Sobo ATL

Sobo IT is an Atlanta-based IT services provider helping small businesses improve how they work.

How AI Will Impact The Way You Work 03/09/2023

Is AI going to replace all of our jobs?

According to AI-expert, Robert Devere, ChatGPT could replace 1/5 of the workforce. This has raised the alarm for many in the tech, academic, and creative worlds.

But AI can actually be of great benefit to us and maximize our abilities and our jobs. In our latest article on The Hub, we share the positive ways that AI will impact the way we work.

You’ll be encouraged by this article!

How AI Will Impact The Way You Work The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic since OpenAI released its self-learning chatbot, ChatGPT, at the end of 2022. Since then, it has reportedly passed the bar exam and the MCAT. Although some teachers attest that they can recognize AI-written papers, many in education hav...


According to a new company memo from CEO, Tim Cook, the company will be hiring its first-ever Chief People Officer. Until now, HR and People Operations was overseen by a dual role (which also oversaw Retail).

In fact, according to Bamboo HR, 26% of Fortune 100 companies don't have a C-Level human resources leader.

Is this because the culture is so embedded into these companies that attracting and retaining the right talent is easier?

Why Multi-Factor Authentication Matters in Your Business 02/20/2023

Over three-quarters of business leaders believe that a cataclysmic cyber-event will occur in the next two years. However, less than half of companies worldwide implement an important security measure that can help them save thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of dollars.

What security measure are we referring to?

We are talking about multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Not only does multi-factor authentication provide vital security measures that protect your company’s data, it also increases your value as an organization among your customers.

Check out our latest article on The Hub to discover the types of multi-factor authentication that are available and how it can help your business!

Why Multi-Factor Authentication Matters in Your Business Almost every time you sign up for a service, they ask you if you would like to enable 2-factor (or in some cases multi-factor) authentication. With 86% of business leaders believing that a cataclysmic cyber-event will occur in the next two years due to geopolitical instability, it is vital to use ev...


Did you know that Nike is building a technology innovation center in West Midtown near Georgia Tech?

According to the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Nike’s new space will house three “Centers of Excellence,” which will concentrate on specific fields: logistics and supply chain, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence and machine learning. The office space will be able to house 80-100 employees and, according to Nike's website, the company is looking to fill technology-focused roles.

It will interesting to see what opportunities arise from Nike’s physical investment in Atlanta's technology industry!


The team is working hard on creating something extra special for small business leaders & fractional consultants! We are looking forward to embracing new ways to help owners excel!

The site is launching 03/01.


Happy 1-year workiversary to Justin Hurst! Justin serves our clients at Sobo IT well and is a key member of the family. We're grateful he's on our team, and we look forward to the years ahead!


The quote goes,

“Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” – General George Patton

As leaders it can be easy to micromanage our teams. But a more wholesome approach is to allow them to have onus over their work.

Adobe to open Atlanta office as company embraces hybrid work - Atlanta Business Chronicle 02/04/2023

Adobe is opening a new office in Midtown Atlanta!

Adobe's Georgia employees have doubled in the past two years, with over 100 of its sales employees residing in Metro Atlanta. While the company is shifting to a hybrid work environment, it is opening the new 6,000-square-foot office in Colony Square to provide a physical workspace for its employees, as well as to encourage in-person interactions among coworkers and customers.

While those at the company searched across Metro Atlanta for an office location, they ultimately determined that Colony Square is the prime location due to "Midtown's ability to draw young professionals."

You can read more about other Fortune 500 companies that are putting down roots in Midtown in this article by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

Adobe to open Atlanta office as company embraces hybrid work - Atlanta Business Chronicle Adobe's new Atlanta office will act as a collaboration center for its currently remote employees.

Google demonstrates MusicLM: A hi-fidelity music generating AI 02/04/2023

AI is now making music.

Google engineers just debuted their AI music generation program, MusicLM, which can produce music based on text prompts. The AI system is reportedly impressive, as it arranges symphonies, creates music with specified instruments, and crafts songs with vocals (albeit robotic ones)--all according to prompts.

However, there are some limitations, so Google will not release the app for public use. Engineers found that approximately 1% of the AI-generated music was actually copied from a human musician. Nevertheless, the service is impressive and underscores the impact that AI can have on the creative world.

Google demonstrates MusicLM: A hi-fidelity music generating AI A team of engineers at Google is demonstrating a new music generation AI system called MusicLM. In their paper posted on the arXiv preprint server, the group claims that the new system establishes a new level of composition and high fidelity in songs produced by computers.

How to Migrate Your Resources to the Cloud 02/01/2023

Did you know that Gartner predicts 85% of the world’s organizations will utilize cloud platforms by 2025?

Because cloud platforms help businesses rapidly scale their services, seamlessly integrate their teams, tighten security measures, and reduce infrastructure costs, it’s no wonder that 57% of businesses have already migrated their resources to the cloud in 2022.

This begs the question, what should the remaining 43% of businesses do if they want to migrate their resources to the cloud?

In our latest article, we will walk you through a process so you can strategize how to utilize cloud services for your business.

How to Migrate Your Resources to the Cloud Did you know that Gartner predicts 85% of the world’s organizations will utilize cloud platforms by 2025? Because cloud platforms help businesses rapidly scale their services, seamlessly integrate their teams, tighten security measures, and reduce infrastructure costs, it’s no wonder that 57% of...

How to Augment Your IT Support 01/25/2023

In last week's article on The Hub, we covered why it’s important to augment your IT support and how it maximizes your team’s overall effectiveness.

But what are some of the specific ways you can augment your team?

As a company that specializes in being the premier IT MSP in Atlanta, GA, we are highly familiar with the services your team can augment and the types of teams you can work with to manage those services. In our latest article, we offer an overview of the types of services you can augment, the types of providers you can use, and a simple guide to help you determine your needs.

Check it out!

How to Augment Your IT Support In our previous article, we covered why it’s important to augment your IT support and how it maximizes your team’s overall effectiveness. From increasing your team’s productivity to cutting costs, augmenting your IT needs frees your team so they can operate optimally. But what are some of the ...


New things are taking off in Atlanta’s West Midtown! Last week, a nationwide social club called the Flight Club opened right here in ATL. This UK-inspired establishment serves shareable dishes and specialty cocktails, but what really interests us at SoboIT is their high-tech game of darts.

According to Fox 5 Atlanta, players throw physical darts at special playing stations while multiple cameras track the darts’ movements and keep score for each player. These playing stations, called Oches, house up to 12 users, and each Oche can be linked to create dart tournaments at the Flight Club.

We can’t wait to try a game of high-tech darts for ourselves!


Will ChatGPT become the newer, better version of Clippy?

For those of us who are a little older than Millennials, you may remember the Microsoft assistant, Clippy, who popped up asking us, “Would you like help?”

With the popularity of ChatGPT and the software’s extensive capabilities, such as creating full-fledged essays, spreadsheets, and copy, it’s no wonder why Microsoft is in talks to invest $10 billion dollars into OpenAI and possibly include it in its Office365 Suite. In fact, according to Venture Beat, Microsoft plans to integrate ChatGPT into Bing.

While ChatGPT CEO has admitted to its limitations when it comes to integration for businesses and organizations, the launch of the program has certainly caused a seismic shift in the corporate and academic worlds. Now, everyone is looking ahead to SaaS and cloud platforms such as Office365 to determine how workforce tactics will change in the coming days with smarter, more adaptive AI.

What do you think? Will a potential Microsoft/ChatGPT integration be helpful to businesses? Or will it cause privacy and data issues?

Why Augmenting Your IT Support Maximizes Your Team 01/17/2023

“You are a bus driver. The bus, your company, is at a standstill, and it’s your job to get it going. You have to decide where you're going, how you're going to get there, and who's going with you… In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with “where” but with “who.” They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.” - Jim Collins, Good to Great

One of the many insights that Jim Collins highlights in his book, Good to Great, is the way that impactful leaders guide and support their teams.

A powerful method you can use to elevate your existing IT team is by utilizing a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

Check out our latest article on The Hub to learn how you can maximize your team through augmented support!

Why Augmenting Your IT Support Maximizes Your Team “You are a bus driver. The bus, your company, is at a standstill, and it’s your job to get it going. You have to decide where you're going, how you're going to get there, and who's going with you… In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with “where”


We are grateful to have John Williams on our team at Sobo IT. He has been faithfully taking care of Sobo IT’s clients for 3 years! As many of our clients have mentioned on several occasions, John goes above and beyond. To us, he’s more than a teammate—he’s part of the family.

When he’s not finding solutions for clients, he’s establishing his farm in Middle Georgia and building hand-crafted furniture.

Happy 3 Years, John! We are excited about what the future holds for you at Sobo IT.


“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Every day, let’s keep moving forward toward a better future as we serve others through our lives and businesses!

12 Ways to Boost Your Website's Ranking 01/11/2023

As industry leaders, we all want our company website to appear at the top of the page when people Google the services we provide.

But... if you’re not in the marketing department, optimizing our websites and ensuring we have enough SEO keywords on our pages can seem complicated and time-consuming.

It doesn’t have to be that way and you don’t have to be a trained marketer to boost your business’s search engine ranking! There are simple things you can do, like creating a Google Business Account (and updating it regularly if you already have one) or ensuring your site is highly secure.

If you want to discover more ways to boost your website’s ranking, check out our latest Sobo IT article!

12 Ways to Boost Your Website's Ranking When you search for something on the web, which websites do you visit? Typically, you will explore the first few websites that the search engine suggests, but it’s doubtful you will venture past the first page. The same goes for your business. When people search for services that your business pro...


We love serving our clients and we also love data! So, here is 2022 by the numbers! Job well-done, team. We are looking forward to providing even more IT strategy in 2023!


AI has infiltrated every aspect of our lives.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. AI is transforming the way businesses operate and drive growth! From improving decision-making and increasing efficiency to enhancing customer experiences, the advantages of using AI for businesses are endless.

Yes, AI has infiltrated our lives (even this social media post), but it can greatly benefit us as business owners and leaders.

Want to learn more about how AI can improve your business? Click on the link in the comments below to read our latest tech article on "The Hub".

Here's a roundup of the top AI-powered products we saw at CES 2023 01/06/2023

Have you seen some of the highlights from (the Consumer Electronics Show)?

From wearable monitors to track your baby's vitals and movement to Sony and Honda revealing their joint EV prototype, the trade show featured innovative products, cutting-edge technology, and creative endeavors.

Of particular note is the "rise of the Machines." Many -powered products and tools were highlighted at the show, some of which will be very helpful to individuals and businesses.

Tech Crunch released a list of their list of the top AI-powered products on their website, which includes:

- An AI-Powered Oven that has cameras to identify what's cooking and self-adjust to bake dishes to perfection

- A Fatigue-Battling Watch that inputs data from the wearer to provide them with tips for better sleep

- A Self-Driving Stroller that senses whether the child is in it and detects - and avoids - obstacles in its path

- Pepper-Picking Robots that are programmed to identify and pick harvest-ready peppers

While we may not be putting our kids in a self-driving stroller just yet, there are many other AI-powered tools that can be used in businesses to increase productivity, build a stronger marketing plan, and connect with consumers 24/7.

If you want to learn more about how AI can help your businesses, check out our latest article! The link is in the comments.

Here's a roundup of the top AI-powered products we saw at CES 2023 CES 2023 is upon us. At the show, a number of AI-powered products made their debut -- so we compiled a list of the best.

3 Ways AI Can Help Your Small Business 01/04/2023

HNY! It's 2023. Have you ever wondered if AI can help grow your business? Read our latest blog post to find out if it can!

3 Ways AI Can Help Your Small Business When you think of AI (Artificial Intelligence), images of a futuristic society or the Terminator probably come to mind. In reality, AI has already infiltrated our day-to-day lives. What do you think Siri is? Or the recommended movies on your Netflix account? Or the autofill function in your text mes...


Want to start 2023 right?

Here's an : Make sure you've installed the latest updates to all of your devices and apps. This way, you--and your devices--are running at their best when you begin the . Good news - If you’re on one of our managed support plans, most of your updates are handled automatically. If you need any assistance with an update gone wrong contact us!


Merry Christmas from everyone at Sobo! We hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones.

BBB Tip: The naughty list - BBB's 12 scams of Christmas 12/21/2022

Christmas is a time of joy and generosity. But when you're busy making sure everything is ready in time for Christmas, you may be even more vulnerable to scams.

The Better Business Bureau just released the 12 Scams of Christmas that you need to be aware of.

1. Fraudulent Social Media Ads
2. Social Media Gift Exchanges
3. Free Holiday Apps
4. Alerts That Your Account Is Compromised
5. Free Gift Cards
6. Temporary Holiday Jobs
7. Look-alike Websites
8. Fake Charities
9. Fake Shipping Notifications
10. Pop-up Holiday Events
11. Top Holiday Wishlist Items from Resellers
12. Puppy Scams

You can find out more here:

BBB Tip: The naughty list - BBB's 12 scams of Christmas BBB has prepared a Naughty List with the top 12 scams of Christmas that are most likely to catch consumers and donors off guard during this season.

Photos from Sobo ATL's post 12/20/2022

Thank you to everyone who came to Sobo's Christmas Party. We love celebrating with others who are also !

We played a fun game of White Elephant while eating & being merry! The kids opened their gifts and enjoyed the surprises inside. Our DJ turned a great playlist and was a fabulous Emcee. We ended the night by awarding our annual infamous MVP AWARD, which was won for the *2nd year in a row* by our very own Jeffrey Harvey.

The leadership delivered pretty big announcements to the team and talked about how excited they were for 2024! Until next year, we hope y'all had a blast!


One of the key differences between a leader and a follower is their ability to innovate. Innovation requires risk, vision, integrity, and courage.

Sometimes, that means leaders create a new venture. Other times, it means they take initiative to improve an existing process or method.

Was Steve Jobs right? How do you distinguish between a leader and a follower in your business?


John C. Maxwell's 7 Steps to Success are very insightful. in and in is a process. It's the accumulation of dreaming big, focusing on growing each day, sacrificing for what matters, and staying committed. Success is a that requires steps--one step in front of the other.


Many people will tell you, "Success doesn't just happen overnight."

So... when you see a business or person who is seemingly an "overnight success," what are you seeing?

The champion of an innovative idea? An impactful leader? A powerful communicator?

You probably recognize some, or all, of these elements in overnight success stories. But do you know what you are really seeing? The results of months and years of hard work, preparation, determination, and consistency.

Success, in business and in life, is a process. It's the accumulation of dreaming big, focusing on growing each day, sacrificing for what matters, and staying committed. Success is a journey that requires steps--one step in front of the other.

Which of John Maxwell's steps are you focusing on more during this season?

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Atlanta, GA

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Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
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