San Luis Valley Housing Coalition

0%-2% Loans Available for Down Payment and Home Rehabilitation Assistance. Need Help Buying a Home

"The San Luis Valley Housing Coalition promotes positive community development by providing affordable quality housing to low-to-moderate income residents of the San Luis Valley” – Mission Statement

The San Luis Valley Housing Coalition (SLVHC) was founded in1993 in response to the increasing housing needs of the San Luis Valley. The SLVHC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that has been rec


Closed today, May 27th, 2024, in honor of Memorial day.

Today we will give thanks to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Today we will thank the mothers, fathers, wives, children, and siblings of the soldiers who gave their lives for us.

Today we will pray the sacrifice is not forgotten while we embrace our own loved ones.

While you enjoy your day off, take a moment to remember why you are free today and say thank-you on this Memorial Day.


The community of Alamosa has spoken.

Moose Mannor is the new name for the Boyd School Redevelopment, with 44.30% of the votes.

Ms. Ivers' class submitted this name and has won both the classroom gift box and a pizza party from SLVHC!!

Since they were also the overall winner, Ivers' class will get an additional surprise at the pizza party. Way to go to Ms. Ivers' 4th grade class!!

Miller's 3rd grade and Shawcroft's 5th grade class will also get a classroom gift box for making it to the final round.

SLVHC would like to thank all the students, teachers, and community members who participated and made naming the Boyd School Redevelopment so much fun. We hope you enjoy your prize packs and have a fun and safe summer vacation!!

How SurveyMonkey Works: Get Started for Free | SurveyMonkey 05/08/2024

Let's get ready to rumble!!!!

It is time for the final round of voting to help name the Boyd School Redevelopment!!

In the first corner are TWO AI-generated names selected by the SLVHC staff and board and the students who voted at the 3-5 Building of the Alamosa Elementary School.

In the second corner are the top THREE names submitted by the students of the 3-5 building of the Alamosa Elementary School. Each grade level has ONE name in this round based on the community vote from last week.

The name with the most overall votes from this round will be our WINNER.

But that is not the only way to win!!
Of the THREE names in the second corner, the name with the most votes will earn that classroom a pizza party to celebrate the end of the year!! If that name is the overall winner the students and teacher will get an extra prize!!

Ready, Set, Vote!!!

How SurveyMonkey Works: Get Started for Free | SurveyMonkey Learn how SurveyMonkey helps you create free online surveys and forms with ease, so you can get powerful insights that drive growth in your organization.


Drumroll please -

The overall student submitted name winner is Moose Manor submitted by Kelly Ivers' 4th grade class.

The top submission for 5th grade was Boyd Apartment Complex submitted by Shawcroft's class and for 3rd grade was Alamosa Heights Apartments submitted by Miller's class.

Each of these classrooms will be awarded a prize pack from SLVHC and these names will be added to the final voting round along with the top AI-generated name the kids selected and a SLVHC selection.

The winner of the final round will be the name of the project!!! The top student-selected name in the final round will win that class a pizza party. If they are the overall winner they will get an extra prize.

Watch for the last round of voting to be posted soon!!

How SurveyMonkey Works: Get Started for Free | SurveyMonkey 04/30/2024

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition asked the students at Alamosa Elementary 3-5 to help come up with a name to be added to our list. They have come up with some good ones, and now we need your help to narrow them down.

We will add one name from each grade level, sorry you don’t get that information yet, to our final name vote to happen next.
The class that wins for each grade level will get a prize pack for their classroom and the class with the most votes will get a pizza party!!!

Survey Monkey only allows 25 people to vote to do so quickly!! The survey will end when we hit 25 voters or on Sunday, May 5th so we can get the final round of voting out before the end of the school year.

How SurveyMonkey Works: Get Started for Free | SurveyMonkey Learn how SurveyMonkey helps you create free online surveys and forms with ease, so you can get powerful insights that drive growth in your organization.


When you think of neighborhoods of the past what do you invisions?

Alamosa County Comprehensive Plan - PublicInput 04/17/2024

Would you like to help the County of Alamosa update its long-range vision for our community?

Follow -47985 to provide your input on many aspects including
Land Use and Community Character
Culture and History
Housing and Neighborhoods
Transportation and Mobility
Services and Facilities
Open Space and Recreation

Get involved and Engage Today!!
Current survey's are closing soon!!

Alamosa County Comprehensive Plan - PublicInput Click here to sign up for a virtual one on one listening session. Share what you love about Alamosa County, what opportunities there are for the County and community in the future! 

Office Assistant - Site Manager - Alamosa, CO 81101 - 03/07/2024

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition is hiring a FULL-TIME In-Person position. Details on Indeed.

Office Assistant - Site Manager - Alamosa, CO 81101 - San Luis Valley Housing Coalition


We need your help!!!
We are playing with names for the Boyd School Development Project. Our staff and board have been trying to narrow name ideas to the top 5 out of 20 to get the Alamosa Elementary School 3-5 students to vote on a name.

We have a 4-way tie with staff and board.

Let me know which one you like best, leave a number in the comments.
1. Mindful Manor at Boyd
2. Curiosity Commons at Boyd
3. Scholar's Rest at Boyd
4. Wisdom Heights at Boyd


San Luis Valley Housing Coalition will be closed Monday, February 19th, 2024, for Presidents Day


Thank you Cleave Simpson Colorado State Senator District 6 for supporting housing in Colorado!!!

Photos from San Luis Valley Federal Bank's post 02/12/2024

Thank you San Luis Valley Federal Bank for your continued support of the San Luis Valley Housing Coalition and other nonprofits around the Valley. We truly appreciate all you do for our community.

Photos from San Luis Valley Housing Coalition's post 02/05/2024
San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs 01/23/2024

A reminder that Development Partner RFP Questions for the Boyd Redevelopment Project are due today!!!

All information can be found here

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs San Luis Valley Housing Coalition (SLVHC) invites General Contractors to assist SLVHC in providing Pre Construction Services and Estimation for their property located within the city limits of Alamosa, Colorado, at 1107 Hunt Ave. with the implementation of full construction after a successful Tax Cr...


FREE 2023 tax prep help at Alamosa Public Library on February 16th from 11 am to 6 pm and February 17th from 9 am to 2 pm!!

You MUST MAKE AN APPOINTMENT by calling 719-587-2543


Pipes are freezing up in these extreme cold temperatures, especially in mobile homes. Follow these simple steps to minimize this risk.


Our offices will be closed for Christmas Break so our staff can enjoy time with their Family and Friends. We hope you have an amazing end to 2023 and a start to 2024. See you in the new year!!

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition Closed from December 22nd to January 1st. Call 719-587-9807 and leave a message for emergencies.

High Valley Manor Closed from December 22nd to January 1st. Call 719-852-5711 and leave a message for emergencies.

Casita de la Luna Closed from December 22nd to January 1st. Call 719-589-4970 and leave a message for emergencies.

Century Mobile Home Park Closed from December 23rd to January 1st. Call 719-587-5372 and leave a message for emergencies.

All offices will reopen on January 2nd, 2024 at 8 am!!

Photos from San Luis Valley Housing Coalition's post 12/16/2023

We would like to thank everyone who helped our first Christmas event with Santa a success
tenants for showing up and allowing us to be a small part of your holidays.
for a cash donation for supplies
San Luis Valley Housing Coalition board of directors for donations for supplies and staff for putting everything together
San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center for helping make goodie bags


Please stay safe in this snow.
Our offices are on delayed start to keep our staff safe and because we have no internet, which means no phones, email, or systems up and running.

Stay home if you can.

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs 12/11/2023

Updated Contractor RFP and Answers to Questions has been posted on our website

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs San Luis Valley Housing Coalition (SLVHC) invites General Contractors to assist SLVHC in providing Pre Construction Services and Estimation for their property located within the city limits of Alamosa, Colorado, at 1107 Hunt Ave. with the implementation of full construction after a successful Tax Cr...

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs 12/05/2023

Development Consultant / Partner RFP

Opened December 5, 2023 Closing December 15, 2023

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition (SLVHC) invites Development Consulting Groups and Developers to assist SLVHC in the adaptive reuse development for their property located within the city limits of Alamosa, Colorado, at 1107 Hunt Ave. with the implementation of full construction after a successful Tax Credit Application.

The scope of work includes the Boyd School site re-development, adaptive reuse of the 34,000 square foot existing school building, and the construction of an additional 30 affordable housing units that will serve as affordable housing for households 60% AMI or less

Create new housing that is…
1. Financially viable
2. Available to local working people, people with disabilities, and retired community members at a variety of income levels (40%-60% AMI limits)
3. Energy efficient and environmentally sustainable
4. Ensure long-term stewardship of the property and permanent affordability for local residents
5. Includes green space, garden beds, trees, and creative arts, such as a mural or sculpture by a local artist

Selection Process Timeline
December 5, 2023 RFP Issued
December 11, 2023 Questions from developer teams to staff/consultants by 12 PM
December 11, 2023 Questions and Responses posted on SLVHC’s website by 8 PM
December 15, 2023 Proposals due by 5 pm MST
December 18, 2023 Teams notified of finalists, and interviews scheduled
December 20-21, 2023 Interviews conducted (Tentative 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, up to 45 minutes each)
December 22, 2023 SLVHC selects a developer partner and the project commences
February 1, 2024 LIHTC application due to CHFA

Interested parties should review the contents and requirements of this RFP and submit their responses no later than December 15, 2023, by 5:00 pm MST.
Responses and questions should be provided electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format to Dawn Melgares

Full RFP can be found here

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs San Luis Valley Housing Coalition (SLVHC) invites General Contractors to assist SLVHC in providing Pre Construction Services and Estimation for their property located within the city limits of Alamosa, Colorado, at 1107 Hunt Ave. with the implementation of full construction after a successful Tax Cr...


Don't forget to vote for SLV Housing Coalition for the Spirit of Giving with SLV Federal Bank :)

It's an easy way to give back to your community nonprofits without it costing anything more than your time!!

The deadline to vote for Spirit of Giving is approaching fast—Friday, December 15th. Help your favorite SLV non-profit get a larger share of the $35,000 donation. Our staff at the West Office Branch have already cast their votes. Act now and make your vote count!

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs 11/22/2023

General Contractor RFQ for the Boyd School Redevelopment project.
Opened November 29, 2023
Closes December 22, 2023

November 29, 2023: Release Date
December 4, 2023: *Optional Site Walk @ 11:00am MST
Meet at the entry of the existing school located at 1107 Hunt Ave. December 1, 2023: Question Deadline, 2:00pm MST
December 8, 2023: Question Deadline 2:00 pm MST
December 11, 2023: Question Response Deadline, 5:00pm MST
December 22, 2023: Qualification Package Due, 12:00pm MST
December 29, 2023: Interview List Released
January 5, 2023: Interviews, Virtual, (Tentative 8:00am - 12:00pm , 45 minutes each) December 19, 2023: Notice of Award
January 8, 2024: Project Commencement

Find full RFQ here

All inquiries regarding the RFQ can be submitted via email to Dawn Melgares at [email protected] on or before 2:00pm MST on December 8, 2023. A response to all inquiries will be posted in an Addendum no later than 5:00pm MST on December 11, 2023.

Collab Architecture

San Luis Valley Housing Coalition - Open RFPs San Luis Valley Housing Coalition (SLVHC) invites General Contractors to assist SLVHC in providing Pre Construction Services and Estimation for their property located within the city limits of Alamosa, Colorado, at 1107 Hunt Ave. with the implementation of full construction after a successful Tax Cr...


Don't forget to vote for the San Luis Valley Housing Coalition if you have an account with SLV Federal Bank for the Spirit of Giving!!!!

2023 Spirit of Giving is here! San Luis Valley Federal Bank set aside $35,000 this year to give to our SLV local non-profit organizations. Join us and vote for your favorite local non-profits! Each account that you have with SLVFB will count as one vote. Divide your votes or combine them for your favorite non-profit.

Our staff strongly believes in this program and cherishes the participation that it brings to our community. Vote today!


📢Sneak Peak Time!!!!! 📢
🤭 We have our design idea in place!!! 🤭

👏Our team has tallied all the community input votes 🗳 and combined the three designs into ONE. 👏

The basic idea 💭 has been brought together by community feedback 💬 and your participation in this project. Thank you for all you have done to help us.

Although these are not finalized, and final touches are still being made based on recommendations to fit codes and funding sources, we wanted to share the design with those who helped get us this far.

What do you think?

Proposition 123 Implementation 11/09/2023


The Division of Housing (DOH) saw a tremendous response from local governments and received Prop 123 commitments from more than 200 of the 336 jurisdictions throughout Colorado. These jurisdictions account for 87.6% of the state’s population. A list of jurisdictions that have made this commitment can be found here. For a project to be eligible for Proposition 123 funding, the county, municipality or tribal government was required to file a commitment by November 1, 2023, to increase affordable housing within each jurisdiction by 3% per year, for three years, for a total of a 9% increase.

Passed by Colorado voters in 2022, Proposition 123 created the State Affordable Housing Fund, dedicating 40% of funds to the Affordable Housing Support Fund administered by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) and 60% to the Affordable Housing Financing Fund overseen by the Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT) to fund housing programs.

The three Affordable Housing Support administered by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) are:
• Affordable Home Ownership - up to 50% of the Support Fund and administered by DOH
o $32 million in Year 1 and estimated to be $63.6 million in Year 2
• Program Servicing Persons Experiencing Homelessness - up to 45% of the Support Fund and administered by DOH
o $28.8 million in Year 1 and estimated to be $57.24 in Year 2
• Local Planning Capacity Development Program - up to 5% of the Support Fund and administered by the Division of Local Government (DLG)
o $3.2 million in Year 1 and estimated to be $6.36 million in Year 2
For more information regarding the roll out of Proposition 123, see our EngageDOLA site.

Proposition 123 Implementation Several hundred million dollars for affordable housing will become available in the second half of 2023 due to the enactment of Proposition 123 by Colorado’s voters in 2022. This funding will be overseen by the Department of Local Affairs and the Governor's Office of


It was brought to our attention that SCAM letters are being sent to our loan clients that appear to come from San Luis Valley Housing Coalition, see picture.

We want you to know that we have NOT sent these letters!!! Anything from us will come on our company letterhead with a stamped return address on the envelope. All communication will also be signed by a staff member.

If you get these letters please DO NOT call the number. If you could, please contact our office first to see if we sent it.

Please keep yourself safe from scams and help monitor this for your elderly family members because it might not just be SLVHC that they are mimicking.


Each year the State of Colorado conducts a confidential survey among mobile homeowners, renters as well as park owners and managers. The survey is confidential and your identity will never be shared.

Please complete this short survey today:

Or by visiting

The results from this annual survey help the State resolve disputes between residents and landlords and educate consumers about landlord-tenant laws.


Christina Postolowski
Program Manager
Mobile Home Park Oversight Program

If you have any difficulty completing this survey, you can call the independent firm Probolsky Research conducting the survey at 888-279-1689.

Colorado Mobile Home Survey 2023 Colorado Mobile Home Survey 2023.

Photos from San Luis Valley Housing Coalition's post 10/23/2023

3 bedroom 2 bathroom single family home with garage, porch, gazebo, and storage shed in Monte Vista. Large lot with covered carport. Washer and dryer hookups.

$1,250 a month rent; including water, sewer, and Xcel. $1,250 deposit. Anticipated available November 1st.

Contact SLV Housing Coalition at 719-587-9807 or [email protected] for an application (requires $30 per adult credit/background check fee and 3 months income for all household members over 18).

Want your business to be the top-listed Business in Alamosa?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Closed today, May 27th, 2024, in honor of Memorial day.Today we will give thanks to those who have given the ultimate sa...



513 La Due Avenue , CO, PO Box 592
Alamosa, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8am - 4:30pm

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2/S Belgian Blues 2/S Belgian Blues
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The SLV Colorado Genuine brand was created to unify the San Luis Valley. The goal is that a unified front will bring organizations and people to the area.Our website highlights wh...