Non-profit breast cancer advocacy group for the Atlanta tattoo and arts community.


MARIETTA: Please visit, purchase and donate anything able to help benefit Jenn Orth. Her tattooer hubby, Tim, has donated a custom pink machine to raffle and MO has donated over $3000 in tattoo gift certificates to help I4P raise $ for others. Now their own need our support!!! Address in pic ... Get out and help! Takes 5 min


MARIETTA: Please visit, purchase and donate anything able to help benefit Jenn Orth. Her tattooer hubby, Tim, has donated a custom pink machine to raffle and MO has donated over $3000 in tattoo gift certificates to help I4P raise $ for others. Now their own need our support!!! Address in pic ... Get out and help! Takes 5 min


Just got off the phone with Women's Health Director for Paulding County and the tone in her voice reminded me why raising funds of any amount for those in need is worth it! She said, "Oh it will do SO much. This will help multiple women where our funds drop off. THANK YOU!!!" Using this forum to pass the thank you to Lucky Draw Tattoos III & Art Gallery first and foremost for donating and offering their shop for kickoff party and of course Yelp OTP for putting together everything and pulling us into the fray. Movie crews may have slowed us down but the impact was heard LOUD and clear


You Might See Tattoos In A New Light After You See Them On This Woman

Have had multiple Pinkers send this to us so thought we'd share! Thank you, Erin, Que, and Cristina!! Repost to spread the word! You might look at tattoos differently after you see her experience.


Women are laying their b***s on stuff and posting Instagram pics of it. It's the wonderful new... Don't stand still for too long. Unless you wanna get .In what is inarguably the greatest Breast Cancer Awareness Month-themed trend, encourages women to lay their b***s on stuff and then post a pic of the activity on Instagram. Per the website, This Is Mamming, " is the act o...


Hello Pinkers!!!! Long time no talk! What would you say if we told you we've got a li'l something planned with Lucky Draw Tattoos Marietta and Yelp OTP for November 7th? You like? Then mark your calendars! Details to come SOON . . .


14 year old girl picks fight with bully TV host - and WINS!

"If you promise not to use the word 'stupid' I promise not to use the word 'fascist'." Go lil whole foods lady, GO!!!! :)

14 year old Rachel Parent debates Kevin O'Leary on the issue of Genetically Modified Food Rachel's website: Canadian Biotechnology Ac...


8 Foods We Eat In The U.S. That Are Banned In Other Countries

#7 is a BIG one. Even label on a Ben & Jerry's pint will acknowledge that while they and their immediate dairy farmers don't use it, they can only track so far. Scary and awful OUR USDA and FDA only regulates on what can be differentiated. READ & REPOST, please. This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "food poisoning." Original list found in Dr. Jayson Calton and certified nutritionist Mira Calton's new book, Rich Food, Poor Food .


Millions Against Monsanto by

Chipotle Becomes First US Restaurant Chain to Voluntarily Label GMOs


This weekend, make sure to be a real man ; )

♥ LIKE + SHARE if you support breast cancer fighters & survivors!♥ Thank you~ The Breast Cancer Site


HARD SOIL - The Muddy Roots of American Music

SUPPORT ROOTS MUSIC! Check out this project from the Muddy Roots team. They're filming for it in Europe and need music fan support! HARD SOIL traces the history and the evolution of American Roots music & examines its cultural and social relevance in the 21st century.


Angelina Jolie: 'I Made A Decision To Have A Preventive Double Mastectomy'

Must read. MY MOTHER fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms.


RootsAction | Investigate Monsanto's Takeover of USDA

There's a rat in the kitchen and it's in our food! Time to s***f it out! Tell Congress to act now. Take Action with


Click 'Like' and share if you agree!


Tried and True Tattoos

Some of our favorite artist sponsors have started a new path with Tried and True Tattoos!! One of the best new shops in the Sandy Springs/Atlanta area!! Check em out!

Address is 2289 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta GA 30309


Pls share this photo as much as you can thru April 30th! 1 share = 1 vote. "Share" if you like, Van Halen (not Van Hagar)! "Share" if you like 80's music! And "share" if you want to help me win the cash prize to help spread my mom's ashes in Italy, the country she always wanted to see!!!

"Fot those about to ROTH... We salute you.

"Share" this Photo to to vote for this quote!
Every share = 1 Vote!!!


Hey guys! Don't typically do this for non-cancer stuff but it's health oriented and if this pic earns the most "shares" I'll win $350 towards taking my mom's ashes to Italy for her final resting place after losing her battle with breast cancer! Pls "share" and encourage others to do the same!!!

"Fot those about to ROTH... We salute you.

"Share" this Photo to to vote for this quote!
Every share = 1 Vote!!!


Angels Among Us | Video |

(Via Payscape Advisors) One of our 'Scapers, Dan Reeves, battled a cancerous brain tumor in 2007 (five years later he is free of cancer!). Dan was treated at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University and is now paying it forward by participating in Angels Among Us and raising money for brain tumor research. Check out his recent interview on Heart of Carolina Perspectives and consider donating to his team, The Dan De Lions, to raise money for brain tumor research! Heart of Carolina Perspectives - 4-6-2013


THIS IS WHY THE MONSANTO PROTECTION ACT IS SUCH AN ACTIONABLE PRIORITY. The choice is to do something now, or watch the cancer rates to corroborate these studies SKY ROCKET within the next 5-10 years.

This is Jessica Hill and I started Ink 4 Pink to try and keep someone else from losing there mother like I did.

Please call and email your Senator, Congressmen, The White House, Obama directly and keep doing so. It may mean someone else keeps their mother a bit longer in the future:

"In September 2012, Food and Chemical Toxicology, a serious international scientific journal, released a study by a team of scientists at France’s Caen University led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini. Before publication the Seralini study had been reviewed over a four-month period by a qualified group of scientific peers for its methodology and was deemed publishable."

"Seralini’s group based their experiment on the same protocol as the Monsanto study but, critically, were testing more parameters more frequently. And the rats were studied for much longer—their full two year average life-time instead of just 90 days in the Monsanto study. The long time span proved critical. The first tumors only appeared 4 to7 months into the study. In industry’s earlier 90-day study on the same GMO maize Monsanto NK603, signs of toxicity were seen but were dismissed as “not biologically meaningful” by industry and EFSA alike. It seems they were indeed very biologically meaningful."

"Their findings were more than alarming. The Seralini study concluded, “In females, all treated groups died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly. This difference was visible in 3 male groups fed GMOs…Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and before controls; the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the s*x hormonal balance was modified by GMO and Roundup treatments. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5–5.5 times higher. This pathology was confirmed by optic and transmission electron microscopy. Marked and severe kidney nephropathies were also generally 1.3–2.3 greater. Males presented 4 times more large palpable tumors than controls…”"

Read More:

"In September 2012, Food and Chemical Toxicology, a serious international scientific journal, released a study by a team of scientists at France’s Caen University led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini. Before publication the Seralini study had been reviewed over a four-month period by a qualified group of scientific peers for its methodology and was deemed publishable."

"Seralini’s group based their experiment on the same protocol as the Monsanto study but, critically, were testing more parameters more frequently. And the rats were studied for much longer—their full two year average life-time instead of just 90 days in the Monsanto study. The long time span proved critical. The first tumors only appeared 4 to7 months into the study. In industry’s earlier 90-day study on the same GMO maize Monsanto NK603, signs of toxicity were seen but were dismissed as “not biologically meaningful” by industry and EFSA alike. It seems they were indeed very biologically meaningful."

"Their findings were more than alarming. The Seralini study concluded, “In females, all treated groups died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly. This difference was visible in 3 male groups fed GMOs…Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and before controls; the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the s*x hormonal balance was modified by GMO and Roundup treatments. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5–5.5 times higher. This pathology was confirmed by optic and transmission electron microscopy. Marked and severe kidney nephropathies were also generally 1.3–2.3 greater. Males presented 4 times more large palpable tumors than controls…”"

Read More:



We couldn't agree more.


Outrage: Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act!

At this point have half a mind to think gay marriage legislation is being used as a distraction. All about equal right, but look what happened last night. How many angry posts did we see on this?? It's our FOOD, people. What you feed yourself, your kids, your lover gay or straight. Be the solution, not the acceptance of the problem. I just made a call to President Obama urging him to issue an executive order requiring the mandatory labeling of GMO's. Please join me in standing up for our right to know what's in our food and keep Monsanto from controlling what appears on our plates.


Angela Elliott Design | Photography

With all the love yesterday, just taking a moment today to send some HUGE birthday wishes to our BFF and master of design, Angela Elliott Design | Photography!! Without her, none of our work over the last couple of years would have been possible. Check out her design & photography skills or message her for more info on starting your own non-profit. She's truly the professional one-stop-shop marketing/charity resource and an awesome friend!

Passion for branding businesses, designing websites, and capturing moments.


Millions Against Monsanto by

March with the OCA at the Forward on Climate Rally on Sunday, Feb. 17 in Washington D.C. and help us bring our message to the Capitol:

Here is our message:
Cook Organic, Not The Planet!
Want to do something today to help reverse global warming? You can. By paying attention to what’s on the end of your fork. Factory farming is one of the biggest culprits in the climate change chaos. By boycotting meat, eggs and dairy products from factory farms, you can have an immediate impact on the climate crisis.

March with OCA at the Forward on Climate Rally in DC!

Catch a bus from your state

Join a solidarity rally

Read the press release


Atomic Sugar Bomb

If your sweetie is more into shiny gifts of the less permanent kind, check out Atomic Sugar Bomb for extra accessories to make her purrrrrr

Atomic Sugar Bomb features multiple vendors retailing homemade goods and other sugary goodness.


2012 "Beautiful" Campaign | Model & MUAH: Mary-Leigh Maxwell | Photography & Styling: Pin Up Girl Cosmetics } Design: Angela Elliott Design | Photography


Jambalaya on the Bayou - Hank Williams

Happy Mardi Gras!!! Try and get some breast inspections in while they're out!!

Hank Williams Sr. Singing Jambalaya On the Bayou. Goodbye Joe me gotta go me oh my oh Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou My Yvonne the sweetest one ...


"Share", "Like" and repost!!! Take part in sharing awareness for World Cancer Day 2013!!


Millions Against Monsanto by

The Traitor Brands are starting to talk back. Could it mean their parent companies will keep their millions of dollars out of upcoming GMO labeling battles in Vermont and Washington State?

Read More in The Latest Edition of Organic Bytes:

Sign the boycott pledge:

Request A Free Boycott Guide:


READ, REPOST. Education and action are our best defense against harmful corp. foods.

In this weeks newsletter "Frankenfish and GMO Food Fight Round Two" we explore the future of GMO labeling in the Unites States, and many other important food movement news.

"Big Food and Big Biotech can hope all they want. But consumers can – and will – propose state laws and state ballot initiatives as often as we need, in as many states as we must, until we have what 61 other countries have: truth and transparency in the form of mandatory GMO labeling laws."

Read this week's edition of Organic Bytes:

Sign up to receive Organic Bytes directly in your email:


A job well done is the best medicine YOU can prescribe




This week's Non-GMO Brand Spotlight: Nature's Path Organic Foods -- makers of non-GMO breakfast cereals, granolas, oatmeal, waffles, toaster pastries, pancake mix and snack bars. Here's why we love them...

• Opposed to GMOs: not only did Nature's Path donate $660,709 towards California's Prop 37 to label GMOs (they believe "everyone has the right to know"), they take a bold statement about GMOs on their packaging, and get ALL of their products verified by the Non-GMO Project. Read more about their GMO philosophy here:

• Fairtrade Certified: Nature's Path sources all of their ingredients as locally as possible--over 78% of the weight of their ingredients come from organic farmers in North America. Read more about this here:

• Family-Owned: Nature's Path is owned by a private family who is very much involved in the day-to-day operations of the company. Founders Arran and Ratana Stephens were one of the earliest pioneers in the organic food movement.

• Globally Minded: Every time you buy one of their "EnviroKidz" products, 1% of the sales are donated to support endangered species, habitat conservation and environmental education for kids worldwide. Read more here:

• Gardens for Good: This annual grant program, born in the spring of 2010 with the help of Organic Gardening Magazine, donates $15,000 each to 3 deserving non-profits who demonstrate a passion and vision for organic urban gardening. Read more here:

• Food Bank Donations: For every bag of Nature's Path granola cereal you buy, their "Bite for Bite" program donates the equivalent in cash and organic food to the local food bank, up to $1 million a year!

• Sustainable Business: in 2008, Nature's Path signed the Sustainable Food Trade Association’s declaration of sustainability to guide their business in achieving even more sustainable practices, including diverting 92% of their waste from landfills, reducing energy consumption, and more. Read about it here:


Eat Healthy Holiday Photo Contest!!!

Hey guys!! Even with all the strides made in prevention and screening, the #1 WAY to stay healthy is nutrition and exercise. The less fat cells you have the less can store and mutate as well as develop cancer tissue. Take a moment this holiday and go vote for folks who are taking control of their bodies and making healthy choices towards their prevention with Body Design Personal Training!! It's easy! just two clicks and someone will win 3 mths of FREE training, cash and a protein nutrition pack to help keep the fat away!!! REPOST, REPOST, REPOST!!! We survived the "apocalypse" now let's take back the rest of our lives!!! Complete the quick form below and a Body Design Personal Trainer will contact you shortly to schedule your FREE personal training info session!


George Takei

This will be my only post today. We are shocked and horrified by the news coming out of Connecticut. When senseless violence takes the most innocent of lives, our grief is all the deeper.

Many will seek to turn their outrage to action. But now is not the time for politics. Let us instead reflect upon what was lost today, and first grieve together for the victims, many of whom were just children.


Ellen Surprises a Family Struggling with Breast Cancer

Ellen Degeneres: making nice with the ladies for the breast cause Educating, motivating and raising awareness to help find a cure!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



Atlanta, GA

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Atlanta (show all)
National Association of Asian American Professionals National Association of Asian American Professionals
Atlanta, 30044

The National Association of Asian American Professionals is the premier leadership organization for Asian professionals.

FEE - Foundation for Economic Education FEE - Foundation for Economic Education
1776 Peachtree Road NW Suite 710S
Atlanta, 30309

Founded in 1946, FEE supports the economic, legal, and ethical principles of a free society

NBAF - National Black Arts NBAF - National Black Arts
1429 Fairmont Avenue , NW, Suite J
Atlanta, 30318

NBAF Connecting Communities - Celebrating 36 Years of Artistic Excellence

Families First Families First
80 Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard NW
Atlanta, 30314

Together, we can build resilient families so all children can thrive!

Interfaith Atlanta Interfaith Atlanta
Atlanta, 30334

INTERFAITH ATLANTA At Interfaith Atlanta, our mission is to promote understanding, respect, prayer, interaction and unity among the diverse faiths of greater Atlanta.

The Essential Theatre The Essential Theatre
Atlanta, 30310

Essential Theatre’s mission is to nurture and produce new works by Georgia playwrights.

P. O. Box 29506
Atlanta, 30309

Protect. Advocate. Educate. ¡Tu VOTO es tu VOZ!

Georgia Society of Association Executives, Inc. (GSAE) Georgia Society of Association Executives, Inc. (GSAE)
1270 Caroline Street NE, Ste. D-120, #359
Atlanta, 30307

GSAE is the best place for Georgia-based association professionals and suppliers to connect.

CURE Childhood Cancer CURE Childhood Cancer
200 Ashford Center North, Suite 250
Atlanta, 30338

CURE Childhood Cancer is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families.

SECO International SECO International

SECO is widely acknowledged as the largest optometric educational provider in the profession.

Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence

WRCDV provides support and services to domestic violence survivors and their children in greater Atl.