Hyo North Coaching

Trauma-informed Life & Somatic Coach for divorced women of faith (LDS/Christian).


Giving myself permission to do nothing.
It’s possible .
It’s necessary .
There’s nothing wrong with resting .
It’s not shameful .
It shouldn’t be shaming.
Even God saw the wisdom to rest.
Tis the season to rest.
So go rest my friend and enjoy every moment of it.


It’s getting so close till Christmas!
Love to you all!



No politics. No negativity.
Post a picture of something "yellow” from your camera roll.
The more random, the better!
I’ll give you a color for your own page.

Don’t be a party pooper, PLAY!


Acts 27:25
God’s got you.
God’s got this
Even when it seems like you’re life is like a wrecked ship, try to exercise a tiny seed of faith that God’s got this.

Design emails people love to get. 03/02/2023

Hello friend, I’m starting a group for LDS women going through a separation and divorce called,
“Women at The Well”.

Please feel free to sign up if this applies to you and/or forward this to anyone you know going through this experience.

Thanks 🙏. Love, Hyo

Design emails people love to get. Beginners and experts use Flodesk to grow their business. Design emails and forms that look great on any device. Try it free.

The Life Coach Directory for Latter-day Saints 02/11/2023

I am so excited to be part of a free virtual summit on February 21st and 22nd:…like this is my FIRST ever!!

Courageous Discipleship--courageously be a disciple of Christ when you or those around you are questioning their traditional religious beliefs.

Patrick Mason, Fiona Givens, Ben Schilaty, myself and 33 of my life coach colleagues, have joined together to create an amazing resource full of tools and real life applications that will leave a lasting impact on all viewers. Whether it’s you, your spouse, children, adult children or friends that are questioning traditional beliefs, you will find resources here.

The summit is free to view at any time on February 21st and 22nd. And just in case you can’t view it on those days, you have the option for extended access.

I would love to have you join us! CLICK HERE TO JOIN and/or forward to a friend and family today 🥰 Love to you all 🙏

The Life Coach Directory for Latter-day Saints

Photos from Hyo North Coaching's post 02/08/2023

The first ever LDS Life Coach Directory Summit!! Two days of intense goodness and an opportunity to have a year access to ALL of the “Expert Secrets” from these AHHH-MAZING coaches, including ME!

Photos from Hyo North Coaching's post 01/19/2023

is doing THIS!! Maybe you need a reset with your spouse, partner, mom, dad, teen kids, adult kids, your in-laws…whoever it is…this relationship reset session is a no brained!


This is what I look like when I’m ready to just take a break and nap in the midsize of the day. I don’t care how tired I look, how ready to stop doing whatever I’m doing. It took me so long to finally give myself permission to take a nap without shame! Why? And how did I do this… I came to realize that I am a napper whenever my body says it’s time for a nap!


I'm a memeber of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints and if you know ANYTHING about us...we're family centered and church supported.
And so to say that I was "divorce-phobic" is an understatement. I was so afraid of that word, that stigma, that whatever it was that I would overcompensate by being over-controlling.
I controlled my husband.
I controlled my kids.
I controlled how the home functioned.
I was basically out of control internally.
I was thinking and believing that if i checked all the boxes (I know that we ALL say that we don't do this but who are we kidding?) then I would be guaranteed a safe passage from divorcehood.
Boy was I wrong.
The one thing I was afraid of most was the one thing I was to face.
How ironic.
So I faced it and I came to realize that divorce was another hill and even a valley in my human journey here on this planet.
I came to learn more about God and Jesus than I would have had I been married.
I came to believe and understand the atonement in such a deeply profound way.
Divorce is not a sin.
Divorce is not wrong.
Divorce is another beginning, not an end.
Divorce happens to good people. I have goodness within me as much as my ex-spouse has goodness in him.
I've learned to navigate (what seems like) a duality of Divorce AND Discipleship.
I can't wait to tell you how and to share with you my journey - my many "origin stories" of discipleship which has included separation/divorce.


Now is the time to FULLY live into your partnership with God and Christ. It has always been your calling, your destiny. There is no one more loving, compassionate, patient, kind, and resourceful as the God of Heaven and Earth. I have come to know this for myself. This partnership has rescued me time and time again and I am so grateful that I get to participate in this divine work of gathering.


You are not broken. You're family isn't broken....unless you want to believe that about yourself and your children. But what is the upside to that? Where is the empowerment in that? You are a beloved daughter of God and His creations are unbreakable. Take courage and stand in that truth. Own it. Live it. Exemplify it.


Had the most mind blowing zoom meet with the author of “Original Grace”. - Adam Miller was phenomenal!


Being a stay at home mom for almost 18 years, I learned to put everyone's needs before mine, everyone's desires before mine, everyone's wants before mine. And at first, it was ok...I wanted to and I had babies and toddlers that needed a lot of hands on time. But as my babies have gotten older, they're learning to take care of their own needs and desires....but that left me feeling.....lost and confused. I seriously didn't know what I wanted I didn't know what I most desired. I would try and take cues from my kids, my spouse, my friends....but nothing landed. Until one day, I decided that I just wanted to go out to a restaurant of my choice and to hang out with my friends and talk about whatever I wanted to talk about without my kids. When this idea came to me, my first reaction was....
"Can I do that?"
"Am I allowed?"
"Is this me being selfish?"

I did it anyway. I organized a Girls Night Out and it was amazing! I could feel other women needed this nourishment To be reminded that we are creative creatures that need experiences created from the depths of their desires.

What are you desires?
What would bring a smile to your face?
What do you want to experience right now, for yourself?
Now go and create it.
Go and live it.

Photos from Hyo North Coaching's post 09/02/2022

Had such a heartfelt conversation with the amazing relationship coach . We dive deep into how we can include God in every aspect of our human journey - especially when going through a separation and divorce. So go listen to this episode and subscriber to Living La Vida a Full and listen to this episode to find out how you can bring healing, love, hope, and joy into your life. And when this resonates within you, DM me, I'd be honored to connect with you. Love, Hyo


Photos from Hyo North Coaching's post 08/31/2022

Light (etymology): Brightness, radiant energy, daylight, spiritual illumination

I've read this passage so many times and so many times I'd feel so heavy because of the word "burden." How can any burden feel light?

But then I realized something.

I noticed the word "light" and instead of seeing this word as the opposite of heavy, I began to view this word as brightness, goodness, spiritual energy.

As soon as I began to read this passage with this imagery, the whole meaning of this passage changed for me.

The purpose of coming, resting, taking, and learning from Christ, the Master Healer, is to be filled with His light and His goodness....this is what He wants us to carry. This is why His yoke is easy....

So no matter your worries and anxiousness, focus on His goodness, His meekness, and His lowly heart and let His light shine through you.

Love, Hyo


The Heart of Healilng

What is it?

I'll tell you what it's not...

It's not about the other person and what they did.
It's not about thir words or their behavior.
It's not about your present circumstance and all the moving parts.


Because healing is contingent on what you cannot control.
It's what you can control....that's you....
Your feelings.
Your thoughts.
Your behavior.
Your life experience.

It begins with the belief that you are worthy of healing.
That it's the greatest gift you can gift yourself.
You have the dinvine power within to begin this journey.
Not alone.
Always with God.
Always with Christ.
You were not sent to this earth to stay in the realm of anger, resentment, and fear.
But to experience and deepen our capacity for unconditional love and joy for self and others.
That's what it means to grow into the full measure of our creation.
That's what it means to step into and be in the integrity of our Divine Being.


I have found that the greatest work we can do within ourselves, is to see the dark parts of our humanness, that natural man within.

The times when we shut down emotionally.
The times when we get defensive.
The times when the walls went up.
The times when we are being competitive.
The times when we are resentful and judging.
The times when we are self righteous.
The myriad of times we are trying to control the situation and others.
The times when we are seeking validation.
The times when we aren't honest.
The times when we aren't true to what I most desired.
The times when we blame and shame ourselves and and others.

As I've been unpacking these events and feelings, I've come to realize the "Deep Why" of it all. That I would, in my soul, find that I wasn't enough. And rather than going on that journey to find out the truth of my inner goodness and worth, I would shut down and shut out the wisdom of my soul and Spirit.

Seeing my own humanity has opened up such healing and forgiveness that now, there is a greater expanse for deep love and compassion.

It can be scary work.
It can feel beyond vulnerable.

But you are capable of doing it.

So let yourself heal and forgive.

And if you need someone in your corner, DM me, I'm here for you.

Love, Hyo


What is my greatest desire?
To help you, my friend, navigate your separation and divorce and go from disconnected to reconnected with God.

If you're anything like me and what I went through, I had so many unanswered questions. I had dear friends that listened as I emotionally vomited but they didn't have the answers I was looking for.

I knew of only one Being that could give me the emotional and spiritual support I needed along with the wisdom to navigate the myriad of decisions I needed to make.

So I turned to God. It was one of the most exquisite growth experiences of my life.

Now, I feel in total connection with Him. I am experiencing joy, love, and continual gratitude Every. Single. Day.

I never thought that I could ever be in this space of joy.

You can too...if this is your desire. But what is the alternative?

Continual pain.
Continual resentment.
Continual anger.
Continual disconnect with who you know you inherently are - a worthy, loving spiritual being.

Your burden can truly be light.
That light isn't at the end of the tunnel.
It is all the way through it.

Are you in? Do you want to know more?
Connect with me.
I have a Beta Program Just. For. You.

Love, Hyo

‎The Intimacy Podcast: Successful Career, Unhappy Marriage- Interview with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife on Apple Podcasts 08/06/2022

Hi everyone! I know, it’s been a while. I’m just enjoying the slowness of the summer break. Here is a podcast podcast episode I know you’ll find helpful with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife and Rhonda Farr Coaching. Enjoy!


‎The Intimacy Podcast: Successful Career, Unhappy Marriage- Interview with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife on Apple Podcasts ‎Show The Intimacy Podcast, Ep Successful Career, Unhappy Marriage- Interview with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife - Jul 30, 2022


Wednesday, June 29 @ 12 noon EST ➡️ ⬅️


Hey some exciting news:
I am being featured on the Latter-day Life Coaches Podcast today.

As I thought about who I would want to celebrate and share this with, I of course, thought of each you—the people here in this community that I am so grateful for. I think you will really enjoy it.
Click to this link to listen: https://ldslifecoaches.com/podcast/

I’d love to hear what your favorite take away is by just giving a quick response in the comments. Can’t wait to hear what you think!


To those of you who are new to Coaching, let me introduce you to . I am always amazed at the valuable content that is put out by the coaches on the site. They truly care about their craft and they truly care about helping YOU who are struggling to make sense of the present circumstances of your life. Check them out and follow them at .


Keep going.
Keep trying.
I will be there in your midst.
I can do the changing.
You don't need to worry about the outcome.
Keep showing up even when you don't want to.
Let the consequences come as a result of the goodness you are intentionally creating.
You will manifest greater patience, greater grace, greater gratitude.

Love, God

***So my friends, don't overcomplicate your life. Just keep showing up and keep going and believe that God's "got this." xoxo, Hyo


It's presenting yourself, no matter the circumstance, as who you spiritually are and untethered to the labels and identities of this human world.
It's your:
Spirit breath
Spirit mind
Spirit eyes
Spirit lips
Spirit words
Spirit voice
Spirit intellect
Spirit heart
Spirit DNA
Spirit wisdom
Spirit personality
Spiritual values
Spiritual gifts

How would you show up differently in your current hardship if you discovered and embraced your spiritual authenticity?
What things of this life would you let go to make room for what needs to be let in?
What wants to come out from your Spirit Being and what does it want to bless?
Take a moment to ponder what wisdom is needing to be discovered and where it wants you to go with it.

Love, Hyo

Photos from Hyo North Coaching's post 06/19/2022

The best dad and grandfather ❤️


You know, you hear things like...
Be the best version of yourself.
Be your highest self.
Be who you are meant to be.
Be your future self.

But seriously, who is she/he and where the heck do you find that person within you?

And this is the answer.
That "best version", "highest self", and "future self" is revealed as you face and work through the "now", the "present self" with all of the flaws, mistakes, weaknesses, and seeming complexities of your thoughts, feelings, and how you show up.

The "You" today is the roadmap to the future self that is more aligned to your inner wisdom, that Spirit Being,

So don't shoot the messenger (aka YOU!) for showing you a journey filled with potholes and mudslides.

It will be at these moments when you get choose to align yourself with that inner wisdom to know what to do when things get dicey.

And the more you do this, the more readily you'll be able to tap into that wisdom.


Most times, we thinking of the "doing" of choice.
What will I have for lunch?
What will I get at the store?
What will I do first on my list?
What will I post?
What book will I read?
Who will I go see today?
Where will we go on vacation?
When should I pay this bill?
Do we have enough money?
How will I talk to my kid about this?
Do I have to talk to my kid about this?

But let's slow down the decision making here for just a moment.
What if...you began with a belief that will shape the choices and their outcomes.

What do you believe about yourself independent of this world?
Who are you that is on this planet and what is your life mission?

How would anchoring yourself in this truth shape how you choose?

One of my favorite parts of my coaching sessions with my clients is that I get to ask them questions that no one has asked before.
Questions that lead to discovery of what is really true about who they are. And then from there, they get to make choices that are most aligned with self-authenticity, self-divinity, self-beingness and it has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the limiting beliefs of this world.

I love this form of discovery because that's when things begin to shift within them. They begin to stand in the truth of who they are meant to be. It's the most amazing transformation. Come learn more from me how this is possible at .

Photos from Hyo North Coaching's post 06/15/2022

Good morning!
I love spending these early morning hours outside watching my garden grow and meditating and journaling. I hope you all have a beautiful day! 🤗

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3912 Summer Brook Drive
Apex, NC

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