Candelaria Law LLC

Candelaria Law is New Mexico's law firm that puts people first.


It's clear to see that our nation is navigating one of the most divided and challenging moments in living memory. These are indeed perilous times. The fabric of our society is stretched by intense political and social rifts.

This Independence Day let's look beyond the platitudes we hear every year about freedom and independence. Instead, let's renew our belief in the inalienable values that make this country what it is and embrace the truth that we are greater than this moment. Let’s not dwell on our divisions. If together we do not uphold the promises of our forefathers and foremothers we are nothing, and to nothing we will return if not careful.

Reflecting upon timeless wisdom, Patrick Henry said "United we stand. divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs." This timeless wisdom has never been more poignant. Only together will we overcome the challenge of this moment and continue to build our nation; a nation that embodies the ideals upon which it was founded.

This amazing country is still worth believing in, and still worth fighting for.


She’s an icon, she’s a legend, and she is the moment. Meet the New Mexico whiptail lizard, a.k.a “lesbian lizard.”

These whiptails are all female and reproduce asexually through a process called parthenogenesis, essentially cloning themselves. They’re also our state reptile!

Happy Pride Month! 🌈

Photos from Visit Albuquerque's post 06/30/2024

🌈 As Pride Month draws to a close, let’s celebrate the rich diversity woven into the very fabric of New Mexico's identity. Our state has a unique place in LGBTQ+ history, enriched by the Native tribes who have long recognized a spectrum of gender identities beyond the binary norms.

From the Navajo Nádleehi, embodying both male and female essences, to the Zuni lhamana, the Native tribes of our state understood and respected gender fluidity, assigning crucial roles to those who defied conventional gender definitions. These historical perspectives challenge the mainstream binary gender paradigm and enrich our modern understanding of diversity.

At Candelaria Law, we are inspired by these traditions as we continue to fight for equality and justice. Our commitment remains strong to ensuring that every New Mexican is respected and understood, free from discrimination. 🏳️‍🌈


🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month! At Candelaria Law, we're not just attorneys and advocates. We’re proud to champion LGBTQ+ rights and celebrate the diversity that strengthens our community. As a queer-owned firm, we're committed to creating a world where everyone can live openly and authentically.

Together, we rise. Together, we thrive. Here’s to love, equality, and justice for for every New Mexican!


Suspended city manager accuses Española mayor of abuse of power 08/24/2023

Our clients, like Mr. Yutzy risk so much when they stand up against political corruption. They are our heroes.

Suspended city manager accuses Española mayor of abuse of power The complaint, filed Tuesday in the state's First Judicial District Court under the New Mexico Whistleblower Protection Act, comes nearly two months after the mayor suspended the city manager, though


Si se lesionó en el trabajo, puede tener derecho a una compensación significativa.

Nuestro bufete de abogados se especializa en representar a los trabajadores de Nuevo México que trabajan arduamente y hablan español.

Si ha sufrido una lesión o enfermedad relacionada con el trabajo, contáctenos para una consulta legal gratuita y confidencial lo antes posible.

Judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit against LVCS over whistleblower firing 06/09/2023

We take on the powerful. We fight for YOU.

Judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit against LVCS over whistleblower firing A district judge on Monday rejected a motion filed by Las Vegas City Schools seeking to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a former teacher and volleyball coach who alleges the


Cheers to UNM LAW! Seventy five years strong.

Our firm is proud to support our state’s great Law School. All of our attorneys graduated from UNMSOL! Somos de Burque!

A big thank you to our Gala sponsors. What a night!

Photos from NM Workers' Compensation Administration's post 04/12/2023

Congratulations Judge Couture and Judge Skinner!



Have you or a loved one been the victim of discrimination in the workplace, in higher education, at a public accommodation, or by the Government? If so, you may be entitled to actual damages under anti-discrimination legislation. However, recent Supreme Court precedent has limited the types of damages available under certain federal civil rights laws, leading to confusion and uncertainty for many victims.

One recent case, Cummings v Premier Rehab PLLC, saw the Court ruling that Plaintiffs making claims of unlawful discrimination under the federal Rehabilitation Act and Affordable Care Act could not recover damages for emotional distress. While the Court did allow for damages related to financial losses, it held that emotional distress damages were not covered by the statute. This holding may also signal the high Court's willingness to limit the availability of emotional distress damages under other spending clause civil rights laws including Title VI (prohibiting race based discrimination by recipients of federal funds) and Title IX (prohibiting gender based discrimination by recipients of federal funds).

This decision stands in contrast to the protections offered by the New Mexico Human Rights Act, which allows for emotional distress damages as a result of discrimination as a form of actual damages. This means that people in New Mexico who experience discrimination on the basis of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, gender identity, or other protected characteristics may be able to recover both economic and emotional damages as a result.

The dissenting opinion in Cummings, written by Justice Breyer, explained that damages in anti-discrimination statutes are intended to remedy both economic harms and to vindicate human dignity affronted by unlawful discrimination. This suggests that emotional distress damages should be available in such cases, as they can be a core part of addressing the harm caused by discriminatory behavior.

The majority opinion, authored by Chief Justice Roberts, held that damages available under spending clause statues, like the ACA which requires a recipient of federal funds to enter into certain agreements with the federal government in exchange for federal funds, are interpreted with reference to contract law. Applying this analysis, the majority found that emotional distress damages are not ordinarily available under breach of contract actions. Thus, if Congress wished to make emotional distress damages available to Plaintiffs it should have written the availability of that remedy into the federal law. The majority was unwilling to "expand" the remedies available to Plaintiffs without express congressional authorization. As the majority noted, Congress did not explain what remedies were available to Plaintiffs under the ACA or the Rehabilitation and, thus, potential Defendants were not put on notice that they could be liable for emotional distress damages as a consequence of entering into a an agreement with the government to receive federal funds.

If you or a loved one has suffered from discrimination in the workplace, it is important to understand your rights and the potential remedies available to you. At Candelaria Law LLC, we have experience representing victims of discrimination and fighting for their rights under the law. Our team can help you understand your options and navigate the legal process, so don't hesitate to reach out for a consultation today.

Together, we can hold people and institutions accountable for their discriminatory behavior and work to ensure that all New Mexicans are treated fairly and with respect.


¡Atención trabajadores agrícolas de Nuevo México! Ustedes tienen derechos y merecen beneficios de compensación laboral si se lesionan en el trabajo. En Candelaria Law LLC, nos especializamos en ayudar a trabajadores de diferentes sectores agrícolas, como los de las lecherías, a obtener los beneficios que merecen bajo las leyes de compensación laboral de Nuevo México. Si usted o alguien que conoce en la industria agrícola ha sufrido lesiones en el trabajo, llámenos hoy mismo para una consulta gratuita. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarles!


A medida que el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer llega a su fin, queremos tomar un momento para reflexionar sobre el progreso que las mujeres han logrado a lo largo de los años, así como el trabajo que aún necesita ser hecho.

En CANDELARIA LAW LLC estamos luchando junto a las mujeres para exigir un salario justo y poner fin al acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo.

Creemos firmemente que las mujeres no deben enfrentar discriminación o acoso simplemente por su género. Desafortunadamente, esto todavía es demasiado común en los lugares de trabajo en todo Nuevo México y los Estados Unidos. Pero estamos aquí para luchar por lo que es justo.

Nuestros abogados experimentados han ayudado a innumerables mujeres que han sido negadas con un salario justo o han sido objeto de acoso o discriminación en el lugar de trabajo. Trabajamos incansablemente para responsabilizar a los empleadores por sus acciones y ayudar a nuestros clientes a obtener la justicia que merecen.

Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido víctima de discriminación o acoso en el lugar de trabajo, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nuestro equipo. Lucharemos para proteger sus derechos y asegurarnos de que sea tratado con justicia y con la dignidad y respeto que se merece.

Juntos, podemos seguir promoviendo la igualdad para todos y construir un futuro más brillante para las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo. Haciamos convertir el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer en algo más que solo una celebración, utilicémoslo como un llamado a la acción para el cambio.

Photos from Candelaria Law LLC's post 03/29/2023

As Women's History Month comes to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the progress women have made over the years, as well as the work that still needs to be done.

At CANDELARIA LAW LLC we are fighting alongside women to demand fair pay and end sexual harassment in the workplace.

We firmly believe that women should not have to face discrimination or harassment simply because of their gender. Unfortunately, this is still far too common in workplaces across New Mexico and the United States. But we are here to fight for what is right.

Our experienced attorneys have helped countless women who have been denied fair pay or been subject to harassment or discrimination in the workplace. We work tirelessly to hold employers accountable for their actions and to help our clients get the justice they deserve.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of workplace discrimination or harassment, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We will fight to protect your rights and ensure that you are treated fairly and with the dignity and respect you deserve.

Together, we can continue to promote equality for all and build a brighter future for women in the workplace. Let's make Women's History Month more than just a celebration – let's use it as a call to action for change.


¡Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que nuestros abogados hablan español y representan a trabajadores lesionados en casos de compensación laboral! Si te has lesionado en el trabajo, no dudes en contactarnos para obtener ayuda en español.


At our law firm, we recognize that hardworking New Mexicans like you are the backbone of our state's economy.

That's why our experienced lawyers are dedicated to representing those who have suffered from work-related injuries or illnesses. We understand the challenges you and your family may be facing, and we'll work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn how we can help you.

Timeline photos 03/03/2023

As we celebrate Women's History Month, it's important to honor the legacy of women who have made a significant impact on our society. Adelina "Nina" Otero-Warren was one such trailblazing woman who deserves recognition for her contributions to the fight for justice and equality in the early 20th century.

Born near Los Lunas, New Mexico, Otero-Warren was a prominent figure in the women's suffrage movement. She was a visionary of bi-cultural education and believed in the importance of advocating for suffrage in both Spanish and English. She recognized the need to publish suffrage materials in both languages to ensure that Spanish-speaking women could fully participate in the fight for their rights.

Otero-Warren was instrumental in leading the lobbying effort to ratify the 19th Amendment in New Mexico, which gave women the right to vote. Her efforts in this regard helped pave the way for women's suffrage in the state and helped shape the course of history.

Apart from her work in the women's suffrage movement, Otero-Warren was also a leader in education. She served as the superintendent of Santa Fe public schools and advocated for bicultural education, as well as better conditions to serve the diverse population in New Mexico

Otero-Warren's legacy is one of resilience, courage, and leadership. Her contributions to the fight for justice and equality serve as an inspiration to us all. As a law firm, we strive to embody her values and continue the work to empower our community.

This Women's History Month, we honor Nina Otero-Warren and all the brave women who have come before us, paving the way for a more just and equal society. We encourage everyone to learn more about her incredible story and to continue the fight for justice and equality for all.

If you'd like to learn more about Adelina "Nina" Otero-Warren please visit:

Timeline photos 02/22/2023

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a time of reflection and sacrifice. Here in New Mexico, many of us begin this solemn period with ashes marked on our foreheads, and some end it with a pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayó. For us, this time of year is a reminder of the deep roots of history and culture that connect us as a state and as a people. These traditions are a part of the fabric of our law firm, and as we enter this sacred time, we renew our commitment to serve the great people of this state, and uphold the values that define who we are.

Timeline photos 02/01/2023

This Black History Month we want to honor the legacy of George McJunkin, a self-educated ex-slave cowboy who made an incredible discovery that would rewrite history.

While working as a foreman at a ranch in Northern New Mexico, he discovered prehistoric bison bones and stone tools after a flood in Folsom, NM. He recognized the importance and left the site generally undisturbed so that it could be properly excavated by archeologists. This discovery proved the antiquity of North America's native cultures and is considered one of the most significant archeological sites today.

Although rarely credited for his find, it was McJunkin’s knowledge and foresight that made this remarkable discovery possible.

Black history is New Mexico history, is U.S. history, is Human history.

If you'd like to learn more about New Mexico's Black cowboys and George McJunkin please visit:

Timeline photos 01/17/2023

Often lost in the conversation about Martin Luther King Jr's legacy is the recognition of his unwavering commitment to economic justice.

He knew that radical economic change to uplift poor, marginalized, and working people was essential to addressing the dangers facing our nation. This continues to be true today.

At Candelaria Law we continue Dr. King's fight for Justice. We stand up for the employment and economic rights of hard working New Mexicans in courts across New Mexico.

We fight to uphold these values and uplift our people. We fight for YOU.


Be safe. Be happy. Be healthy. Happy New Year!


At Candelaria Law we recognize that the most valuable thing in our lives are the people we serve.

This holiday season, we are reminded of how grateful we are for your trust in us. It is our honor and privilege to continue the fight for Justice for this incredible community.

From our family to yours, thank you.


As many in our community celebrate the eight-day holiday of Hanukkah, we want to pause and recognize the important contributions that Jewish-New Mexicans have made to our great state.

According to the New Mexico Jewish historical society "The history of New Mexico Jews tells the stories of individuals and organizations who made their mark on all walks of life from business/commerce; ranchers and miners; social organizations; traders with the Navajo and Pueblo reservations" to becoming the first mayor of Albuquerque and first governor of the State.

Jewish-New Mexicans have been an active part of our fight for Justice as well. They have been essential in progressing civil rights and the rights of women for decades.

This Hanukkah, we encourage you to learn more about the history and legacy of Jews in New Mexico. Learn more at:


As we approach the holidays and look toward a new year, we must take pause and reflect on our collective past.

This Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day we want to recognize the sacrifices made for our country on that fateful day 81 years ago. Freedom and Justice always comes at a great cost.

Many more fights for Justice are to come. As we continue the fight, we carry with us the memory of all those that have come before us.


As we look back on our last 3 years in business, we are honored to celebrate another Thanksgiving together. We are grateful for your trust and pledge to continue our service to the incredible people in our community.

¡Gracias Nuevo México!


We honor the valor and bravery of all of our nation's veterans.

This Veteran's Day we want to highlight the sacrifices made by our BIPOC and Q***r service members. Although they have fought in every conflict since the Revolutionary War, they were not always allowed the privileges and equality that they were fighting for. Their legacy is inextricably connected to the struggle for civil rights in this country.

We proudly continue this fight for equality and Justice.


Here at Candelaria Law we value our tradition and heritage. We recognize all those that have gone before us and pay tribute to those we have lost.

La muerte está tan segura de alcanzarnos que nos da toda una vida de ventaja.



We fight for workers. Always.

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"I started this law firm because I felt a sense of urgency to act. I am not content to sit on the sidelines of justice. ...


510 Slate Avenue NW
Albuquerque, NM

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