BioPharma Media

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BioPharma Media is a specialized analytical service engaged in scientific research, reference, and information activities by targeting key events in the global pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical, and healthcare industries.

Ozempic: Before and After. Dozens of Inspiring Weight Loss Success Stories • BioPharma Media 05/03/2024

→ ( ) is a game-changer in the world of weight loss.
→ Ozempic is flying off the shelves. Novo Nordisk is struggling to keep up with demand, with virtual queues forming at drugstores.
→ Originally, Ozempic was meant to treat type 2 diabetes ( ). But word of mouth on social media has been its biggest marketing tool. Now, people with obesity or overweight issues are using it.
→ People are going crazy over it. Ozempic’s high efficacy has led to millions losing significant weight.
→ The results are pretty impressive: dozens of pounds of fat, the burden of associated overweight diseases, depression, anxiety, and self-disgust — all gone!

Ozempic: Before and After. Dozens of Inspiring Weight Loss Success Stories • BioPharma Media What can you expect from Ozempic, a miracle drug for weight loss and more? Will your physical appearance change a lot? Will you feel more confident?

Hypertension Treatment With One Injection per Six Months • BioPharma Media 04/27/2024

→ High blood pressure affects 1.3 billion people globally.
→ Current medications may not be effective in the long term.
→ Completely new approach involves blocking production in liver.
→ New drugs can be administered monthly, quarterly, or even semi-annually.
→ and — fast, reliable, expensive!

Hypertension Treatment With One Injection per Six Months • BioPharma Media Zilebesiran and tonlamarsen are advanced and convenient ways to treat high blood pressure.

Shingrix: Excellent Vaccine Against Shingles • BioPharma Media 04/24/2024

→ (herpes zoster) is a common disease that causes a rash and pain.
→ The risk of encountering shingles increases dramatically with age.
→ (RZV) by is the only vaccine that provides unequivocally powerful and reliable protection against shingles.
→ Once vaccinated with Shingrix, immunity against shingles lasts for 10 years or even longer.
→ The pharmaceutical industry continues to look for options to improve the protective performance of Shingrix.

Shingrix: Excellent Vaccine Against Shingles • BioPharma Media Shingrix for robust and long-lasting prevention of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in all adults.

Ojemda: Novel Treatment for Low-grade Glioma • BioPharma Media 04/24/2024

* Low-grade ( ) is the most prevalent central nervous system tumor in children.

* Surgical resection is a reliable method for achieving complete remission of LGG.

* However, surgical intervention is not an appropriate treatment option for all patients with LGG, necessitating the use of a prolonged course of chronic therapy that is burdensome, exhausting, and toxic.

* ( ) is a novel drug that is anticipated to become the standard of care for first-line pharmacologic treatment of LGG.

* The administration of tovorafenib results in a rapid reduction in tumor size and is well tolerated.

Ojemda: Novel Treatment for Low-grade Glioma • BioPharma Media Tovorafenib represents a novel standard of care for the most prevalent central nervous system neoplasm affecting children.

Moderna mRNA-4157: Personalized Cancer Vaccine That Really Works • BioPharma Media 04/15/2024

* Personalized cancer vaccines are the future of cancer treatment.
* These vaccines are tailored to the tumor specificity of each patient and can be manufactured quickly.
* The first individualized oncovaccine adhering to the concept of precision medicine will be available in 2025.
* Successful treatment of melanoma and head and neck cancer has already been demonstrated.
* Lung, kidney, bladder and non-melanoma skin cancers are next in line.

Moderna mRNA-4157: Personalized Cancer Vaccine That Really Works • BioPharma Media mRNA technologies paint an optimistic future in cancer treatment.

Autogene Cevumeran: Powerful mRNA Vaccine Against Pancreatic Cancer • BioPharma Media 04/15/2024

* Pancreatic cancer is a highly challenging oncologic disease to treat.
* Only 20% of patients are eligible for surgical tumor resection.
* Even if tumors are successfully removed, they almost always recur, leading to rapid death.
* A personalized cancer vaccine, autogene cevumeran by and of , has been shown to delay recurrence and death by three years in one-third of patients.
* However, the availability and cost of this breakthrough therapy remain open questions.

Autogene Cevumeran: Powerful mRNA Vaccine Against Pancreatic Cancer • BioPharma Media Personalized immunotherapy prolonged life in one-third of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

Liver Cancer: Personalized Vaccine for Complete Remission • BioPharma Media 04/15/2024

* Liver cancer still remains a highly deadly disease.
* All existing drugs only provide marginal life extension for unresectable liver cancer.
* A personalized cancer vaccine, GT-30 by Therapeutics, offers the potential for complete remission or cure.
* However, this treatment is customized for each patient.
* The cost of such treatment is also a significant consideration.

Liver Cancer: Personalized Vaccine for Complete Remission • BioPharma Media Geneos Therapeutics has figured out how to cure unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma.

Nexsheld: Updated Evusheld for Effective Vaccine-Free COVID-19 Protection • BioPharma Media 04/01/2024

( ) effectively prevents in those who cannot be vaccinated. Nexsheld is and updated version of that takes into account new variants.

Nexsheld: Updated Evusheld for Effective Vaccine-Free COVID-19 Protection • BioPharma Media Sipavibart injection every six months for reliable prevention of COVID-19.

Baxdrostat: New Treatment for Resistant Hypertension • BioPharma Media 11/29/2022

by Pharma is a nice addition to the existing armamentarium of hypotensive drugs, which has not been updated for many years.

Adding baxdrostat to the usual cardiology drugs solves the problem of high blood pressure in resistant or uncontrolled .

Baxdrostat: New Treatment for Resistant Hypertension • BioPharma Media A selective aldosterone synthase inhibitor for significantly lowering blood pressure.

Xocova: Powerful New Japanese Pill for Coronavirus Treatment • BioPharma Media 11/29/2022

Japan’s & Co. has offered ( ), a new drug for treating infection caused by the coronavirus.

Xocova works just like the extremely popular ( + ) from by suppressing viral replication.

While Paxlovid needs to be taken twice a day, Xocova only once.
In addition, the Japanese is free of the problem of drug interaction: Treatment with Paxlovid in some cases requires temporary cessation of taking other medicines.

And perhaps most importantly, Xocova is allowed to treat patients regardless of the presence of risk factors for progression of the infection to a severe form.

Xocova: Powerful New Japanese Pill for Coronavirus Treatment • BioPharma Media Ensitrelvir by Shionogi & Co. is a highly effective antiviral drug that works just as well as Pfizer’s Paxlovid.

Albrioza: New Drug for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treatment • BioPharma Media 09/30/2022

/ (sodium + ) is a new drug indicated for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ).

The mechanism of action of Relyvrio/Albrioza, developed by Pharmaceuticals, aims to inhibit the dysfunction and death of motor neurons.

Relyvrio/Albrioza reduces the risk of death by 44%. Considering that the median survival rate for ALS is approximately 4 years from symptom onset, continued administration of Relyvrio/Albrioza can extend life to 6–6.5 years.

Relyvrio is approved in the US and Albrioza is approved in Canada.

The cost of Relyvrio/Albrioza for ALS treatment is high, and therefore the drug seems to be available to patients only in countries with developed health insurance.

Albrioza: New Drug for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treatment • BioPharma Media Amylyx Pharmaceuticals proposed mixture of sodium phenylbutyrate and tauroursodeoxycholic acid for ALS treatment.

Skysona: Gene Therapy for Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy • BioPharma Media 09/19/2022

(elivaldogene autotemcel) is a gene therapy indicated to treat cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy ( ).

Skysona, developed by , is used once.

The cost of Skysona in the United States is set at $3 million.

Skysona: Gene Therapy for Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy • BioPharma Media A single dose of the elivaldogene autotemcel will cure a deadly disease.

Beyfortus: Effective Protection for Infants Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus • BioPharma Media 09/19/2022

Respiratory syncytial virus ( ) is a menace for all infants: the lower respiratory tract ( ) it causes are often fatal.

To avoid trouble, ( ) is a new prophylactic that fits all newborns, including term and preterm infants, healthy and those with underlying diseases, and effectively protects against RSV throughout the entire fall and winter season of the virus.

Beyfortus, backed by and , is administered by injection once.

Beyfortus: Effective Protection for Infants Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus • BioPharma Media One injection of nursevimab reliably protects newborns against the development of RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infections.

Roctavian: Gene Therapy for Hemophilia A • BioPharma Media 09/13/2022

(valoctocogene roxaparvovec) is a gene therapy for the treatment of severe hemophilia A.

A single intravenous infusion of Roctavian can completely cure hemophilia A. However, it is possible that with time the healing effect of gene therapy will disappear, although even if hemophilia A returns, it will stop at the stage of mild severity of the disease.

Roctavian is is developed by Pharmaceutical.

The price of Roctavian is set at €1.5 million ($1.5 million).

Roctavian: Gene Therapy for Hemophilia A • BioPharma Media A single infusion of valoctocogene roxaparvovec can completely cure severe hemophilia A.

Zynteglo: Gene Therapy for Beta-thalassemia • BioPharma Media 09/13/2022

The time has come for a complete cure for beta-thalassemia, whose sufferers are condemned to the eternal torment of endless and unsafe blood transfusions.

One dose of the gene-therapy drug (betibeglogene autotemcel) will get rid of the burdensome disease forever.

Zynteglo is developed by .

The gene therapy for beta-thalassemia costs $2.8 million.

Zynteglo: Gene Therapy for Beta-thalassemia • BioPharma Media One dose of betibeglogene autotemcel will permanently eliminate the dependence on regular blood transfusions.

Tycruva: Miracle Pill for Autoimmune Diseases • BioPharma Media 09/12/2022

( ) is a new drug for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in adult patients who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy.

Oral Sotyktu, developed by , is taken once daily.

The efficacy of treatment of psoriasis with Sotyktu is, first, superior to therapy with oral ( ) and, second, generally on par with treatment with injectable biological drugs, such as TNF inhibitors ( ), ( ), ( pegol), or ( ).

Sotyktu is able to get rid of — i.e. bring to the status of clear or almost clear skin — in one year of treatment for two-thirds of patients.

In terms of safety, no serious concerns have been identified with Sotyktu.

In addition to psoriasis, Sotyktu is being clinically trialed to treat other autoimmune diseases such as , , , , , and .

Tycruva: Miracle Pill for Autoimmune Diseases • BioPharma Media Deucravacitinib by Bristol-Myers Squibb can help with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lupus nephritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Omicron Treatment: Most Effective Drugs • BioPharma Media 08/31/2022

With the emergence of the variant of now dominating the planet, all without exception have lost their former high efficacy. And even doses of vaccines cannot help with the former protective power. That’s why the issue with the treatment of infection is very relevant.

To successfully treat COVID-19, you need to know which medications cope with Omicron, clinically proven and effective.

Here is an easy-to-understand algorithm for treating mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in patients who are at high risk for hospitalization or death. These are, consider all elderly people, as well as those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, who have a weakened immune system, persons with chronic diseases.

Omicron Treatment: Most Effective Drugs • BioPharma Media Efficacy of antivirals and monoclonal antibodies for outpatient treatment of COVID-19 infection with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

BCG Vaccination: Almost Absolute Protection Against COVID-19 • BioPharma Media 08/22/2022

with Bacillus Calmette–Guérin ( ) provided 100 percent protection against the development of COVID-19 infection caused by the coronavirus.

As the worsened, development came to the forefront. Alas, the antigen-specific vaccines on which most clinical programs focus have struggled to keep up with new variants of the coronavirus. The ideal vaccine must be safe, effective, affordable, and provide long-lasting protection against a virus with any mutations.

The BCG vaccine produces long-term positive changes in the innate immune system as the first line of defense against any pathogen. “Trained immunity,” triggered and reinforced by the annual BCG vaccination, keeps the immune system properly activated against viruses, bacteria, and parasites. BCG reliably protects against COVID-19, regardless of any mutation of all variants of the , including the now-dominant . In fact, BCG is a .

Given, first, the decidedly penny-pinching cost of BCG available to any nation and, second, the century-long history of this vaccine, which is one of the safest ever developed and which continues to vaccinate tens of millions of children annually, and therefore nullifies all the claims of anti-vaxxers, we have a decidedly new perspective on combating the coronavirus pandemic.

BCG Vaccination: Almost Absolute Protection Against COVID-19 • BioPharma Media BCG is a universal vaccine that protects against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus of any variant.

Auvelity: New Antidepressant for Most Severe Depression • BioPharma Media 08/22/2022

( + ) is a new oral drug indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (clinical depression) in adults.

Unlike all existing oral , Auvelity, also known by the codename , is characterized by rapid and prolonged therapeutic effects. Improvement of depressive symptoms is noted in just one week, remission comes in two. Auvelity is able to successfully cope with the symptoms of even severe forms of depression in most patients.

The medical need for new antidepressants that are effective and safe is extremely high due to the continued increase in the prevalence of around the world.

Auvelity was developed by Therapeutics, which has figured out to connect to dextromethorphan, a receptor antagonist, bupropion, which slows the systemic metabolism of dextromethorphan and simultaneously acts as an inhibitor of and reuptake.

Axsome intends to expand Auvelity’s range of indications by proving its applicability in the therapy of agitation in ’s disease and as an adjuvant in the treatment of ****ne addiction for those wishing to quit .

Auvelity: New Antidepressant for Most Severe Depression • BioPharma Media Dextromethorphan and bupropion: A powerful drug combination that will help with depression that cannot be treated with standard antidepressants.

Wynayre/Wynfidra: New Drug for COPD Maintenance Therapy • BioPharma Media 08/09/2022

by is a first-in-class inhaled dual inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 3 ( ) and phosphodiesterase 4 ( ) that improves smooth muscle relaxation and provides anti-inflammatory effects.

Ensifentrine has successfully passed its first clinical trial phase 3 in the maintenance therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( ). If ensifentrine can help those patients who are already on dual (LAMA/LABA) or triple (LAMA/LABA/ICS) therapy for COPD, a truly sought-after drug awaits.

The presumptive trademark for ensifentrine is or .

Wynayre/Wynfidra: New Drug for COPD Maintenance Therapy • BioPharma Media Ensifentrine, an inhaled PDE3/PDE4 inhibitor, in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Qalsody: New Drug for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with SOD1 Mutation • BioPharma Media 08/08/2022

has developed an experimental drug to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ) with superoxide dismutase 1 ( ) gene mutation.

Despite inconsistent clinical results, Biogen notified in late July 2022 that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( ) had accepted the New Drug Application (NDA) for tofersen. The verdict of the U.S. regulator, which is reviewing Biogen’s NDA on an expedited basis, will be rendered by the end of January 2023.

If tofersen passes regulatory scrutiny, it will go on sale under the supposed trademark .

Qalsody: New Drug for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with SOD1 Mutation • BioPharma Media Tofersen and the mixed results of treatment for the deadly neurodegenerative disease.

Insulin Icodec: Basal Insulin Once a Week • BioPharma Media 08/08/2022

In the near future, will release ultra-long acting insulin icodec, a basal that is injected subcutaneously once a week.

The emergence of weekly basal insulin is expected to increase patient adherence to insulin therapy, which in turn will be reflected in improved of . From a practical standpoint, everything is transparent: 52 injections per year instead of 365 injections.

The supposed trademark for insulin icodec is , , , or . Other possible brands include , , and .

, which directly competes with Novo Nordisk in the field of diabetes, is still lagging behind in creating weekly insulin. Nevertheless, Eli Lilly continues to work on ultra-long acting basal insulin efsitora alfa ( ).

Insulin Icodec: Basal Insulin Once a Week • BioPharma Media Novo Nordisk will offer a very patient-friendly weekly version of insulin.

Zoryve: New Effective Cream for Psoriasis • BioPharma Media 08/01/2022

( ) is a new drug indicated for the treatment of plaque , including intertriginous areas (skin folds), in patients 12 years of age and older.

Zoryve, developed by Biotherapeutics, is applied once daily in the form of a cream.

Zoryve cream is an optimal alternative to potent topical corticosteroids, equal in efficacy and superior in safety. Zoryve can be used to treat of any severity and without restrictions on the duration of the application.

High-potency topical glucocorticoids and vitamin D derivatives are the main drugs for psoriasis treatment. Topical glucocorticoids are effective in treating psoriasis, but their use is limited to 2 to 8 weeks, also due to adverse events that are slow to resolve (e.g., skin atrophy) or even irreversible with long-term use (e.g., striae). Vitamin D derivatives are less effective and may cause local irritation. Topical calcineurin inhibitors have been used off-label to treat facial psoriasis and intertriginous psoriasis (otherwise ineffective), but the frequency of their use declined dramatically when the risks of cancer became known. Topical retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) are used similarly, their use is accompanied by local irritation. Treatment of sensitive areas affected by psoriasis, such as the face and intertriginous areas, with topical agents requires special attention, not only because of skin sensitivity, but also the need to consider factors that potentially enhance systemic absorption.

Zoryve: New Effective Cream for Psoriasis • BioPharma Media Roflumilast will cure plaque psoriasis in half of patients.

Bepirovirsen: New Drug for Hepatitis B • BioPharma Media 07/27/2022

The experimental drug , being developed by , has the potential to provide a functional cure for chronic hepatitis B ( ).

Bepirovirsen is an antisense oligonucleotide ( *O) that prevents translation of the hepatitis B virus ( ) proteins including hepatitis B surface antigen ( ).

It has been demonstrated that weekly subcutaneous injections of bepirovirsen resulted in complete clearance of HBV DNA and HBsAg in nearly a third of patients after 6 months of treatment. It remains to be seen whether the achieved therapeutic effect persists for a long time after discontinuation of treatment.

Despite the many experimental approaches to the treatment of CHB that have been studied, there is a growing criticism of them; they say that most of them are fundamentally flawed.

Bepirovirsen: New Drug for Hepatitis B • BioPharma Media Bepirovirsen is an effective antiviral drug for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

Tecvayli: New Drug for Multiple Myeloma • BioPharma Media 07/27/2022

( ) by of is a powerful new drug for advanced that has stopped responding to standard therapy and is progressing. Tecvayli prolongs patients’ lives.

The pharmacological armamentarium for the treatment of multiple myeloma includes a wide range of drugs, but new drugs are constantly needed because of the characteristics of this disease, which is generally incurable, prone to relapse, and has a high frequency of development of resistance to the prescribed treatment.

As a therapeutic target, Tecvayli chose B-cell maturation antigen ( ), a tumor-associated antigen (TAA) expressed on plasma cells, including malignant myeloma cells.

Tecvayli joins three other existing BCMA drugs, such as (belantamab mafodotin) by GlaxoSmithKline, (idecabtagene vicleucel) by Bluebird Bio/Celgene/Bristol-Myers Squibb, and (ciltacabtagene autoleucel) by Nanjing Legend Biotech/Janssen/Johnson & Johnson.

Tecvayli: New Drug for Multiple Myeloma • BioPharma Media Teclistamab by Johnson & Johnson is a new hope for refractory or relapsing multiple myeloma.

Hepcludex: Effective Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis D • BioPharma Media 07/18/2022

Chronic hepatitis D is an infectious disease caused by hepatitis D virus ( ), a small spherical enveloped particle that has similarities to viroids and virusoids.

D virus, also called virus, is a subviral agent (satellite virus) because its assembly, replication, and spread occur only in the presence of virus ( ).
The simultaneous presence of HBV and HDV (coinfection or superinfection) leads to more severe symptoms and a more severe course of the .

The only authorized specialized drug to treat infection is , which is approved in Europe and Russia under the brand names and , respectively. Approval of bulevirtide in the U.S. is due this year, 2022.

We cannot say that bulevirtide, backed by , will definitely help every patient with chronic , but its use (together with alfa-2a) will dramatically increase the chances of cure and reduce the risks of serious complications. Let’s see how the clinical development of bulevirtide is progressing and what successes in treatment have been achieved.

Hepcludex: Effective Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis D • BioPharma Media Bulevirtide is the only approved antiviral drug against hepatitis delta.

Alopecia Areata Treatment: What Future Holds • BioPharma Media 07/18/2022

Alopecia areata is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by rapid hair loss without scarring. Hair loss usually occurs on the head and beard area, but can occur on any part of the body. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown.

Alopecia areata is a disease that puts a significant psychosocial burden on a person, because baldness, which can start in childhood or adolescence, makes many people despondent and depressed.

Let’s see what new drugs for hair growth the pharmaceutical industry has to offer.

Alopecia Areata Treatment: What Future Holds • BioPharma Media What new drugs for hair loss are being developed by the pharmaceutical industry?

Biotechnology for Menopause and Infertility • BioPharma Media 06/23/2022

While human life expectancy has almost doubled over the past two centuries, the same cannot be said for female reproductive life. The age at which (the ability to conceive, bear, and give birth) begins to decline and begins has not changed much. , which is accompanied by severe endocrine changes with three dozen discouraging symptoms, leads to a deterioration in general health and causes problems associated with old age and infirmity.

Menstrual cessation affects most women: They experience sleep and sexual dysfunction, mental and cognitive problems, all of which can last for years. Yes, women live longer on average, but the quality of menopausal life can hardly be called decent because the risks of , , , and ’s disease increase dramatically.

Historically, medicine has assumed that a certain proportion of women’s misery is the norm, and therefore science has not made any serious and extensive effort to alleviate it. This is an example of neglect and segregation.

A number of biotechnology companies are addressing menopause and ovaries to prolong women’s health and solve the problem of .

So, there is a hope that menopause will move to the age of 60–70. It may be possible to maintain a problem-free cycle throughout a women’s life. There are good reasons to grow healthy ( ) from blood or skin samples. Comprehensive programs with restoration of fertility for subsequent even in relatively elderly women are already offered. Artificial intelligence technologies have been developed to improve the results of in vitro fertilization ( ).

Biotechnology for Menopause and Infertility • BioPharma Media Is it possible to prolong a women’s health and ability to get pregnant?

Alsitek: New Drug for ALS • BioPharma Media 06/20/2022

France’s AB Science has developed for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ).

Oral masitinib doubles the life in patients with ALS.

Canada was the first country in the world to proceed with an application for masitinib. Health Canada, which accepted a New Drug Submission (NDS) for the drug, launched the process in late May 2022.

Masitinib, if approved by the regulator, will become available around mid-January 2023.

The supposed brand name of the new drug is .

Alsitek: New Drug for ALS • BioPharma Media Oral masitinib doubles the life in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Most Effective Weight Loss Drugs: Present and Future • BioPharma Media 06/16/2022

Everyone wants to be and . But very few people succeed.

A sedentary lifestyle due to office work, insufficient physical activity, a passionate love of delicious and often unhealthy food — these are the main culprits of a fat body.

and are a worldwide problem. However, for a couple of reasons, too few pharmaceutical companies have paid attention to it. Nevertheless, a certain number of promising drugs are being developed that can easily cope with the task of losing weight. Some of these drugs show incredible weight loss results comparable to those provided by bariatric surgery.

, , , , , and are the newest weight loss medications to consider.

And, God save!, don’t think about taking any fat burners, diet pills, herbal or "natural" remedies, and dietary supplements for weight loss. They simply do not work! Don’t be fooled by the ads.

Most Effective Weight Loss Drugs: Present and Future • BioPharma Media Modern pharmacological ways to combat obesity.

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