мобільним додатком «Дій вдома».

☎️Гаряча лінія для туристів.

Вся інформація на ресурсі оновлюється щоденно трьома мовами – українською, англійською та російською.

Просто перейдіть за посиланням:


Tourism Visa

In the event you want to enjoy the cultural and natural wonders of Ukraine, getting a tourist visa becomes essential.

In order to apply for a tourist visa, you need to have a set of documents including an invitation letter provided by a tour operator in Ukraine. In particular countries a tourist voucher for hotel reservation and information about programme of tourists stay on the territory of Ukraine are also requested.

We can provide an invitation letter.

Information required for Invitation letter:
1. Passport details: (or passport scan)
a) Full name of applicant (as in passport);
b) Citizenship;
c) Date of birth;
d) Passport number.
2. Period of stay on the territory of Ukraine.
3. The country where visa is to be issued.

The original of invitation letter can be sent to a required address.

Papers to be handled in to the Ukrainian Consulate:
1. Visa support letter
2. Tourist Voucher (if requested by Ukrainian Consulate)
3. Passport
4. Passport photo (some Consulates require up to 3 photos)
5. Completed visa application form

It should be noted that Consulate reserves the right to require some additional documents at its discretion.
Applicants are advised to apply well in advance as not all consulates offer same day services and the process of getting visa may takes up to 3 weeks.

Pay attention:
Once your visa has been issued, you should check that details printed on visa are correct.

Feel free to contact us for book your best visit Ukraine!


‼ Regarding changes in legislation concerning self-isolation, border crossing observations and insurance policies.

❗ Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 25.06.2020 № 522 amended the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 20, 2020 № 392 “On establishing quarantine to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and easing of anti-epidemic measures ".

✅ The changes provide for the cessation of self-isolation and observation of a person in connection with crossing the state border (who came from the state or is a citizen (subject) of the state with a significant spread of COVID-19) or entry points at TOTU in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and departure from them, in case of receiving a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by the method of polymerase chain reaction, which was carried out after crossing the state border or these points.

✅ Employees of the Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross, employees of diplomatic missions accredited in Ukraine, in particular diplomatic missions, in particular, are not subject to self-isolation in connection with the crossing of checkpoints of entry into the TOTU in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Crimea and Sevastopol. monitoring the situation and delivering humanitarian aid to the population living in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, participants of external independent assessment and entrance examinations, in particular, for admission through educational centers "Crimea - Ukraine" and Donbass-Ukraine at the invitation of the institution of higher (professional higher) education, together with one person accompanying each of them, if there is no reason to believe that they were in contact with a person with COVID-19.

✅ For foreigners and stateless persons who do not have an insurance policy, the authorized official of the state border protection unit refuses to cross the state border. This does not apply to foreigners, stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine and persons recognized as refugees or in need of additional protection.

✅ Insurance policy (certificate) is issued by an insurance company registered in Ukraine or a foreign insurance company that has a representative office in Ukraine or a contractual relationship with an insurance company - a partner in Ukraine (assistance). It should cover the costs of COVID-19 treatment, observation, and validity for the duration of the stay in Ukraine.

‼ Щодо змін в законодавстві, які стосуються самоізоляції, обсервації при перетинанні кордону та поліса страхування.

❗ Постановою КМУ від 25.06.2020 № 522 внесено зміни до Постанови КМУ від 20 травня 2020 р. № 392 «Про встановлення карантину з метою запобігання поширенню на території України гострої респіраторної хвороби COVID-19, спричиненої коронавірусом SARS-CoV-2, та етапів послаблення протиепідемічних заходів».

✅ Зміни передбачають припинення самоізоляції та обсервації особи у зв’язку з перетином державного кордону (яка прибула з держави або є громадянином (підданим) держави із значним поширенням COVID-19) або пунктів в’їзду на ТОТУ у Донецькій та Луганській областях, АР Крим та м. Севастополя та виїзду з них, у разі одержання негативного результату тестування на COVID-19 методом полімеразної ланцюгової реакції, який проведено після перетину державного кордону або зазначених пунктів.

✅ Не підлягають самоізоляції у зв’язку з перетином контрольних пунктів в’їзду на ТОТУ у Донецькій та Луганській областях, АР Крим та м. Севастополя та виїзду з них співробітники Місії Міжнародного Комітету Червоного Хреста, співробітники акредитованих в Україні дипломатичних місій, зокрема тих, які проводять моніторинг ситуації та доставку гуманітарної допомоги населенню, що проживають на тимчасово окупованих територіях у Донецькій та Луганській областях, Автономної Республіки Крим і м.Севастополя, учасники зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання та вступних випробувань, зокрема, для вступу через освітні центри «Крим — Україна» та «Донбас — Україна» за запрошенням закладу вищої (фахової передвищої) освіти, разом з однією особою, що супроводжує кожного з них, якщо немає підстав вважати, що вони були в контакті з хворою на COVID-19 особою.

✅ Іноземцям та особам без громадянства, у яких відсутній поліс страхування, уповноважена службова особа підрозділу охорони державного кордону відмовляє у перетинанні державного кордону. Це не стосується іноземців, осіб без громадянства, які постійно проживають на території України та осіб, яких визнано біженцями, або які потребують додаткового захисту.

✅ Поліс (свідоцтво, сертифікат) страхування видається страховою компанією, яка зареєстрована в Україні, або іноземною страховою компанією, яка має представництво на території України чи договірні відносини із страховою компанією – партнером на території України (асистанс). Він має покривати витрати, пов’язані з лікуванням COVID-19, обсервацією, та діяти на строк перебування в Україні.

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