Trident Athletics

Trident Athletics

Through dedicated trainers and a well-equipped facility, Trident Athletics has been helping Alexandria lead a healthy lifestyle since 2009.

At Trident Athletics (formerly Trident CrossFit), you’ll find a team of more than 23 passionate, committed, and dynamic trainers and athletes. Changing people's lives through fitness is always our primary goal. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, experience, and continual efforts to improve through independent study, certifications, and courses. Most importantly, though, we’re dedicated to connecting with and motivating our clients. Trident CrossFit isn’t just another box, it’s a community.


THIS is how you achieve ANYTHING that’s important to you! 👇

If you keep setting health and fitness goals that fizzle out before you see results, this framework will be nothing short of life-changing (seriously!).

Here’s what you do…

1. Make three columns on a piece of paper.

2. Label the first column “I’m the kind of person who…”, the second column “And it’s important to me”, and the third, “So I’d feel good about accomplishing.”

3. And then fill it out.

🔥 All you have to do now is take action!

From there, it’s a matter of continuing to take action, celebrating your small wins, and reminding yourself WHY you set your goal!

Was this helpful?

If you're a fitness enthusiast aiming to achieve your top health and fitness goal, make sure to save this post and follow me for more insights and tips! 🎯🚀


Join us Sunday, October 13, 2024 at Trident Athletics for Northern VA’s premier competition for Novice and Masters lifters.
This competition will be for Masters (30+) and Novice Athletes (less than three meets). This will be a single-day competition. Registration is limited. Follow the 🔗 in the bio to register ⏫️

Photos from Trident Athletics's post 06/08/2024

🥳 When OG Coach Marcus gets to program and perform his own — weightlifter style—athletes are here for it!

Photos from Trident Athletics's post 06/05/2024


*️⃣ Benefits: Strengthen your core and lower back, while increasing your core stabilization.

*️⃣ How-to: Start by lying down on your back, legs together and arms stretched overhead. Lift your legs and upper body away from the floor and envision actively pulling your bellybutton into the floor to engage your core muscles. Make sure your lower back and butt stay in contact with the floor the whole time to get the most out of the hollow hold. Try for 10 seconds, rest, and repeat. How many sets can you do? (Extra challenge: Try holding dumbbells, like the athletes show here, for additional resistance.)


💡 If you don’t already do this… make INTENTIONAL time to relax at night!

I know that may sound like a big ask — especially if you have “fun” stuff like household chores on your to-do list.

Here’s something to think about: This downtime allows your brain to recharge, improving problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

Plus it can help you unwind from a busy day.

AND it also will help you relax and refresh so you can hit it hard tomorrow!

Need some healthy ways to unwind — or some more info? Grab your copy of my latest resource: The 7-Night Relax & Recharge Routine. Get a copy by DMing me the word “RECHARGE”!



🌙💤 Sleep is the “glue” that holds your healthy lifestyle together.

It helps your brain and body recover, restore, and recharge — so you have the energy to conquer your goals!

Give it a prime spot on your list of priorities, right up there with your workouts, nutrition, and mindset! 💡

Looking for more ways to relax & recharge? Grab your free copy of “The 7-Night Relax & Recharge” Guide! Just DM me with the word “SLEEP.”


💤 Is your bedroom sleep-friendly? 💤

You might love falling asleep to your favorite TV show…

Or, maybe you have a habit of scrolling through your phone before bed...

But having a dark, cool, quiet environment can play a big role in how well you sleep.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

🛌 Temperature: Aim for 60ºF to 71.6ºF (15.6ºC to 22ºC)
🛌 Noise: For most people, quieter is better — or use a white noise machine
🛌 Light: Keep your bedroom dimly lit at night to fall asleep faster
🛌 Bedding: Get a great mattress and wash your sheets regularly
🛌 Keep it Clean: Only 26% of people with messy bedrooms get a good night of sleep

So, does your bedroom pass the test? 😉

If not (or if it depends on the day!), set aside a few minutes every morning or night to keep your sleep space tidy!

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips!



Have you ever hit a roadblock with a problem, taken a break, and then the answer just "magically" popped into your head?

There’s a scientific reason for that.

When you RELAX, you activate an important part of your brain called your “default mode network.”

It controls your memories, sense of self, creativity, and other more abstract functions…

So when you take some downtime and let your brain wander, it’s like pressing the “refresh” button!

That means the next time you’re feeling stuck, give yourself permission to take a break and let your mind wander. You might just find the solution you've been searching for!

Looking for more balance in your fitness and health journey? Drop me a DM with the word MINDSET and we’ll set up a time.


☕ Bedtime Golden Milk Recipe ☕

Here’s a recipe for a healthy, soothing, anti-inflammatory bedtime drink that can help you relax and sleep better!

😋It’s called golden milk, and we have a simple, delicious version that’s easy to whip up at home.

Bedtime Golden Milk
(serves 1)

✅ 1 cup (about 240ml) of milk (your choice: almond, dairy, oat, etc.)
✅ ½ tsp ground turmeric
✅ ¼ tsp ground ginger
✅ A pinch of black pepper (to enhance turmeric absorption)
✅ ½ Tbsp honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste)
✅ Pinch of ground cinnamon

Combine the milk, turmeric, ginger, and black pepper in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Reduce the heat and continue to simmer for about 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

Remove from heat. Stir in the honey or maple syrup to sweeten, and carefully pour into a cup. Sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon on top for garnish.

Nutrition Info (based on almond milk): Calories, 62; Fat, 2 g; Carbohydrates, 10 g; Protein, 1 g

🤳 If you make this, make sure you take a pic and tag me with it!


😋 3 Nighttime Snack Swaps! 😋

This might surprise you, but nighttime snacking isn't a dealbreaker.

If you're eating enough during the day and you're STILL craving sweet, salty, fatty snacks at night, here are a few alternatives:

Pizza 👉 Half of a turkey sandwich on sprouted grain bread
The turkey is a better choice because it has less fat and calories, PLUS it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you feel tired.

Ice cream 👉 Greek yogurt
Swap out ice cream’s calories, fat, and sugar for Greek yogurt’s high protein. Tip: top it with berries to add potassium and melatonin, both of which can help you sleep.

Sugary cereal 👉 Oatmeal
Upgrade the empty carbs and low fiber of breakfast cereal with oatmeal, which is warm, soothing, and loaded with fiber — not to mention sleep-boosting melatonin.

Want more helpful content like this? Make sure you save this post and follow us for more.

Photos from Trident Athletics's post 05/20/2024

Getting fitter everyday


You deserve to have a great day tomorrow… right?

Make sure you set yourself up to feel at the TOP of your game — by getting your Zzzzs tonight!

💪 When you sleep better, it helps you FEEL and FUNCTION better: your mood, your focus, your energy, and so much more!

Need to get better sleep? My FREE 7-Night Relax & Recharge Routine gives you a list of proven habits that you can mix and match to create the best sleep routine for YOU. Comment “SLEEP” and I’ll send you your free copy!


🤔Commonly Asked Question: Does it really matter if I skimp on sleep?

Hate to break it to you, but it may take only ONE BAD NIGHT OF SLEEP for your body to start storing fat and breaking down muscle!

Swedish researchers found that after a sleepless night, the muscles of people participating in their study showed signs of protein breakdown.

😲 AND their fat tissue showed higher levels of compounds that help boost fat storage!

Not only that, after the sleepless night… genes in their fat tissue linked with obesity and type 2 diabetes changed.

So, what does that mean on a practical level? Here are some tips:

😴 Make time for sleep — set aside 7-8 hours for sleep every night
😴 Set yourself up for a great night of sleep with your daily habits and routines
😴 Eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein to help your body build & maintain muscle
😴 Aim for 2+ strength-training workouts in your fitness routine weekly

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips!



Anyone who can’t sleep knows this 👇

What helps you get to sleep one night, might not work the next night! 🤷

In fact, having a set-in-stone bedtime routine can add even MORE pressure to an already stressful situation.

😴 That's why we're doing things differently with our FREE 7-Day Relax & Recharge Guide!

Instead of giving you a rigid routine to follow, we’re giving you a “grab bag” of proven habits that you can mix and match to create a bedtime routine that works for YOU.

Inside the guide, you'll find:

✅ Tips for winding down and relaxing before bed
✅ Daytime habits that set the stage for better sleep at night
✅ Plus, a customizable tracker to help you build and stick to your new routine!

Our recommendation?

Choose a new routine to try out for the next 7 days, then adjust as needed 🙌


😴 The “Military Method” for Falling Asleep Fast 😴

Want to know the 7-step sleep protocol used by U.S. Navy fighter pilots back in World War II?

They faced grueling schedules and needed to be able to fall asleep fast, so this method – which was supposed to work in just two minutes! – was created.

Here’s how it works:
✅ Relax your entire face. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Relax all of your facial muscles, including the muscles around your eyes, mouth, and jaw.

✅ Drop your shoulders. Release tension from your shoulders by lowering them away from your ears, then relax your arm muscles.

✅ Relax your chest and upper back. Take a deep breath and gently exhale, your back sinking into the mattress.

✅ Relax your legs. Begin with your thighs and feel your muscles grow heavy, and then work your way down to your lower legs and feet.

✅ Clear your mind completely for 10 seconds. Imagine a peaceful, beautiful setting.

✅ If that doesn’t work, try slowly repeating the phrase "don't think" to yourself over and over for about 10 seconds.

✅ Practice regularly. It takes time to master the progressive relaxation techniques in this method. Over time, your body (and brain!) may start to associate doing these steps with sleep, making it more effective.

This method uses a few tried-and-true methods to help you fall asleep: deep breathing, progressive relaxation, and visualization.

Comment “SLEEP” if you want my full “Relax & Recharge” routine for getting a better night’s sleep!



💫 Newsflash: You’re in the middle of an amazing transformation RIGHT NOW!

So if you’re seeing this, take this as a sign to let go of those old stories you’ve been telling yourself about what you can and can’t do…

Because just like your body is constantly renewing itself, every day is a new opportunity to redefine who you are and what you're capable of.

We’re not meant to stay the same…

So release what’s done and embrace the change 🙌

Save this and follow me if you’re ready !


Feel like you’ve hit a plateau?

You might not be getting enough SLEEP!

If you’re one of the 70 million Americans who have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or just feeling rested, you’re not alone.

But here's the good news: Improving your sleep might be easier than you think!

😴 Our FREE 7-Day Relax & Recharge Guide helps you create a custom bedtime routine that works for YOU…

That way, you have a better chance of waking up feeling energized and getting back on track!

Inside, you'll find:

✅ Simple habits to implement during the day for better sleep at night
✅ Tips for winding down and relaxing before bed
✅ Plus, a printable tracker to help you build and stick to your new routine!

Even if you can get 90% consistent with your new bedtime routine, it could make a big difference in how you feel (and what you see on the scale!).

Ready to get the most out of your nighttime recovery?

Grab your 7-Day Relax & Recharge Guide here! >>


🫑 Ready for a delicious plant-based recipe idea that’s fab for meal prep?

It’s Quinoa & Black Bean Stuffed Peppers, and it’s PACKED with plant-based protein and fiber to fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied!

Quinoa and Black Bean Stuffed Peppers
(Serves 4)

✅ 1 cup (190g) quinoa, rinsed
✅ 2 cups (480ml) low-sodium vegetable broth
✅ 4 large bell peppers, halved and seeded
✅ 1 can (15 ounces or 425g) black beans, drained and rinsed
✅ 1 cup (150g) frozen corn, thawed
✅ 1 tsp (5ml) olive oil
✅ Sea salt and pepper, to taste
✅ Optional: 3 tsp taco seasoning (adjust to taste) and/or ½ cup (50g) shredded cheese (use dairy-free cheese for vegan option)

Bring the vegetable broth to a boil in a saucepan. Add the quinoa, reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat, let it sit covered for 5 minutes, then fluff with a fork.

While the quinoa is cooking, preheat your oven to 375°F/190°C. Place the bell pepper halves in a baking dish, cut side up.

In a large bowl, mix the cooked quinoa, black beans, and thawed corn. Drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt, pepper, and taco seasoning. Stir well to combine all the flavors.

Evenly spoon the quinoa mixture into the bell pepper halves. If you're using cheese, sprinkle it over the top.

Cover the dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Then uncover and continue baking for an additional 10 minutes, or until the peppers are tender and the cheese is melted and slightly browned.

Enjoy the stuffed peppers hot, with any additional toppings you like — avocado, plain Greek yogurt, or a sprinkling of cilantro.

Nutrition info per serving: Calories, 283 kcal; Fat, 3 g; Carbohydrates, 52g; Fiber, 11g; Protein, 12g.

📷If you make this recipe, be sure to grab a photo and tag me with it!


From Trident’s blog, by Coach :

CrossFit suggested a theoretical hierarchy for the development of an athlete. This hierarchy starts with nutrition and moves to metabolic conditioning, gymnastics, weightlifting, and finally, sport.

CrossFit’s nutrition recommendations include: “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.”

… continued on Trident’s blog, found at the webpage in the link in the bio ⏫️


Virginia’s strongest!
📸: Rick Bucinell

Excellent turnout for the Virginia Chapter of the Strength and Power Hall of Fame luncheon. Inductees came to town from as far away as New Mexico and Florida to share memories and make new friends. It's always a pleasure to talk with such genuine athletes who have paved the way in strength sports.

Photos from Trident Athletics's post 05/06/2024

A BIG Congrats to Trident Weightlifting’s own and , who competed at the . Both lifters did an incredible job, with Alicia taking silver in her session. If you see them around the gym, give ‘em a 🖐🏼!

Per usual, other Trident Weightlifting Club athletes were on deck to coach and support. A successful team effort all around!

If you are interested in weightlifting club, check out the info in the bio above.


See the Birdie! The birds 🐦 🦜🐥🕊️🦅 are singing and would love to join you and your family in their very own Trident Athletics Birdhouse! Grab a pre-assembled one and email [email protected] to arrange the $20 payment.


Got a few uncommon tips for you today that’ll help you save time and money…

AND not let food go to waste!

🥬 1. Freeze your greens for smoothies:
✔️ Wash and dry your greens
✔️ Spread on a baking sheet and freezer for a couple of hours
✔️ Transfer to freezer bags (remove air from the bag)
✔️ Pop them in the freezer until it’s time for your smoothie!

🫒 2. Store herbs in olive oil:
✔️Wash them, chop them, put them in an ice cube tray, and cover them with oil
✔️ Freeze. After it’s frozen through, place “cubes” in a labeled freezer bag
✔️ Next time you need a flavor boost while you’re cooking, just drop in a cube!

🍚 3. Batch cook grains:
✔️As soon as you get home from grocery shopping, cook up a pot of quinoa, farro, or other healthy carb.
✔️ Store in the fridge for easy, quick additions to meals during the week.

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips! 🍎🧑‍🍳


Never. Stop. Learning.

Repost from

Grateful to share ETHOS and our approach to coaching the physiology of psychology with an incredible group of coaches, athletes, leaders, service providers, humans.

Someone told us we are changing how they view people, not just in fitness but in life. This change doesn’t happen just because of something specific we say or share. This change is only available to the open minded, curious, passionate student of life who cares about people and wants to learn and put their learning into action.

Privileged to lead this group through this training, humbled to hear how real world applications are making big, positive differences, and inspired to deliver our work to future force multipliers for good.

Thank you for hosting and everyone for making this a truly special day.


Ever stopped to think how much power lies in the food you eat? 🤔

I’m not talking just about changing the shape or size of your body…

I’m also talking about the energy you have to do the things you love, how well you sleep, and even your moods!

Your food choices create a ripple effect…

So, next time you’re about to fill your plate, remember: you’re not just feeding yourself.

You’re crafting your future self — bite by bite. 💪

If you need help figuring out what to put on your plate for YOUR body and goals, we can help. If you want more of THAT, let’s talk. Drop me a DM with the word MINDSET and we’ll set up a time to talk.

Photos from Trident Athletics's post 04/27/2024

Dumbbell pushups — synchro no less. The men were making it happen on a dreary Saturday morning in
Keep gettin after it, folks!


THE BOX — Choosing your own adventure is always an option!

What is your favorite box jump height? What your PR height?


Did you know you can grow your own “crops” from scraps!? 😮

It’s true – you can start a little garden inside your kitchen with some veggies.

Some easy ones to get started with are green onions, celery, lettuce, and (my favorite!) leafy herbs like basil or cilantro.

It even works with sweet potatoes!

All you have to do is place the base of the plant – a stalk or bulb – in a cup of water, and it will sprout!

Then when it’s time, you can plant it in potting soil inside or in your garden outside.

Note: sometimes a plant won’t “take” so if it doesn’t start to grow roots within a week or so, compost the scrap and start over.

Have any cool tips to share? Tell us in the comments!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

At Trident Athletics, you’ll find a team of more than 30 passionate, committed, and dynamic trainers and athletes. Changing people's lives through fitness is always our primary goal. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, experience, and continual efforts to improve through independent study, certifications, and courses. Most importantly, though, we’re dedicated to connecting with and motivating our clients. Trident Athletics isn’t just another gym, it’s a community.

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410 Calvert Avenue
Alexandria, VA

Opening Hours

Monday 5:15am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 5:15am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 5:15am - 7:30pm
Thursday 5:15am - 7:30pm
Friday 5:15am - 7:30pm
Saturday 8am - 11am

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