The Nature Conservancy

Protecting nature. Preserving life.

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/21/2024

There’s something special about a summer night lit up by fireflies, the taste of ice cream lingering in your mouth as you watch them meander along the breeze. You might even remember capturing them in jars to observe their magic for a brief moment. As time passes, less of these creatures are illuminating our nights. There are a few things we can do to help protect our beloved fireflies.

💡 Reduce light pollution. Fireflies use their glow to attract mates, so help them out by turning off unnecessary lights.

💡 Protect their habitat. Fireflies live in forests near lakes and ponds, and development is threatening their homes. When we protect these lands, we protect fireflies.

💡 Catch with care. If you want to take a closer look at a firefly, catch it with a net and place it in a jar with a moist paper towel. Once you’ve gotten a chance to take in their glow, set them free. And, of course, make sure no bug repellent is on your hands.

With our help, we can make sure these living stars continue to light up our nights.


Launched in April 2023, CoralCarib is a project dedicated to conserving and restoring coral reefs in Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Our most recent workshop in Jamaica focused on coral monitoring methods to enhance our understanding of coral health and vitality.

Learn more here:


Whether you’re into birdwatching and hiking or simply want to spend time with your family, our nature preserves have something for everyone. Come and explore! ➡️

Closing The Gaps To Achieve Wildlife Survival 07/18/2024

Over one-third of America’s plants and animals struggle to survive in the face of shrinking habitats and climate change impacts. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would provide long-term stability and security for states and tribes to manage at-risk species and the habitats critical to their survival. In his recent Forbes column, TNC Global Board Chair Senator Bill Frist, M.D. says this investment in wildlife conservation can’t come soon enough.

Closing The Gaps To Achieve Wildlife Survival If enacted, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) has the potential to turn the tide on the disappearing and endangered wildlife in our country.

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/17/2024

Today is and what better way to celebrate than with a little guessing game! 😉

Does Climate Fiction Work? 07/16/2024

What do the “Barbie” movie, “Mission: Impossible” and “Nyad” have in common?

These 2023 films all pass the Climate Reality Check, a storytelling standard that sets two simple criteria:
1. Climate change exists,
2. And a character knows it.

Click below for our interview with Dr. Matthew Schneider-Mayerson—the test’s lead researcher, to learn more about the Climate Reality Check and why climate narratives matter.

Does Climate Fiction Work? Read this Q+A with an expert in climate fiction to learn more about why climate narratives matter and how we can tell more of them.

How An Invasive Ant Affects East Africa’s Iconic Wildlife 07/15/2024

Did you know that even a tiny ant can disrupt the balance of an entire ecosystem? The invasive big-headed ant is causing a ripple effect in the savanna, impacting everything from trees to lions! Scientists from TNC Wyoming, in collaboration with Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, are investigating the cascading impacts of this small but mighty creature.

How An Invasive Ant Affects East Africa’s Iconic Wildlife Invasive ants are having an outsized effect on savanna ecology, impacting even the largest mammals.

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/13/2024

✨ I can still make the whole place shimmer ✨

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/12/2024

More often than not, sharks get a bad rep, but did you know our ocean ecosystems wouldn’t survive without them? Sharks are apex predators that keep the whole food chain in balance and indicator species that reflect the overall health of our oceans. So, let’s give this superspecies a round of applause for 👏👏 and a big thank you for keeping our oceans healthy. ❤️


Comment an attribute of your personality and we'll tell you what marine animal you are!

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/10/2024

We are proud to announce that The Nature Conservancy has been named the most inspiring non-profit workplace in North America and fourth overall in the 2024 Inspiring Workplaces Awards! 🏆🎉

Congrats to our employees, who are at the heart of our success. Learn more about this exciting award:

Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act 07/09/2024

"This legislation has paved the way for tremendous innovative conservation funding. In just 25 years, the Tropical Forest Conservation Act has helped to protect 68 million acres of forests and coral reefs that have both local and global significance. We congratulate the Government of Indonesia and the U.S. Treasury Department for closing yet another bilateral TFCCA deal today which is the first time that this specific instrument is being used to protect marine habitat and corals.” - Jennifer Morris, CEO, The Nature Conservancy

On the 25th anniversary of the Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act, we’re thrilled to announce a new TFCCA debt-for-nature swap with Indonesia. Through this agreement, $35 million will go towards supporting local projects that are protecting and restoring the country’s coral reef habitats and helping to create sustainable livelihoods for communities that rely on these marine ecosystems.

Indonesia is home to a whopping 16% of the world’s coral reefs, and many of these habitats are facing huge threats. Healthy coral reefs provide essential habitat for a quarter of all marine animals, including many commercially important fish and shellfish species so this agreement will be critical to protecting marine biodiversity and achieving our ambitious conservation goals.

Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the TFCCA, a highly successful debt-for-nature program that has protected more than 68 million acres of forest since 1998.

Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species 07/08/2024

The Great Lakes, cherished for their natural beauty and vital contributions to local economies, hold the unfortunate title of being the world’s most invaded freshwater ecosystem. Despite their importance, these waters are under the threat of invasive species gaining a foothold largely due to human activities.

Discover more on this issue and explore the innovative solutions TNC is developing to protect these waters.

Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Aquatic invasive species may be the most significant threat to the health of the Great Lakes. Scientists estimate the Great Lakes have been invaded by more than 180 species and cost more than $200 million annually in lost revenue and prevention strategies.

Why Do Estuaries Matter? 07/07/2024

Why do estuaries matter? These ecologically critical habitats, where rivers and oceans meet, are life-sustaining to countless species. When they suffer due to development or agriculture, the entire ecosystem suffers. Learn how The Nature Conservancy in Oregon is working to restore these dynamic habitats that are disappearing from the Oregon Coast.

Why Do Estuaries Matter? Estuaries are among the most productive habitats on Earth.

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/06/2024

I spy… hearts, stars, stripes, triangles and a circle! All naturally occurring on our beautiful planet. Which one is your favorite?

Circle: Zhiyu Shi/TNC Photo Contest 2021
Pine Tree stars: Kent Mason
Zebra: Christine Haines/TNC Photo Contest 2019
Heart: Nicolas Job/TNC Photo Contest 2022
Long exposure stars: Vincent Otto/TNC Photo Contest 2019
Sea Stars on kelp: Liliana Calzada/TNC Photo Contest 2022
Striped marlin: Jono Allen/TNC Photo Contest 2022
Triangles: Henrique Murta/TNC Photo Contest 2019
Striped lizard: Timothy Boucher/TNC


📣 There is so much progress being made for nature, so let’s celebrate some recent nature wins:

🌱 The EPA has set new carbon standards for power plants to adopt proven, cost-effective, modern technologies to reduce climate pollution.
🌱 Over 2,700 acres of critical wildlife habitat have been protected in Maine’s High Peaks Region. The Nature Conservancy in Maine
🌱 The Nature Conservancy in New York opened the first shared-use trail system for hikers, bikers and runners in New York.
🌱 TNC awarded $1.2M in grants to support 27 projects to advance the success of land conservation efforts and community resilience throughout the Appalachians.
🌱 27 countries of the EU adopted the world’s first Nature Restoration Law, aiming to revitalize land, seas and rivers.

Curious to know more? Dive into the details of these inspiring stories in our comment section. Let’s continue the conversation and spread the good news!

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 07/04/2024

Sea anemones putting on their own fireworks show under the waves! Wishing everyone who is celebrating a safe . 🎆

The Water Resources Development Act Is A Boon To Nature And Bipartisanship 07/03/2024

The Water Resources Development Act continues to be a legislative bright spot in the United States Congress. Last week, we saw Congress take the next step in advancing this important biennial legislation as the House of Representatives approved their version of the bill. WRDA is responsible for funding and authorizing critical projects that help maintain healthy and resilient rivers, lakes and coasts; vibrant local economies and strong communities around the country.

In his latest Forbes column, TNC Global Board Chair Senator Bill Frist, M.D. shares how the 2024 version of WRDA presents an opportunity for Congress to protect our waterways and strengthen communities using nature-based solutions to reduce flood impacts, restore habitats and save species.

The Water Resources Development Act Is A Boon To Nature And Bipartisanship The Water Resources Development Act is currently one of the bright lights of bipartisan consensus that exemplifies how the United States Congress can—and should—work.

How the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act Would Support Conservation 07/02/2024

Did you know that right now Congress is considering a bill called the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act which would boost conservation around the world and be a win-win for nature, wildlife and communities? Here’s how you can help:

📢 Habitat and species loss impacts us all and we need everyone to work together to solve this crisis. Sharing this legislation with your friends and family can help people understand how safeguarding our lands and waters, supporting Indigenous Peoples and promoting global stability are all interconnected.

🏛️ Contact your elected leaders in Congress. Whether you call, email or meet with them in-person, you can urge your Senators and Representatives to pass the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act

We need all hands on deck because there’s never been a more important time for lawmakers to take action to support global conservation efforts.

How the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act Would Support Conservation This legislation would leverage funding from governments, private industries and philanthropic sectors to protect wildlife, lands and waters around the world.

7 Strange Species from the Ocean's Depths 06/30/2024

With so little of the our vast ocean discovered, there are many strange species that lurk the waters. Here are just a few:

🔪 The cookie-cutter shark, equipped with razor-sharp teeth, chisels off chunks of flesh, leaving craters on their prey. From other sharks to whales, these sharks don’t let their small size stop them from snacking.

🥒 Sea cucumbers are vital ecosystem engineers who crawl across the seafloor, vacuuming up sand and excreting it back out again. Their feeding activity helps distribute nutrients and remove excess organic matter from the water.

😬 With their sinister grins and two sets of jaws, moray eels can use their pharyngeal jaw to help ensnare prey and pull it into the eel’s throat.

Interested in learning about more strange species? Click below at your own risk:

7 Strange Species from the Ocean's Depths Meet 7 strange species from the ocean's depths: eye-eating worms, crabs that look like a yeti, and eels that help fish hunt.

Beach Safety Tips: How To Avoid Being Bitten or Stung This Summer 06/29/2024

There's nothing quite like the magic of the beach with the sand between your toes, the salty air and the cool water on your skin. But let's make sure the only surprises you encounter are seashells and not stings or bites.

See our safety tips to keep the beach carefree and fun.

Beach Safety Tips: How To Avoid Being Bitten or Stung This Summer Know the habits of sea creatures to stay safe at the beach.

The Nature Conservancy Celebrates International Pride Day and Pride Month 06/28/2024

Celebrating International Pride Day with pride!

Diversity strengthens our mission and inclusivity is key to our conservation success. Get to know the LGBTQ+ colleagues and partners who inspire us to make nature welcoming for everyone. Check it out below!

The Nature Conservancy Celebrates International Pride Day and Pride Month TNC is making space for and learning from our LGBTQ+ conservation allies this month and every month.

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 06/25/2024

Climate change, habitat loss, and unsustainable human activities are contributing to declines in the fish, bird, and shellfish populations of Great Bear Sea on the North Pacific coast of Canada, harming both wildlife and people who rely on a healthy ocean.

Today, we celebrate the launch of the Great Bear Sea PFP, led by 17 First Nations and supported by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia, a sustainable long-term financing model that will protect and improve the management of 10 million hectares of environmentally and culturally significant ocean from the northern tip of Vancouver Island up the coast of British Columbia. Learn more from the First Nation partners here:

Coastal First Nations, Nanwakolas Council , Coast Funds, Nature United

Extreme Birding: The Strange Magic of Pelagics 06/23/2024

1 boat
12 hours
16 complete strangers

All for the chance to see pelagic bird species that are only visible far out at sea. Would you go extreme birding?

Follow science writer, Justine Hausheer, on this adventure and find a pelagic birding trip near you!

Extreme Birding: The Strange Magic of Pelagics 12 hours on a small boat with 16 strangers, all to see a handful of seabirds? Welcome to the strange magic of pelagic birding.

10 National Monuments You’ve Never Heard Of 06/22/2024

Do you want to take the road less traveled this summer? National parks and wildlife refuges get all the love, it’s time to discover the hidden gems of our nation - the often overlooked national monuments!

National monuments can range from historical sites to biodiversity hotspots or geological wonders. No matter your interest, there is one for you.

Read on to find your next summer adventure!

10 National Monuments You’ve Never Heard Of National parks get all the love, but what about national monuments? Check out our off the beaten path picks for adventurers and naturalists.

Photos from The Nature Conservancy's post 06/21/2024

Nature is in full bloom right now! These five activities will help you plan some amazing outdoor adventures for the children in your life, right from your backyard, front porch or neighborhood park.

Click here for more information:

Peculiar Pollinators in the Midwest 06/17/2024

Pollinators - the first images that likely pop into our minds are those of bees, butterflies and birds. The usual suspects. But this National Pollinator Week, we’re taking a moment to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes of pollination.

From industrious spiders and formidable wasps to unassuming beetles and humble flies, these lesser-known pollinators play a vital role in sustaining the health and diversity of nearly every ecosystem on our planet!

Peculiar Pollinators in the Midwest We all know the honeybees that pollinate our flowers in the Midwest. But did you know there are some other, shall we say, peculiar pollinators? Learn about the importance of lesser-known pollinators.


Some fatherly wisdom from the forest.

What's your favorite nature-related dad joke? Drop a comment below to make us chuckle this Father's Day!

7 Strange Species from the Ocean's Depths 06/15/2024

Did you know greenland sharks have two copepod parasites that hang off their eyeball as they eat it’s cornea? Sounds straight out of a horror movie, doesn’t it?

Biologist and author Tim Flannery describes these sharks as the deep sea zombies with two thick strands of spaghetti hanging off each eyeball, causing partial to total blindness. Luckily these sharks aren’t reliant on eyesight.

Do with this information what you will but brace yourself for more deep sea creatures that might fascinate you or send a chill down your spine:

7 Strange Species from the Ocean's Depths Meet 7 strange species from the ocean's depths: eye-eating worms, crabs that look like a yeti, and eels that help fish hunt.

From Our Farm At Sinking Creek All The Way To Mongolia: How Grassland Restoration Is Reversing A Disappearing Habitat 06/14/2024

Grasslands are central to the survival of numerous plants and animals. They also help maintain water quality, protect against soil degradation and represent a third of the world’s terrestrial carbon sinks.

But grasslands are also facing unprecedented threats. We’ve already lost millions of acres of grasslands globally and only 5% of those remaining are protected.

In his most recent Forbes column, TNC Global Board Chair Senator Bill Frist, M.D. talks about the restoration efforts underway, from Tennessee to Mongolia, to save these vital ecosystems.

From Our Farm At Sinking Creek All The Way To Mongolia: How Grassland Restoration Is Reversing A Disappearing Habitat Grassland ecosystems store up to a third of the word’s terrestrial carbon sinks, yet they are being lost at a rate faster than the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

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Videos (show all)

World Oceans Day
Life in a Changing World
Climate Shorts
Lesser Prairie Chicken
Meet the Dinosaur Fish
On-the-water monitoring provides us with accurate and reliable data to ensure that the seafood on our plates has been ha...
Eternal Mongolia: Nature as a Way of Life
Eternal Mongolia: Hunter Turned Ranger
Washington Science Campaign
Freshwater Video
Freshwater: Animated Explainer Video
A Day in the Life of TNC Scientists



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